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Proud to be an American
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Proud to be an American

"a statue of soldiers in front of a flag"

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Comments for: Proud to be an American
ERIC Report This Comment
Date: October 16, 2004 11:14PM

I'm Eric. I'm proud to be an American.

I may not be proud of all the actions my government takes, but I'm proud to be a citizen of the USA. All of you USA bashers out there try to remember that not all of us support George Bush. (I think he's an asshole.) However, we love our country, just like you love yours. So next time you post anti American comments, take a hard look at the actions of your own governments. Every nation has skeletons in its cloest. Every nation has done things that are reprehensible.

Just think about that the next time you feel superior to us ignorant war mongering Americans.

Okay, let the Eric bashing begin, you self righteous bastards. winking
Blackswarm Report This Comment
Date: October 16, 2004 11:37PM

As a fellow american I like that you are proud to be in the USA, but I don't see Bush as an Asshole! Just don't tell me your voting Kerry because its not Bush!

Kerry will not make our country any stronger! If anything he will weaken it! And if you want to own a gun (which is our second amendment right) don't vote Kerry!
pwnt Report This Comment
Date: October 17, 2004 01:06AM

do u see how people dont give a flying fuck about your nazi regime?
Holler! Report This Comment
Date: October 17, 2004 02:21AM

yea... it's the same feeling we have when considering yours
Eric Report This Comment
Date: October 17, 2004 12:16PM

To Blackswarm,

I'm about ready to vote for myself. I have no confidence in either Bush or Kerry.
Eric Report This Comment
Date: October 17, 2004 12:18PM

To pwnt,

Did you study to be that stupid or were you born that way. Comparing America to Nazi Germany is too ignorant and ridiculous to be believed. By the way, what's your country of origin? I'll bet your country has never done anything bad. Oh no, not yours. Grow up, fucktard.
mORSEL Report This Comment
Date: October 17, 2004 02:52PM

Eric you are redneck fool. Everyone hates your counrty and i know people who spit on any American tourist they see. Good for them.
Eric Report This Comment
Date: October 17, 2004 05:51PM

Looks like mORSEL took stupid lessons from pwnt.
lil\'Diablo Report This Comment
Date: October 17, 2004 10:29PM

I would like you to spit on me, stupid American that i am, but remember that i carry a knife, dumb, American me, and might be likely to kick your ass, silly'ol, "i may be American, but you're probably some retard in his mother's basement", American-me. Talk about stupid/ironic, Morsel says we're redneck fools, yet acts like a bigot. Lucky you.
Blackswarm Report This Comment
Date: October 18, 2004 06:03AM

Spit on me and you better be ready for a knuckle sandwich to your jaw!
stussy-demon Report This Comment
Date: October 18, 2004 11:04AM

Yeah lets all cary guns like the wild wild west hey Blackswarm...fucking idiot, no wonder you have some of the highest murder rates you redneck twat. You are a maggot just like Bush..
Psion Report This Comment
Date: October 19, 2004 03:31AM

Wow.. us Americans are Redneck Twats, Maggots, racists, and idiots. Nothing new to be called there by the beleagured brits and their LEGAL cannabilism, or the fudge packing french and their same-sex marriages, or the hairy pit Italians and thier severe dislike of anything that doesn't resemble pasta, or the Germans (which I'm ashamed to say I'm decended from) and their constant genocide groups, or hey, how about those fuckin Aussies, must be nice to know your decendants where CRIMINALS and thugs who where outcast from the "European Continent" by countries who where so pure and righteous that their prisons overflowed with criminals so much that they had to EXPORT them to their own CONTINENT! Yeah, let's just say that every country is a bit fucked up, and let's all just agree that people like Bush, Degauille, Blair and a hundred other political weenies put us there.
stussy-demon Report This Comment
Date: October 19, 2004 11:05AM

Fair enough Psion, but I just don't think there is justice in keeping Bush as presidant so you can all carry guns! Do you not agree that guns breed murder?
Nottingham has recently earned the nickname 'Gun City' here in the UK ever since the Yardies have started selling crack. Murder rates relating to gun crime have risen more in Nottingham than the whole UK!

An innocent girl of 14 was walking home from the Nottingham fair 10 days ago and was shot in a totally random drive by shooting just yards from her home. Her mum ran out and managed some last words in the ambulance but she died later in hospital. A totally innocent bright young girl that shouldn't have had to worry about some heartless fuckers that chose to carry a firearm to probably show what a big men they are!

This made headlines across our entire country because of it's rarety here.

The gun supporters in the USA need to open their eyes to what trouble and heartache they cause.
Blackswarm Report This Comment
Date: October 22, 2004 04:25AM

Thats not why most people carry guns! Some for the mere purpose of collecting, others to go hunting (yes for animals not humans) Some for protection...then you have morons that will get them illegally and do what the idiots did to that girl and they won't even think twice about it!

I'm not saying that what happened to her is in any way justified...because its not! But some people are just messed up in the head! And you know how they got that way? Bad parenting or no parents at all!
stussy-demon Report This Comment
Date: October 22, 2004 09:17AM

Take guns out of the equation and you cut a large amount of deaths Blackswarm..period. You are such a idiot, you and your stupid fucking 2nd ammendment. Put your bible down and watch a film called 'Runaway Jury'.

As for hunting, well it says everything about hunters, cowardly fucking red neck small dick hunters. You want your balls removing because you need a gun to prove you have some. I spit on you!
stussy-demon Report This Comment
Date: October 22, 2004 09:20AM

Take guns out of the equation and you cut a large amount of deaths Blackswarm..period. You are such a idiot, you and your stupid fucking 2nd ammendment. Put your bible down and watch a film called 'Runaway Jury'.

As for hunting, well it says everything about hunters, cowardly fucking red neck small dick hunters. You want your balls removing because you need a gun to prove you have some. I spit on you!
frog_guts Report This Comment
Date: October 22, 2004 07:20PM

At least we can all agree that there is nothing more disgusting than the french.
Eric Report This Comment
Date: October 23, 2004 03:21PM

Eric Report This Comment
Date: October 23, 2004 03:24PM

To stussy-demon,

Getting Bush out of the White House will not cause the banning of guns. It will take more than that. However, I am against the government telling me I can't own a gun. Perhaps banning guns in the USA will cut down on deaths, but taking away one of our fundamental rights is not the answer. Keep fuckin' govt OUT of my private life as much as possible. If I want a gun, let me have one.
Alan Robinson Report This Comment
Date: October 29, 2004 12:36PM

I remember a TV interview, about 25 years ago.

The interviewer asked a North American Indian what they called America before the Europeans srrived.

"Ours" was his answer.
cesiuminjector Report This Comment
Date: February 11, 2005 01:49AM

does anyone know the gun situation in switzerland - required ownership of gun and how to use it - and the crime rate - pretty fucking low
cesiuminjector Report This Comment
Date: February 11, 2005 01:49AM

john lott more guns less crime
colingar Report This Comment
Date: May 25, 2006 10:55AM

how can i rate this pic -1,000,000?
Tim Report This Comment
Date: June 26, 2006 03:47AM

ok, listen, to start off I voted for Kerry. Now, all the foreigners complaining about America, please stop. You have no right to complain about a country you never have lived in, just as it is wrong for Americans to complain about other countries. There would be nothing called "Democracy" without America, and there would be nothing called "America" without France since we would've lost the Revolutionary War without them. Why don't we all say what good different countries have brought to the world instead of saying what bad different countries have brought.