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50°F Wut!
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50°F Wut!

"a man wiping his forehead with a towel"

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Comments for: 50°F Wut!
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: June 26, 2013 05:02PM

Poor Canooks .... best not head down here to the land of the big sun. We've been bouncin around 95-101 for the past few weeks and it haddn even GOT hot yet smiling bouncing smiley

Onyma Report This Comment
Date: June 26, 2013 06:18PM

Heh... update from a Canuck smiling
smiley It's 95F outside right now (with the humidity), it was 107F earlier this week. Still not southern temperatures but it's not winter anymore either winking
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: June 26, 2013 10:24PM

Yeah, and it's what at midnight? Yesterdee was 101 for the high and still 91 at midnight. Our low for the day was at its usual 4am at 84.

There's a lotta difference in hittin 107 for an hour or 2 as a high and stewin in the heat all day AND all night like we do here. Of course the only ones not complainin are the electric companies, who make out like bandits this time of year.

When I was up in the Great White North in mid August, canoein just above Minnesota, waaay back in my Explorer Scout days in the early 70s, it would hit 80-85 during the day and then dip down to below freezin at night. Sleepin in the nude then venturin out in the mornin and slippin into a frozen pair of shorts from the day before was a manliness dwindlin affair to be sure. We had to tie a string around our pricks just so we could get a grip on things to get that early mornin "wake up pee" accomplished eye
popping smiley

Onyma Report This Comment
Date: June 26, 2013 11:18PM

At midnight I think it was about 86-88 last night. It hasn't dropped below 80 in 5 days. Why do people insist on believing it's always cold up here? smiling

Tonight it is finally breaking, I think we're dropping to 78. We get the worst of it for about 6 weeks. As I said, it's not the south... but June and July in southern Canada can sit over 90 day and night for a few weeks easily and crest 110 at the peak of the day. In this part of Canada you're insane if your house doesn't have A/C and a Furnace.
Onyma Report This Comment
Date: June 26, 2013 11:20PM

On the August comments I do love that time of year here for camping. At nights it gets cool and during the day it's perfect to hiking. I usually book my camping trips then.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: June 27, 2013 12:47AM

For us here it's a slow burn from May to September that peaks in late July to mid August.

I often ask northern transplants if they just felt a need for an additional few months of hell in their diet smiling bouncing smiley

From June to September it dudn matter whether you're comin into Texas from the north, east or west, the further you head south the browner the landscape gets. About the only upside to our summers is there's so little rain the grass dudn need a lotta cuttin between May and September. Even if it does rain, in a day or so it's all dried up and it never gets a chance for the grass to get any moisture.

If you live in town and have a nice lawn you'll almost need a 2nd mortgage to pay off the water bill to maintain a beautiful lawn this time of year.

BTW, this Texan did manage to get the worst sunburn of my entire life while canoein in Canada. Sittin crosslegged in a canoe all day while paddlin across all those marvelous lakes was tough on the skin, but it was so hot our last day out I (illadvisedly) kept splashin water on my already sunburned legs to cool 'em off (which acted like addin a magnifying glass to the already beamning sun!) and ended up with a 3rd degree sunburn on our last day out (*facepalm*)

I literally had blisters larger than my mondo monkey sized paws on my inner upper legs and then strips of blisters down the insides of my lower legs that had to be bandaged from the bottom edge of my shorts all the way to my socks for the entire 3 day road trip back home. And lemme tellya it was NOT pretty nor sweet smellin when those blisters popped and soaked my bandages on our second day of the trip (throwup)


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 27/06/2013 03:37AM by Mrkim.
pulse Report This Comment
Date: June 29, 2013 09:29AM

During Summer (well, I think it was March) we had 3 weeks in a row of ~40+ temperatures, with some days peaking at 45/46 degrees and it still being high 30s at 3am.

(cracks out real temperature to weird temperature google fu)

During Summer (well, I think it was March) we had 3 weeks in a row of ~104+ temperatures, with some days peaking at 113/115 degrees and it still being low 100s at 3am.

Your temperatures make no sense smiling
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: June 30, 2013 06:07AM

I know our temps are nonsensical, I mean freezin startin at 32 is pretty silly but we're so accustomed to it, it works for us .... Hi Ho (*facepalm*)

The cats out west in Arizona, Utah and Cali. and such are really gettin hammered, I think Death Valley hit 127 today. Fuck that. they can keep it!

Back in 1980 we had over 40 straight days over 100 and though they said it was our hottest summer on record, while 1996 or 97 didn yield the same 40+ days of it, we had higher temps than in 1980 with lotsa 115-120 degree days.

I was workin in a sheetmetal buildin that year with nothin but a few big fans to keep us cool. Standin in front of those fans was like bein in front of a blast furnace eye
popping smiley

pulse Report This Comment
Date: July 02, 2013 01:35PM

Yeah, places like coober pedy in outback south australia can hit very high 40s for months on end. There's a reason the town is built underground. According to wikipedia, the highest temp ever recorded was in death valley, 56.7 °C (134 °F) in 1913. Australia's highest record, according to it, was 50.7 °C (123.3 °F) in 1960.


BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: July 02, 2013 09:02PM

I feel for the ones in the really hot places but am enjoying a wonderful summer here. It is definitely warmer than usual in the PacNW so far.