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That's a fucking scary clown
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That's a fucking scary clown

"a man with red hair and a clown face"

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Comments for: That's a fucking scary clown
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: October 15, 2016 10:00AM

I would rather have him than the wicked witch of the west as president.
Reality Check Report This Comment
Date: October 16, 2016 10:02PM

Amid the bleakness of Shakespeare's King Lear one character, Edgar declares: the worst is not/so long as we can say "this is the worst".

Just when you think it can't get any worse – Trump as candidate – here comes a more troubling prospect: the Trump next time, four years off, who defeats an unpopular President Clinton.

It's easy to tick off what gave the Republican nomination this time to a bossy, ignorant demagogue – the loss of industrial jobs, anxiety over borders and trade, racist resentment of minorities. Perhaps, as well, bewilderment at a multipolar world where America can't get its way.

None of these is about to fade.

The old jobs aren't coming back. China is shrugging off traditional manufacturing so the plants in America's industrial belt aren't going to be opening again. In any case the robots are arriving to disrupt manufacturing and services alike.

The anger of white working-class males, incited by Trump, is bound to simmer angrily at a distrusted woman in the White House imposing background checks for gun buyers and appointing three or four liberal justices to the Supreme Court.

After years of decline violent crime is increasing. The cost of Obamacare is rising and will need higher premiums and bigger subsidies. The Congressional Budget Office projects debt to rise from 2.9 to 4.9 per cent of GDP over the decade.

The US genius for innovation runs strong but the US system does a lousy job of distributing the gains. Stagnant real wages will feed grievance over immigration and there's little a president can do about it.

The US will continue to be defied – not just by Putin, even by President Duterte​ of the Philippines. North Korea or Syria are problems without solutions, leaving chauvinists to lament the US has never been more powerless. The truth is this catch cry has been thrown at every president since Harry Truman, including Ronald Reagan in his last years. But the US Right stridently insists America is surrounded by enemies. The neo-cons who gave us Iraq and unleashed Islamic State are demanding America prove its greatness with new wars in the Middle East.

If Clinton takes office on January 20 she will have been defined as "crooked Hillary" by Republican attacks over emails, the family foundation and paid speeches to Wall Street. Only one voter in three sees her as honest or trustworthy and she may have the lowest approval rating of any victor since polls began. No honeymoon. Little goodwill.

Add lashings of misogyny to this toxic atmosphere and all is tailored for a Republican revival, and a revival with strong elements of Tea Party radicalism and Trump's populist white nationalism.

As a result the Republican Party of 2020 will be different from that of Reagan, the Bushes and McCain. It will be the party of the white working class, viscerally anti-trade. The party will be as anti-immigrant as right wing European parties like Marine Le Pen's. Nativism and populism will be the glue that holds it together.

So, the Trump next time? The challenger who can render Hillary a one-term president like Jimmy Carter or George H. Bush?

Donald Trump Jnr, now 38, or Ivanka Trump, 34, might be tempted. There is Trump's running mate Mike Pence. If they survive there are the vindicated Trump critics like Senator Ted Cruz and House Speaker Paul Ryan. The latter's stand-out policy, as economist Paul Krugman points out, is tax cuts for the rich.

But the perfect candidate for new era Republicans may be the junior senator from Arkansas, 39-year-old Tom Cotton who boasts a dream CV, raised on a family farm and with combat service as lieutenant in Iraq and Afghanistan.

He is an extreme ideologue. He helped torpedo immigration reform to the distress of then-Republican speaker John Boehner. He sabotaged criminal justice reform declaring the US suffers not from too many in jail but too few, what he calls "under-incarceration".

In 2015 he tried to sabotage negotiations between the Obama administration and Iran by writing to Iran's Ayatollah saying any anti-nuclear agreement would be dishonoured by a future Republican president, breathtaking in undermining the foreign policy of his own country. He supported a short, sharp war against Iran. He wanted to arm Israel with B-52s to help. He received a campaign donation of nearly $1 million from Bill Kristol's Emergency Committee on Israel in fond appreciation.

His slogans make good bumper stickers. "Let 'em rot," for example, is his stand on Guantanamo prisoners.

He was described on Salon as "Sarah Palin with a Harvard degree; Ted Cruz with a war record."

He has positioned himself to inherit Trump's base, speaking at the nominating convention and refusing to disown him after recent revelations. Post-election Trump is expected to launch a communications network to the right of Fox. Expect Cotton to be its favourite son.

Last week Cotton campaigned for Republicans in Iowa, where caucuses every four years start the presidential election process. He speaks directly to the base of the new, emergent Republican Party.

His raw inexperience combined with his relish for war elevates him to a level of menace that rivals that of 1964 Republican candidate Barry Goldwater.

Trump might be finished. But another playwright, Bertolt Brecht, warned: "Do not rejoice in his defeat, you men. For though the world has stood up and stopped the bastard, the bitch that bore him is in heat again."

- Bob Carr is a former foreign affairs minister and former NSW premier.
it's me Report This Comment
Date: October 17, 2016 12:14AM

interesting writeup. pretty sure that's how hitler started.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: October 17, 2016 12:43PM

Does anyone really believe America can survive 4 years of a Hillary presidency to be able to vote in someone better? Considering that Hillary has stated she will continue Obama's direction he is taking the country and the fact she wants to open our borders.

A Trump presidency at worse would basically hold our nation at this point for the next 4 years while he works to get his plans pushed through congress. There will be a cooling off period while we learn what he wants to do with the nation. If we don't like what he wants we will be able vote to replace him in 4 years but at least in that 4 years our nation will not be destroyed by open borders, Obamacare and all the crap Obama has brought us into.

Remember it is easier to keep a car moving in one direction than it is to slow it down and turn it. A nation is much the same, we can stop the movement while we determine what is the best direction to take it or we can just hit the accelerator and plow forward and hope we don't hit something.