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More dead Americans

"a police officer holding a baby"

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Comments for: More dead Americans
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: July 18, 2016 12:01PM

The recent police killings people are saying are not race related simply because some of those dead are black. Media tend to forget why police are being targeted and killed. Police are being wrongfully attacked because of the misconception of black community that they are being targeted by the police for death and that is racially motivated. The black lives matter has been calling for attacks against police from the beginning and it doesn't matter who is wearing the uniform. You have to ask yourself, "why do you think the police have targets on their backs?". Some instigators are doing this because of race and others are doing it simply to create anarchy. Hopefully nothing happens until after our divider in chief leaves office in January but I feel like it will and he will declare martial law probably even before the election in November.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: July 18, 2016 11:28PM

Obozo, the "Divider In Chief", along with his democratic minions have all too successfully stirred the cauldron of racial divide to the point the smell now permeates the entire nation and the results are as plain as can be.

He and the rest of the liberalist establishment have successfully vilified every event where a black criminal was killed by police as a racist event, well before all the facts are even in, and in effect tried the police in the press in advance of any investigation having taken place. This emboldens activists and criminals alike to commit the malicious and criminal acts of rioting, looting, pillaging, destruction of property (private and public), and most recently murder of police officers (who in no way were even connected to the cases in question).

Obozo and his activist have managed to so totally distort what are the real facts surrounding these events, while at the same time never once quoting the truth about the disproportionate amount of violence incurred by blacks on whites, blacks on blacks, nor the fact that more whites have been killed by cops in the same time period.

It should also be reported in fairness that blacks with only 14% of the population commit 60+% of all violent crime, yet whites with only 70 or so % of the population can only be attributed to having committed 30% or so of all violent crime, but ... have been killed more often by police than have blacks, who obviously were in more confrontations with police than the whites have been.

So now that Obozo has managed to all too successfully have let loose the hounds of hell on those tasked with keeping the peace in the US, and suddenly realizing with the recent spate of targeted cop killings that it's all gotten out of control, now the fuckstik wants to call for calm and reason?

I was alive in the 60s when racial unrest was at a fever pitch here in the US. I saw the marches and protests on the nightly news and knew 1st hand just how tense race relations were in that time and can assure anyone todays events are much more ominous. The protests and protesters didn't target and kill cops, nor was there an ongoing dialogue coming out of the black communities to "Kill all white cops and whites too" as is present today.

Race relations have NEVER been this divided nor as violent in our entire history, which all lays directly at the feet of those who have distorted the facts to enrage the fires of racial tension. And just in case you're wondering, no it's not the cops or whites who are doing it.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 18/07/2016 11:31PM by Mrkim.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: July 19, 2016 11:13AM

Mr. Kim
"So now that Obozo has managed to all too successfully have let loose the hounds of hell on those tasked with keeping the peace in the US, and suddenly realizing with the recent spate of targeted cop killings that it's all gotten out of control, now the fuckstik wants to call for calm and reason?"

If Odamna's intentions are to declare martial law then what he has done in stirring the pot falls in line with that narrative. He can stir the pot until it starts to boil then back off and call for calm knowing full well the heat is still on so that he can appear temperate when the pot boils over and he enacts martial law. If martial law is his intention everything he has put into motion is working. The mainstream media is working on his behalf and fanning the flames. I believe that most in the black lives matter group don't even know what they are pushing towards, Only the agitators know what they are working towards which is total anarchy and/or war. I truly hope I am wrong in this assumption but with all the attacks on the police seem to point that way. In a government take over I believe the police would be our first line of defense against a malicious government.

I really can't believe a majority of blacks would support even a black dictator in America. I hope like hell I am not turning back to conspiracy theories it was so exhausting in my youth.