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Bush begs Americans to overlook another blunder
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Bush begs Americans to overlook another blunder

"a man standing at a podium"

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Comments for: Bush begs Americans to overlook another blunder
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2005 06:03AM

Yo aDCBeast! You're the fucking voted him in......LIVE WITH IT SUCKER!!!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2005 06:18AM

Yeah, Bush caused Katrina.
McSugarman Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2005 06:47AM

No, that would be Mother Nature, you dumbass.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2005 07:19AM


I voted him in ? In your dreams bitch!


The holding up of federal resources prior to the the hurricane was Bush's fault. Chertoff (Homeland Security chief) held off on sending the federal resources to save lives because Bush had pulled all money for the illegal occupation of Iraq.

Bush fucked up again. He left the US financially suspectible to an event like Katrina. Nice move.

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2005 09:25AM

Please try to be nice. Just because you hide behind a computer doesn't mean you have to be a total ass to someone you've never met.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2005 11:19AM

aDCBeast@68212 - your full of shit! quit smoking weed and get a life dude!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2005 11:40AM

DCBeast are you still goldbricking at your government job?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2005 12:05PM

Learn to spell. None of the whiners here could do any better. It's the state government's responsibility to call in help when it's needed. They'd still be sitting there hungry if Bush hadn't stepped in.
Mr_Sarcasm Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2005 02:08PM

That's right! Bush rushed to their aid. 8 days later.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2005 02:18PM


Can't smoke weed dude. Drug testing.


Nope. Still holding people in government accountable for poor performance. I can't give people a pass when their poor performance led to loss of life.


I'm hiding behind my computer ? that must be an awfully big computer.
Truth_from_Georgia Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2005 03:12PM

Thomas Hobbes' theory of government (any college-educated person should know who Thomas Hobbes is -- and yes, he was the inspiration for the naming in the comic series Calvin & Hobbes) is that all of us voluntarily give up a degree of personal freedom in exchange for mutual protection against disorder and violent death at the hands of others. Government is therefore a necessary evil to prevent the excesses and inefficiencies of chaos and anarchy (see, for example, Haiti and present-day Iraq -- not exactly business-friendly or citizen-friendly places).

We as Americans have certainly given up rights and freedoms, and so it is not surprising that we are upset that our government (be it state, local or especially national) did not provide the security and safety net for which it is created. As Bush himself said, a good deal of that can be laid at his feet.

Besides, what is the logic in arguing out of one side of the mouth that evacuation, protection and supply were local responsibilities not federal, and then out of the other proclaiming that the federal government will provide the vast majority of funds for rebuilding. If disaster response is a local issue, shouldn't rebuilding be the same? If our federal government had no role in preparing for the disaster and executing emergency response plans, why should I, in Georgia, be asked to pay to clean up the mess afterward?

I am not arguing with the bill, since I believe that the federal government does have a role here, but I will tell you, it sure does give life to the old adage "a stitch in time saves nine" -- or in this case $2 billion in levies saves $100 billion in post-storm repair.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2005 06:47PM

"To ABC's Surprise, Katrina Victims Praise Bush and Blame Nagin"
Posted by Brent Baker on September 16, 2005 - 00:50.
ABC News producers probably didn't hear what they expected when they sent Dean Reynolds to the Houston Astrodome's parking lot to get reaction to President Bush's speech from black evacuees from New Orleans. Instead of denouncing Bush and blaming him for their plight, they praised Bush and blamed local officials. Reynolds asked Connie London: "Did you harbor any anger toward the President because of the slow federal response?" She rejected the premise: "No, none whatsoever, because I feel like our city and our state government should have been there before the federal government was called in.” She pointed out: “They had RTA buses, Greyhound buses, school buses, that was just sitting there going under water when they could have been evacuating people."

Not one of the six people interviewed on camera had a bad word for Bush -- despite Reynolds' best efforts. Reynolds goaded: "Was there anything that you found hard to believe that he said, that you thought, well, that's nice rhetoric, but, you know, the proof is in the pudding?" Brenda Marshall answered, "No, I didn't," prompting Reynolds to marvel to anchor Ted Koppel: "Very little skepticism here.”

Reynolds pressed another woman: “Did you feel that the President was sincere tonight?" She affirmed: "Yes, he was." Reynolds soon wondered who they held culpable for the levee breaks. Unlike the national media, London did not blame supposed Bush-mandated budget cuts: "They've been allocated federal funds to fix the levee system, and it never got done. I fault the mayor of our city personally. I really do."
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2005 08:54PM

aDCBeast - I liked the picture of you!
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2005 09:16PM


Who did the people killed by Katrina praise ?

Of course most living victims of Katrina don't know that they could have been kept out of harms way and been in much better health due to Bush's Homeland Security chief poor decisions.
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: September 17, 2005 05:07AM

Reynolds pressed another woman: “Did you feel that the President was sincere tonight?" She affirmed: "Yes, he was."

Ok, this woman is a bit blind, but whatever. When have presidents /ever/ been sincere? We can probably count the number of times on one hand.

It sure looks like ALL the "leaders" -- local, state, federal -- are to blame for not bothering to evacuate people in time. Bush for taking money from reinforcing the levées 2-3 years ago, Nagin, and Blanco for not getting buses in place to evacuate people; FEMA for not responding in time; the Army Corps. for not "pre-placing" sandbags ... etc. etc. etc. The local cops for being totally mean to people who were trying to self-organize for safety and food/water.

Overall, I think this proves that America is crumbling from within. We can't face a fucking disaster without stumbling all over ourselves, and then blaming each other for the bad response.

Friends, we are sinking as a nation. The next catastrophe will be economic, and we will all suffer. Stock up on 2 weeks worth of food and water, help ain't coming our way.
slslea Report This Comment
Date: September 17, 2005 11:18AM

That is why I don't vote lol.
Anarchia Report This Comment
Date: September 17, 2005 08:43PM

Bush Resignation Hailed by World Leaders
Saturday, September 17, 2005

[Washington] The surprise resignation of the forty-third President of the United States, George W. Bush, just after the fourth anniversary of the terrorist attack on America, was hailed by chiefs of state throughout the world. Mr. Bush announced that after, "four years of bloodshed, economic devastation, and spreading fear in America and abroad," he saw no choice but to accept that, "I have held a title which I did not win, and for which I have proven unqualified."

The text of the former President's September 11 address to the nation follows:

"My fellow Americans:

I come to you tonight with a heavy heart. Four years ago, thousands of innocent Americans were murdered by terrorist maniacs.

In the script I've been handed, I'm now supposed to tell you that America is safer today, and that the world is kinder and nicer and happier, because of I'm such a brilliant general in the War on Terror.

But who are we kidding? Yesterday, Osama released his new hit video. The terrorists are having a picnic ever since I turned over our foreign policy to Saudi Arabia and Exxon-Mobil.

And here's the point in my speech where my handlers would have me tell you about how I've been praying hard, making it sound like I just got off the phone with the Lord. I don't know about you, but I find it pretty darn offensive, downright blasphemous, to drag the Lord's name into every cheap campaign speech and chest-pounding war threat. Osama says he talks to God too. Let's leave Him out of the politics from now on, OK?

Look, in my speech this past Sunday, I used the word "democracy" about 11 times when talking about Iraq. It's democracy Florida-style, I suppose. Except we're not fixing the vote this time … we aren't letting these people vote at all. "Iraqis aren't prepared for democracy." That's what Dick Cheney and Saddam Hussein told me.

So we're blowing 100 billion bucks we don't have to colonize a country we don't want. Rummy tries to explain it to me each morning -- oil this and oil that -- but I just don't see it. And one of our kids dying there every day - where are their parents, anyway? My dad didn't let that happen - he got me out of the service. Didn't I look neat in that fly-boy suit?

And, let me tell you, I just looked at our nation's piggy bank. Uh-oh.

When I arrived, the last guy left me $4 trillion and said, "Be careful with all that cash in this neighborhood." Well, I have to level with you, America: It's all gone. The cupboard's bare and this year alone we blew half a trillion more dollars than we have in our bank account. Man, I can't believe I went through all that dough stone sober.

And what did we get for it? A Fatherland Security Department that's trying to read the labels on everyone's underpants. Think about it, all this Total Information Awareness KGB stuff: two years ago Americans were the victims - but my government has made Americans the suspects. I don't know about you, but this guy Ashcroft scares the bejeezus out of me.

And today I'm told that over nine million Americans are out of work. That's not so bad: I haven't done much work in my lifetime either. But my mama explained to me that not everyone's daddy can lend them an oil well to tide them over.

It's like I can't get anything right. The lights are going out in Ohio and the North Pole is melting. I don't get it. I appointed all those regulators that Ken Lay told me to, and I got rid of all the rules that got in the way of patriotic Polluter-Americans …. and what's the upshot? America the Beautiful is looking like she's had a pretty rough night. Won't be long before the whole country smells like Houston.

And now the stock market's floating face down in the swimming pool - despite everything I've done for those guys on Wall Street. Even my plan to give every millionaire an extra million seems to have backfired. Greenspam says I've created "business risk." Says I spook investors. But when I asked Greenspam for a solution, all he did was hand me a bag of pretzels.

Hey, I can take a hint. OK, I'm over my head on this one. I look back over these last years, and what have I got to show you for it: two years of bloodshed, economic devastation, and spreading fear in America and abroad.

When I ran for this office, I said the issue was, "character." And just look at the characters around me. I've gotten all their resignations today. And while I've got some character left, here's my own good-bye note too. Let's face it: I have held a title which I did not win, and for which I have proven unqualified. You know it. And I know it.

It's at this point in the speech where I'm supposed to say, "And may God bless America." God better, because Dick Cheney won't. Don't panic: I'm not turning over this sacred office to Mr. Contracts-R-Us.

Instead, I've petitioned the United States Supreme Court to pick a President for us. Those guys picked the last one, why not the next one?

And so, my fellow Americans, you can take this job and …."

Here, Mr. Bush's words became unintelligible.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 18, 2005 04:53PM
