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Lying scum continues to lie in the name of politics
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Lying scum continues to lie in the name of politics

"a man in a suit and tie speaking into microphones"

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Comments for: Lying scum continues to lie in the name of politics
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 19, 2006 04:12AM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 19, 2006 06:50AM

So North Korea could give nukes to Iran or Al Quaeda? So what. A few years ago Russia fell apart, how many nukes did they sell on the black market. WE DONT KNOW! We may never know. Does China sell or give a way a nuke now and then? What could we do about it if they did? China has nukes, is propping up our economy, and THEIR people can survive on nothing but rice and a few vegetables. The future is FUCKED, but then that is what every generation has thought since the beginning of man.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 19, 2006 09:24AM

How do you know who's lying or not. Every little bit of your skimpy brain capacity is being consumed by your hate and narrow mindedness.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: October 19, 2006 10:27AM

Bush will finish out his term. Another republican will be elected in '08. All this crap from beast will continue until the day he dies.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: October 19, 2006 01:48PM

jgoins .. chickenlittle

Only if another lying scum like Bush gets in office.

President Bush makes Clinton look like a choir boy when it comes to telling the truth.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: October 19, 2006 01:52PM

Posted by: Anonymous - Anonymous (IP Logged)
Date: October 19, 2006 04:24AM

Funny how people that have left the Bush administration or military all seem to be saying Bush is a liar. In fact you might think I was quoting their words. Hmmmm.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 19, 2006 04:03PM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 19, 2006 10:45PM

Bush is a fucking liar, a greedy, lackwitted coward, and a backstabber. The whole world except the yanks can see it. The yanks can't even see how Bush has used the 9/11 crap to take all their rights and make the US even more of an oppressive regime than Iraq ever was...
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 19, 2006 11:08PM

We don't like crystal balls or Reuters-gate shit, the bbc news is one of the most biased I have ever seen next to cnn, abc, nbc, nowdays you have to check both sides of the story to get good info on it.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 19, 2006 11:12PM


aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: October 20, 2006 01:11AM

Posted by: Anonymous - Anonymous (IP Logged)
Date: October 19, 2006 06:12PM

You still have no girlfriend
You still have no girlfriend
You still have no girlfriend
You still have no girlfriend
You still have no girlfriend
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: October 20, 2006 01:23AM

Posted by: Anonymous - Anonymous (IP Logged)
Date: October 19, 2006 06:08PM

You didn't go far enough. All media outlets get used to tell government lies. Fox, Cnn, Bbc, all of them.

You all should have been thinking that more tv anchors, news reporters, and pundits are being paid to spread propaganda and some outright lies after Armstrong Williams got busted for telling Bush administration lies on a tv show.

If you are dumb enough to think you can sift out the liars then you are the biggest liar of them all.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 20, 2006 07:47AM

First of all, jgroins, if a Republican doesn't win the next Presidential election then you will be shown how wrong you have always been in the first place, thank you, "jgroins" that's funny because you do remind me of a "dick" you know, a propaganda blabbering puppet, or your at least related to one, probably a plant, YOU know THEY stick THERE people into forums on the internet and everywere else so they can make it seem like there are "other people" out there that believe in the "right thing" and don't worry that beast bitch also gets on my nerves with his immature rambling sometimes like, "I know you are but what am I". Anyway, the Republican's will be crushed inmany of the upcoming elections because it takes even the dumbass puppets awhile to wake up, say what you want, Clinton was nothing extra special but when you go against a president that gave us cash in the bank instead of record debt (the republican way) then you just are against certain ways and that's it, but not for any real logical info, you are just a family puppet or OTHER puppet. I just can't believe people can have so much real evidence right in front of them and deny it, I think thats called denial, Jgroins do you have to get your thumb scanned when you go for a new drivers license (if your old enough to drive) are you comfortable with that? It's funny how you see things so simply yet when THEY say, fear this, fear that, terror this, terror that, pass this law it's for you, it will help that, do you say "o.k." I thought you fought against wierd things people say, c'mon now, sorry I just can't believe people can be so dumb, history is supposed to teach you lessons, you're not supposed to say, dddaaaa, that was then ,this is now, it's different now, times have changed, oh yeah, FUCK OFF! Oh wait you already have! jgroins I can smell stink...get it...
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 20, 2006 11:53PM

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: October 21, 2006 11:03AM

Anonymous Wrote:
> First of all, jgroins, if a Republican doesn't win
> the next Presidential election then you will be
> shown how wrong you have always been in the first
> place, thank you, "jgroins" that's funny because
> you do remind me of a "dick" you know, a
> propaganda blabbering puppet, or your at least
> related to one, probably a plant, YOU know THEY
> stick THERE people into forums on the internet and
> everywere else so they can make it seem like there
> are "other people" out there that believe in the
> "right thing" and don't worry that beast bitch
> also gets on my nerves with his immature rambling
> sometimes like, "I know you are but what am I".
> Anyway, the Republican's will be crushed inmany of
> the upcoming elections because it takes even the
> dumbass puppets awhile to wake up, say what you
> want, Clinton was nothing extra special but when
> you go against a president that gave us cash in
> the bank instead of record debt (the republican
> way) then you just are against certain ways and
> that's it, but not for any real logical info, you
> are just a family puppet or OTHER puppet. I just
> can't believe people can have so much real
> evidence right in front of them and deny it, I
> think thats called denial, Jgroins do you have to
> get your thumb scanned when you go for a new
> drivers license (if your old enough to drive) are
> you comfortable with that? It's funny how you see
> things so simply yet when THEY say, fear this,
> fear that, terror this, terror that, pass this law
> it's for you, it will help that, do you say "o.k."
> I thought you fought against wierd things people
> say, c'mon now, sorry I just can't believe people
> can be so dumb, history is supposed to teach you
> lessons, you're not supposed to say, dddaaaa, that
> was then ,this is now, it's different now, times
> have changed, oh yeah, FUCK OFF! Oh wait you
> already have! jgroins I can smell
> stink...get it...

Well youngun, I am 55 years old and have seen many presidents in my life and Bush is the best I have seen. I have been syaing for decades that this country needs to be stronger and we finally get one who believes like I do. Personally I don't care which party wins and controls the government because so far it looks as though there will be 2 women running in '08 which will let Nader have a good showing. If the democrates win we will have many more terrorist attacks to wake people up. If the republicans win it will most likely be a black woman who will be too weak to control the terrorists attacks. So either way it will not be good for the country as a whole. Technically I am registered as a democrat but I vote for whom ever I think is right for the country and not the party line. I don't thiink I am alone in that because I think the majority of Americans vote for which ever candidate they feel is right for the country as well.

Your childish insults do nothing to me and cause me no anguish. They only make your case weak and show me you have not experienced enough life as yet to know any better.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 21, 2006 12:19PM

Well, that's even more of a problem, if you were a young punk kid I could see you getting a "young punk attitude", but now i see an older guy with a young punk attitude, have you never thought twice about history, why can't you learn from it, that is a definite personal problem and you probably see yourself as a guy like Bush that see's things like they are and that's that, saying we're going to do "the right thing" and stick with it until it get's done, the end.............. O.k. I could understand that stuff under certain circumstances, sure, but, here I go, Bush don't give a shit about "the American People"....................... whatever..... I not going to waste my time going on and on...yeah I will.... this is not meant to put you down but, your are a very shallow person to me, if you can't see things, or don't want to see things that are right in front of you I see that as a weakness, now, you will say "nothing IS happening right in front of me", that's o.k., that's the American people in general, they don't want to have to get into anything uncomfortable unless there's no way to get around it....... you talked about Bushes strength, he is president only because of his family, he didn't do it, he acts like a Texan, he's not, he's even afraid of horse's and cow's and what about him skipping out on the entire Vietnam war, that's strength, if he was really a strong individual like he pretends, you would have seen him kicking ass in Vietnam long ago, don't you ever look at "strong" politicians and wonder why none of there kids ever go into war, go ahead make some weak excuses for them they'll love it, do you know what a politician is, an actor, plain and simple, an actor with goals, manipulation is key. Don't you believe in a real America, Democracy,Freedom, you didn't answer the question earlier, will it be o.k. with you when your eyes or fingers are used to keep track of you no matter what you do or were you go, what kind of car do you drive, you may say "why", well lets say you drive a newer model Ford, did you know they have black boxes in them, you may see things like that as silly but you can't deny that once things get started they NEVER stop............... whatever, I'm done, if you would like to get into some deep discussion about reality, just let me know, here's a private corporation link that shows you just a little of how your government is marketed to, oh yeah and if anyone would like some more links just ask, check the link out on th next comment to, maybe you've seen one of those trucks in your neihborhood, I know it's for our overall safety from all those terrorist, IT'S BEEN SIX YEARS AND WE'RE STILL HEARING MORE AND MORE EVERY DAY, PROPAGANDA THAT IS..... LINK.................... [] let it load.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 21, 2006 12:32PM

Here's some truck's, if anyone is from Florida check out the license plate on the truck, didn't you see them yesterday, also make sure to check out the other links on that page.... []
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: October 22, 2006 11:06AM

That actually sounds like a good idea to me. Maybe then the airlines will stop loosing our luggage. I have never seen any vehicles like those anywhere around Arkansas and wouldn't care if I did. I don't break the law so I don't worry about them. I am not afraid of being on the grid like some people. If I were I would not be on the internet for one thing. You are here and anyone can find out who and where you are so if you are so worried about it then why are you here? Maybe you should live in a cave somewhere and raise your own food and never leave. You talk so much about scare tactics using terrorists to keep people scared and yet you use the same tactics using "big brother" to try and get people scared.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 24, 2006 06:36AM

I don't try to scare them, I just want them to see reality, aaahhhh, you live in Arkansas, you ever been to Beaver Lake, all the way northwest, ? Very nice! Anyway, don't worry I'm done, you act like I push, but if someone doesn't agree with me pretty quick then I just say oh well, one day maybe they'll see, but probably not.

That's why I look at you out of the side of my neck, I can't believe some people are so dumb ( simple ), so you see the American Revolution as Goerge Washington in control of terrorism. Also, you are the kind of person that turns your neighbors in just for speaking there mind..... Arkansas is a nice natural state, the overflow of (il)legal aliens will love it, just make sure to thank your buddy Bush for letting them in, you know he would like to open the borders up completely, those new highways they're working on under the table at this very moment will cruise right by Arkansas on the west side, not just another highway, South America up through the Midwest right up into Canada, Railroads, Trucks only lanes etc., football fields in width.

Did you check out those truck page links, make sure to click on that bottom link, then go to the bottom of that page and READ.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: October 24, 2006 12:55PM

Went there and saw nothing out of the ordinary, just a disclaimer. George Washington as a terrorist, now that is a novel idea. To my way of thinking terrorists are those who kill innocent civilians with the sole purpose of fomenting terror on the populace. The ones who kill only military personel would be a different species. In the war on terror with the type of enemy which never wears a uniform or any identifiers which set themselve apart from everyone else, or disticntion of enemy and friend good and evil no longer stands. The battle is only beginnning and it will get much worse before it gets any better.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 27, 2006 06:22AM

jgroin, you better take another look as far as terrorism, shit, wait a second, the dictionary was wrote just to put bush down, those leftist propaganda dictionary guys..... Websters Dictionary "TERRORISM - n. The use of force or threats to intimidate, etc....., especially as a political policy."

I know you don't see anything different, it's against your rules, but, it's not the deaths they care about, it's the intimidation, it's pretty bad when THEY use these threats from terrorists to terrify there own people and use it against the people to get there own personal ways. Is that what you look up to, how to use people to get what you want when you want it.