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The Truth of the matter
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The Truth of the matter

"a man in a vest and tie with newspaper and words"

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Comments for: The Truth of the matter
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 02, 2006 11:56PM

You forgot the people killed in the two towers. But otherwise a pretty accurate post.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 03, 2006 02:53AM

The enemy we face is unlike any we have seen before and with the political differences that we have in this country, there is no way we have a chance to defeat terrorism. Tomorrow, next week, next year or 20 years from now, we are going to lose an American city to a nuclear bomb. With countless rotting bodies in the street, the American president, (Republican or Democrat) will hear from the countries people and the people are not going to be satisfied sending in the 101st Airborne to look for bad guys in caves. We will launch the nukes! Get used to the idea so you won’t be shocked when it happens. Life as we know is going to change in ways we can’t even calculate.
madbull Report This Comment
Date: March 03, 2006 03:21AM

we are only trying to sell the port terminals, not the ports or the port security. what a stupid post, typical for a low I.Q. left wing wacko.
cesiuminjector Report This Comment
Date: March 03, 2006 04:11AM

the ports will still be under coast guard security - i didnt like the idea at first but its easy money for us
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 03, 2006 05:15AM

Don't get your panties in a wad, do a little more research, nothing is changing, just the company that the paychecks are coming from. Unless you want to say it's all Bush's fault Wah Wah Wah..
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 03, 2006 06:24AM

it is not like when bill clinton allowed the chinese to build a naval base in california
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: March 03, 2006 11:44AM

The only thing UAE will be doing with the ports is loading and unloading ships. They will have nothing to do with security.

Anonymous@229248, you have hit the nail on the head. That is exactly what awaits us in the future if we Americans don't get our heads out of our asses and do the difficult job of fighting terrorism. In order to successfully fight the war on terror we will also have to change the mindset of those in the middle east to where they will not want to join the terrorists and radical Islamists. Some countries there will be changed with diplomacy but others will have to be changed with force. Then the people of the region can be given hope for their future which will go a long way towards preventing them from joining terrorists. You people will need to take off the Bush blinders and let him do his job, he only has a little more than 2 years left. He won't have time to finish the war on terror so we will need another President like him in office to continue the war on terror. If you muddleheads elect something other than a strong willed person as President then you will get what you deserve when it happens.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 03, 2006 12:42PM

Should the government listen in on their phone conversations to make us more secure? Push the Patriot Act, yes or no?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 03, 2006 05:05PM

If you're talking to a part of the world that harbors terrorists, yes you should expect to be listened in on because the nuclear danger is too high. People complain because they don't have a clue as to how the rules have been bent in the past to protect us. If I had relatives living in the Tora Bora region of the world, I would expect my phone calls to them to be monitored. As I believe Lincoln once said, the constitution should not be looked at as an excuse to commit suicide.
madbull Report This Comment
Date: March 03, 2006 10:25PM

anony 238240 are you paranoid? are you hiding somthing? are you saying things on your phone that maybe you shouldn't? why worry, if you aren't doing anything wrong why worry ?? I trust our government, how about you?? If you don't, maybe you should move somewhere else Canada! hahahahahahaha
iamcanadian Report This Comment
Date: March 04, 2006 02:42AM

hey listen ya'll yankees,i mean white monkeys
your country deserved what happened on 9/11.get over it & fuck you assholes especially you madbull!!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 04, 2006 02:56AM

Well,well,well little bitch.You had to chime in didnt you.If you mean white monkeys as in supierior gene pool I take that as a compliment.Hopefully you will get the assrapeing you so kindly deserve.Im not even gay but I want to go first.You sure do have a purdy mouf,canadian.I dont mean that as an insult to canadians but he chose the name.Maybe we could warm up on your mom sense she deserves it whatever color monkey she is.
Duane Report This Comment
Date: March 04, 2006 02:57AM

Sorry forgot to log in.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: March 04, 2006 09:26AM

penisslipbasketball ... what about the people that the US has killed since 1950 for it's BS foreign policy ?

Tard .. you might az well stop posting. The idea that you were in the military makes me laugh. You must have been drafted.
Duane Report This Comment
Date: March 04, 2006 10:28AM

"The idea that you were in the military makes me laugh."At least Im proud of my country.Somebody insults the U.S. and you insult me for insulting them,your brilliant Beast and such pride picking there side"hey listen ya'll yankees,i mean white monkeys
your country deserved what happened on 9/11.get over it & fuck you assholes especially you madbull!!Youre a fucking joke,you never were in the millitary.If you were probably sent home in basic or dishonorable discharged later.You obviously are not proud of the country or millitary so your comments make me think you never were American or a soldier.You dont know what its like to be part of that.What the hell did you ask "if I needed to be drug behind a truck again".Oh well another insulting comment made by you that has no point.Just remember Beastiallity any time you want to scrap you dont live that far from me.Everytime you open your mouth your being exposed and your penis is small and bent like your brain.
brokntoad Report This Comment
Date: March 04, 2006 05:15PM

how do you know his penis is bent and small??
Duane Report This Comment
Date: March 04, 2006 05:30PM

Some things are better left,just a guess on his penis but his brain surely is.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: March 05, 2006 03:16AM

Duane the Tard .... I see you have provided more examples of your tard status.

NoRightWingnuts4me ... The most important thing the US lost as a result of 9-11 is it's integrity. They let their arrogance allow them to lower themselves by acting like savages.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: March 05, 2006 03:19AM

Duane the Tard.

51% of the servicemen in Iraq think they should come home in 6 months.

They think the occuptation of Iraq is wrong.

Why are you lagging behind in the "Iraq is going to fail" thought. Conservatives across america are already running from Bush. Catch up slacker!
Duane Report This Comment
Date: March 05, 2006 04:02AM

You fucking idiot,of course they want to come home they are in a war stupid.Post the link with numbers and percentages.Iraq
Duane Report This Comment
Date: March 05, 2006 04:10AM

Beast the child molester,
You fucking idiot,of course they want to come home they are in a war stupid.Post the link with numbers and percentages.Iraq is won Sadam is out.Iraq will chose what they want just like I have allways said but they have a chance fudge packer.Your such a fucking looser.To me your nothing but a fucking traitor.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: March 05, 2006 07:47AM

Duane the Tard ... US servicemen think we are doing more harm than good in Iraq. And the facts support them. They don't believe President Bush and Rumsfeld, They believe the cause is a fraud. They all know there were no WMDs like they were told.

You can't lie to the servicemen you send into battle. They will not fight for you.

Traitor talk is the babble of idiots. Your idiot status is well documented so I am not surprised.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: March 05, 2006 07:49AM

Saddam being out is not a good thing. Bush destabilized the region when it need stability more than ever. Saddam had no ability to affect other nations and he barely had the ability to go out in public in Iraq.

When it counted Bush went on a tangent and fucked the middle east for a couple of generations.
Duane Report This Comment
Date: March 05, 2006 11:29AM

Idiot,I said back up the numbers you posted not babble on with bullshit.Your one of those talk all the time,lot of stuff coming out not much going in mother fuckers.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: March 05, 2006 04:10PM

Duane the Tard ... for an ass that is always on the net you sure lag behind when it comes to information put out by popular news sources.


Do yourself a favor .. don't even attempt to destroy the credibility of Zogby.

"77% said they also believe the main or a major reason for the war was “to stop Saddam from protecting al Qaeda in Iraq.”

The DIA and CIA told Bush this was false but the President and Cheney oked this lie to be told to US servicemen.

that is known lie #2.

You remember what known lie #1 was right ? Another lie that was dispelled by hardworking intelligence analysts.
Duane Report This Comment
Date: March 05, 2006 09:22PM

Ok Beast I wont do that because it has allready been done []
Your such an idiot.
Duane Report This Comment
Date: March 05, 2006 09:31PM

Your poll numbers are obviously biased.Ill say it again if you work for uncle sam I would be up your ass with a microscope.Theres no telling when you started sypathizing with the enemy.I deffinately would not trust you to have Americas best intrests at heart.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 06, 2006 04:44PM

About 7 years ago, they found an islamofascist terrorist in a shipping container with a small cot, a pooper, a computer and two cell phones. I don't see how the Coast Guard could prevent that. Port Security could, assuming they can examine all shipping containers (which they can't) but especially not if they support Al Fuckeda.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: March 07, 2006 08:35PM

Duane the Tard ... funny you quoted a NEOCon spinster that lapped up the Zogby poll data when it helped Bush. Another hypocrite.

You would have to check out 50% of the police, services, and intelligence people asswipe.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: March 07, 2006 08:36PM

Anonymous@211152 .. you are right. The fact is that "security measures" does not stop terrorism.

Taking the reason for terrorism away is the only way to stop it.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 08, 2006 12:06AM

I said they are biased,Fucktard the Gay Librarian.So I don't trust them.I trust them as much as I trust you,which is not at all.So much wasted breath.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: March 08, 2006 08:30AM

Duane the Tard .. Log in fag boy.

The Zogby poll was the only poll that showed Bush winning in 2000. And that is why conservatives sucked his cock until the Iraq occupation began.

Then the bad news came home with every poll.

BTW, You were never a soldier. If you were you were a putz that officers counted on losing. You certainly never did any of the thinking.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 08, 2006 10:55AM

Oh that hurts.Twinkle Twinkle little star,where did you get that butter bar?Could have been an officer but they would not let me because I knew land nav and I was actualy capable of killing more than my own men.We had a west point ring knocker 2nd louie that could not do a land nav course during a BCI so dont throw these thinkers around lightly.Some of the biggest dickheads I knew went on to become officers.The smartest guys I new went Delta if your familiar with the term.
Duane Report This Comment
Date: March 09, 2006 01:31AM

Hollywood Isn't Out of Touch; You Are
An Editorial by Frank J.
Posted by Frank J. at 12:17 PM | TrackBack (0) | Email This

Many people think that Hollywood is out of touch with mainstream America; people who think that are crazy and stupid and full of themselves. Those who don't understand and cherish what Hollywood actors and directors bring to the important issues today are ignorant of both what's important in America and of Hollywood itself.

Hollywood people are better than us; if you don't believe that, then you are just jealous. These people are troopers. How often has an actor had the disappointment of their personal assistant forgetting to take the crust off of his sandwich but went on to perform anyway? Sure, he threw a fit, fired the assistant, and pouted in his trailer for two hours, but these people are humans; not gods. And that makes what they do all the more impressive. Still, you want to lecture them on what's right and wrong, and you don't even have a personal assistant.
"It's true; you're gay!"

Where in the world do you get this idea you know anything? I know where Hollywood people get their experience. They have tons of different marriages, oodles of out of wedlock children, and more drug problems than all of South America. That's real world experience that informs them better than the silly, unimportant lives you people have. And, with all these life problems plus fancy parties plus check ups with their plastic surgeons, you know they have little time to spend learning about world issues, so they spend that time well. How many political fundraisers have you been invited to? Yet you think you know anything about war or social issues better than George Clooney? Do you know how ignorant you sound when you say that?

Still, with all this disdain you shovel upon them, they do all they can to educate you. But what do you do? You spit at it! Did you even go to see Brokeback Mountain? Ang Lee slaved on that movie to make you a better person, but you didn't want to watch it. Know why? Because deep down you know you're gay. It's true; you're gay! Yes, you'll go see Ang Lee's The Hulk because you aren't afraid that you will become large and green if angered, but you're just too afraid of the gay cowboy inside you to see a story about real love. And, if you won't even admit to you being afraid of your gayness, how can we trust anything else you say?

Hollywood actors are rich, live pampered lifestyles, and are sheltered from consequences; this gives them a view of society that you don't have. Up on their pedestals, they have a view of the world you could never even imagine. And, when they read something on a paper, and then they go on TV and say stuff about it to make things happen. They’re important; that's why they don't like regular people making eye-contact with them. What do you do when you hear about an issue? Nothing... or you blog about it which is next to nothing. So what is Hollywood out of touch with? You and your boring life? These people don't only know the issues, they've acted in movies and TV specials about these issues. You’ve acted in nothing; you're just ignorant. I mean, what level scientologist are you? Do you even know about the threat of Xenu? I bet your precious "Jesus" didn't tell you about that one.

So stop being a fool and worship and offer sacrifices to those in Hollywood who deign us worthy of their opinions. And, if you want to add to the debate, you show me where your Walk-of-Fame star is. Oh, you don't have one? Then you shut up!

Frank J.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 09, 2006 03:19AM

you dems quit your bitchin. If your beloved pres. clinton had gotten off his ass instead havin his intern in his pants, this whole situation would have been avoided. Dems have had their tails between their legs for 5 years now. It's like watching a bunch of whining children.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: March 12, 2006 04:52AM

Anonymous@24167 .. bullshit... Clinton didn't do the cowboy routine like W because he knew he would be creating more angry muslim for no GDed reason.

Bush has fucked up the world just like he fucked up in college and all of the businesses he ever owned.

Funny ... Republicans in DC are running from the lame duck now. Now that he has cried wolf so many times, they are going to let the wolf have him for dinner.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 15, 2006 02:51AM
