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save me please someone please
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save me please someone please

"a collage of a man and a woman in a wedding dress"

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Comments for: save me please someone please
dv8 Report This Comment
Date: December 12, 2008 08:13AM

this is why i don't pray to god to send me the one person to whom was meant to be mine or my soulmate to spend life together. i'm sure she has inner beauty and all that but inner beauty doesnt get me hard. the
finger smiley
suchez Report This Comment
Date: December 12, 2008 09:56AM

seems happie to one (such as i)
lol omg and you pray to god... lmao!
god is not real, and thank god that it is imaginary
hahaha you people are so sad, need to have an imaginary friend
and your governments, they believe in gods
it's 2000 and fucking 8 already
we have the technology
and yet......
hahaha oh fucking classic!

the monkeys that the modern humans evolved from must have been especially retarded
surprised you fuckers ever made it out of the trees
dv8 Report This Comment
Date: December 12, 2008 11:34AM

oh shit, your the one on the left. i understand now why youthink there is no god.if i looked like that, i might be a little pissed at god too.

drinking smiley
suchez Report This Comment
Date: December 12, 2008 12:20PM

no is not i
(and sorry for the rant at you, no meds today)

well, in order for one such as i to believe in something, one needs to be presented with material evidence for said phenomena/occurrance
man made up his gods because through his evolution he has forgotten that he does things out of necessity... not because he thinks
that is not how things work in the universe, thought does not precede material
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 12, 2008 12:34PM

suchez, you are in the minority. The vast majority of the world believes in God and you will never sway their beliefs.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: December 12, 2008 01:16PM

I ain't buyin into the god deal either and gladly accept the minority status such a view places me in. I don't care about tryin to convert anyone to my way of thinking, but I do wish some of the religious crowd actually tried doing a bit more of that .... thinking, that is.

Only through probing and questioning the commonly accepted norms are any real revelations truly observed. Wholeheartedly swallowing the constructs of anythng simply because it's accepted by the majority as right or truth points to individual weakness or a lack of depth winking

suchez Report This Comment
Date: December 12, 2008 01:46PM

like it aforementions:
"surprised you fuckers ever made it out of the trees"

and to whom credited us with 75k we are gratuitous
i will be expecting it transfered into either my account or it may be presented,and then given to me in the same value of marijuana buds

back to the matter at hand: because the majority of the homo s. are believe in unseen does not make it true
it does not take form because you imagine it, you are behaving as a idealist, metaphysicist, utopian
also mindless, follower, conformist
if most of the people in your group were to jump off of a cliff, would you then too jump off said cliff?
i am not suggesting that one should not go to the edge of said cliff
look down, i don't maybe there is a ledge there where the rest of your group is and they are enjoying 75k worth of marijuana buds and were trying to trick you and not share (of course the people in your group are fucking assholes for behaving in such a manner in the first place and i would recommend that you find another group... that is assuming that you smoke marijuana, whatever, if not replace the marijuana with tomatoes or cake or whatever the fuck you enjoy)
but the way that you are behaving, it is a foolish way to behave, in this analogy you are the blockhead that does not look over the edge first, but instead it merely jumps over the edge without thinking... and if there is not a ledge to land on you will die at the bottom and never be able to think ever again

no wait, sorry i got caught up in my own analogy, but either way:
there is no proof that god exists
suchez Report This Comment
Date: December 12, 2008 01:53PM

oh yeah, back to the topic:
wtf is wrong with you people? who cares if she is fugly in your eyes? they seem happy together
it seems like mayhaps you are jealous of their coupling, maybe you are lonely. is that why you believe in an imaginary god? because no one was willing to be with you... you need god inside of you?
why so quick to give up? if those two can find each other and be happy then surely you too can find someone
idk, try going to your church where you can meet a man/woman that is so lonely too that it thinks it needs a god inside of it and then the two of you can get over the addiction together... like some sort of support group or something
ToucanSam Report This Comment
Date: December 12, 2008 09:12PM

One day humanity will have put all religions behind them and laugh at the superstitions they once had.
GAK67 Report This Comment
Date: December 12, 2008 09:46PM

Suchez: god is not real, and thank god that it is imaginary - if God is not real how can you thank him?
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: December 12, 2008 10:47PM

^^^^^ Now there's a reasoanble question in search of a meaningful answer ^^^^^ Good point GAK smileys with beer

suchez Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2008 01:24AM

because if i didn't say it that way, it would have lacked the humor

it needs to laugh even while being serious

"thank god..." = a common social expression, meaning: "it is good that..."

but if it puts it the latter method it would lacks humor

and it is good thing indeed that god, as in the bible does not actually exist
ToucanSam Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2008 02:22AM

ORLANDO399 Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2008 03:19AM

Think im gonna hafta agree with toucan on this un..yikes!
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2008 04:42AM

can't wait to see what their spawn will look like....
Madhatter Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2008 07:54AM

Just remember,soldier...oink while you boink,OINK!BOINK!OINK!BOINK!
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2008 12:06PM

The problem with atheists is that they just can't leave it alone. They have to continually try to convert believers to their non belief. Our belief in God does nothing to harm you if you do not believe and as long as we do not try to convert you then you should not stop us from expressing our beliefs. If you do not believe in God then why should Merry Christmas bother you. If you do not believe in God then why would it bother you to see anyone attending church or even putting up a nativity scene. Freedom is the issue. You are free to not believe if you choose and we are free to believe if we choose to. Even if we have public prayer, you are free not to participate. I object to any religion trying to convert others to their religion just as strongly as I object to atheists trying to convert believers to their "religion".
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2008 02:01PM

There's a lot less truth to what you say than there is in the idea that "people of faith" are out there tryin to "spread the word" JG.

When was the last time you had an athiest come to your door and discuss their beliefs with you, or had one walk up to you at a store or the mall and strike up an anti-religous conversation, or left a flier on your door or car windshield (or on the counter at the post office, like where I recently found a copy of The Watchtower) discussing their ideas?

Don't know about anyone else, but the answer I'd give is ... never. On the flip side, I couldn't begin to tell you how many times I've had "people of faith" stop me and try to tell me all about their religon.

JG, we ARE a minority and that alone means the chance of ever even encountering an athiest is waaaaaay less than encountering a "person of faith". It sounds more to me that you are upset that some athiests are finally publicly showing their distaste and displeasure with having to put up with all the constant displays of religous faiths in public.

For myself, I celebrate Christmas, not as a religous holiday, but as one where I exchange gifts with people I care about, enjoy the commaraderie of getting together with family and friends, and LOVE all the good food that is a part of it all. But, if I came to your house for Christmas, when you want us all to bow our heads in prayer, I'll be the one standing there with my eyes wide open, my head not bent in submission as you pray, and don't even bother to expect me to say Amen at the end.

BTW, please try to understand one thing. I know you've read it here before, but it seems worth reiterating since you don't seem to be getting it. Athiesm is an ideology, NOT a religon tongue
sticking out smiley

suchez Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2008 03:35PM

atheists are constantly trying to convert people to their beliefs?

it is addressed

When was the last time you had an athiest come to your door and discuss their beliefs with you, or had one walk up to you at a store or the mall and strike up an anti-religous conversation, or left a flier on your door or car windshield (or on the counter at the post office, like where I recently found a copy of The Watchtower) discussing their ideas?

but is also how these religions were spread... by the sword

atheists, decent atheists are trying to educate you

when has this one tried to suppress your religious views?

and when did it suggest it took offense to "merry xmas"? seriously, wtf was it thinking?

atheism is not actually an ideology either though, but nor is it an religion, it is more ratherly a product of materialist aspects in said ideology as different ideologies will be within an atheist
picture there was no religion: there would not be atheist
the contradiction would transform into a new one
now there is atheist, but because there is still people enslaved to religion
it is at earlier of a stage

atheism is more rather a state of awareness of a scientific fact that there is no god or any gods
thank god that there is not
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 14, 2008 11:31AM

Let me clarify. I object vehemently to all the religions who try to spread their faith by knocking on doors or by the use of swords as the Islamic faith does. I also object to the churches who preach their interpretations of the bible. I believe in God and Jesus but hold no belief in any organized religion or attend any church. I would never try to convince you to believe as I do as it is your choice to believe or not believe. I do object to government being so politically correct that it will tell people you can't wish someone Merry Christmas or put up a Christmas tree on public property where one has been for years. I do object to people wanting to take words off our money which has been there for years and do not promote any one religion. I do acknowledge that belief in God has brought us out of the caves and to the point we are today. I also will fight to the death for your right to not believe if you so choose as I am sure Mr Kim will do for my right to believe.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: December 14, 2008 04:03PM

JG, I would indeed defend anyones right to believe/not believe/worship or whatever they choose as these amount to personal freedoms which I certainly hold dear and my support of such things extend to the point where persecution of others begins as that's when infringement upon others freedoms starts.

However, the problem with city,state or federal support/embracement of the Christian faith in allowing displays specifically iconic to that faith, or for any faith for that matter, violates the intent of our governments policies regarding separation of church and state.

If any faith receives support by being allowed to display religious scenes, artifacts, etc. on publicly held lands this violates such a separation unless EVERY faith is also given equal area and allowed to display their chosen scenes, artifacts, etc. . If you think about this for just a minute it should quickly become apparent how publicly held lands could become totally over run with religious materials if this were allowed, so the most reasonable approach is to simply deny all faiths access to displaying their things on publicly held lands as this then is fair to all and keeps the separation of church and state intent totally intact in the simplist way possible.

Regarding privately held lands, as in personal property, stores, businesses, etc., the freedom to display whatever the owner of the property chooses takes over and then the pressures of political correctness come into play, most specifically to businesses, as embracing one faith may offend members of other faiths, but the real choice and rights about this is still in the hands of the property owner(s). Anyone is still free to dissent with their choices and protest such displays within the confines of the local/state/federal laws regarding such actions.

Now then, I think you personally embrace the concepts of Christianity, right? And, the complaint you seem to be making is that public displays of iconic scenes and such relevent to Christmas ( a celebration of the birth of Christ) are being effected by pressures regarding political correctness, right?

Ok then, take a look at this from another viewpoint and then see if you still want to complain?

Would you be OK with taxpayer funds and public employees time and efforts being used to purchase and construct birth scenes of Budda, Krishna or Mohammed's birth on publicly held lands? See, here's the rub buddy, if you want to say that Christianity should be publicly embraced then you must also allow EVERY OTHER religion the same governmental support, and if you are unwilling to do so, your thoughts or actions then become discriminatory in nature, and .... since I doubt you apppreciate people discriminating against YOUR faith, YOU in turn have to acquiesce and be fair and not discriminate against theirs either.

Lastly, the old saw about "weve always done it this way in the past" means nothing at all, or what it seems to beg if one supports such an ideology is that we, as the race of man, have reached the highest level of understanding possible, therefore no further change, understanding or development is possible or necessary by us, which is a far cry from anything I would call the truth winking

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 15, 2008 01:07PM

I have no objection to any faith using public property to display their faith but the costs for the install and cleanup should be born by the organization not by our tax dollars. I have no problem seeing icons of other faiths except maybe those of Islam (depends on what direction Islam turns in the near future). As long as those displays are done with respect and reverence I would have no problem with atheists having a display, no hanging Jesus or the virgin Mary and such. I haven't heard of any faiths being turned down in favor of Christianity on any public property but if they were then that is wrong and should be allowed instead of disallowing all of it. This always comes up at this time of year. Last year Wal-Mart employees were even told not to wish anyone a Merry Christmas fortunately this year there are no such restrictions. As for private property, nobody is going to tell me what to put in my yard of not.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: December 15, 2008 05:15PM

I still think you're missin the point JG !

For the sake of insuring a level playing field for all matters where church and state could become intermingled, realistically it means NO FAITH can expect anything from the state in this area, otherwise one group would always cry foul, no matter how hard an affort were made to be fair to all.

And ... your statements regarding Islam still puts you in a discriminatory position, which makes it unsupportable!

Lastly, since athiesm IS NOT a faith, as it is indeed the total polar opposite as it chooses to denounce belief in ANY faith, the only display I could even imagine might look like this:

You are HERE -> . Think about it

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 16, 2008 12:22PM

The separation of church and state was enacted to prevent the government from forcing the people to choose on religion over the other like England did at the time. It wasn't designed to be used to disavow all religion, just not to endorse any one religion.

As for Islam, I am not discriminating against it just the way radical Islam uses it. Islam is fine as long as they do not try to force everyone to join of die which is happening in many places right now and maybe a neighborhood near you soon.
suchez Report This Comment
Date: December 16, 2008 01:28PM

hmmm, more likely to be this religion instead of islam... given the geography
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: December 16, 2008 05:47PM

Hmmm ... that's some pretty scary stuff. Zealots are taught, or more precisely, indoctrinated/brainwashed/brow beaten, not born.

Anytime one ideology, theology or agenda is pushed as the only alternative to a reasonable conclusion, with no allowance for thought outside that realm, essentially, freedom is compromised. Once one is indoctrinated into total acceptance of a singular possibility as the one and only path to the truth, all possibility of truly free thought is, if not totally abolished, at least severely compromised.

An "army of god", any god, is a dangerous tool and is most assuredly one that lies in the hand of some one or some group, as otherwise they would not exist at all. All armies exist to make war, and religious armies are truly the scariest of all as they are empowered and manipulated by zealots and the will of zealots winking

fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 16, 2008 06:38PM

someone must keep the "Orks" in line. grinning smiley
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 17, 2008 12:12PM

Geography will not be an issue when Islam is finally controlled by radical Islam. We have over 6 bullion of them in this country alone.
suchez Report This Comment
Date: December 18, 2008 03:22PM

oh... duh, how stupid of one, you are being sarcastic
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 19, 2008 12:55PM

Not sarcasm. In this day and age geography is no longer an issue in any conflict especially a religious conflict. Al Queda and the other radical sects would like nothing better then to control all of Islam and when that happens attacks will occur anywhere in the world.
suchez Report This Comment
Date: December 19, 2008 01:25PM

"6 bullion of them in this country alone"
not sarcasm? what is your population count source? there's not even that many people practicing islam on the whole planet
what you are saying is that everyone on the planet is within the u.s. borders. and everyone, including you and myself are moslems.
are you on this planet? maybe you are from somewhere else somehow, one such as i can not tell
suchez Report This Comment
Date: December 19, 2008 01:49PM

U.S. population
Moslem population within the U.S.

okay, this might help you out, sorry i was being sarcastic earlier
the second link will have some words about facts that you may find hurtful, but scroll down a little bit and it will see the statistics
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 20, 2008 12:15PM

Ok, it might have been millions for the stats I saw but that is still a high enough number to cause a lot of problems if they all joined the jihad which is what radical Islam is trying to accomplish. This increases the reach of Islam when it becomes radicalized.