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I Pledge Allegiance
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I Pledge Allegiance

"a flag with a red green and blue flag"

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Comments for: I Pledge Allegiance
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 04, 2007 08:23PM

Fuck that shit! hot smiley
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 04, 2007 09:18PM

It is already well under way. Fools..... I live with fooooolssss....

Don't complain about it later dicks!
The AntiChrist (Osama Bin Laden) Report This Comment
Date: October 05, 2007 12:47AM

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the North American Union and to the one governance for which it stands, three Nations united as one, divisible, with no liberties and no justice for all. Praise be to Allah.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: October 05, 2007 12:54AM

the anti=crist/ osama bin laden"s e-mail is: aussiegirl.ho ^^^^

so hiding out in australia nd creating dissention on the other side of the world means you have balls? smiling bouncing smiley
The AntiChrist (Osama Bin Laden) Report This Comment
Date: October 05, 2007 02:01AM

the anti=crist/ osama bin laden"s e-mail is: aussiegirl.ho ^^^^

so hiding out in australia nd creating dissention on the other side of the world means you have balls?

where does it say I'm hiding out in Australia? just cause my email happens to have aussie in it? I guess you can't be from Australia and live in the North American Union? wow fossil nigger you are one bright cookie....don't piss on my boots and tell me it's raining!!

wake up people your once great nation is being flushed down the crapper, rise up and stop the insanity!!

fossil maybe you should learn to be a little more creative! luv ya deary

p.s. I'd love to hear from all you dim wits who think that there is nothing wrong with creating "The North American Union" you've got my addy.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: October 05, 2007 02:06AM

did i ever say it was good? no i didn't, i don't like it any more than i guess you do, but crying about it on this site trying to influence someone to you thought process is futile and borderline comical. aussie twat. grinning smiley
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: October 05, 2007 02:11AM

oh yes and just a ltlle hint: impersonating the anti-crist or whatever the fuck you meant won't gain you any favor even if someone is "straddling the fence"
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: October 05, 2007 02:17AM

oops, did i say aussie twat out loud? pardon me. grinning smiley
The AntiChrist (Osama Bin Laden) Report This Comment
Date: October 05, 2007 03:02AM

well yes you did , but hey I am an Aussie and I do have a twat, so no insult taken, but thanks for the pardon.

believe me this is not the only site I'm trying to get people to wake up, I'm all over the net. And hiding behind the "AntiChrist" should make people either laugh or be concerned, he is coming and in our life times, so maybe we should all be concerned!!?? I will not have the mark of the beast put upon me!!!
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: October 05, 2007 03:51AM

smiling bouncing smiley that shit burns! i had so much fun there they kicked me out! the
finger smiley
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: October 05, 2007 04:46AM

i think you'll find no sheep here darlin
ORLANDO399 Report This Comment
Date: October 05, 2007 11:05AM

mmmmmmmmmmm an aussie chick r u hotter than this

what about this
or this
and this
finger smiley
what about this
or this
if ya are then i'll baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh all ya wantthe
finger a pic,or are ya chickenshit?spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 05/10/2007 12:31PM by ORLANDO399.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: October 05, 2007 02:58PM

Why should we worry about something he have no control over. If the 3 governments decide to make a North American Union there is nothing we can do about it short of a revolution and I don't see that happening ever. It would be impossible to get enough people to agree with a revolution to make it occur. Voting in democrats in the next election won't stop it either so why cry about it? Even if it happens there will still be America. The European Union still has all it's individual countries in it so what makes you think America will be lost?
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: October 05, 2007 07:15PM

^^^^^^ Dude, (jgoins)if you believe the above stated BS might I advise a serious dosing of caffiene or meth to wake your ass up !

Thinking we are powerless at determining our destiny as a nation is EXACTLY the kind of lameness the powers bent on implementation of the NAU are counting on and if you think such a union is a positive or good thing I surely can't say we're in agreement !!!!!

One fundamental difference between the EAU and the proposed NAU is that in the ideaology of the NAU is included the disolution of the US as a distinct sovereign entity and subjection to our citizens to rule by a governmantal entity of all 3 nations laws jumbled together in a new format. This means a big wave Bye-bye to the constitution along with life as we have always known it here.

While America is far from perfect I'll be GOD DAMNED if I wanna see anyone in Mexico or Canada have any say in how we go about our business here in the US of A !

In short .... FUCK the NAU and all it stands for and ..... presenting this issue on the net IS a viable way to generate interest in its opposition so I'm all for it !

If you think the net can't have impact on the world as a whole a perfect example to the contrary can be found in a subject I posted in the forums regarding a truly earth shaking find in the scientific realm regarding pollution free energy production. It seems Googles very forward thinking establishment and their posting of a long video about one mans near life long quest to solve this problem has actually paid off with funding for the continuation of his groups work.

Without this posting on Google, his groups work had remained under the radar, but that all changed when it became available for consumption by the millions of net users and EXACTLY the reason I myself had posted a link to it !!

Eventhough I can't say I'm in agreement with aussiegirls imaginary friends or the "mark of the beast" BS we obviously are in agreement with one another on the NAU and ..... if someone not American born is against the NAU as well, who cares about their birth given nationality anyway ? Common sense and solid logic knows no specific nationality as a home !!!!!

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: October 06, 2007 04:44PM

My point mainly is there is no hope of changing anything in the world from this site. American will not be lost because there are too many in this country who will not sit still and allow it to happen. The only way it can happen peacefully would be if it is done slowly and and by minute details. A little here and a little there then the majority of Americans will never notice the changes. Possibly the changes have already been happening for decades already through many administrations with the removal of minor rights and the changing of many laws.
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: October 10, 2007 05:23PM

the nau is just a "straw dog"... although there are some truths about it, actually it already does exist, but it will never become this blatant, rather it is better to allow the sheeple to believe that they are free, ery now and and then create a false flag terrorising them into giving up more of their rights and then go plunder another country
really it all because a few people get what they want while most don't get what the need
but keep watching your televisions