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You got owned Bitch!
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You got owned Bitch!

"a man holding a toy"

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Comments for: You got owned Bitch!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 18, 2005 05:15PM

real big man....catch a guy that wasnt involved and press charges against him. Let me sell you drugs, then bust you for possession type of shit. Why dont you catch bin laden there jackass? Too busy hiding him or what?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 18, 2005 05:52PM

hahahaha thats possibly the worst put down ever..
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 18, 2005 06:11PM

wasnt a put down you shmuck...just saying that everyone is acting like bush is such a badass for attacking innocent iraqi people. What is even more sad is that most of you fuckers are behind him. As long as it isnt your son or daughter that dies for your belief I guess its fine huh.
Anthony Report This Comment
Date: April 18, 2005 06:30PM

25117 You ignorant asshole. Were you not aware that Iraq invaded Kuwait and literally RAPED AND PILLAGED the place!!! First the Iraqi army went in and robbed the place blind, and arbitrarily executed innocent people. Then the Iraqi intelligence went in and thousands simply disappeared off the face of the earth. Then when the US forcibly kicked the Iraqis out, they blew up Kuwait's oil wells and dumped millions of gallons of crude oil into the Persian gulf. Then the oppressed minorities of Iraq rose up and the Iraqi government executed thousands and they are now finding the mass graves.
duane Report This Comment
Date: April 18, 2005 10:23PM

Whats sad is that you 25117 dont know history.If you did you would know how evil Sadam was,just listen to his people.We were never going to be safe as long as he had aspirations to aquire WMD's,and he was trying.The French wanted to lift the sanctions so they could trade with Iraq being one of his most recent friends.He had never fully complied with the resolutions and had murdered 100's of thousands of his own people.If the europeans had known what Hitler would have became they would have had to remove him forcibly.Just like then the French are open for buisness ready to capitolize on others misfortunes.Its comical how you portray the U.S.A as agressors and opressors even though we just did what the good people of Iraq were powerless to do.There was collateral damage yes but far from any wars in the past.I see the French as the opressors in this if they had they're way Sadam would still be in power and the people of Iraq would be making them money and would still be living in a cruel dictatorship.The insurgents,yes insurgent (Michael Moore is a complete asshole),are not Iraqis most are Iranians and Syrians,not freedom fighters or minute men.If you dont believe me why are they so quick to kill Iraqi women and children,because they dont give a fuck about Iraqi's.They are called terrorists because thats what they do make the people afraid.Why the fuck am I explaining this you to fucking stupid to see.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 18, 2005 11:42PM

I love it when you guys get your panties all twisted up.
Strong_Rightwinger Report This Comment
Date: April 19, 2005 05:11AM

Rant on for 3 1/2 more sweet years with any luck he will swing the country so far RIGHT it won't be able to go left for at least another decade.
jumbo Report This Comment
Date: April 19, 2005 10:07AM

duane, how sad that you've been so brainwashed. There are far worse regimes all over the world, far greater humanitarian disasters, but Bush and his spindoctors have got the Americans all wound up over Iraq, despite there being no links to 9/11.

Bush wanted an easy target to secure the oil for his cronies and to make him look good so he would get re-elected. That is the *only* reason any politician does anything.
duane Report This Comment
Date: April 19, 2005 10:48AM

Tell me something Jumbo are you brainwashed.How offten have you been to these other countries or for that matter Iraq because if you got your information from someone else,someone you trust(computer,media,people),guess what your brainwashed to.
Anthony Report This Comment
Date: April 19, 2005 03:32PM

Jumbo, have you considered the possibility that
Iraq is a globally important strategic area? It sites right in the
middle of an area of the world that seems to have a very violent tendencies and
is a threat to people outside its borders. How many other regions in
the world produce suicide murderers with amazing frequency? Other trouble spots
in the world tend to confine their violence locally. Having a moderate secular
and tolerant society in the middle east is a long term strategy for
global stability. It is time someone took a long term strategy to bring
this backward part of the world into the 21st century. Remember, Islamic
extremists don't see political borders, only religious ones. They will strike
anyone deemed infidels.
duane Report This Comment
Date: April 20, 2005 01:24AM

Halleluiah and Anthony didnt even call names.