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General Kevin P. Byrnes
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General Kevin P. Byrnes

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Comments for: General Kevin P. Byrnes
010101010101010101010101010101 Report This Comment
Date: August 11, 2005 10:00AM

Four Star General Fired For Organizing Coup Against Neo-Cons?
Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones

August 10, 2005

Reporter suggests Brynes discovered plan to turn nuke exercise into
staged terror attack

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones | August 10 2005

The head of Fort Monroe's Training and Doctrine Command, four star
general Kevin P. Byrnes, was fired Tuesday apparently for sexual
misconduct according to official sources.

Other sources however have offered a different explanation for Byrnes'
dismissal which ties in with the Bush administration's unpopular plan
to attack Iran and the staged nuclear attack in the US which would
provide the pretext to do so.

According to reporter Greg Szymanski, anonymous military sources said
that Brynes was the leader of a faction that was preparing to
instigate a coup against the neo-con hawks in an attempt to prevent
further global conflict.

Indications are that, much like popular opinion amongst the general
public, half the military oppose the neo-con's agenda and half support it.

Further revelations were imparted by journalist Leland Lehrman who
appeared today on The Alex Jones Show.

Lehrman's army sources, including a former Captain in intelligence,
became outraged when they learned that the official story behind 9/11
was impossible.

They told Lehrman that the imminent Northcom nuclear terror exercise
based in Charleston, S.C, where a nuclear warhead is smuggled off a
ship and detonated, was originally intended to 'go live' - as in the
drill would be used as the cover for a real false flag staged attack.

This website has relentlessly discussed similar style drills which
took place on the morning of 9/11 and on the morning of 7/7 in London.

"Speculation exists that he had potentially discovered the fact that
it was gonna go live and that he was trying to put a stop to it or
also speculation indicates that he may be part of a military coup
designed to prevent the ridiculous idea of doing a nuclear war with
Iran, " said Lehrman.

Lehrman said that other sources had told him all army leave had been
cancelled from September 7th onwards, opening the possibility for war
to be declared within that time frame.

Northcom officials also admitted to Lehrman that CNN had been using
its situation room as a studio.

Earlier this week, Washington Post reported that the Pentagon has
developed its first ever war plans for operations within the
continental United States, in which terrorist attacks would be used as
the justification for imposing martial law on cities, regions or the
entire country.

American Conservative Magazine recently reported that Dick Cheney had
given orders to immediately invade Iran after the next terror attack
in the US, even if there was no evidence Iran was involved.

Government and media mouthpieces have been fearmongering for weeks
about how a nuclear attack within the US is imminent.

Now would be the most opportune time for the Globalists to stage a
major attack, as it would head off any potential indictments against
the Bush administration for their involvement in illegally outing CIA
agent Valerie Plame.

While rumors circulating about indictments having already taken place
against Bush and Cheney should rightly be treated very carefully, the
fact that there is an ongoing criminal investigation into the matter
is something that's admitted and shouldn't be viewed as speculation.

:: Article nr. 14516 sent on 11-aug-2005 08:24 ECT

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duane Report This Comment
Date: August 11, 2005 10:38AM

Hell Im all for it,head right into Iran if there is another attack.Pretty soon they will get the message.Every time they attack we kill a couple hundred thousand of thier people so its a war of numbers until they understand that they can not tolerate this thought train amongst thier people,that terrorism is a soluable plan.They teach it to thier children and they expect different outcomes,they have to learn sooner than later.Enough of this thought that China will get involved,shit they will not even attempt to take Taiwan back because they are a paper tiger.
010101010101010101010101010101 Report This Comment
Date: August 11, 2005 10:43AM

Four Star General Fired For Organizing Coup Against Neo-Cons?
Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones

August 10, 2005

Reporter suggests Brynes discovered plan to turn nuke exercise into
staged terror attack

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones | August 10 2005

The head of Fort Monroe's Training and Doctrine Command, four star
general Kevin P. Byrnes, was fired Tuesday apparently for sexual
misconduct according to official sources.

Other sources however have offered a different explanation for Byrnes'
dismissal which ties in with the Bush administration's unpopular plan
to attack Iran and the staged nuclear attack in the US which would
provide the pretext to do so.

According to reporter Greg Szymanski, anonymous military sources said
that Brynes was the leader of a faction that was preparing to
instigate a coup against the neo-con hawks in an attempt to prevent
further global conflict.

Indications are that, much like popular opinion amongst the general
public, half the military oppose the neo-con's agenda and half support it.

Further revelations were imparted by journalist Leland Lehrman who
appeared today on The Alex Jones Show.

Lehrman's army sources, including a former Captain in intelligence,
became outraged when they learned that the official story behind 9/11
was impossible.

They told Lehrman that the imminent Northcom nuclear terror exercise
based in Charleston, S.C, where a nuclear warhead is smuggled off a
ship and detonated, was originally intended to 'go live' - as in the
drill would be used as the cover for a real false flag staged attack.

This website has relentlessly discussed similar style drills which
took place on the morning of 9/11 and on the morning of 7/7 in London.

"Speculation exists that he had potentially discovered the fact that
it was gonna go live and that he was trying to put a stop to it or
also speculation indicates that he may be part of a military coup
designed to prevent the ridiculous idea of doing a nuclear war with
Iran, " said Lehrman.

Lehrman said that other sources had told him all army leave had been
cancelled from September 7th onwards, opening the possibility for war
to be declared within that time frame.

Northcom officials also admitted to Lehrman that CNN had been using
its situation room as a studio.

Earlier this week, Washington Post reported that the Pentagon has
developed its first ever war plans for operations within the
continental United States, in which terrorist attacks would be used as
the justification for imposing martial law on cities, regions or the
entire country.

American Conservative Magazine recently reported that Dick Cheney had
given orders to immediately invade Iran after the next terror attack
in the US, even if there was no evidence Iran was involved.

Government and media mouthpieces have been fearmongering for weeks
about how a nuclear attack within the US is imminent.

Now would be the most opportune time for the Globalists to stage a
major attack, as it would head off any potential indictments against
the Bush administration for their involvement in illegally outing CIA
agent Valerie Plame.

While rumors circulating about indictments having already taken place
against Bush and Cheney should rightly be treated very carefully, the
fact that there is an ongoing criminal investigation into the matter
is something that's admitted and shouldn't be viewed as speculation.

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sick_of_raving_psycho_yankes Report This Comment
Date: August 11, 2005 10:56AM

duane - you're such a moron. I think you need to find something better to get off on than the idea of mass killing in hte middle east - do you really think it helps. Think about it, *some* muslims killed *some* americans, for reasons that stretch back decades, not that that excuses it. What is the result? People like you who now want to kill *all* muslims. Don't you think that killing muslims can provoke a similar response in them? It won't teach them any other lesson than making them want to kill americans, so what good is that?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 11, 2005 11:22PM

duane, you are a historyless chump, sadly. If China attacks Taiwan, what do you think will happen to all our microchips and the RAM memory market? China can't exactly march into Taiwan w/o causing tidal waves in the international economies.

As for Iran, why again do we need to attack Iran? Oh, they almost have nukes? Well, so do we! And Israel! And France! And Russia! And Pakistan! And India! And N. Korea! And..

jesus man, the US should not go attacking countries based on lame-ass pretexts. You do know what the word "pretext" means, don't you?

Oh, right, you don't. Glad you're not my president.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 11, 2005 11:37PM

This sounds more likely than an army coup:

"What has not been reported is that recently, one of Byrnes' subordinate commands, Fort Rucker in Alabama, had been told to stand by for an influx of 50,000 military trainees -- a level the base has not seen since the Vietnam War.

Byrnes' relief of command came on the heels of the Pentagon announcing that it might permit Spanish-language entrance examinations.

Byrnes, who was in charge of Army training, would not only face recruits with lower education levels and past criminal records, but a lack of proficiency in English.

Pentagon insiders report that it was Byrnes' policy disagreements with the Pentagon neo-cons over the new recruitment policies and the potential for calling up Army retirees and reinstating military conscription without adequate TRADOC funding that resulted in his firing. "

010101010101010101010101010101 Report This Comment
Date: August 12, 2005 12:10AM

Ok minions of truth (that excludes you duane.. you shit for brains fucktard). This story connects with too many other stories. This is what we must do:

1.) copy these stories of Byrnes firing because of potential nuclear attack by an aggressive US usurper regime include the URLs.

2.) find every blog, yahoo group, chat room and other online forums and news groups

3.) paste them there. We NEED to create critical mass!

turtle_dog Report This Comment
Date: August 12, 2005 12:17AM

I know this for a fact. 4 star generals do not out of the blue get fired for extramartial affair. There is obviously more to the story than the official version that the right wing media is claiming.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 12, 2005 12:22AM

"All we are saying is give peace a chance...."

The late great John Lennon
duane Report This Comment
Date: August 12, 2005 01:04AM

Excuse me guys,your labia is hanging out.You make me chuckle.Tuck your yams back in and tell your story to people who care.It seems to me you are all the same people bitching anyway.107177 if every time you killed someone in the name of a cause half your town was killed,it would not take long for the towns to weed out the real psycho maniacs.These governments like Iran pray upon our reluctance to do anything.We are changing that and Im damn glad of it.
010101010101010101010101010101 Report This Comment
Date: August 12, 2005 01:15AM

Duane you are not even making sense you moron. What is with your misgynistic comments? Do you hate women that much? Did some girl in your childhood or adolence hurt you? Did you have a dominating mother? Or did some woman hurt you to the point that you hate all women now?
snoopy Report This Comment
Date: August 12, 2005 01:56AM

duane was beaten up by a girl in high school.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 12, 2005 02:09AM

LOL she was a 5th grader with braces and glasses!
Come on Duane you woman-hater!
DrFreud Report This Comment
Date: August 12, 2005 10:13AM

duane suffers from over exaggeration of a low ego caused my either a small penis or premature ejectulation due to his hatred of women or his clseted homosexual feelings.
duane Report This Comment
Date: August 12, 2005 11:07AM

Bring it on Beeches,the 5th grader with glasses hits harder than you.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 13, 2005 01:12AM

LOL well duane has at least the guts to admit he was beaten up by a 5th grader girl with glasses and braces.
duane Report This Comment
Date: August 13, 2005 01:38AM

C'mon man she kicked me in the balls.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 13, 2005 05:45AM

duane you have balls? I bet they are moth ball size.
duane Report This Comment
Date: August 14, 2005 12:47AM

Why do you try to fix bets with people,when you know you were licking them last night while I fucked your mom in the ass.I thought it was the dog,man you have a long tounge.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 14, 2005 05:05AM

duane you make no sense you retard. you claim to fuck someone's mother accidently because you wanted to do beastiality? you are one sick fuck up
duane Report This Comment
Date: August 14, 2005 04:14PM

No shitface,I meant I thought it was the dog licking my balls but it was you.It was your mums idea.She neads a little help.
AusAmerican_Skinhead Report This Comment
Date: August 15, 2005 05:02AM

Duane is a fucking idiot go back to what you normally do everyday "duane" picking shits out of toilet bowls and eating them.
duane Report This Comment
Date: August 16, 2005 03:42AM

Go back to sucking black cock homoskinhead.Pussy.Idiot,I dont think so tiny balls.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 17, 2005 05:48AM

A friend of mine who spent his career at the pentagon just laughed when I said Byrnes had been fired for having an affair. He said the generals have affairs with whoever they want to. He roared at this.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 25, 2005 02:11AM

I knew Byrnes when he commanded the 1CD DIVARTY at Fort Hood, TX in 1991-92. He was then, and still is now, an asshole. And not just your everyday run-of-the-mill asshole, mind you - he is a special kind of asshole. This kind of person makes enemies, and payback in this town (DC) is a bitch, let me tell you.

Ironically, Byrnes used to tell us "Don't do anything you wouldn't want to see on the front page of the Washington Post." Of course, a few weeks ago, he was on the front page of the Post for his screw up. Now that's karma!

This is not about adultery. It is about hypocrisy. Byrnes is a hypocrite. When I knew him at Fort Hood, he was "burn happy." He would burn officers and NCOs for the slightest infraction. It's great to see him get a taste of his own medicine. Like I said, payback in this town (DC) is a bitch.