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You Voted For Him You Should Go To Iraq And Die For Him
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You Voted For Him You Should Go To Iraq And Die For Him

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Comments for: You Voted For Him You Should Go To Iraq And Die For Him
Your_Mother Report This Comment
Date: August 05, 2005 12:04AM

Just to inform you re-pukelians. Those soldiers that died already in Iraq were good Americans who fought for their country, but those of you who hide behind your fuckin computer or claim you already served yet support this Fascist Regime. The crimes of the Bushite Fascists against the American Soldier and tax-payer domestically cutting veteran benifits, cutting housing pay for service personel, for not arming our soldiers properly, making contracts with Halliburton, for stealing from our soldiers and taxpayers and all the other shit this regime does. Then there is the crimes against humanity like radioactive bombs, torture, an illegal war, massacres and all the other shit you people do not care about. Keep buying your SUVs there is only a year left of oil at your consumption rate.
uhhh Report This Comment
Date: August 05, 2005 12:06AM

so true and so sad
HAHAHA Report This Comment
Date: August 05, 2005 12:42AM

"...there is only a year left of oil at your consumption rate."

That's a riot!!! There's more likely 30 years of oil left at our current consumption rate than 1 year.
Herpy_the_Love_Bug Report This Comment
Date: August 05, 2005 12:42AM

Listen! Mr Bush is a good man. He served his country before he went AWOL. Do you understand how hard it was working in the Champaign Unit? Do you know how hard it was to drink all that beer and take all those drugs? Please know he is on leave for a month vacation while he mourns the loss of his friend King Fahd ibn Abdel Aziz al-Saud. He has been at every funeral of all our fallen soldiers in spirit. Do you understand presidenting is hard work. It's hard work. Work hard. Hard work. Need some wood?
Your_Mother Report This Comment
Date: August 05, 2005 01:02AM

HAHAHA@74208 just watch. Thanksgiving this year.. maybe. Ok I will grant you national Geographic claims 7 years and Exxon accidently slipped out last month we have 5 years. But trust me the price of petroleum in the USA is going to go up and up. Sure Cheney is making deals right now in Saudi Arabia, but its only to fuck you over. Lets blame it on the "terrorists" or at least that is the game. Remember petroleum is used in plastics, transportaion of food, food processing machines, and petrochemicals for fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides. All the old models did not take in the rise of the Chinese and Indian middle classes. All these wars are manufactured for one thing to control you the consumer. Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran have major pipelines going through using Cheney's old company. The Petroleum Companies artifically inflated the stats on oil reserves so that their stock holders would not bail. THe big international corporations want the American middle class and upper lower class to take out so many loans so that when the market crashes the corporations will take their profits from Wal-Mart in China and buy your houses and land cheaply. Its all a pyramid scheme betting on the American consumer will enslave themselves into debt.

do research look up Hubbert's Peak

HAHAHA Report This Comment
Date: August 05, 2005 02:36AM


See Figure 2 -- and that's PEAK oil production not the end of oil. (I recommend reading the whole article)

Just becuase prices are most likely going to continue to rise does not mean oil is going to run out. By the way, with the price of oil as high as it is, the vast oil shale deposits in Canada become profitable to use...
ToucanSam Report This Comment
Date: August 05, 2005 03:21AM

Your_Mother is damn right. It's not a coincidence that the Bush familys' friends and business associates are "in power" in america and around the world. Money buys power. Even Bush seinor was in with the Saudis for oil "business". With out going in to detail it's like royalty and the peasants. They have money and power, and they plan or make preperation to keep it that way. Bush jr. was like a prince of America, he was destin to be king. Wether he's democraticly voted in, or, the system is manipulated for it to "seem" he was domocraticly chosen. IT WOULD NOT FUCKIN' SUPRISE ME IF THE OTHER, OTHER, BUSH (from Flordia) WAS PRESIDENT OF THE USA SOME TIME SOON EITHER. Look at it from a world perspective, was Bush Sr. a US diplomat in the middle east, or was he a busniess leader?
Good question.
America has had this go on for some time, not just starting with the first Bush in the 80's. It's not a coincidence more than 80% of americans are over weight (50% even considered obease). It's not a coincidence America uses more petrol than the rest of the entire world. I could go on for days.

HAHAHA@74208, Even if there was 30 or 50 years supply of "oil" for that matter. Dosn't that at least seem REDICULOUS to you.

Aside from all the scams goin on in the world. Wouldnt it seem likely that the billions of millions of dollars that the "oil" companys, ARE, and have invested. They will squeeze
it for everthing it's worth, before the bubble pops.

It's no coincidence the American economy is centered around oil consumption. Gotta have a car for everone in the household or your a "bum". If people (Americans) had any will at all they would get up off there fat ass, throw down that fuckin' infared remote control for the TV, brush of the potato (no "e"winking
smiley crumbs off of their shirt (pull up those fucking "saggy ass" pants, tuck in your fucking shirt) and look presentable. Walk, jog, bicycle, carpool, whatever is feasible, at least to work. It would help some. Don't buy any more fuel than necessary. You are just supporting the American "empire". Empire meaning, those people who won't fight for what they allready have, they will just send the peasants to fight for them. So finally I've reached my point.

What are U.S. troop infact fighting for? WHAT!?! Bush?...Oil?...You?...World domination?...Well what then? Terrorism? What do you think it looks like from the middle eastern countries perspective, being invaded, taken control of, having PERMANANT U.S. millitary instalations all over the place.

IT'S NOT US (lol, I made a pun, "U.S."winking

Think for your self.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 05, 2005 03:54AM

So everyone gets mad at the guy who makes fun of ebonics....but everyone jumps on the bandwagon for this shmo contributor. Get a life.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 05, 2005 04:49AM

ummmm, easy to spot the losers here isnt it, I would say the cowards are the people that like a pack of dogs, kidnapp innocent people of all faiths and put a gun to their heads and kill them, but hey, thats just me.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 05, 2005 04:52AM

Your_Mother@242130 well well well, yet another idiot, how stupid are you really? can you count? when will you get an education? I suggest you go to iraq for one.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 05, 2005 04:55AM

Guess we'll never get a chance to see what a piece of shit Kerry would have been......spending his 4 years blaming Bush for all his failures.

Your_Mother Report This Comment
Date: August 05, 2005 05:02AM


"kidnapp innocent people of all faiths and put a gun to their heads and kill them"

You know the Iraqis were a mixed country of Christians, Bahai and Yezidi different forms of Islam and all under secularism. THe American hired mercenaries and the US troops (under orders from DynCorp and Titan mercenaries) are taking Iraqi men, women and children and torturing them often in front of family members. So you ass of a dog wake up and smell the turdblossom!
Your_Mother Report This Comment
Date: August 05, 2005 05:15AM


the dual American party system is a fascade, a smokescreen, to make the American consumer have the apathy not to question their Masters and to keep shopping. A real democracy would allow anyone who of the right age and American birth to be able to run for president. Instead we get Bonesmen, fratboys and mega-wealthy sons buying the office of commander and chief. As an American I am ashamed of my country that once at least projected the possiblity of a real democracy. The reality is it never was a democracy just a big fake image of a scarry wizard projected on a curtain.
Your_Mother Report This Comment
Date: August 05, 2005 05:32AM


I agree with you obviously except sadly enough I do not think its totally laziness of the average American. They are educated only to be consumers and those fellow friends of mine around me who do know of this stuff are trapped in the day to day survival of either a job that barely pays rent and their school loans back or they are burned out by the two jobs that again barely pays the monthly bills or worse alienated as people who worry too much or called insane by the average consumer addicted to his/her "feel good shopping" experience.
Your_Mother Report This Comment
Date: August 05, 2005 05:39AM


PS I think the fatness is cause by a combination of continuous stress from debt, job and fear of alienation as well as bad eating patterns, high suger consumption (look at bread alone and how much suger is in bread), convience of fast food everywhere.

This has led also to high rates of diabetes, depression, bipolar personality, over medication, stress and a host of desease that you normally see after post traumatic stress in cultures systematically brutalized. This is Class Warfare and when the serfs finally (if ever) awake they should treat it as warfare.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 05, 2005 05:41AM

I think I smell sour grapes from a bunch of loosers that keep getting their ass kick by the winning party. And will keep losing, unless they get off their skateboards and start governing the way the majority of the country feels. Kick some Iraqi ass, kill all the terriorists and make the world a better place for democracy..
Your_Mother Report This Comment
Date: August 05, 2005 06:00AM

Anonymous@238240 again I do not favour democrats or republicans, because to me they are not Americans they are corporate bitches working only for big money. Ok there might be one or two exceptions. As for terrorists ya I believe terrorism is wrong be it blowing up innocent people from a tank or with with bombs wrapped around your waist. its all morally wrong.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 05, 2005 08:25AM

Your_Mother@242130 you make some salient points but for fucksake learn how to spell.
Your_Mother Report This Comment
Date: August 05, 2005 08:32AM

Thank you Anonymous@120249, but its difficult to correctly spell all the time when I am very busy being a good hearted hard working American and "putting food on my family" (Bushism).
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 05, 2005 09:19AM

That is a good Bushism - but not quite as good as the mother of all Bushisms "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."

I'm sure everyone must have seen this, but it's still worth a look []
Your_Mother Report This Comment
Date: August 05, 2005 09:33AM

Anonymous@120249 that is a classic! And most Americans seem to uneducated or busy with porn to even know what this man says.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 05, 2005 09:57AM

I agree with Your_Mother
duane Report This Comment
Date: August 05, 2005 11:19AM

I love bush,bush is great,I like seeing bush every day.If it were not for bush I would hate my life.My point is if you dont like Bush,well you must love...........COCK!Have a nice day.Oh yeah I served my country during Desert storm and if you think that in order to vote for a president you sould serve in the armed forces I totally agree!
ToucanSam Report This Comment
Date: August 05, 2005 03:09PM

Anonymous@242130 you are blind. The "deomcratic" party and the "republican" party are sub groups of the CORPORATE PARTY OF AMERICA.

Your_Mother, I agree that it IS the mindset of most Americans, because they were raised that way. If they would actually think for them selves, maybe we could break that trend. WHY WON'T PEOPLE JUST TAKE RESPONSIBILTY FOR THEIR OWN ACTIONS.

duane, well your lost. Many have agreed before your an idiot. You probably got dishonorably discharge from the military for being a delinqent. And you probably think your "The millinon dollar man".

And fuck any thing you anonymous bitches even said.
ToucanSam Report This Comment
Date: August 05, 2005 03:14PM

lol "millinon" million.

The American perspective is completly fucked up.

Do you even know how America came to be? IT WAS TAKEN BY FORCE. "America" was allready fully inhabited. Then "millitia men" fought to keep it once taken. Wake the fuck up.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 05, 2005 08:53PM

You know guys, all this name calling is funny, but I sure enjoy how GW is screwing those arab bastards right where the sun dont shine.
Thanks GW
Beast Report This Comment
Date: August 05, 2005 09:25PM

Bush to suck cock to pay down national debt.
destructor Report This Comment
Date: August 05, 2005 09:38PM

We should start preparing for when we run out of oil.
madmex Report This Comment
Date: August 06, 2005 01:58AM

yeah bush is screwing the poor iraq's and kissing the ass of saudi arabia kings. Bush is a punk and so are you. I wish duanne could go to iraq again ,but with all the shortage of troops, the goverment knew tha Duane was a dumb ass. Or he would be there now. Freedom on the march Baby......
Your_Mother Report This Comment
Date: August 06, 2005 05:58AM

Anonymous@121121 who is screwing who?
"I sure enjoy how GW is screwing those arab bastards right where the sun dont shine" Looks to me that Bush and the Al-Saudi family is screwing the world including the ignorant American middle and lower classes. They say "boo" with a terror alert and the Americans people jump up and buy duct tape. How did we honor the dead killed during 9/11? Well Bush told you to shop and buy the biggest SUV you can. Yet more than half the the terrorists that corporate media told you of were Saudi Arabian and then FOX and the car industry tells to the buy a chunk of metal that will be run on oil to line the pockets of the Saudis. Do you dumb asses see the paradox?

as for duane and bush.. well I like it trimmed or shaved... wait a fuck now you got me going to your fart humor level.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 06, 2005 07:42PM

Your_Mother@..... are you saying that the saudis are the only SOB's on this entire planet that produce oil for export???? why don't you do some checking and get your f*ing facts straight before you open your ignorant mouth..
Your_Mother Report This Comment
Date: August 06, 2005 08:44PM

no! I am not saying that Anonymous@121121. I am saying the Saudi family loves the fact bin Laden caused 9/11 because it means they have distraction while they oppress their people. It means they can manipulate secretly other countries by clandestinely funding Wahabbi groups. And the Saudis are not alone in their happiness over the war on terrorism. Companies like Carlyle group and Halliburton are raping the American taxpayer of lots of money and intentionally destroying the US citizens' military in two under funded and under "manned" guerilla wars (Iraq and Afghanistan). Did you know the world's largest army is not China's, but is the private mercenary army called Blackwater (which has contractual connection with Halliburton and Dick Cheney)? The goal is simply destroy the American citizens' army (Bush's cannon fodder hence why he does not attend funerals) so that the next 9/11 (which might be a dirty nuke) the only army to "protect" the US is a private army loyal to corporate owners.
duane Report This Comment
Date: August 06, 2005 09:20PM

Actually Im waiting for this Nazi thing everybody keeps talking about to start,Im sure going to enjoy killing you fuckers.I should clairify that Im not a Nazi but everything that I believe in you insult as being a Nazi.Oh well when in rome,see you in the gas chambers fuckwads Ill be the one shutting the door on you.Hey your the one predicting the future and I fit in and you dont.You guys are pathetic,I dont even believe your shit but if its true Ill see you there.
Your_Mother Report This Comment
Date: August 07, 2005 03:47AM

duane this is not predictions. This is looking common patterns and examining the writing of these neo-fascists. I do not believe in predetermined futures, but instead look at treads, commonalities and statements of what these people say. So the goal should be to avoid the repeat of that history by informing and uniting against.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 07, 2005 04:38AM

Man, there's lot of CIA "in your f**ing dreams" know everything s*it in their pants brats posting here.
Your_Mother Report This Comment
Date: August 07, 2005 05:43AM

Anonymous@2614 as far as I can tell you are the first to bring up the CIA in this thread. Now if you wish to talk of the CIA then lets go for it, but do not assume I am your stereotype "liberal".

Hell if you wish to bring up the clandestine services lets include the DIA, NorthCom, FBI, DEA, ATF, DARPA, Homeland Security and the "new" DNI.
duane Report This Comment
Date: August 10, 2005 01:54AM

Your Mother,whats wrong with fart humor?cmon,you know you like it.
mantionyahoocom Report This Comment
Date: November 28, 2005 02:49AM

I think some of you need a box of tissue and a good cry...

GO BUSH!!!!!!

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 05, 2006 10:11PM
