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Never forget
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Never forget

"a large fire on top of a building"

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Comments for: Never forget
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 22, 2005 08:51AM

bush did this... []

its there... what more do you want
dazza Report This Comment
Date: July 23, 2005 01:03AM

Bush didn't do this - one of my colleagues lost her life in wtc that day, you shit.
What did this, i'll tell you, intolerance did this, twisted islamic ideology did this, islamic fundamentalisim did this, ignorance did this, you need to get real - the people that did this have no inerest in the real real religious meaning of islam - they are twisted beyond belief, brainwashed by mullahs and clerics who are bearly educated.....we will eradicate these people, we will make life safe agin, they will not win!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 23, 2005 05:02AM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 23, 2005 08:39AM

im that page its the truth... what about the pentagon... or the other plane that fell... there were never hard evidence that they exist, the goverment did this, also the planes on the WTC where extrange, you can se the proff on that page, there are witnes that say that the planes on the WTC didnt have any windows, you are the one to need to get real... the US can do anything they want and get away with it... you can keep living in a bubble or face the truth...

its people like you that dont want to se the truth and keep bush on the power...
duane Report This Comment
Date: July 23, 2005 11:41AM

Dude,your fucking crazy.No Im serious you need some help.You have no proof exept some stupid doctored pictures and eyewitnesses who had more on there mind than plane windows."Gee a plane is flying into the world trade center,look how clean the tires are".
madmex Report This Comment
Date: July 23, 2005 05:54PM

this was done for nothing other than money and power. Republicans count on stupid people to rally to the only conclusion that tv will let them have.Dazza you really should not be allowed to vote .you really are IGnorant. Follow the money.........duane@2439 is a retard though.He knows the truth but his blind patriotism rules him.Your a PUSSY ASS....
p.s Democrates are part of the game too
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 24, 2005 12:15AM

no proof... haha... you need to open your eyes, not because its not on tv its a lie... you realy are ignorant... read this...

there is the proof... ok and what do you have to say about the other planes... that didint exist? you can se photos of the worst plane accidents and theres big parts all over, not in this case...even when the rockets explod in space you get big pieces all over...

you need to get out of your bubble of lies
duane Report This Comment
Date: July 24, 2005 12:52AM

Fuck you MaxiPad,your right Im a patriot and proud of it,you have nothing but paranoias and pessimism.You'll probably die alone afraid of everyone around you.Fuck you conspieracy theorists,get a fucking life and move out of you moms basement and stop fucking your dog.Have you ever heard of fat girls,they need lovin to.I hear people talk about fascism and they mostly agree with MaxiPad on our government but if you look closely MaxP. would vote for Kerry because he has killed and would really like to choose who could vote in his little dream world.Any1693 so you can read,Im impressed I can take you down to the corner store for passing third grade and buy you some icecream.Is everyone in your family a salesman cause you'll buy anything.Your shoes untied,your fly is open,whats that on your shirt.Ill bet you have a sore nose.Dont woory I know you cant figure it out.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 24, 2005 03:08AM

hahahaha... you just describe your family, and your life... you are the kind that will have a miserable job, that never will do something with their life, because your not smart enough, you are a follower not a leader, its because of people like you, the reason that your government get away with everything they do.
and you think you are a big men only by insulting people on plus613... hahahaha... I'm here trying to make people realize that truth or simple to consider other options not only what they see in the news...
reality Report This Comment
Date: July 24, 2005 06:37AM

Bush's friends were aloud to do it or Bush ordered it. No matter what the Republican-Nazi knew it was going to happen before it did.

"Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S." Rice

They knew and they are willing to any American to stay in power!
reality Report This Comment
Date: July 24, 2005 06:40AM

allowed not aloud
duane_theretard Report This Comment
Date: July 24, 2005 07:56AM

duh-ane.i am a retard.i stick me finger in my butt & then i sniff it. it look purdy.
Beast Report This Comment
Date: July 24, 2005 09:35AM



Freedom and liberty were never under attack. That is nationalistic crap for the stupid.

This attack was not about radical fundamentalist islam. That is more manure. It was about white nations entering muslim countries and using their natural resources without paying for them. People and the the land.

Since the masses in these countries are poor due to phony ruling classes hording the money, the masses only have terrorism as their option to make statements. The masses do not have military technology or nuclear weapons. If they did you would have a conventional war. They are not unlike the american colonists who used terrorist acts and guerrilla warfare to defeat the conventinoal british army in the 1770s.

The longer the west hides behind nationalism and fails to admit they mistreated muslim people around the world these freedom fighters will always want to bring the west harm.

Get a clue little people. This can't change if the west does not change its policies. The west already changed its policies with Russia and China. The masses in muslim nations are now requesting that same change as well.
BinLaden Report This Comment
Date: July 24, 2005 10:39AM

I don't care what the reason was, it made good tv!
duane Report This Comment
Date: July 24, 2005 10:53AM

1693 I would insult you to your face but I probably could not get but a few words out before I BITCH slaped your panzy ass.As matter of fact Im pretty sure I could whoop all you twinkle toe mother fuckers.I own a small buisness,am buying a house,and Im working on a third vehicle and still have time to assfuck your moms and wipe it on the curtain on the way out the door.Beast who the fuck is useing muslim national resourses.When the price goes up usage goes down,if they were stealing the oil the price should have come down not only to make the government look good but to rake in more profit.Look I know the government is crooked but not to the extent that you guys talk about.Dont you think that someones guilt would have got to them or somebody run thier mouth its not happened not even anonymously.If there were one once of truth to what you say there would be more than speculation from columnist,reporters and conspeiracy theorists like yourself.Try looking at the places you get your news unbiasedly,you search out people who hate Bushes administration and go there or columnists who hate Bush.What do you think your going to hear,CRAP.Crap is all you have untill you have proof that the public will actually believe.Even a statement from inside the circle anonymously supporting your story.Your the ones who look crazy and stupid and somebody needs to tell you so my work is finished,carry on my wayward son.
duane Report This Comment
Date: July 24, 2005 10:55AM

ounce not once
duane_theretard Report This Comment
Date: July 24, 2005 11:13AM

i'm duane & i'm a american retard. me like being a moron. i voted bush coz he is just like me a retard.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 24, 2005 12:32PM

hahaha... ok duane think about me this... why didn't the reporters or any tv news say anything about the missing plane on the pentagon, you can see that clearly the explosion was cause by a missile, and who has the power to drop a missile to the pentagon? the USA do you think an enemy airplane will get all the way to the Pentagon to drop a missile?... why they keep the same story about a plane?, or the other one that crash and didn't leave any piece bigger than a suitcase?... why didn't they got the story straight?, if you remember they didn't pay much attention to the pentagon, they concentrate on the WTC... US is the most powerful nation in the world, they can do anything, and get away with it, they can control anything... and you ask why anybody that was part of it has slip?... because if they do it, the people responsible for this acts will kill them and destroy the evidence. simple as that, or if you are involve in an act like this the last thing you will want to do is to tell everyone about it, "oh yeah i will tell everyone so then they will send me to death row and the world will always remember me like a mass murder, that's a great idea"... and if you have the balls to do something like this I'm sure you will not have any guilt.
duane Report This Comment
Date: July 24, 2005 04:19PM

Ok I tried,I guess you like looking like morons.Go ahead let everyone think your an idiot than open your mouth and remove all doubt.The evidence you propose is speculation and weak physical evidence that there was no plane that hit the pentagon.Have you ever been to the pentagon someone would have seen a missle.People saw the plane from the highway I think you need to lay off the crack.
duane_the_retard Report This Comment
Date: July 25, 2005 05:58AM

hi i'm duane.pleeze kno i'm a retard.i like bush and he likes me.he be good.he kill people.he is good crusader.
duane_the_retard Report This Comment
Date: July 25, 2005 08:30AM a patriotic retard and proud of it.being a patriotic retard is hard is hard.hard work.but im a good hearted retard.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 28, 2005 08:59AM

So maybe the FBI and CIA had heard rumblings about some sort of plane attack.But where and when.It is virtually impossible to stop a group of people hellbent on suicide.To suggest that Bush Or Rice or the American government knew and willingly allowed this attack to take place is completely assenine.
Wake_up_America Report This Comment
Date: July 28, 2005 09:34AM

Geee... really Anonymous@206198? Then how did the Clinton administration stop the Millenium Bomb Threat? Or what about stopping Operation Bojinka? Oh wait I forgot that Americans are brainwashed and can not think anymore.


By the way I did not like Clinton either. He was too Republican for me.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 28, 2005 02:22PM

Some chick border guard used her fine intuition to thoroughly check out some shady character coming over on a ferry from Victoria,B.C. Canada to Seattle ,Wa.United states.This one smart lady probably saved alot of lives at L.A.X numbnuts.Also if Clinton had actually wiped out Bin Laden when he had the chance to do it easily.Instead of listening to his experts Clinton chose to just lob a tomahawk at Bin Laden&his cronies' base camp.So thanks to that major fuck up Clinton indirectly created this new martyr that every radical muslim in the world looks up to now.I can almost guarantee that if the "TERRORIST" poster child had been wiped out alot this copycat psychotic behaviour would not be taking place.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 28, 2005 05:44PM

I concur with 206198, if Binny had been wacked back in the late 90's 9/11 may not have happened. I think what you have now is a prolific strain of these guys based on the success of the attacks in New York. It's kind of like when an inmate escapes from a prison all the other inmates ride on kind of a high, "Hey, I maybe I could pull it off too!"
Emmanuel_Goldstein Report This Comment
Date: July 28, 2005 10:13PM

Well we had a CIA investigator who wanted to get into one of the hijacker's computer before 9/11 and Arabic and Farsi translators were fired for being homosexual before 9/11 too by the Fascist regime.

As for Clinton attacking I would like to remind you almost all the Republican fascist claimed "wag the dog" when he did launch missiles during his BJ case with Monica.

Again note I am not a Democrat. I see the Democrats the enablers of the far right. We are in a single party system masqerading as a two party system.
Beast Report This Comment
Date: July 29, 2005 10:58PM


More horseshite.

Bin Laden was not responsible for 9/11. Bin Laden could have been dead for years and 9/11 would have still occured. Bin Laden is not some grand leader of a terrorist group. That is american bullshit to put a face on terror groups. To unify 100s of terror groups. It actually interferes witht he efforts to stop terror.

I wonder what Bush WH wizard thought calling Bin Laden the leader of Al Qaeda was a good idea ? Former CIA chief George Tennant sure didn't think of it.

The real leaders are people you have never heard of. And they are not as organized as believed.
Emmanuel_Goldstein Report This Comment
Date: July 29, 2005 11:09PM

well.. let me simply say this regardless of whether bin Laden concieved it or not he was on the CIA payroll and even got medical coverage. After all he was our veteran soldier against the Soviets in Afghanistan. He even offered to bump off Saddam for the Saudis and the US before the Americans set up Prince Sultan airbase in Saudi Arabia.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 01, 2005 10:17PM

Forget what?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: November 28, 2005 09:13AM

Are you look the forum about you?

I'll never forget that tragedy, 9-11...