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when i think about you i touch myself
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when i think about you i touch myself

"a man in suit and tie standing next to a sign"

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Comments for: when i think about you i touch myself
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: February 28, 2020 04:53PM

NASA said the “Do Not Touch” signs in the vicinity at the Kennedy Space Flight Center “are there as a day-to-day reminder,” but the “Critical Space Flight Hardware” in question was “absolutely okay” to touch.

pulse Report This Comment
Date: February 28, 2020 10:43PM

No idea what the background of this is, clearly it's a thing there.. but why touch it? It's a piece of sheet metal.

Also, no idea who that is but I can imagine NASA backing them up if they're important even if it was a dumb thing to do
quasi Report This Comment
Date: February 29, 2020 02:51PM

Pulse, that's scientifically challenged, evangelical Christian U.S. Vice President Mike Pence whom Trump just put in charge of handling the coronavirus in the U.S. in a very strategic move; if it goes well Trump can take all the credit and if it goes badly there's someone to throw under the bus.
pulse Report This Comment
Date: March 01, 2020 04:51AM

Oh, fair enough. I've never heard of him smiling

"NASA said the “Do Not Touch” signs in the vicinity at the Kennedy Space Flight Center “are there as a day-to-day reminder,” but the “Critical Space Flight Hardware” in question was “absolutely okay” to touch."

I guess the question then is -- was he told it was OK to touch BEFORE he touched it? smiling
smiley Because that sign looks pretty damn clear. Or did NASA just say it was OK because it was him, and after the fact?
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: March 01, 2020 04:22PM

OR...maybe they told him to go ahead and touch it so he did...they knew he would touch it by the sign and that someone would take a pic and post it on the internet so people with low IQs would look at it and say, "OMG the Vice President is a moron too!! We're all doomed!!" ...

When will people learn?

hurr durr orange man bad
pulse Report This Comment
Date: March 01, 2020 09:33PM

Then maybe if everyone is always gunning for you, use some common sense and don't walk through the door that says "this is totally not a trap"?

With the application of a little Occam's razor, maybe not everything is a conspiracy caused by the fake news left wing liberal media and some people are just that stupid? smiling
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: March 02, 2020 01:37PM

vice presidents have always been used as bullet proof vest for presidents, nobody wants them as president.
Loner Report This Comment
Date: March 02, 2020 02:54PM

Here's a wider angle at the (pic) shot. And a short explanation from NASA. For you guys down under Marco Rubio is a US Senator...
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: March 02, 2020 04:52PM

maybe it's Maybelline?