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Bush Begging for Help Again
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Bush Begging for Help Again

"a man standing at a podium"

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Comments for: Bush Begging for Help Again
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 13, 2005 02:33AM

We are in a recession? Dang. I must have missed that item in the paper. Let's see now, today, the Dow Jones index closed at 10,600+. Not bad at all. Let's see, Toyota and Honda are on a pace to sell more new vehicles in the US this year that they ever have. Not bad at all. New home starts are strong, the unemployment rate is low by historical standards and this information comes from the OMB (non-partisan) and is half that of Germany or France. According to the officials that track the economy, the US is NOT in a recession.

The US was financially unprepared to handle Katrina? Dude, guess you can't read or are too lazy to read....Congress just gave $62 billion plus to aid in the disaster recovery. Doesn't sound "financially unprepared" to me.

As far as the delay in handling the emergency, you can lay that blame on the mayor of New Orleans and the governor of Louisiana...the "first responders" who didn't.

Liberals crack me up.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: September 13, 2005 02:51AM


Congress gave 62 billion in aid while the real cost is 300 billion. That is why Clinton and Bush I are on the begging tour again.

the economy has been living on government money. More specifically occupation and terrorism money from congress. That is why defense contractors are preparing for layoffs next year as congress exercises "Fiscal retraint". No more congressional handouts will lead to a double dip recession.

The DOW has remained steady which is a symptom of uncertainty. The NASDAQ has been in the shitter since 2000. It is still down 60%. that means american technology is falling behind.

If you need to tell yourself lies to get by fine, but expect people around you think you're nuts.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 13, 2005 04:07AM

Liberal left, post more shit that no one believes, `show`s the frustration of the radical left and a party in decline.
Hahaha Report This Comment
Date: September 13, 2005 04:19AM

-"Congress gave 62 billion in aid while the real cost is 300 billion"

Perhaps this is because the Gov. thinks private citizens should give the rest voluntarily instead at the tip of the sword... but more likely the 62 billion is just the first installment, since we don’t KNOW the full costs yet.

-“the economy has been living on government money. More specifically occupation and terrorism money from congress.”

The economic recovery (GDP has grown ~3.5+%/year for ~2.5 years) is very broad based and not at all confined to the defense or “occupation” industries (look at BEA data) … It is probably true that some portion of the recovery has come from government spending. But remember that if the government has to borrow the money, then real interest rates should go up (or at least be higher than they otherwise would have been) and if they tax people for the money, then people have less money for spending and investing, both of which fuel growth.

-“That is why defense contractors are preparing for layoffs next year…”

Interesting… I’m an aerospace engineer, and I have many aerospace friends in various companies – and none of them have told me they are worried about layoffs. But it could be true…

-“No more congressional handouts will lead to a double dip recession.”

This is entirely possible. But there are a lot of factors that could collude to produce a second recession (for example higher interest rates leading to falling/stagnating house prices, or higher gas prices&#8230winking
smiley that are not under congress’ control.

-“The NASDAQ has been in the shitter since 2000. It is still down 60%. that means american technology is falling behind.”

That’s not what it means at all. It means that NASDAQ (they are not ALL American) companies are more fairly valued at today’s valuation and that there was an asset bubble in 2000… Perhaps you remember lots of unprofitable dotcoms having a higher market value than profitable “old-school” companies (like General Mills).

-“If you need to tell yourself lies to get by fine, but expect people around you think you're nuts.”

Hahaha Report This Comment
Date: September 13, 2005 04:25AM

That last post kinda screwed up...

-"Congress gave 62 billion in aid while the real cost is 300 billion"

Perhaps this is because the Gov. thinks private citizens should give the rest voluntarily instead at the tip of the sword... but more likely the 62 billion is just the first installment, since we don't KNOW the full costs yet.

-"the economy has been living on government money. More specifically occupation and terrorism money from congress."

The economic recovery (GDP has grown ~3.5+%/year for ~2.5 years) is very broad based and not at all confined to the defense or "occupation" industries (look at BEA data)... It is probably true that some portion of the recovery has come from government spending. But remember that if the government has to borrow the money, then real interest rates should go up (or at least be higher than they otherwise would have been) and if they tax people for the money, then people have less money for spending and investing, both of which fuel growth.

-"That is why defense contractors are preparing for layoffs next year..."

Interesting... I'm an aerospace engineer, and I have many aerospace friends in various companies – and none of them have told me they are worried about layoffs. But it could be true...

-"No more congressional handouts will lead to a double dip recession."

This is entirely possible. But there are a lot of factors that could collude to produce a second recession (for example higher interest rates leading to falling/stagnating house prices, or higher gas prices...) that are not under congress' control.

-"The NASDAQ has been in the shitter since 2000. It is still down 60%. that means american technology is falling behind."

That's not necesarily what it means at all. It is much more likely that it means that NASDAQ (they are not ALL American) companies are more fairly valued at today's valuation and that there was an asset bubble in 2000... Perhaps you remember lots of unprofitable dotcoms having a higher market value than profitable "old-school" companies (like General Mills).

-"If you need to tell yourself lies to get by fine, but expect people around you think you're nuts."

slslea Report This Comment
Date: September 13, 2005 04:58AM

Dude I can buy country for 62 billion that should be more then enough.
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: September 13, 2005 05:46AM

I don't know about all those there numbers y'all are quoting, but I'll wager that the next crisis that hits the U.S. will be a big, fat economic crisis. And if the currency traders opt out of the dollar for, say, the euro, or the yuan, there'll be nothing short of nothing that will be able to stop the slide. And that will be bad.

Community currencies now.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: September 13, 2005 07:40AM


Buying a piece of the US of A costs more than most countrys.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 13, 2005 03:06PM

aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: September 13, 2005 03:11PM


The US could have elected big gay al from south park and done better.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 13, 2005 05:43PM
