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Lotta truth for a simple paragraph
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Lotta truth for a simple paragraph

"a man in a suit sitting in a chair"

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Comments for: Lotta truth for a simple paragraph
bfr Report This Comment
Date: August 21, 2013 06:42AM

whilst a president who took a country to war on a lie.......
pulse Report This Comment
Date: August 21, 2013 09:50AM

war hero?
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: August 21, 2013 11:25AM

Saddam new we were coming weeks before we attack and had plenty of time to truck his wmd's to Syria and elsewhere.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: August 21, 2013 03:37PM

Obviously bad intel coupled with poor ideology, and let's not forget, embraced by congress, led us into an unnecessary conflict in Iraq, no doubt about that.

There's quite a difference in those poor decisions and the ones this admin has made in choosing to side covertly with the MB and Hamas (2 well known international terrorist groups) in Egypt, Syria, Palestine and elsewhere.

Today in Egypt, Obozos 2nd nomination as secretary of state has been another utter failure as he chose to align himself with his long time friend, the VP who recently stepped down, instead of the one actually in the cat bird seat post the latest populist revolution, Asisi, and left us with no policy in place, nor political partner there at all now.

Just as he stated in his own biography, Obozo has chosen to "side with his Muslim brothers", yet it's with sadness that the ones he's chosen to side with are not the moderates but the extremist factions instead.

In Egypt this has now totally blown up in his face since the candidate he embraced and backed in Morsi has been roundly rejected by the populace there. Seems pretty telling when a predominantly Islamic country and its military, led by a Muslim, chose to ouster Morsi, and now even the Saudis along with several other ME entities have decided to lend a financial hand to Egypt, with a timing that's just as telling, as it comes right after Asisi said they would be cracking down on the terrorist MB factions wreaking havoc within the country.

Oddly enough (and once again with a timing that's VERY telling), that same decision by Asisi and the interim govt. seems to have triggered Obozos final card in his hand on the issue as the admin quietly decided to finally shutter aid to Egypt, right after this latest revelation came to fruition with the arrest of hundreds of MB leaders. 'Course the $1.3B in US aid he's now withholding is a popcorn fart next to the $12B the Saudis and allies have pledged in an attempt to actually help Egypt stabilize their country, as opposed to backing the disruptive MB factions as Obozo chose to do.

With so many scandals afoot (and none of them seeming to be getting anywhere due to obfuscation by all factions concerned in allowing access to pertinent docs), the overall decline of the USs strength and standing globally, with every relevant measure of societal progress in the US being totally skewed with mis/dis-information, a near doubling of the federal debt (with no end in sight yet for where that will eventually lead as Obozo just wants MORE$$ to blow), while the Federal Reserve is allowed to just keep on printing billions upon billions of dollars created out of thin air, with nothing to actually back them, which perilously places the Dollar in jeopardy as the dominant global currency, yeah, I guess even the poor decisions the previous admin made are lookin pretty good about now (*facepalm*)

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: August 22, 2013 11:12AM

Bad decision or not Saddam needed to go simply because of his constant thumbing his nose to the UN and the world for all those year. Now there is another leader in the world who needs to go for pretty much the same reasons, I am not sure this country will survive until he leaves office, if he actually leaves office.
KORWYN Report This Comment
Date: August 22, 2013 11:31PM

I cant imagine how fucked up this country would be right now with Milt the puppet in office. Like as not he could have been an even bigger fuck up than Bush.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: August 23, 2013 12:57AM

Uh yeah, and the only solutional candidate was insured by the Repubs and the MSM as a choice we'd never get to make ... Ron Paul rock

dumb_ass_american Report This Comment
Date: August 23, 2013 12:59AM

Wow.........It's been awhile. I see the site hasn't changed much except for the idiots. What kind of tool uses the word "obfuscation" and in the same paragraph calls the President "Obozo"? You sound like a redneck republican. Bet you're from down south? My guess would be Texas. Are you trying to impress your fellow redneck republican jgoins or who?

Question for you:

Do you think Obama would have done a better job as President if he would of come into office right after Clinton? Or do you think that Bush set Obama up to succeed? Would you take Bush back over Obama?
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: August 23, 2013 04:52AM

Wow.........It's been awhile. I see the site hasn't changed much except for the idiots.
What kind of tool uses the word "obfuscation" and in the same paragraph calls the President "Obozo"? You sound like a redneck republican. Bet you're from down south? My guess would be Texas. Are you trying to impress your fellow redneck republican jgoins or who?

It must've really been quite some time since you paid any attention to this site. I've been here pretty regularly for over 7yrs now and even a casual dumbass commenter would know indeed I'm from Texas.

Republican? No. Redneck? I would say that's a point of personal perspective, yet I do have to wonder how many folks you'd consider a redneck who would know the word obfuscation, much less how to use it properly in conversation? Maybe your own need for a thesaurus or dictionary prompted that question, hard to say.

As for my pet name for the interloper currently occupying 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., for a guy that could easily portray the 1/2 black version of Alfred E Newman, as they say ... if the shoe fits, well ...

To your last point above, I write from an opinionated stance, my own, and really don't care who disagrees or agrees with my thoughts. If I were to try and impress anyone it would be to try and impress them to think about ideas they find less palatable than the pablum they're spoon fed in most places, but most certainly primarily just to at least think for themselves period. Seems to be all but a lost art these days.

Question for you:

Do you think Obama would have done a better job as President if he would of come into office right after Clinton? Or do you think that Bush set Obama up to succeed? Would you take Bush back over Obama?

If Obozo had been in office on 9-11-2001 I shudder to think how REALLY fucked up our response might have been. I can certainly envision him having totally cow towed to the fuckin terrorists, so nope, I can't see him following Clinton as beneficial.

Bush having set Obozo up to succeed? At what? If you can state one thing this admin can tout as a success story I'd love to hear what that might be.

Though the point is moot in asking if I'd take Bush back as president, since that's an unconstitutional idea, I mean, he did have 2 consecutive terms, but the short answer would be yeah, in a heart beat spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: August 23, 2013 11:21AM

If Odamna had been in office instead of Bush then he would have been able to destroy America in the first term instead of needing 2 terms to almost do it. Even setting aside my prejudice he clearly seems to have the agenda bring down the US from within for his Moslem brothers. Hell yeah I would love to have Bush back in office, hell I would love to have anyone in office other then Odamna, maybe even Joe Biden.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: August 27, 2013 05:50PM

ya gotta love the old "better than Bush" lack of defense! smiling bouncing smiley

progressive Demotwits and Repugnants alike have been destroying this country and exploiting the rest of the world for 100 years. time to wake up junior.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: August 28, 2013 10:55AM

Until we can come up with something better than the 2 party system we are stuck with what we have. It seems as though the majority of the American public doesn't seem to understand that we don't have to be stuck with the ones we elect forever, we can vote them out. How many think our elections don't work anymore and don't bother to vote?