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gotcha m.f.!
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gotcha m.f.!

"a group of people holding a piece of metal"

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Comments for: gotcha m.f.!
cesiuminjector Report This Comment
Date: December 05, 2005 02:35AM

explain - i dont think i am getting the entire from just the picture
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 05, 2005 02:41AM

we may have bagged bin ladens #3 in pakistan with hellfire shot from a predator
Herc Report This Comment
Date: December 05, 2005 02:55AM

Are they auditioning for the Village People
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 05, 2005 03:08AM

Who gives a fuck about #3? Four years later and that illeterate cowboy is no closer to achieving success in the "War on Terror" than he is to walking on water. Despite what he and his followers may believe.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 05, 2005 03:21AM

i give a fuck about killing every one of those piece of shits, and so does millions of others asshole!
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 05, 2005 03:26AM

if you're so smart, then how would've you done it? all you anti-bush weasle cocks can whine all you want, maybe the wussycrats will win next time and you can pull out really fucking the whole arab world including our own!!!! fuck you!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 05, 2005 03:57AM

#3 was actively running and organizing Al-Qaeda. #1 and #2 are too busy hiding and only give encouragement to their followers once in a while. Hopefully this event implies that the anti-terrorist efforts are working and anyone who is actively engaging in large-scale terrorist plannings will eventually make themselves visible enough to be neutralized.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 05, 2005 04:20AM

the best way to strike a serious blow is to whack the leaders/ organizers. the cronies will eventually disperse into much easier to find places and be eradicated
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 05, 2005 04:38AM

Nothin' quite like a good old US built exploding suppository shoved up their asses, huh? Good job!
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 05, 2005 05:19AM

and by remote control no less... hahahaha, did'nt even have to put any troops in harms way.
cesiuminjector Report This Comment
Date: December 05, 2005 06:10AM

i dont mean to be sound trite, tired and similar to handfulls of other jackasses, but the way to deal with terrorist is the way we dealt with the nazis - you just have to look under every rock and kill or imprison every last one until there are no more. I understand that they will continually reform and new ones will come about - but we simply have to make it too hard for them to exist
cesiuminjector Report This Comment
Date: December 05, 2005 06:12AM

now thats tax dollars well spent
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 05, 2005 10:12AM

Caption should read: "Bomb us next! We are all dumbasses!"
Poxy_Cunt Report This Comment
Date: December 05, 2005 12:45PM

All them Abdul's look the fucking same!
Truth_from_Georgia Report This Comment
Date: December 05, 2005 02:29PM

#1 -- Getting a district operational head is nice (assuming that is what really happened rather than us incinerating some wayward goat-herder), but there will simply be a new district operational head within 3 days. No major victory. Succession planning is something the terrorists have a lot of experience with. How many Number 2s and Number 3s have we taken out? How much has it really disrupted them? We need to take out the figureheads -- even if they are in hiding -- because those are the symbols that hundreds of millions watch and see as inspirational/semi-mythical.

#2 -- If we are saying we got the #3, then we are probably wrong. Terrorists rarely publish an organization chart. The most dangerous terrorists (according to the CIA) are the ones we do not know about.

#3 -- Digger, you asked for how to do it better? First, use the special forces we now have running around Iraq to chase the people we should really be caring about (who are, by the way, generally not in Iraq). Second, use even a portion of the roughly $1 billion per day we are currently spending in Iraq to bribe locals and fund anti-terrorism efforts around the world. Third, actually impliment the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission, who came out with a progress report today giving the current administration "more Fs than As" as far as making our country safer. []

Merry Christmas all. And Digger -- added props for the self-portrait.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 05, 2005 03:16PM

there are "special forces" in every country in the area looking,"off the record". bribes don't seem to work either. this recent "project however seems to be effective. use ground agents to spot,get out the r.c. plane,pop the cork on some champagne, and go to sleep. wake up the next day and say, "what are ya'll talkin' about?" hell for all we know these dipsticks detonated on accident, killing a couple innocents, then brought in a piece of shrapnal w/ our signature to blame us for killing more "innocents".who's ever going to know for sure. who cares about these so called innocents anyway? they were most likely used as human shields. not our fault that's for damn sure! oh and by the way people, don't bother posting links, i don't read some biased bullshit web site's propaganda! i concede that the 9/11 comm. is probably not very biased, but don't waste your time w/me. thanks for playing.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 05, 2005 04:46PM

All of you are jackasses. How many of you with your grand ideas have ever served in the US military?
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 05, 2005 04:53PM

so serving in the military makes you an expert in foreign affairs? i thought they did what they were told by the president, damn i've been wrong all this time?
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 05, 2005 04:54PM

jackass? check that definition again, jackass!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 05, 2005 05:10PM

I've never been on this site before but I think that fossil digger has some issues. I don't mean that in a bad way, I just think that you should go get some help. Maybe you won't be so angry.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 05, 2005 05:16PM

hahahaha i don't need help, i am plenty angry all by myself. lol,carlos.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 05, 2005 11:24PM

The US killed Osama's #3 ?

if you kill the #3, the #4 just got promoted, right ?

Until Bin Laden is captured at his daddies place in Saudi Arabia, I don't want to hear shit about him. But we know Bush promised the Bin Ladens that Osama was safe for life. You know. Being business partners with the Bin Ladens and all.

Duane_ Report This Comment
Date: December 06, 2005 02:47AM

Shit I rarely want to here anything from you Beast but you know American Free speech.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 06, 2005 05:58AM

oh my god, i see the light beast, i that was the laughing gas from the dentist's wearing off you almost had me.
cesiuminjector Report This Comment
Date: December 06, 2005 06:06AM

beast, bush being buisness partners with osama is doubtful - coming from you, impossible
cesiuminjector Report This Comment
Date: December 06, 2005 06:08AM

and to the kid in the center cry me a river - try any of that shit your dad (assumably #3) was pulling and your picture will be on rotten
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 06, 2005 06:58AM


But if you didn't here anything from me you would be sucking you own dick all day.


It is a matter of public record. Carlyle group is just one business venture.

Are you stupid...The kid in the picture is pakistani. Osama would only have Saudis that close. You know Saudis. Just like the guys who crashed into the WTCs.


Looks like you put a shit staind foot in your mouth.

W, Cheney, and Condi never served. Maybe that is why they have fucked this up so bad.
cesiuminjector Report This Comment
Date: December 06, 2005 09:21AM

whatever that kid is - they all run around clucking their tongues, chanting praise allah and death to america - that kid suck shit for all I care - I kinda hope he does show up on rotten

All right I got to get back to studying for finals, Beast you really are entertaining
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 06, 2005 12:31PM

On December 5, 2005, 4:46 pm Anonymous@99254 said :
All of you are jackasses. How many of you with your grand ideas have ever served in the US military?

Yes. CW4, Apache Pilot. Desert Storm. And your point is?
Duane_ Report This Comment
Date: December 06, 2005 12:45PM

99254 me to Army Infantry.
Beast just because your moma told you my dick was so big that I could is no reason to tell the world about it.
cesiuminjector Report This Comment
Date: December 06, 2005 08:43PM

Beast, who was Americas best president? just curious
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 06, 2005 09:44PM

Who gives a shit ? Rating the best president is an endeavor of fools.

Since I wasn't alive for every president it would be stupid for me to say wouldn't it ? Each president having to handle completely different problems at different times in history.

This sports view of rating presidents is ridiculous.

On the other hand I can point out good, fair and bad decisions by presidents.
Ninepointfiver Report This Comment
Date: December 07, 2005 10:31AM

Whooaa!!! Beast, you claim to get your most reliable info from text. So, WHO DO YOU SAY IS THE BEST PRESIDENT? Goes both ways, current and past!
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 08, 2005 05:14PM


You are an imbecile.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 08, 2005 05:39PM

going out on a limb here.....what do you think of ross perot beast?
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 08, 2005 06:29PM


Can't trust someone with ears like that
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 08, 2005 09:48PM

lmao! a friends dad was ross's right hand man back then, he could not convince me ross was the man, but just think of the shit he would have us in? makes bush look like a saint eh?
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 09, 2005 06:53PM

don't foget to vote on the politics forum folks
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: October 09, 2011 10:22PM

it seems that O'dipshit is doing just that when he claimed he wouldn't. smiling bouncing smiley