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Whaddya call this ... a positive step forward :>)
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Whaddya call this ... a positive step forward :>)

"a man with a pacifier in his mouth"

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Comments for: Whaddya call this ... a positive step forward :>)
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: June 12, 2010 03:12PM

I'd gladly contribute a cuppla big zip-ties to keep it in place and a couple more to keep his hands behind his back insuring minimal future damage by this lyin POS smileys with beer

Rich_Republican Report This Comment
Date: June 12, 2010 05:45PM

Yeah....we want to go back to the days of good ole Honest George W! That guy knew how to tell the truth, and cut spending, and lower taxes, and balance the budget, and handle a hurricane, and protect those towers from terrorists, and clear lots of brush. Miss you George! handjob
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: June 12, 2010 06:28PM

and just when did you hear Kim say that? smiling bouncing smiley
90130_ Report This Comment
Date: June 13, 2010 05:26AM

Yawnnn...another of Obama's fawning supporters. You really must be loving that "hope and change" eh?
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: June 13, 2010 10:53AM

My hope and change. I hope we change everyone in congress this November. Then change the president in 2 years.
Wolfgang613 Report This Comment
Date: June 13, 2010 08:41PM

Change to what? You do realize the members of congress had to win an election over their opponents who were considered less able. So, who are we going to replace them with? The losers who lost the last election? Or, do you believe in some Utopian idea that if we clean house there will be some magical force that will create a perfect government? No, we have the best government we can have given the circumstance we are in. It isn't perfect nor will it ever be, but it can be a lot worse if we take rash ignorant actions.eye
rolling smiley
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: June 13, 2010 09:15PM

it looks like wolf has alreay surrendered to serfdom.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: June 14, 2010 10:41AM

Clean house every election until they get the correct message and learn that they work for us.
Mach Report This Comment
Date: June 15, 2010 02:34AM

Do you want Obama to win a second term? I don't believe that anyone is that stupid that they could vote for him again but everyone knows they are that stupid

grinning smiley

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: June 15, 2010 11:22AM

I didn't believe anyone in their right mind would have voted for him in the first place, boy did I get fooled. I can only hope people woke up to see the danger ahead and the next election he will get no votes. Hopefully in November the American people will voted to remove everyone from office regardless of which political party they are. I don't care which party holds the majority, they need to understand that we do not want anymore of the same BS.
Mach Report This Comment
Date: June 15, 2010 06:53PM

It's funny jgoins, you say you want to get rid of ALL the politicians, BUT, you are also one of the good ol' Israel is our savior types, which are downright contradictions, all of those politicians you supposedly see through are avid AIPAC lickers through and through, you know, AIPAC, that place that does nothing with OUR politicians but push Israel down Americas throat. $$$

Both Parties are owned by AIPAC.
Wolfgang613 Report This Comment
Date: June 16, 2010 12:27AM

jgoins Wrote:
> Clean house every election until they get the
> correct message and learn that they work for us.

Who are "they" that you are talking about? Is there some aristocracy that the elected officials are chosen from? Or, are "they" you and me? Joe citizen who has chosen to run for elected office and was good/lucky enough to win the
Mach Report This Comment
Date: June 16, 2010 01:29AM

You are definitely a Beck wannabe jgoins. Forefather this and Forefather that but when it comes to Israel it's... to hell with rights and freedom, Israel first, everyone else second dammit! I told you earlier how Beck was just talking shit, as soon as Israel comes up his strings (titanium cables) are easy to see.

I'll just re-throw every link I've ever thrown out around here and you can actually click and learn this time around.



Part 1 (Obama = Zbigniew Brzezinski)

Part 2 (If you are only going to watch one of these make this one that one)

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 16/06/2010 01:36AM by Mach.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: June 16, 2010 02:24AM

"Who are "they" that you are talking about?"

that would be all incumbents regardless of party.... dipstick....eye
rolling smiley

not like he hasn't said it a billion times or anything

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 16/06/2010 02:37AM by fossil_digger.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: June 17, 2010 12:47AM

My simple statement has nothing to do with Israel at all. Replace everyone holding office right now regardless of their party affiliation and keep doing it every 2 years until all politicians now and in the future understand that they are there to work for us and must listen to what the majority wants and act accordingly. My opinion on Israel is irrelevant to my statement about the election..
Abdulla Hassan Salem Report This Comment
Date: August 13, 2010 10:58PM

Can someone please enlighten me about how Obama is supposedly so bad? I want specifics - not just some sound bite about how he's a "Socialist Muslim from Kenya."

When I go to - it looks like Obama is on track to be a great president. he has already fulfilled nearly 200 campaign promises, and he isn't even half way through a 4-year term.

Obama has been able to pass health care reform, and finance reform is on track. The next important issue will be to pass meaningful immigration reform.

Or maybe Obama should just give all the illegals amnesty like Ronald Reagan did. Conservatives are STILL bragging about how Reagan was the greatest president of our time - so if Obama does some of the same things, Conservatives should be singing his praises soon too. Right?

Or, perhaps no matter what Obama does or accomplishes as president - Conservatives will condemn him as a failure.
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: August 14, 2010 03:18AM

arguing politics on 613...
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: August 15, 2010 11:01AM

One of the problems I have with Odamna is health care reform among many many others. Requiring people to have insurance even if they can't afford it or go to jail? Wrong wrong wrong. Unless you can give free healthcare to everyone it just will not work because there will always be those who fall through the cracks.

Finance reform is not on track our economy still sucks and unemployment is outrageous.

There will never be any immigration reform without closing down the borders and deporting the illegals who are already here. Illegals are already buying guns as fast as they can getting ready for the take over.