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Jgoin, do you have one of these?
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Jgoin, do you have one of these?

"a couple of lever action shotguns"

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Comments for: Jgoin, do you have one of these?
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: October 19, 2016 12:21PM

Nope, all I own is one handgun. I would like to have an arsenal but being on a fixed income I can only afford one gun right now. Maybe if Trump gets in office the economy will improve enough for me to increase my collection.

If it came down to it and we needed to fight against an invader in our country I can use my one gun and upgrade to any other guns I need.
Adam Hartley Report This Comment
Date: October 20, 2016 05:26AM

These shotguns are at the centre of parliamentary debate in Australia at present.
Whoever posted this is obviously from here.
They don't fire as quickly as a pump action but they are much easier to get into the country
because they weren't around when the government changed it's firearms laws in the 90's and this model does not come
under the same category as other shotguns. The problem the government sees, is that the magazine can be easily modified
to discharge up 12 rounds in just a few seconds. It's currently designed to only fire three.

It's used mainly by farmers but could prove extremely dangerous if modified.
Adam Hartley Report This Comment
Date: October 20, 2016 05:30AM

Just to clarify "Does not come under the same category" because it's a lever action, not pump action.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: October 20, 2016 12:04PM

Here we have semi automatic shotguns as well as lever action and pump. I personally don't like them because they are indiscriminate killers and can kill more than just the target. This is why I prefer the handgun for protection plus the fact that carrying a handgun is easier. For police work the pump shotgun is ideal because the mere sound of chambering a round in a pump is a great deterrent and has stopped many things from escalating.
Pablo Escobar Report This Comment
Date: October 21, 2016 11:03AM

Hey, isn't that the lever action that Arnie used in T2?
Looks like it to me.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: October 21, 2016 11:11AM

It might be but he used slugs in it.
Pablo Escobar Report This Comment
Date: October 22, 2016 09:10AM

Yeah, slugs that went BOOOOOM!
bfr Report This Comment
Date: October 28, 2016 05:37AM

Whilst the Adler is a recent product, lever action shotgun tech has been around since 1887 - so lever shotguns could have been around australia since , well not long after 1887.
Repros like Chiappa et al only really became known about in australia after 1996 tho.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: October 28, 2016 11:44AM

Are you guys allowed to own these down under?