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Whistleblower confirms British doctor’s prior allegation
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Whistleblower confirms British doctor’s prior allegation

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Chewy Report This Comment
Date: August 24, 2014 08:25AM


Revelation Of High-Level Cover-Up Will Blow Lid Off Of Vaccine Fraud

By Bill Sardi

August 23, 2014

The lack of major news media coverage of possibly the biggest government whistleblower revelation since disclosure of the Tuskegee Experiment in 1972 [] suggests more than fraud at the highest levels of the Centers For Disease Control (CDC) as well as major vaccine makers, it suggests the nation’s news agencies are complicit in portraying a government view that there is no link between vaccination and the unexplained rise of autism.

Only alternative news sources are covering the story so far which broke on August 8 when a Brian S Hooker, a Simpson University researcher published a report in the journal Translational Neurodegeneration that the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine was shown to increase the risk for autism 3.4 times among young black boys. [Translational Neurodegeneration Aug 8, 2014]

Dr. Hooker suggests the vulnerability of young African American boys to autism from vaccinations may result from their low vitamin D levels given their dark skin pigmentation. The prevalence of autism in African Americans is nearly 25% higher than that of whites. [PLos One July 12, 2010].

Whistleblower confirms British doctor’s prior allegation

Dr. Hooker, father of a vaccine-injured child with autism and a vaccine researcher, working with a yet-unidentified whistleblower within the CDC, reanalyzed data published in the journal Pediatrics in 2004 [Pedatrics Feb 2004] at the height of an ongoing debate that began with British physician Andrew Wakefield’s allegation launched in 1999 that there may be an association between the MMR vaccine and autism.

In the aftermath of Dr. Wakefield’s allegation national rates of MMR coverage in Britain fell from 92% to 73%, with rates in parts of London as low as 50%. [Pediatrics April 2008] Dr. Wakefield himself was sanctioned by British health authorities in 2010 and his papers withdrawn from publication, which was well noted in a slanted report entitled “The Crash And Burn Of An Autism Guru” published in the New York Times (NY Times April 20, 2011]

Dr. Hooker’s report conflicts with Dr. Colleen Boyle’s 2013 testimony before Congress on behalf of the CDC that denied any link between vaccines and autism.

Dr. Hooker’s revelation comes “Thirteen years and tens of thousands of children later,” says Dr. Wakefield. []

According to a report published by Focus Autism Foundation, “the CDC whistleblower alleges criminal wrongdoing of his supervisors, and he expressed deep regret about his role in helping the CDC hide data.” [Focus Autism Foundation Aug 18, 2014]

Fraudulent practices revealed

There is evidence of an intentional cover-up as it is alleged that data from children who did not have birth certificates (not a pertinent factor) was removed from the study to reduce the statistical power of the study and claim there was no significant association between autism and the MMR vaccine. The original study was first published in the journal Pediatrics, a publication that receives financial support from vaccine makers via advertising, said a 2008 CBS News report.

Dr. Hooker’s report is not the only one showing a greater risk for autism among black boys that has been kept hidden. A striking increased risk for autism among black boys inoculated with hepatitis B vaccine as neonates was documented in a report published in 2010. [Journal Toxicology & Environmental Health, Part A, 2010]

Dr. Hooker notes that the CDC used children under the age of 3 for a comparison (control) group, which is an intentional way of skewing results of its studies involving any alleged link between vaccines and autism. Symptoms of autism generally don’t emanate among children till after age 3 and the control group was too young to have received a diagnosis of autism, he notes.

Age of Autism, an activist group, suggested in 2012 that the CDC’s Dr. Colleen Boyle manipulated data in April of 2000 by “using kids too young to have an autism diagnosis.” [] So one of the ways the vaccine industry and its minions in government have hidden the link between autism and the MMR vaccine has been revealed but has gone unreported by major news media.

Readers of this column can listen to Dr. Colleen Boyle’s testimony before Congress in November of 2012. You can hear Dr. Boyle say: “Vaccines and their components did not increase the risk for autism.” [YouTube Nov 29, 2012] Shouldn’t somebody go to jail here for perjury before Congress?
quasi Report This Comment
Date: August 24, 2014 10:12AM

Disproved nonsense, and even if it were true, how many millions of lives have vaccines saved?


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 24/08/2014 10:12AM by quasi.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: August 24, 2014 02:26PM

This has a depiction of a naked baby and should be deleted immediately.
Richard Johnson Report This Comment
Date: August 24, 2014 05:30PM

No doubt vaccines cause Autism. Too bad our government is in bed with the big pharmaceutical companies, especially Republicans. Republicans represent the 1% and Israel and don't give a F about anything else. They don't care how many kids are harmed by vaccines, as long as the 1% can profit from it.
Bakes Report This Comment
Date: August 24, 2014 11:40PM

That's funny because there's a mom in California that was in the news, and her first son had autism so she didn't get her second son vaccinated. Guess what, her second son was diagnosed with autism. No vaccines and he has autism. Your data is flawed and oh by the way, the countries that don't vaccinate their children have off the charts infant mortality from all those diseases that are cured here.
Mach Report This Comment
Date: August 25, 2014 06:13AM

You guys are missing the point, nobody said there shouldn't be ANY vaccines but, they should be screened/tested etc. by actual outside sources..... this isn't a good vs evil argument, just a shitload of room for huge improvements that need to be adressed. winking