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Great - Great Grandson Pigs

"a cartoon of pigs holding signs"

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Comments for: Great - Great Grandson Pigs
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 02, 2007 12:12AM

"Ethnic cleansing, maimed children and thousands of dead American soldiers are a small price to pay because for the Globalists, the end always justifies the means and untold bloodshed and misery and bloodshed won't stand in their way.

That agenda was again underscored last year when Daniel Pipes, a highly influential Straussian Neo-Con media darling, told the New York Sun that a civil war would aid the US and Israel because it would entangle Iran and Syria and enable those countries to be picked off by the new world empire without the need to sell a direct invasion to the public."
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: October 02, 2007 02:16AM

having them "picked off" is a bad thing? very strange logic beast
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: October 02, 2007 02:20AM

them being achmapenishead, the majority or Iranians don't back him...publicly

thier "party" will implode all by itself soon enough

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/10/2007 02:21AM by fossil_digger.
Osama Bin Laden Report This Comment
Date: October 02, 2007 05:37AM

An evil group of men has always wanted to rule the entire world. In the past conquest has failed to achieve this, due to the resulting outrage and awareness of the enemy. In our present time an evil group are trying a subtle but effective way to rule. This is to gradually infiltrate and delude the masses into accepting their ideas. Such subtle gradualism, along with distraction (such as unnecessary work, study, entertainment and sport) is being used effectively. Few people will therefore be aware of what is going on.

The powerful conspirators are made up largely of the international bankers, and the Illuminati, which is a super-rich organization, which controls the mainstream media, workforce, education system, companies, banks, energy supplies and governments. They are controlled by the richest people in the world such as the super-rich Rothschild and Rockefeller families. They also hide behind many organizations such as the United Nations, the WTO and the Council on Foreign relations.

There is also a Jesuit-Vatican connection, planning the merging of many faiths into the apostate one world church which will serve Satan. The New Age movements are also part of the plan.
To gain full control of the world's money would mean full control over everyone, especially those in debt. This is exactly what the international bankers conspiracy is doing. Every government is in debt to them. This debt is increasing. Personal debt is very widespread and increasing. Hence almost everyone is in debt. Wasteful spending, borrowing and debt are encouraged. Therefore people and governments are becoming increasingly in the bankers control, as they have to pay interest, which the bankers can manipulate to their will.

Governments are forced to sell assets, lose sovereignty, and place citizens in poverty to repay their debt.

The conspirators are privatising, buying and controlling government assets.

The conspirators bribe governments with political donations.

They gain ownership of land through world heritage, which is then miss-managed and restricted.

Things that prove a trend towards a one world government include; a rising amount of globalization, free trade, privatization, foreign investment, mergers, international organizations, debt, international problems that need an international solution and peace agreements that give false security.

Perhaps the greatest conspiracy is to distract us from the truth, so that we will lose money and property to the powerful conspirators, who corruptly monopolize wealth and power, and gain more power as a result.
Instead of using most of our time or money to fight the powerful by learning and sharing the truth, we are deceived into trying to keep and make more money than we really need, so that we will lose it to the powerful.
A common control measure is to deceive the majority that the purpose of life is to spend most of your time to make money, and spend it on unnecessary things. The conspirators deceive people that making excessive money is easy and profitable, despite the fact that the majority of small businesses go bankrupt. Suitable paid work is very hard to find. Searching and applying for it costs money and time. Therefore the conspirators profit from peoples waste and bankruptcies. Instead of encouraging volunteer work and encouraging people to freely help and serve each other, their motto is either make excess money for yourself or spend all your time trying to find something that will make excessive money for yourself.
The term "make money" is deceptive. Unless you are a bank or a mint it is illegal to create money. For you to gain money, it has to come from somewhere to the disadvantage of someone else. This could be:
1. from the Government, (if you are a public servant)
2. as wages from a poor small business manager, or charges to a poor person or
3. taken from a company, which causes that company to charge higher costs to poor people.
But if you use your money and time for God's will you are not guilty of disadvantaging others.
The conspirators have highly infiltrated the corrupt mainstream workforce, including the public service, which often forces people to teach and use bad practices when better methods are available.
People are doing unnecessary work. Many jobs, products and services are unnecessary and corrupt, and hence corrupt the people who are involved with them.

The conspirators have shares in and therefore control of many companies and organizations whose staff would be fired if they did not obey the terms of the corrupt system.

Charging money for something suppresses the material or service by restricting or deterring people from using it. A very small percentage will buy something as opposed to using it for free, because it is unaffordable for most of the world's population, requires carrying money or having credit cards and wastes time for bookwork and transactions. Also it discriminates against the needy. Instead people who can afford it should offer to donate, even if they are not asked for money. Would you be reading this information if you initially had to pay for it?

The powerful aim to destroy small businesses and disadvantage citizens by sending them bankrupt. They then claim their property and money.

The banks and multinationals may eventually merge together and then merge with the one world government, who will make sure almost no small businesses are left to bypass their system. Probably almost the only ones selling will be multinationals, controlled by the one world government. Therefore everyone will be forced to rely on a monopoly, which will have complete control over everyone.

In countries with above average costs and wages it is better to reduce costs because wage rises increase costs, inflation, interest rates, small business bankruptcies and unemployment. Exports are reduced. Wage rises take money away from small businesses, pensioners, unpaid volunteers and carers who often work hard for no pay. Although trade unions are correct in some ways, they still support destructive and selfish policies that cause unemployment, destroy the poor and destroy the economy.

Instead of enabling small businesses to produce products much cheaper, the government imports identical products to those produced locally. The importing of foreign imports from multinationals is destroying local producers and giving more power to the conspirators. This is also spreading disease.
Competition and free trade is an advantage for the wealthy and powerful. There is a deception that we need serious competition to have fun, keep prices down have a large variety of goods and services. However, the opposite is happening and powerful corrupt companies with redundant products are taking advantage of and destroying honest innovators and small businesses with good products and services. As a result good products are becoming suppressed. This is resulting in a smaller variety of and poorer quality goods and services.
Deregulation enables multinationals to get products much cheaper than small businesses, at the poor primary producers expense.
Multinationals raise prices higher than the small businesses did before they were annihilated.
God's way is a rightfully regulated fair go for everyone where everyone is well off.
Competition encourages many outlets to sell the same things, which causes confusion to shoppers.
If one succeeds in a career or enterprise to make money, they prevent someone else from succeeding under such a competitive environment of limited opportunities.
Serious competition means over training, lust for worldly success, money or medals. There can be pride if you win and distraction from doing God's will. Anger, disappointment, envy, regret and resentment may result when you lose.

Many of the conspirators' products are deliberately made not to last so that customers will be distracted with problems and buy more products or parts. Multinationals suppress inventions and discoveries so that the world is forced to rely on their redundant, wasteful, costly and addictive products that bring them great profit.
Only approximately 0.1% of inventors make a living from their inventions. Patents cost money and expire. Little support for inventors means almost all revolutionary inventions including free energy devices and natural medical cures have been suppressed.
The conspirators control the price of energy and essential products and services despite the fact that there are much more efficient but suppressed methods available.

Such a plan means it is logical that the system does not support people without power or money who have good ideas and the potential to make the world a better place. Doing so would mean a transfer of wealth and power away from the conspirators and into the hands of those who wish to do Good.

Increasing numbers of people are controlled by the government, as they are forced to rely on welfare.

Consumption taxes will only hurt the poor, increase costs and destroy small businesses. There are too many taxes. The cost of complying with and enforcing taxation is therefore a major problem which is draining the economy.

International laws appear good, but are deceptively introduced to give the powerful more power.
If countries don't accept a condition, they are given sanctions or their leaders are brought down.
Peace agreements and common ties between countries have some benefit, but give the world a false sense of security and tie countries together ready for a one world government.
Disarmament gives more power to the powerful and less arms for citizens to resist them.
The goal of the world government is to remove the weapons of honest citizens, so that they can more easily persecute and exterminate anyone who resists their control.

Foreign aid is mostly only transferred into the hands of the rich and powerful to gain more power and exploit the poor.

The stock market is overvalued and rigged. People are deceived into investing in banks and multinationals. A crash will give the citizens' property to the powerful.
Boom and bust cycles, market fluctuations and stock market crashes are deliberately caused so that people lose money to the conspirators.

Christmas and Easter have lost their true meaning. Unnecessary spending helps the powerful.

UFO's are probably man made craft which may be used to fool the world into accepting the One World Government. They are secretly hidden and tested at military bases.

Banks create money from nothing and demand it back, together with unnecessarily high interest.
They encourage waste of money so that they can profit from the interest.
The conspirators deliberately create problems such as wars, market depressions and other crises. This is so that they can control, confuse and distract people, and also benefit from the interest on the money that they lend to fund and then stop these crises. Also it is so that the world will accept their solutions, which are really only steps towards their plan and more of their control.
Sources give strong proof that the conspirators have funded both sides of most of the wars in the last 200 years, including the world wars.

Their members are in our governments and often form presidents of various countries. Therefore the conspirators control the world's governments.

The conspirators can control the weather for biological warfare. They are deliberately ruining the environment to gain more control.

The conspirators mix truth with evil to slowly seduce the masses into their hands. Like pawns in a game many people are helping and working for the conspirators without knowing this. People even unintentionally deceive their family members.

To achieve their plans they aim to destroy existing governments, private property, religion and sovereignty so that they control everything.

Many diseases, foods and medicines are deliberately made to weaken and control people. Starvation, death and poverty, deliberately caused to billions of people will also give the powerful, greater control.

Genetic engineering gives multinationals more power over food, crops, seed collecting and farmers.

Corrupting and weakening the population will make it easier for the conspirators to get the people to accept their conditions. Ways this is done include; media propaganda, promotion of violence and sex, bad education, and drugs.

Unnecessary paper work, duplication, and excessive questions in documents cause time and money to be wasted.

Inconsistency causes confusion. Standards vary so much in different places.

Government policies are advised by unelected bureaucrats, linked to and influenced by the powerful.

Newly elected members of parliament are lectured that they must vote as the party dictates.

To protect their interests, the media often give no publicity or bad publicity to good ideas or good parties. The reason why so many people are not aware of these things is that the conspirators control all the main media and education systems.

Bible prophecies are known to be 100% accurate. The Bible predicts that the Beast or Antichrist will fool the elect of many religions that he is God by doing miracles and promising peace. He will break his peace agreement, totally rule the world and bring widespread persecution. He will force everyone to worship him and accept a satanic mark on their right hand or forehead in order to buy or sell (Rev 13). This will probably be an embedded computer chip. It will be better to die and be with Christ instead of taking the mark and worshipping the satanic beast, which will cause you to be eternally separated from Christ.
There is strong evidence that the conspirators have well planned this system of a satanic one-world government.

Government statistics deceive people into thinking that things are going better than they are.
Something must be wrong when approximately: 90% of the world's population are worse off financially than the average pensioner, 95% of small businesses make a loss and 1/3 of the worlds population go to bed hungry. In wealthy countries real unemployment is about 20% with sometimes 16 unemployed people for every job vacancy. Wealth distribution is totally corrupt, because the hardest working, most honest, hard working, ambitious, intelligent and innovative Christian people may be poor while lazy and corrupt people may be rich. Please see the evidence at

History books controlled by the conspiracy do not tell the full truth on why many events happen. Many facts are suppressed.

The justice system is corrupt, with unfair or delayed trials. High costs, duplication and retrials advantage the rich. Conflicts of interest and defamation laws suppress corruption.

The solution is the Biblical principle practiced by the Apostles, which is very rarely seen today. They did not desire money, or work for the corrupt mainstream system, but worked hard doing God's will. They shared and did not spend money or time on unnecessary things. The solution is that we could form a highly efficient group. People could work from their own homes in their own time, which would be more efficient and less stressful. We could search for and communicate with people who have suppressed technologies, which are better than those publicly available. We could benefit from their technologies, and they may even join our group.

A group that shares and is free of corruption would mean that other people would want to give back and help in return. This would be far better than the current mainstream system of charging dollars for almost everything, which suppresses products, causes greed and poverty and is inefficient as explained earlier.

Avoid buying from or investing in multinationals or banks. Instead invest in a better system, which will help you and others. You could help honest small innovators. Lending money to True Christian charities or ministries is a good idea, as you could reclaim your savings in the future for another Godly purpose. Also your money will be used for Godly purposes. A genuine Christian group will want to help you if you are in need. This is better than hording unused money in a corrupt bank or company where it is likely that you will lose your life savings. "1 Tim 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."

We need people to reveal the truth to those who are uninformed and to search for those with similar interests. Quality goods and services are needed, but they take time to find among the counterfeits, although the Internet does help. This will only be achieved if people like you change from working for the corrupt mainstream system to a much more efficient, enjoyable system.

Many people who work for the corrupt system are honest, intelligent people who work hard. They would change the world if they worked for a better system.

People could continue in a similar occupation. For example, a teacher could leave the mainstream system to work for a Christian school. A scientist could research the best methods available, instead of something that will bring the satanic conspirators profit. A health worker could start researching and using suppressed cures, instead of using the mainstream's system of dangerous drugs or methods. A member of parliament could change from being part of a mainstream political party to become an independent. A meteorologist could start an Internet network of home-based weather stations, sky cameras and forecasters that would give much more information, efficiency and reliability than the weather bureau. I am trying to do this. People could leave mainstream education. Instead they could study something that they will use and want to learn.

Imagine how much less stress, bad company, overwork, workplace bullying, and unhappiness there would be.

We need to do God's will, which clearly says not to yoke with evil or be part of the corrupt world system. Maybe then will we see great joy and healings in people who are coming to God.

Some members of our group could work to find and research groups or individuals that practice True Christianity. There may be true Christians or true Christian groups out there as committed as the Apostles with instant, permanent, consistent, supernatural healings and totally true prophecies. Many counterfeit groups claim this. The challenge is to find and prove who are the genuine believers and expose corruption, counterfeit groups and false doctrines so that people can be warned.

The reasons why we should seek first the kingdom of God by trying to form or find a group like the Apostles are endless. Imagine the benefits if we could move in the spirit like the Apostles. People would be guided by God instead of stumbling around blind folded making the wrong decisions. We may not have to spend eons of our lives looking for things and making decisions. There may be little or no need for traditional medical therapy, as people could be supernaturally healed. There would be certainty, direction and less frustration. There would be more love, a great relationship with God and little worry. There would be a revival with maybe even sceptics coming to the Lord when they see things happening.

The main focus should not be on this world, which is perishing. Making a significant change to the mainstream system is almost impossible. Time would be much better spent on forming an independent system. There is much hope as we can choose not to follow the god of this world, but worship God so that we can enjoy a much better life to come.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: October 02, 2007 06:11AM

it's a really cute idea aussie girl, but you might as well fire up the crusades again, every religion for itself! damn the infidels and kill 'em all! let their god sort 'em out! yada yada yada.

when infact we need to throw every religion out on their no tax paying, brainwashing asses before they own everything. separation of religion and state is a joke! when in fact religion rules the world. it has been human kinds downfall for millenia, and will be mankinds final hoorah.

thanks you bucha frikin' sheep!
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: October 02, 2007 07:14AM

Whaaaaaaat ???? Fossil's now deriding all the imaginary friends the god mongers and religous groups keep trotting out ??


Fuck the sheep, bein a wolf is much more fulfilling anyway thumbs


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/10/2007 07:15AM by Mrkim.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: October 02, 2007 05:46PM

Organized religion has always been about the money and never about the people. I left organized religion many years ago. I still believe in God and the Bible but no longer allow anyone to interpret it for me and preach to me. I have my own beliefs taken from my own reading and experiences. The future war will involve an organized religion trying to take over all people and rule the world. It will be up to us to fight this war and it will come because of the weak minded people who believe in political correctness. This will allow the radical Islamists to take over their religion and expand it.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 02, 2007 09:46PM

jgoin, you don't believe in organized religion just organized government propaganda, they're both the same thing.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: October 02, 2007 11:22PM

i love you assholes saying that jgoins and myself are the propaganda spreaders, when in fact neither of us have ever posted anything of the sort. whereas YOU are the problem. try your reverse psychology on the "lesser" "wanting someone to think for them" minds. you won't get any pity from me, only laughter! smiling bouncing smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/10/2007 11:23PM by fossil_digger.
90130_ Report This Comment
Date: October 03, 2007 06:35AM

Where does that leave me? I'm just an American infidel.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/10/2007 06:37AM by 90130_.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: October 03, 2007 06:56AM

you'll only get a "die you baby killer" or "fucking bush lackey" "war monger"from these jerkoffs.

from me you get a big fucking SALUTE!
Osama Bin Laden Report This Comment
Date: October 03, 2007 10:51AM

A one world government is the concept of a political body that would make, interpret and enforce international law. Inherent to the concept of a one world government is the idea that nations would be required to pool or surrender (depending on point of view) sovereignty over some areas. In effect, a world government would add another level of administration above the existing national governments or provide coordination over areas national governments are not capable of adequately addressing as independent polities.

To date, no nation has officially put forward plans for a world government, although some people do see international institutions (such as the International Criminal Court, European Union, United Nations and International Monetary Fund) as the beginning elements of a world government system. An organization comprised of legislators from various nations known as Parliamentarians for Global Action have promoted ideas of democratic global governance, though such promotion has varied in its scope and intensity during the organization's history.

The need for a global government to preserve the peace between nations was discussed in ancient Greek and Roman times, and, in modern times the idea has been recognized since the early 14th century (Dante, for example, discusses it in his book Monarchia, 1329). In 1625, the great Dutch jurist Hugo Grotius wrote De Jure Belli ac Pacis (The Laws of War and Peace), which is commonly taken as the starting-point of modern international law. The idea of a federation gained much momentum during the late 18th century, a period in which the first modern democratic federation, the USA, was established (1788), and in which Immanuel Kant wrote the essay "Perpetual Peace: a philosophical sketch" (1795). In his essay, Kant describes three basic requirements for organizing human affairs to permanently abolish the threat of a future war:

The civil constitution of each state shall be republican
The law of nations shall be founded on a federation of free states.
The rights of people, as citizens of the world, shall be limited to the conditions of universal hospitality (i.e., people would be allowed to visit other countries, but not to stay unless invited).

It should also be noted that to date world governments were not democracies, and over human history there have been many 'world governments' which were empires or dictatorships. Famous examples are Alexander the Great and his empire, the Mongol Empire, and the British Empire, which all encompassed substantial portions of the then known world; in the case of the British, a quarter of the world's surface and approximately a third of the world's population. This is the single closest time that the world has come to a total political unification.

Since then, unsuccessful attempts were made throughout the first half of the 20th century to establish global institutions to resolve international disputes peacefully, or, when these fail, to establish laws in the conduct of wars between nations. The most remarkable ones include the Hague Conferences of 1899 and 1907, which failed to prevent World War I, and the League of Nations (1919-1938), which failed to prevent World War II.

The most relevant model for the incremental establishment of a global federation may be the European Union, which politically unites a large group of widely diverse, some formerly hostile, nations spread over a large geographical area. The EU, which is still evolving, already has many attributes of a federal government, such as open internal borders, a directly elected parliament, a court system and a centralized economic policy.

The EU's lead is being followed by the African Union, the Union of South American Nations, the Central American Parliament, and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. A multitude of regional associations, aggregating most nations of the world, are at different stages of development towards a growing extent of economic, and sometimes political, integration.
ORLANDO399 Report This Comment
Date: October 03, 2007 10:57AM

The beast is now an aussie girl?confused smiley
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: October 03, 2007 05:38PM

Anonymous Wrote:
> jgoin, you don't believe in organized religion
> just organized government propaganda, they're both
> the same thing.

What about the organized anti-government propaganda which you belong to?
Osamba Bin Laden Report This Comment
Date: October 03, 2007 10:53PM

Despite President Bush’s starry-eyed vision of a democratic Iraq, neither Iraq nor any of its neighbors are now or ever will be candidates for participatory democracy. They are not built that way.

History has shown that without tyrannical government suppressing the population, only an iron hand can govern. The present al-Maliki sham regime offers full evidence of another attempt and failure.

Iraq is not one nation but at least three different countries made up of tribes and their customs with their own varying religious versions of Islam and ever-changing cultures.

These tribes or factions have been at war against each other for 1,000 years. Saddam Hussein understood this weird conglomeration and viciously governed under the rule of the rifle barrel, the hangman’s noose, and the blade of an executioner’s sword.

There are three possibilities for the future of Iraq:

1. We leave and Iraq explodes into a bloody civil war.

2. We stay indefinitely and delay such an explosion.

3. A return to an iron-fisted authoritarian government.

History is moving in that direction. In the words of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran, “A power vacuum is imminent in Iraq . . . The political power of the occupiers [that’s us] is collapsing rapidly. Soon, we will see a huge power vacuum in the region.”

At that point, Ahmadinejad says he is prepared to fill the void indicating Iran’s eagerness to increase its role on Iraq’s political scene.

The poor late Saddam Hussein understood the role of absolute dictator. It becomes increasingly obvious that somewhere among this Middle East crisis will emerge a strong man — a man on a white horse — a secular-minded individual with ambitions and talents beyond ambition and talent of being not only a commander of troops but a commander of people.(The Anti-Christ)

Iraq’s nationwide crisis calls out for a man with an iron hand and a sense of personal destiny — a Charles de Gaulle, for example.

So we await that step forward to solve the crisis, take over the reins, force the divergent population to stop killing each other, restore order, and enforce domestic peace.

Until such a man arises from this chaos, Bush’s war will continue to cost hundreds of thousands of lives, billions of dollars, and the destruction of thousands of years of artifacts.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: October 04, 2007 05:44PM

Thank God this generation was not around during WWII. If they were we would be ruled by the Japanese Emperer now or Hitler would have taken the world. This generation believes that if it gets too difficult or too costly just quit.