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The world according to the USA
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The world according to the USA

"a map of the world with black text and arrows"

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Comments for: The world according to the USA
Stats galore Report This Comment
Date: October 13, 2004 12:20PM

yup that pretty much sums up Americans view of the rest of the world. I was once asked by a yank if i knew of a place called Glasgow in England.

They have a great culture just look at the wonders mcdonalds and nike are doing for them.
dumb ass american Report This Comment
Date: October 13, 2004 03:13PM

Yes Stats galore you are right! We are all just a bunch of big mac eating air jordon wearing idiots. You should come to America and teach us about England and such. Your brilliant mind would certainly help the US become more culturally aware. By the way, Could you explain to this dumb ass american why you call us yanks?
a. Report This Comment
Date: October 13, 2004 03:15PM

Short for yankie, ya dopey cunt.
dumb ass american Report This Comment
Date: October 13, 2004 03:32PM

Oh....... like New York Yankees?
smart ass american Report This Comment
Date: October 13, 2004 08:28PM

you guys are both fucked in the mind. The Yankie comment does remind me of a girl from Phillie who thought the 76ers were named after the freeway. Awesome. By the way, The English haven't really contributed much of jack shit to the the annals of culture in the last 50 years, unless you count horrible dentistry.
geezer Report This Comment
Date: October 13, 2004 10:12PM

This should label how much each country is funded and supplied troops by the U.S. Then, as an American, I would endorse this map.;P
ho\'sbro Report This Comment
Date: October 13, 2004 11:18PM

just wanted to make a point about the education system in America that is the partial cause of "dumb ass american" not knowing about the yank thing.....American schools are just about "teaching the test" up until about the eight grade (EOG testing)....American or World history is not a priority today can make it through High School and have very little exposure to these subjects....People who do not involve themselves in the childs education will end up with a child that is not prepared for college and not prepared for life.....but that's what the Government wants...Dumb Citizens......Dumb Citizens can be controlled and duped on a regular basis.....I'm sure this isn't just a problem here in America ....from reading the postings on here, Australia and England have their fair share of ignorance.
ho\'sbro Report This Comment
Date: October 13, 2004 11:21PM

just wanted to say something before someone blows up about the ignorance thing.....ignorance is not a bad thing,,,remaining blissful in your ignorance is a bad thing
Mint Report This Comment
Date: October 14, 2004 12:59AM

posted before...when did we bomb taiwan?

dumb ass american Report This Comment
Date: October 14, 2004 01:00AM

Jeez...... and I thought I was just being a smart ass! Calling an American a "yank" is like calling a german a "nazi" isnt it. I suppose if the song went "Im a confederate doodle dandy" we would be called "confeds".
Mint Report This Comment
Date: October 14, 2004 01:07AM

err make that Macao
Mint Report This Comment
Date: October 14, 2004 01:09AM

damn ugly map..guess that would be hainan
allan Report This Comment
Date: October 14, 2004 01:38AM

English,American,Russian,the swedish & germans what the world needs to look like after we rid the world of all the other vermin.
ho\'sbro Report This Comment
Date: October 14, 2004 09:30AM

dont know if that last comment is from you or the spammer(s) allen, but if it's from you, that's not a very christian way of thinking....and you left out all our friends from down under...hehe
Pooper Report This Comment
Date: October 14, 2004 11:42AM

ho'sbro copying text he found on a google search lol still not thinking for yourself fatty!
ho\'sbro Report This Comment
Date: October 14, 2004 02:34PM

don't need that....that's probably how you do all your term papers....just once you need to realize there are people that can think without the aid of a dictionary or encyclopedia...people a whole lot smarter than you...i lose more brain cells on a good night of drinkin' than you got dude...if it upsets you so that you're such an imbecile, don't blame me ...go complain to you parents
ho\'sbro Report This Comment
Date: October 14, 2004 02:43PM

p.s. pooper....those things called books...the words in them mean things...if you read them it's almost like watching a T.V. show....and they got these really cool thing out called newspapers that not only tell you whats on T.V. or what time the movies start at the theater but they tell about whats happening locally and in the world.....exercise you mind like you do your mouth.
ho\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'sbro Report This Comment
Date: October 14, 2004 02:45PM

should read "really cool things"....sorry was watching the news while typing
orion Report This Comment
Date: October 14, 2004 08:01PM

why are france called friends when they hate america?
Kitten Report This Comment
Date: October 14, 2004 09:35PM

"got these really cool thing out called" ho'sbro dumb cunt again.
ho\'sbro Report This Comment
Date: October 15, 2004 06:40AM

kitten ...are you retarded too?....I corrected myself in the following post.
ho\'sbro Report This Comment
Date: October 15, 2004 06:50AM

kitten the dumb cunt hat just got passed back to you...wear it proudly cause if anyone deserves it you do.
Nizzle Report This Comment
Date: October 16, 2004 09:39AM

i agree with allen except for letting the Russians live, they are stupid and hairy. and the english are a bit too concited but i suppose we could let half of them live.
notfat Report This Comment
Date: October 19, 2004 12:10PM

Why are the french listed as friends when they hate america?
I think if you look closely at the map...
NONE of the 'friends are like of america!
Alucelestria Report This Comment
Date: October 20, 2004 05:27AM

I wanna live on that island. That little dot where noone really cares where anyone else lives. because in the end it really does not matter.
RacerX Report This Comment
Date: October 22, 2004 11:14PM

No, America has a naval base there, but it's "secret", so it's not on the map.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: November 12, 2004 08:36AM

wow!.. that map has everything i need to know!
Nirpie Report This Comment
Date: March 10, 2005 05:18AM

Don't know why we're (Swedes) are on the map as friends... shit, we haven't done anything to help you out ever, and we never will... we'll continue standing beside all the trouble and just scream "neutral!" and run back into our little houses...
vito Report This Comment
Date: April 22, 2005 10:33PM

TO: Nizzle@28111
Russians are stupid and hairy???? not the russians i know.
what are you talking about anyway??? let half of them live... it sounds to me like holocaust or something. you are probably one of the arrogant americans. see i'm russian and guess what. I'M PROUD BEING RUSSIAN. I know 5 languages which means that i'm not stupid.
TO THE REST OF THE PEOPLE: most of the americans don't even know what's is going on in their country so how do you want to know what's going on overseas???