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The Catillion Effect - quantative easing - it's a wealth transfer, nothing more.
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The Catillion Effect - quantative easing - it's a wealth transfer, nothing more.

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Comments for: The Catillion Effect - quantative easing - it's a wealth transfer, nothing more.
Anon Report This Comment
Date: July 31, 2022 08:35AM

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The money created out of nothing to buy government bonds, creating the inflation happening now, is being withdrawn and cancelled by increasing interest rates (taxing the interest).
Instead, central banks, who issued the quantitative easing (the new money) could put the bonds on sale at their purchase price to cancel the new money when they sell. They could cancel the interest paid on the bonds, say 2 percent every six months, lowering the sale price of the bonds by the same amount: 2 percent every six months, until they sell. Problem solved, no interest rate rise to combat inflation.

See comments here:

There's nothing natural or inevitable about the coming bankruptcies and foreclosures. It's wealth transfer and was described from within the 'conservative' faction of Australia's Liberal Party in the late 1980's. It's happening.
Anon Report This Comment
Date: September 05, 2022 04:55AM

Those stars at the top let you vote.
Anon Report This Comment
Date: December 05, 2023 03:01AM

I meant the comments here:


The attempt at massive wealth transfer by flooding more money into the system has caused a mess. I don't know if the Catillion effect actually works. Looking at Mr Catillion's life and time, what he would have been exposed to, suggests his perspective may have been limited. It's just my take on it.

One definition of madness is to try the same thing again and expect a different result. The yanks are about to do that with their 'Inflation Reduction Act', where you use inflation to reduce vast numbers of people to poverty - and try to seize the economies of every country.

I think it was Quasi who posted the photo of homeless people living under a bridge in that country? If that Act goes through you've seen nothing yet Quasi. The rest of us will defend ourselves by booting yank investors and employees. One, not the only, way to do that is to join BRICS. But China has suggested copying the yanks and issuing a global currency through BRICS. I suggest they don't do that.
Anon Report This Comment
Date: May 05, 2024 11:10AM

At time of writing central banks are buying gold in 'over the counter' (OTC) transactions to qualify for BRICS. The yanks claim it's China preparing to fund a war. It's an excuse to soften people up for their seizing control of the gold trade so nations cannot qualify for BRICS (China has vast gold reserves and gold mines).