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5 years from cpt. to brig. general? WOW!
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5 years from cpt. to brig. general? WOW!

"a black and white photo of a man"

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Comments for: 5 years from cpt. to brig. general? WOW!
ridingbushs_coattailstohell Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2005 02:11AM

absolutly, where can we find another MAN like General Pershing? i think its time we looked in a place other than the whitehouse, where it's painfully obvious that we wont find any men
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2005 02:28AM

hell yeah we need more men like this
gruff Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2005 02:38AM

I suggest you read an objective history of the US suppression of the Phillippines uprising before you go taking this as some sort of good idea.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2005 03:00AM

thought it was funny, but probably b.s.
90130 Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2005 04:06AM

This one's been in my emails more than a few times the last couple of years. Is it true? or is it bullshit? YOU DECIDE!
gruff Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2005 05:02AM

No. No, you don't decide.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2005 05:40AM

Kaiser Souse
Ninepointfiver Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2005 09:53AM

Actually, it's true. Only now days there are too many bleeding heart liberals for this to ever happen and be accepted. Look how the world freaked out at the Abu Gharib BS. That wasn't shit compared to what true torture is.
Tribucian Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2005 11:48AM

Hey, there was a real man in the White House eight years ago...the President was married to her (roflmao).
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2005 03:38PM

WTF the person who posted this is an idiot. Did you ever stop to think, moron, that the "extremists" were just a bunch of drunk idiots who decided to do something stupid, and weren't connected to a world wide network of lethal combat hardened soldiers?
Al-Qaeda today is totally different than the fools who perpetrated that ONE attack years ago. Ppl in the US think that Al-Qaeda is only the 9/11 attacks. Uh.. WRONG... they existed for quite a while and have been attacking targets for more than a decade. If you count the anti-Russian that Al-Qaeda predecessors fought, it means the network has existed for more than 25 years.
You are a fucking idiot and have no sense of history. Not only that, you're a bigot. Piss off loser, go spout your hate somewhere else.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2005 05:48PM

A true American Hero, we need more Generals like him, somebody that will get the job done.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2005 05:49PM

i wonder , why when they muslims some people make sarcasm of virgins , it pictures muslims as wanting to die just to have virgins ...well i think christians and jews hold the idea of heaven also as an after life ,so why not making fun of them guys also ???/ besides if there is no girls in heaven in the christian doctrine , i think that all of them would revert to another religion who promise them , i just wonder why they talk that bad about muslims where in the 1st place ,in so called modern country they re so obssesed with sex , just like animals u fuck right away on the 1st date ...or is it that bec they re jealous bec 99% of them do not marry a virgin women , actually a virgin is a national treasure in usa and videos every where in the states , call-girls agencies , escorts ,strip club ...a rape crime evry minute ......or are americans just jealous bec most of muslim womens are virgins and do not cheat on their husband ...or is it retarded to be committed to one sexual partner in ur life ???? now guys talkin about veils , well a lot westerners look at it as a way of suppression and retardness ...duhh , guys take a look at virgin mary pics : she was veiled ..actually till recently , sisters (christian women priests) , also wear veils ,same for jews ,and some of them still till now tell me isnt it a sign of religious belief or let me say clearer : a sign of modernity by not imitatimg animals ...cuz for ur info animals have no prob walkin naked or doing sex in public????....another argument about the pigs thing : well there is no need to say that it s scientifically proven that pork meats cause a lot of diseases , the first is ascaris cuz if u dont know pigs eat mainly trash and shit ...go to a local farm and see...besdies it is allowed in the islamic religion to eat pigs if u have no other alternative and it is totally untrue that if u touch it u wont enter to heaven ...besides this whole story lacks proof, because muslims are very few in the phillipine s not indonesia ...i see a desperate soul , who cannot do anything he tries to be funny and make fun of a religion , plz guys nobody is perfect and i could spend the rest of my life makin fun of the way u live why not to be rational , STOP RASICSM and argue using only facts .....hope u understand after all ...cuz it s not be of any benefit keepin stereotyping and talkin about a religon u know nothing about but from the media
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2005 06:54PM

People should do some reading...


There is no concrete proof anything like this ever happened... and all accounts say this appears to be completely opposite to Pershing's charachter. Really Fossil, with your science background I expected a little more research into what is fact vs. fiction.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2005 06:54PM


Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2005 06:55PM


Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2005 06:58PM

Edit... Sorry Fossil... missed your "BS Recall" further down smiling
smiley Definitely BS.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2005 07:49PM

STOP RASICSM and argue using only facts

Ok, 2283 here is a fact for you. Being against a religion is not racism. Racism is when you are against a race like black, indians, arabs, whites, orentals, etc. Disliking a reliegion is not racist it would be more anti semite maybe but definately not racist. That would be the same as saying people who hate christians are being racists. Christians come in all races. Islam comes in all races or are you saying that only arabs are allow to be muslems?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2005 09:32PM

bullshit....i think u got that from the garbage bulge above ur shoulder ..son
avengerx Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2005 09:45PM

jgoins..i am 2283..have u been more smarter u could get my point : i dont wanna rgue with u on terms .....u can dislike a religion , actually u dislike all religions once u follow one , but u CANNOT : hate , discriminate , stereotype people based on their belifes or the bad action of other people of their religion ...guess world will be a big mess in that case s a crime in many countries to be an anti-semites : why dont apply it to other religions??? or just bec jews re in charge or worldwide economic power means u dont dare to speak of them ???....diffrentiate between the commandment of religion an the practice of their ppl just as an example : kat stevenson , a famous music star converted to islam ,and he said :"" thank god i knew islam ,directly from the quran , have i know it from muslims nowadays i wouldnt be a muslim now""......for ur info : know about the teaching of islam and make a comparison of most muslims who practice it those days u ll find no match ....just bec a bad man was born into a certain religion doesnt make that religion bad and surely doesnt make him from that religion in the 1st place ....havent u watched all the conventions of muslim priests who banned the terrorist attacks and terrorism against civilians ,same folks who attacked the us and uk and spain ..attacked muslims in jordan and iraq and killed them ...: my point is : islam is tottaly innocent from the crimes of those people and most muslims are against terrorism stop this blind hatress folks , even president bush said that after the 9/11 attacks ....unit to fight terrorism of any religion or race note: of course u dont have to be an arab to be allowed to be a muslim ....
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2005 10:17PM

wow, this one got a good rebutle! i know it has to be b.s., but did'nt expect it to get this good of a response. not what i would do, but interesting to think someone was that nuts.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 14, 2005 02:59AM

Fossil ... Who's posting lie ?


You mean facts that never change like the planet being flat and the sun revolving around the earth ? right ?
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 14, 2005 03:41AM

again, ck. the vote
avengerx Report This Comment
Date: December 20, 2005 03:21PM

hahahahahahahahahahhaha....this is really funny ...a bunch of idiots who cant understand way some 1 can talk with u : an old men called fossil_digger , whos probably in the 60 s waiting death spendin his time on the net ....and another psycho called 90130 who pretend he was in the american army and fought in gulf war ....fossil digger hates adc beast just bec he dont agree with them ,,...and now they wanna sue me on my actions , s a tip for u fossil_shit digger : go and do something good in ur life instead of spendin ur time saying bs ...u have an attitude prob besides i wish u remind me of 1 phrase in which i said : i am a muslim ....all what i ve done is just tell u about islam from trustful resources , dont u get it idiot ...u always dont get it ...besides 90103 : have i said : i am a good muslim???...when??/...u dick head......i was hoping to see some humans with brains on this site ...but no s a forum of fools, preverted ,psychos and rasicst ....except for few of course in order not be harsh on u all ....and now fossil_shit crapper : who told u i am into porn , have i uploaded any porn image or commented on one....and i guess if u open : wikipedia encyclopedia u ll know who briana and jenna ....i dont have to watch em ,,....but as for rap well i am into rap ...guess thats none of ur business also ...and concerning cursing , well u need one grandpa , bec u are not polite at all and i reply back with fire when some 1 starts the fight u cant understand anything of what i said : go ahead say ur bs as usual : yaaa , throw him to dogs , ya muslims hahah, ya cool , ....fuck it man , couldnt see any1 more stupid then u except ur mother...who s probably crying in her grave from the shits u do in ur life ...thats why u couldnt have a wife ..u dont deserve to be loved u fasicst rasicst nazi scum cum bag ...faggot .....confusions is what i ll cause to u and illusions is everything u can see too ...and u know what , it has been a waste of time to get to such forum of idiots ...shitty site ......i have a lot more important things in my life to do ...other than spendin the time talkin to a perverted sob .....some people were nice on this site and others were not...complete psycho s : for ex: fossil_shit digger . 90130 , pro_junior and a lot of anonymus shits save ur fuckin shitty comments for urself now , bec this is the last time i ll log into this website full of shits and porn my advice for u fossil_shit digger , is to save ur time cuz i wont read them , i lost any tiny hope of u i suggest to throw u to the ghettos or to gang to fuck u up and whipe ur ass ....hahah, am sure that when u read this comment : u and pro_dickhead and 90130 : will feel so much same that u ll try to cheer up one another ,of course dont cry babies go ahead say whatever u wanna say ,instead of dying from shame ...bye bye ass holes , bye fossil_shit digger ...bye 90130 dick in ur ass ...bye baby pro_dickhead glad u ll read all the shits targeted on u ,while for me , i wont read none of ur silly replies : 1-0 ehh ....hahha ......ya pretty funny ....: AM LEAVIN ONCE AND FOR ALL ...cuz i don give a shit anymore ..about ur fuckin silly idiot opinions bitches....i really dont have a nice time while waiting death old man .....and ps: try to find something else that have more benefit .....finally : FUCK YA ///////\\\\\\\\\\\\\
and dont forget to turn it attacking muslims instead of me ,idiot , ...thats what ur excellent in : generalizing and not takin it personally ......


fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 20, 2005 06:00PM

you better hurry, your mom's coming to take your computer away!