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Fuck you again, America.
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Fuck you again, America.

"a woman smiling at the camera"

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Comments for: Fuck you again, America.
woberto Report This Comment
Date: July 20, 2017 11:51AM

Your country is fucked.
Come and live with us, leave that shit hole behind.
Except you Spazzii smiling

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 21/07/2017 08:34AM by woberto.
SpazzII Report This Comment
Date: July 20, 2017 12:26PM

No thank you.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: July 21, 2017 11:47AM

The very rare wrongful death by a police officer is no reason to leave our country. This was wrong but is very rare instance considering the amount of police/citizen encounters. Did any of you notice the officer doing the shooting was black and Muslim? Where is the racial outrage?
woberto Report This Comment
Date: July 22, 2017 03:01AM

Over 500 this year have been killed by police guns in th US.
woberto Report This Comment
Date: July 22, 2017 03:04AM

Oh, and since this post another 23 people have been killed by police in the US.
click here if you have the balls to face the facts

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 22/07/2017 03:05AM by woberto.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: July 22, 2017 11:14AM

In 2008, state and local law enforcement agencies employed more than 1.1 million people on a full-time basis, including about 765,000 sworn personnel (defined as those with general arrest powers). Agencies also employed approximately 100,000 part-time employees, including 44,000 sworn officers.

An estimated 62.9 million U.S. residents age 16 or older, or about 26 percent of the population, had one or more contacts with police in 2011 (Bureau of Justice Statistics)


Your figure does not differentiate between those who were killed because they were trying to kill the police or others and wrongful deaths. What would happen if there were no police?
Loner Report This Comment
Date: July 22, 2017 07:22PM

This tragedy is as bad as it is sad. But, to attempt to insult 320 million people because of a few morons doesn't seem so bright. I don't think that I need to defend America as an idea or a political system, or whatever aspect anyone would like to call out. Surely, woberto just said that to get some edifying discussion going, right? Did I say moron?

I like the Killed by Police site. It's good to have one, I actually mean that. And, I'm going to spend the rest of my day reading all of the news links (good idea) associated with the deaths; not.

If anyone wants to see a real slice of dumb America, check out the press conference last night by the Minneapolis Mayor:
No security? No planning? No brains?
Still though, no violence, yet. I wonder how many of those activists present at the press conference voted in the last election. Good points were made though about the Minneapolis Police camera policy. I don't know. Should police have their dash cam on when there is nothing of relevance in front of the car? Should officers be required to have their body cams on when they are inside the car? The answer might be to engage them as soon as they arrive on the scene going forward.

What does Minneapolis's/Minnesota's immigration stance have on this? Nothing? But it sure looks bad. Really bad! After calling the police twice about hearing a disturbance in an alley Justine Ruszczyk goes out to meet the police. Muhamed Noor (police officer in the passenger seat) hears a loud noise. Then, notices Justine just outside the drivers side of the car, pulls his gun and shoots her (yes, shoots her from the passenger side). ??? Poor training? Poor hire? Both?

What did Mark Twain say? "Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics." (originator not known) I might be inclined to trust National Review more than others (which isn't saying so much). But, the DOJ? No, not without detail on how the stats were compiled. As I get older I find that a large percentage (not a majority) of sources just lie to you, and the rest don't know what the hell they are talking about.

Stay inside.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 22/07/2017 07:23PM by Loner.
Hp Report This Comment
Date: July 22, 2017 08:06PM

When I was working in South Africa, they would sift white male students in high school, dumb knuckleheads were labelled for entry into the police force.
Seems the USA has adopted this policy too?
Loner Report This Comment
Date: July 22, 2017 08:22PM

The person in question here appears to be a black Somalian.

The police hiring procedures and operating practices work in America. Problems? Oh, yeah! Just this week in Chicago a cop was caught, by his own body cam no less, planting drugs in a soup can during a property search. Most problems can be solved with good police operating standards and practices, or a decent lawyer.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 22/07/2017 08:28PM by Loner.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: July 23, 2017 10:44AM

My point is there might be a few bad officers but not all are bad. The vast majority of them are hard working conscientious people with a desire to help. You can find a few bad employees in ever business or job category in the world. How many people complaining about the police are doing so because they had been pulled over and given a ticket? What do you think would happen anywhere in the world if there were no police? Who ya gonna call ghostbusters?
woberto Report This Comment
Date: July 24, 2017 11:37AM

I don't blame the cop, it's got nothing to do with Trump and it's not all Bush's fault.
It's your fucking country, look how far you have fallen.
In Australia if you called the police out for a complaint like this, they'd get out of the car and shake your hand then ask you what the problem is.
In America, every fucker has a gun and think it's still the wild wild west.
Loner Report This Comment
Date: July 24, 2017 02:10PM

woberto, have you ever lived in the USA? If so, where and for how long?
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: July 24, 2017 03:34PM

i'm confused. are you guys proposing gun control FOR the police?
or just better training for said cops?
i sure hope it's the latter or i'll be laughing to hard to type a response.
Loner Report This Comment
Date: July 24, 2017 04:46PM

Now I'm confused. So, this discussion sounds like I'm doing anything in concert with woberto?
But, to address fossil's questions:
Fossil, you probably know, because I think that you live in the USA, that Minneapolis made a big deal out of hiring this officer. And now this (bad and sad).
Right now I'm trying to understand woberto.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 24/07/2017 04:47PM by Loner.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: July 25, 2017 12:22AM

Though it's hard to say for certain, waddn there at the time to know what really happened and why. But .... from the sound of things the cop over reacted and killed someone without any seemingly valid reason for having done so.

This shit happens, though it shouldn't, it does. Humans are basically flawed beings, some more than others, but normal people, cops and every one else fucks up. Sometimes people even die because of it. Wish it waddn so, but that ain't about to make anything better and it damned sure ain't gonna change basic human behavior.

All that said, if anyone, cops included, fucks up and someone dies because of it, they should all be held to the same level of accountability, period (*horse*)

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: July 25, 2017 10:58AM

Yes Mr. Kim you are right, they should be held accountable but only after the investigation is over. The entire profession should not be held accountable for the actions of so very few though. I cannot find any reason to support this officer's action as of now but unless I am on a jury in his trial it is not my job to judge him. If the woman killed had been a black person we would be hearing from BLM and everyone on the left about how evil the police are.

The guns are not the reason this woman is dead. Just because we still possess guns in the states does not mean we are dangerous. I live in Arkansas and we have been able to openly carry a firearm since 2013 and it has cause very little anxiety among the people or the police. I have been openly carrying for over a year now and carried concealed my entire adult life and since I have been doing so openly I have only heard 2 comments about it. One was a "good on ya" comment from a man leaving Wal-Mart when I entered and the other was a child telling his mother "that man has a gun" and the mother replied "it's ok he is allowed to". It is not the guns that are the issue, it is people's attitudes toward those guns guns that is the issue. Here in the south we are used to gun and are not afraid of people carrying them. The left and right coast and the north not so much. It seems that they are so used to people telling them what to do and how to act that they don't really have much experience with guns or people who use them. Don't start with "Little Rock has one of the highest death rates in the nation" bologna. Yes it does but it is not because of guns, it because of so many issues and even if guns magically disappeared they would still have a high death rate. The fact that people kill people is never going to change even if one method was removed. It is a fact that humans are a very hostile species and the method we use to kill is not the reason we kill each other.
pulse Report This Comment
Date: July 26, 2017 04:13AM

Gun debate around here has been done to death, and we'll never agree.

All I'll say is sure; people will kill people, with or without guns. But it makes it a fucking lot easier to do it with a gun. One second of red mist, somebody's dead. It's really hard to beat somebody to death, especially if it's just a moment of rage and not a planned action. A gun on the other hand?
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: July 26, 2017 10:39AM

I could problee still beat someone to death, course they'd need to be helpful and stay still. Oh yeah, and patience on their part would be a plus too as I'd problee need to take a cuppla breathers along the way, but hell yeah .... I could do that star wars fighting

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: July 26, 2017 11:13AM

It is just as easy to kill someone with a knife, a car, a bomb or even bare hands. Instead of making guns illegal maybe we should make killing illegal? No, wait, hasn't that been done already?
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: July 26, 2017 01:46PM

almost beating someone to death was the reason i quit drinking and doing drugs New Years day 1990. it's not hard if you know what your doing. sad
GAK67 Report This Comment
Date: July 26, 2017 07:11PM

jgoins: It is just as easy to kill someone with a knife, a car, a bomb or even bare hands.

Ah, no. To kill somebody with a knife you have to get close and use more physical force. To kill somebody with a car they need to be in a relatively open space (you don't get very many people killed by a car in their house for example). To kill somebody with a bomb takes some education and training to make it in the first place. To kill somebody with your bare hands takes physical effort and skill, and like with the knife you need to be close. So while you can kill somebody with all of these things, don't make generalisations, that you've probably heard others make first, in defense of your position.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: July 27, 2017 11:18AM

It's not something I have heard someone say. This came from over 60 years of experience and life. Bombs need no education to make, instructions can be found on the internet quite easily. With a good knife it would take very little effort and getting close does not seem to matter to people who are inclined to kill. A vehicle can be used on any city sidewalk quite easily as Europe can attest to. Removing a method of killing will not stop the destruction of human lives, what is needed is a way to make life mean more to everyone. I have had access to guns my entire life and have never murdered anyone as have the majority of people in the world. If the reasons people kill others were somehow removed then the killings will stop.
Loner Report This Comment
Date: July 27, 2017 12:00PM

GAK67 has a point, up to a point. He seems to be more concerned with method. Whereas, I think jgoins is talking about will.
I'll say up front that I don't believe that I am an expert at killing or murder or the tools that one might use to accomplish these things, or defending against these things. But I do believe this: "It is better to be able to receive an enemy, than to rely on their likelihood of coming". So, I consider these things.
So, for GAK67:
"To kill somebody with your bare hands takes physical effort and skill" - ...not to mention that there are no sure things. To discuss "bare hands" without knowing who your opponent really is would take too many keystrokes. Anyway, the answer is: That's why you use a tool.
"To kill somebody with a knife you have to get close and use more physical force" - ...I think that you are off the mark here regarding the "force" factor. It sounds to me like you are equating "bare hands" with a knife attack. I don't think that they are. 1st off, your knife should be felt, not seen (unless your goal was induce terror, but that's not what we are talking about). Take your basic prison shiv job. Someone is in the lunch line or walking down a hallway and Pow! Zap! Boom! (Batman reference) you feel 3 punches to your kidney. But, they aren't punches. Once the victim realizes that these are knife wounds they should run away. If the victim is still vulnerable 7 more holes will probably provide enough leaks to get the killing job done. I like the prison hits in the film American Me (1992). As far as "getting close", that's the point (pun intended). Plus, lets not make it sound like these encounters, even "bare hands", are like a boxing match, with rings, gloves and referees. Ambush is an excellent tactic. Take the rash of Knockout Game street attacks that we had in the USA a couple of years back. Not a whole lot of skill there. But a great tactic. My point is that a 'proper' knife attack is effective, while using a lot less calories compared to "bare hands".
"you don't get very many people killed by a car in their house" - ... that's why you don't use the car tool inside the house. Are you saying, for instance just taking you GAK67 as an example, that you are never in an open space? Do not have general habits of going to work, the store, walking around, etc. Just a little research puts a perp's F150 right on your ass (or, over your ass).
"To kill somebody with a bomb takes some education and training to make it in the first place." - ...Yes. But a 5 gallon can of gasoline and a pack of matches will only cost $50 and requires virtually no brains at all to use.

For pulse:
"But it makes it a fucking lot easier to do it with a gun. " - ...not as easy as hopping into an F150 with a 5 gallon can of gasoline packing a 3 inch folding pocket knife. Knife carry laws in the USA vary from state to state. But, you don't need to pass a background check every time you buy one. Or, buy a car, Or, buy gas. Pulse makes it sound like shooting a gun is as easy as hitting the Escape Key. It is not. For the most part, to be effective you still have to get pretty close to your target. Sure, Charlize Theron makes it look easy in the movies.

If there is will to do it there certainly are ways.
pulse Report This Comment
Date: July 27, 2017 11:28PM

You're still talking about planned, pre meditated. I'm talking about walking around town and something happens and you lose it. It may be harder than the movies portray - I don't know, I don't care to find out.

It's still a fuck load easier than something happening, and you saying "wait here I'm gonna go get my truck, or download instructions from the internet and buy the materials I need, that'll show you".
Loner Report This Comment
Date: July 27, 2017 11:52PM

"walking around town and something happens and you lose it".
I think that there are 3 parts:
1) "walking around town" - I think that you mean: Living my life: minding your own business.
3) "and you lose it": I think that you mean: You get killed.
I need clarification on 2) "something happens".
Please clarify any of these if I have them wrong.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: July 28, 2017 12:33AM

Fuck, I'm well on my way to being able to undertake some serious mayhem and it's never even crossed my mind, well not lately anyway, but I digress.

Right this second I have 3 - 5 gallon cans of petrolatium sittin in the bed of my Dodge 1500, a cuppla books of matches in the console, so shit man, all I need to be a totally psychotic and empowered urban marauder is to grab a handful of nice pointy steak knives on my way out to the truck and I'm good to go, no matter what method I choose and don't even need to grab the pistola, WooHoooo hot smiley monty
smiles clown rock
on smileys with beer
Loner Report This Comment
Date: July 28, 2017 12:52AM

Your hyperbolic fireball does not confuse or distract; nothing. pulse, please explain....
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: July 28, 2017 11:49AM

"walking around town and something happens and you lose it".

How many times does this actually happen in real life? Out of 315 million people in the US, how many actually just lose it and how many of them are armed at the time? What percentage of the population legally owns or carries a pistol actually use that weapon to murder someone? I am not talking about legal self defense either.

Just trying to remove one method of murder does nothing to eliminate the cause of murder.

In actuality with the amount of guns available in the US how would you be able to remove them and not leave them available for criminals to use?

What laws can be passed to prevent criminals from using guns in their crimes?

Why is everybody only trying to remove guns from law abiding citizens?
pulse Report This Comment
Date: July 28, 2017 01:39PM

jgoins, you've got it wrong. I'm not trying to fix the US' ills. I don't care.

The horse has bolted. It's too late. You can defend it however you like. Your gun laws, the fact you all want to feel like a big man carrying a gun; I don't care. You're fair and reasonable; that's great. Somebody else will take it too far and kill somebody in a flash of anger. Guns are in 'bad guys' hands because they're so easily available. The amount of shootings we have compared to the US is astronomical. Sure, some bad guys get guns here, but the percentage is way lower. I don't feel a need to carry a gun, because the guy next to me doesn't have one and I'll take the chance I can beat him in a fist fight or knife fight if required.

I hope your guns make you feel great, and I'm sure you've never had that feeling where you've snapped and lost it. But out of 300-something million of you, if it happens to 10 people a day, it's 10 people too many.
Loner Report This Comment
Date: July 28, 2017 03:49PM

Pulse -
"some bad guys get guns here, but the percentage is way lower". Do you have a source for that stat?
"big man carrying a gun" - That's a guy thing, not specific to America. But, to generalize 'because gun therefore' is bullshit.
"Somebody else will take it too far" - Yep. Morons everywhere.
"Guns are in 'bad guys' hands because they're so easily available." - Sounds intuitive enough. Source?
"The amount of shootings we have compared to the US is astronomical." Yes. And strangely, living in one of the safest cities in my state I see none of it.
"I'll take the chance I can beat him in a fist fight or knife fight if required." - You must be a real bad ass, Pulse. If I saw a hint of that shit coming I would be gone in a flash. There are way, way too many unknowns and factors beyond my control. If that happens to me it would probably be an ambush. Then, FUCK! I'll do what I can. Or, are we back to that guy thing.
"if it happens to 10 people a day, it's 10 people too many."- Duh. <--Translation: Yes: of course; really doesn't need mentioning.

For me, I'd rather have a gun and not need it, than need a gun and not have one. I do not carry. But, I would if the location warranted it.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 28/07/2017 03:51PM by Loner.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: July 28, 2017 04:01PM

Pulse: have you ever shot a gun?
have you ever owned a gun?
have you ever needed one and not had one? i'm assuming since you're alive..........
i know you're an action movie fan.............
damn, you got a bunch of typing out of me
woberto Report This Comment
Date: July 29, 2017 01:45AM

Back the truck up.
If you cannot call the police for assistance without getting yourself killed by those same police, that's a problem.
Loner Report This Comment
Date: July 29, 2017 02:24AM

woberto -
What a puny perspective you have. Show me the stat's on how prevalent that is.
I asked you if you had ever lived in the USA, where and for how long, and you didn't answer. Are you refusing to answer?
pulse Report This Comment
Date: July 29, 2017 05:44AM

Who cares how prevalent it is? Once is disgusting. You call the police for help, they turn up and shoot you.

What the fuck is wrong with you if that's not a problem?
Loner Report This Comment
Date: July 29, 2017 06:54AM

I didn't say it wasn't a problem. Show me where I did.
woberto's statement that makes it sound like any time a person calls the police that they are likely to be shot. Let's read it again:
"If you cannot call the police for assistance without getting yourself killed by those same police, that's a problem."
The 1st part is incorrect. You can call the police for assistance without getting yourself killed by those same police. Countless thousands of calls are made every day without the police shooting the caller. If you can site other occurrences I'm all eyes and ears.

But on July 15th it did happen. And, that definitely IS A PROBLEM!
They better do a good job with the investigation. Because I'm not so sure that they are off to a very good start.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: July 29, 2017 11:00AM

There were mistakes made by everybody involved with the shooting. The officer who shot her was a man who probably heard too much about all the police killings and clearly over reacted. The woman should have remained in her home until the police knocked on her door and should never have gone outside to the police car in the first place.

the investigation will probably not go very far because he was a minority and it would be bad PR for their city. I think the stats of truly innocent people being killed by the police is very very low compared to those who weren't killed by the police.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: July 29, 2017 12:47PM

when it comes to police shootings, such as this situation, it only proves the department in question lacked proper training. it's an easy fix, it's an obvious conclusion and has nothing to do with race,

Loner Report This Comment
Date: July 29, 2017 02:30PM

This may be a bad hire as well. I don't know how the screening process varies in police departments. But, they might have missed something here. Officer Noor was also placed in a fast track, 7 month training program.
How the call was handled on scene is troubling:
They evidently decide to prowl down the alley in their cruiser. OK, but with guns already drawn?
Justine appears to have approached the drivers side of the cruiser from behind. Then, slaps the body of the cruiser making a noise that apparently startles Noor. I have a problem with the driver not seeing Justine approaching.
When Justine gets to the drivers side door Noor shoots her from the passenger side. A woman in woman PJ's is extremely non-threatening.
Body cameras were not on. "patrol car’s dashcam did not capture the pivotal moments, either".

The investigation also needs to look into any political pressure placed on the police department to hire a Somali. While it's not a bad idea to hire a Somali. To hire an unqualified Somali just to have one is a very bad idea.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 29/07/2017 02:50PM by Loner.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: July 29, 2017 11:21PM

it was a gift job in the U.S. because he squealed on some of his Pirate buddies....that's it.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: July 30, 2017 12:03PM

This officer should be prosecuted for his actions but to condemn all police for the actions of a very few is just wrong. Not all police are bad and this had nothing to do with private citizens owning guns. Every time someone is killed by a gun there is over reaction by the gun grabbers trying to remove all guns from private ownership.
Loner Report This Comment
Date: July 30, 2017 10:54PM

It doesn't look like Minneapolis administration pressured the police department to make bad decisions. Instead, it looks like they are in lock step for bad policy:
"Absent discrimination, a company’s workforce should reflect the race and gender profile of the relevant labor pool"
...but, that's not working out so well for the police department, that is finding it very, very hard to find those black officers, in spite of bending over backwards and an enormous effort to reach out and mentor:
I didn't find what their current levels are. But, I bet they are not there. And it looks like that, instead of hiring the qualified citizens that did apply they might be waiting to find their preferred races that they desire in their quota Utopia. It sounds to me that they might be a little desperate to fulfill their delusion.
If they made it, or make it, more power to them. But it looks to me that reality is slamming their delusion right in the nose.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: July 31, 2017 11:03AM

Affirmative action and quota hiring is not a good thing. It prevents them from hiring more qualified individuals in favor of a certain race. If 2 people apply for the same position and one has 20 years of experience and the other has no experience it would be stupid to hire the one with no experience just because he is the right color.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: July 31, 2017 01:36PM

yeah, the old Progressive P.C. tax cut 'aint gonna cover this law suit. LOL
Loner Report This Comment
Date: December 15, 2017 10:27PM

God damn moron fucking cocksuckers!!!!
Loner Report This Comment
Date: March 21, 2018 12:21AM

Officer Mohamed Noor held on third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter charges:

They better take a hard look at their hiring and training practices and issue an accurate report as well. We shall see.
Shithead social justice morons!
Loner Report This Comment
Date: May 01, 2019 12:08AM


Since links get broken:

Former Minneapolis police officer Mohamed Noor has been found guilty of third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter in the fatal shooting of Justine Ruszczyk Damond.

He was acquitted of second-degree murder. Noor was immediately handcuffed and taken into custody. Sentencing is scheduled for 9 a.m. June 7.

He faces between 10- and 15 years in prison for the third-degree murder charge and 3 1/2 to nearly 5 years for the manslaughter charge.

A jury of two women and 10 men began deliberations Monday after hearing three weeks of testimony and announced the verdict Tuesday afternoon after about 11 hours of deliberation.

Noor, 33, was charged with second-degree murder, third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter for the July 15, 2017 killing of Damond.

Noor and his partner, Matthew Harrity, were responding to Damond’s 911 call about a possible sexual assault in the alley behind her south Minneapolis home. Noor and Harrity both testified that a loud sound on their squad startled them, and that Noor fired from the passenger seat through Harrity’s open driver’s side window about 11:40 p.m.

Mohamed Noor and his attorneys headed to the courtroom on Tuesday to hear the verdict in the case against the former Minneapolis police officer. More Noor testified that upon hearing the sound, Harrity yelled out in fear, struggled to unholster his gun and looked at him with fear in his eyes. Noor told the court that the startling sound, his typically calm partner’s reaction and a figure raising a right arm at Harrity’s window caused him to fear that they were being ambushed.

Prosecutors argued that Noor acted unreasonably when he fired, and was too quick to assume that Damond was a threat. Noor and Harrity should have considered whether Damond was the 911 caller, the subject of Damond’s 911 call or a woman from a previous 911 call placed earlier in the night by a neighbor, prosecutors have said.

Prosecutors leveraged Harrity’s reaction against Noor. While Harrity testified that he was spooked by the noise and the sight of a silhouette at his window, he also acknowledged that he had been unable to see Damond’s hands and that it was premature to use deadly force based on the information he had at the time.

Noor is the second officer in recent Minnesota history to be charged with an on-duty killing. St. Anthony police officer Jeronimo Yanez was acquitted in 2017 for fatally shooting Philando Castile during a 2016 traffic stop.
Loner Report This Comment
Date: June 08, 2019 12:21AM

Today, Mohamed Noor was sentenced to12.5 years behind bars.
Some closure, but not much when we might imagine the life that Justine would likely be living, right now.