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Comments for: Whywontgodhealamputees
quasi Report This Comment
Date: August 14, 2007 01:00AM

"Gee, when I joined the army I didn't know I could get hurt?"
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: August 14, 2007 01:06AM

I was just fixin to say if I remembered right it's been an all volunteer army for a while now.

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: August 14, 2007 11:10AM

Nobody twists their arm to make them join the military. It is their choice. If they want to join the military they have the option to join a safer branch like the Navy or Air Force.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 15, 2007 12:30AM

Just goes to show that, yes, KIDS are stupid, they'll be fed bullshit and go right along with it thinking it's the "right thing to do!"

You guys ramble on about getting it done (WAR) and then you say.... "that's just how it goes"... talk about taking personal responsibility, you guys need some lessons.

Any teenagers around you, make sure to push them into doing "the right thing", you know, taking care of the Cold War (Terrorism), with total confidence, of course.

Terrorism = The Cold War Part II (Propaganda)

The Cold War ended so they had to create a replacement... THEY HAD TO CREATE!

You guys are lazy..... just do what they told you! FUCKYOUIWONTDOWHATYOUTOLDME!

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: August 15, 2007 01:16PM

More conspiracies about the all powerful "THEY". Just who are "They" and how can "They" survive in power for all these years. When I followed conspiracy theories over 30 years ago, "They" were in power back then too. The mysterious "They" must be aliens flying around in space playing with us.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: August 15, 2007 09:14PM

It's really pretty simple anon. The US armed services are and have been a volunteer only group for some time now. Anyone joining the military whether in peace or war time and holding some firm belief they could not wind up in a dangerous situation during their enlisted term of duty is holding some seriously deluded thoughts.

Honestly, enlisted men are injured and die without ever even seeing active duty for any number of reasons. While many such casualties are seemingly Darwinian in nature there are also instances of all kinds of accidents that can cause injuries or death too that are not battlefield related.

In the area of my own personal accountability I've talked with several people who've enlisted and prefer to inquire about their reasoning in joining, then (if they ask my opinion) try to give them my perspective relative to their ideas, but all in all it's their decision and life to do as they choose.

Back to the posted pic though, this guy joined up for one of the deadliest jobs on the planet, became injured and now seemingly decries the choice he made, though indeed it was always HIS choice to make. My question is : where does personal accountability for ones own actions or decisions enter his logical thought processes in protesting his own decision ? To my way of thinking it seemingly doesn't at all or he would not BE protesting !

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: August 16, 2007 12:20PM

Just joining the military does not guarantee one will be killed or injured even in war time. Even joining the Marines doesn't guarantee one will be killed or injured. The vast majority of the military serve their enlistment without any injury. Only a small minority are killed or injured and nowhere near the amount of previous wars. It sounds to me like many people would like to do away with all military in America. What they don't realize is that we are not protected by location anymore so we need a military for our protection or we would be invaded by other countries. Without the military then we would be last line of defense for our nation and there are those who wish to take that protection away from us as well.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: August 18, 2007 09:44PM


Sun Correspondent

WAUCHULA — On Sept. 15, Wauchula native Craig Trotter’s life will drastically change. He will take off his U.S. Marine Corps uniform for the last time — a uniform he has proudly worn for almost four years.

While 1st Lt. Trotter has mixed feelings about his upcoming transition to civilian life, he said he is leaving his “band of brothers” with a sense of accomplishment. He feels he helped make a difference to the people of Iraq — made them feel safe for the first time in many years.

That, he said, is his proudest accomplishment and one he shares with those who served with him at the 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines out of Camp Pendleton, California, as part of the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit.

When one first meets Trotter, or “Lieutenant,” as the folks around Wauchula respectfully call him, it is easy to tell he served with the Corps. His manner is polite, humble, and he carries himself like a Marine even in civilian clothes — crisp and confident.

Trotter could easily be on a U.S. Marine Corps recruiting poster. What one might find surprising, however, is how young he looks. Trotter is 27, but his experiences of war have seasoned him and helped him hone many of his skills, including his ability to lead.

Before he left Iraq, the infantry officer was promoted to executive officer of his company, a position where good leadership could mean the difference between life and death for the 200 Marines under his command.

The lieutenant is presently on terminal leave awaiting discharge from active duty to begin a new life as a civilian. He hopes to work in the business sector using his bachelor’s degree in marketing. Since he has been home, he has used his time to talk to several civic organizations in the Wauchula area about his experiences in Iraq, The message he wants to send is that people should listen to the full story — that there is progress.

“There is some interesting stuff going on over there. I think it is a viable thing we are doing and like anything else, it needs time,” he said, adding that he feels the American public is not getting the full story and mostly hear negative stories.

Trotter said that change will come slow in Iraq, but insisted it is definitely changing for the good.

That change, he said, will mean sacrifice, and liberty comes with a price. “Everything accomplished in America, there has had to be some blood spilled to get it,” he said.

Despite the possibility of the sacrifice he and his fellow Marines are willing to make, he said Marines do not feel sorry for themselves. “We all signed up for this,” he said. “It is not like we were forced to do this — the first thing you learn when you join the Marine Corps is mission first. Let’s do it and do the best we can.”

In September 2006, he and his fellow Marines were deployed from San Diego via the USS Dubuque to al-Rimadi outside of Baghdad. “We were shipped out not knowing where we were going to end up,” Trotter said. “We weren’t sure if we were even going to Iraq.”

Once boots hit the ground in Iraq, Trotter said that his unit worked hard to gain the trust of the Iraqi people. Members of his unit lived in the village.

“It was scary because there were a lot of bad guys out there,” he said, adding that it was difficult to distinguish who was the enemy.

Slowly, he said, the Marines’ presence helped promote change in the neighborhood.

“We went in there and it was tough to start communication out of nowhere, but it started building. We had eight or nine come out to help us,” he said, adding that many wore ski masks and only came out when it was dark so that they could not be identified.

“They didn’t want to get killed or have their family get killed,” he said. “They would go out with us and point out the bad guys, and write sworn statements. It’s one thing for a coalition force to write a sworn statement, but for an Iraqi to write a statement on another Iraqi, it could mean he is done.” Trotter admired their bravery.

As the people became more comfortable with the presence of coalition forces, the neighborhood, he said, became safer.

“We had at least 200 people come in and volunteer to be Iraqi police,” he said. “After that, the place turned around.”

Trotter enjoyed interacting with the local people, especially the children, teaching them games such as tic-tac-toe.

“That is what makes you know what you are doing is a good thing — when you get to sit with and talk to the kids.”

Leaving behind a safer neighborhood is what Trotter feels most proud of. “We went into al-Rimadi and every mission we did was at night because it was so dangerous. And now, and I talk to buddies still over there, and they are walking down the streets in the daytime. It is now a different place — it is a different world — secure — the kids laughing.”

The people of Wauchula have been very supportive of Trotter and of all those who serve, the 1998 Hardee High School graduate said. Trotter is appreciative of gifts sent and prayers said. “People in the community hand made about 200 of these camouflage pillows and you would see a Marine going out on a truck with one of these pillows on his pack.”

Trotter said that Wauchula has welcomed him home warmly and residents have thanked him for his service.

“Many people went up to my parents and said, ‘We have been thinking about you and tell Craig we are thinking about him.’ That helped out more than anything because it isn’t just that you need people being supportive of the military guys. Over there, we have the best family you can imagine,” he said, stating that it is those who remain behind who need the support.

Trotter left behind his parents, Wauchula residents and school teachers Wayne and Emily Trotter, and his older brother Blayne. He is glad to be home now, and brings with him not only pride of a job well done and stories of his experiences in Iraq to share, but he also carried home a special gift for his father — an American flag flown in Iraq. “My dad is one of the reasons I went into the military.”

And while Trotter said he misses his military family, he is happy to be home — closer to his biological family.

“It is a kind of bitter-sweet getting out of the military,” he said. “I miss the camaraderie.”

But, Trotter said, inside, he will always be a U.S. Marine — Semper Fi — always faithful. When asked why he decided to serve his country, Trotter said, “I was in college and then there was 9/11. I thought, ‘I am an able-bodied person,’ and it was my duty. It was a calling.”

When asked why he specifically chose the Marine Corps, Trotter grinned and said, “They are the toughest — the best of the best.”
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: August 18, 2007 11:02PM

these people never have a response for that defense. love it!
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: August 19, 2007 11:49AM

Goes to show that with our all voluntary military services that our military are of the same mind and do support what we are doing in the middle east. They also believe it is better to fight them in their homeland then in our own.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: August 19, 2007 12:32PM

i smell some bullshit poll about to be posted by another jilted voter.