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Rummy shown for the liar he is
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Rummy shown for the liar he is

"a man in a suit and tie"

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Comments for: Rummy shown for the liar he is
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: May 05, 2006 08:05AM

a pic of rummy, only put the word =putz= on his forehead
you oughtta consider getting into graphic design, you're a natural
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: May 05, 2006 08:24AM

better than sucking on the bong all day like you shaDEz.
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: May 05, 2006 10:29AM

that was a childish responce, kinda seventh gradish, i was expecting something along that level
i could respond with something else like "speakinf about sucking on things........", but i just ain't in the mood to fight with people on your level anymore
it's completely pointless, and besides... if someone were to get stoned all day long, i bet he/she would still be much much more productive than you with your lame ass, unhumorous, political garbage posts; that accomplish absolutely nothing but make liberals look like morons(they're doing a fine job of that all by themselves btw, and they do not require your assistance)
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 05, 2006 10:45AM

aDCBeast sucks!
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: May 05, 2006 12:16PM

Sahdez, you nailed it. They will torpedo themsleves and all we have to do is dit and watch. If people like beast are brought back into power we will be hit again with devistating result because they can't even tell when we are in danger.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 05, 2006 01:44PM

Wow - talk about childish. These clowns are attacking the messenger, rather than the message, in typical school yard bullying tactics.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 05, 2006 02:32PM

This war is gonna have the same results as the Viet Nam war.The U.S. may as well give up & come home.You cant win a war when the soldiers stay fucked up all the time.
madmexrva Report This Comment
Date: May 05, 2006 05:04PM

Republican war bashing and profiteering is at an all time high. Bush wont do nothing because he got only so many years left and he will reap large profits. Meanwhile we argue about small shit ,amongest the two partys. Is America better since he took over? Remeber 9/11 happened on his shift and no matter how you suger coat it he was in charge.Were was he on Sept 10? Americans are to stupid to do any thing about there goverment.Its an illusion that they can controll anything. Too much TV. As an native indian and mexican i'll be glad when these white basterds will take there sorry ass's out of here.Your Freedom is a joke.You wanna spread freedom to the middle east but not next door.
Jgoins is a good example of shit for brains who weres his compasion on his sleeve.
You know why the goverment does more for other minority than your own? Cause you and your offspring aint worth a fuck and this is while under this administration.
Chew on that ....
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 05, 2006 06:13PM

madmexrva should quit his day job of picking lettuce and drinking 'firewater' so that he can spend more time posting to forums about how much he hates the white man
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 05, 2006 07:52PM

I hope Anonymous@241101 gets an intensely painful; agonizing illness a dies soon.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: May 05, 2006 07:56PM

there could be a few of those jobs open up soon.

seriously though, madmex: you can't tell me with a straight face that 9/11 was W's fault.

hey beast, shadez, jgoins and i'm sure kim soon,duane and everyone else....:~}
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: May 05, 2006 09:47PM

FD, there is one key fact about 9/11 that smells like serious BS. That is this:

There exists an established, military, hijack response protocol since the late 1970's. On 9/11/2001 at least 4 airplanes were hijacked, and where the fuck were the scrabled fighters? Late. By significant amounts of time. And this hasn't been followed up by anyone. Smells like something dirty, doesn't it.

BushCo. is provably the most secretive government in the USA ever... more executive orders classifying information, more secret meetings, etc, etc. This is their track record here, not what they say. There is a difference.

It doesn't have to be W's fault that massive civil-liberties reducing bills were successfully passed in the wake of 9/11. Nope. But funny it happened that way . . . .

John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: May 05, 2006 09:52PM

*scrambled (= "scrambled fighters" means that military jets are sent up within :15 minutes of a confirmed or suspected passenger jet hijack attempt)
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 05, 2006 10:11PM

aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: May 05, 2006 10:12PM

John_Stone .. either they were held back by civilians or there is widespread incompetence in the military.

which one do you believe ?
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: May 05, 2006 10:24PM

Anonymous@121121 actually all of your problems are your parents fault for mating.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: May 06, 2006 12:55AM

S'up fossil ? Decent weather here huh ? Get any of that bad ass storm last night ?

Oh, and where are my manners ? Hi B man !
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: May 06, 2006 01:59AM

it was a mean 4o mph straight line rain for 1 hour and dark an hour and sunshine from 9:30 on.

the plane truth is W called off the fighters
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: May 06, 2006 02:38AM

MrKim ... Dude you post some good porn !
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: May 06, 2006 12:09PM

Prior to 9/11 planes highjacked were flown to different locations and used for hostages not flown into buildings so ordering the fighters to take them out was not an acceptable option at the time. Even after the first plane hit the building and order to have our jets shoot down passenger planes would be a very difficult decision for anyone to make so I understand why the order was not given. We have had many highjackings of airliners in the past prior to 9/11 so you people need to stop tempering your memory with what has happened on 9/11 to the memory prior to it. Would anyone here, besides me of course, be able to order a liner shot down not knowing for sure if it will be flown into a building? I don't include myself in the question because I would have no problem ordering it, after all I wear my compassion on my sleeve as madmex is so happy to point out.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: May 06, 2006 04:16PM

Gotta go with jgoins (BTW, really like your handle dude, straight outta one of my favorite movies smiling
smiley, a decision to shoot down an airliner filled with innocent passengers has never been done over American airspace, nor do I feel as if it would have even seemed justifiable to the bulk of society over ideas that it "might" have been used as a weapon as occured on 9-11. And .... with as many planes constantly in our skies, even given the circumstances of that mornings events, a bigger question would have been where to start with such a gahstly chore?

No matter who had made such a call, had such an act been perpetrated, the perpetrator themself would have been skewered for having made such a choice if only for the slight possibilty that the passengers or crew could have regained command of the plane and changed the outcome. Honestly, had this option been exercised, the issuer of such a command would have been eventually jailed for mass murder.

Though planes had been hijacked previously, I never heard of any set of standing orders regarding such a circumstance to shoot down a plane under command by a foreign group so it's hard to imagine anyone feeling as there's blame that such a thing didn't occur on that morning.

Thanks B man, I do what I can yakno :>winking
smiley I love hot women a lot more than I do politics :>P
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: May 06, 2006 04:20PM

jgoins .. nice try but no cigar.

The security and intelligence community had long predicted someone using an airplane as a weapon.

The mlitary trained for that eventuality prior to 9-11.

No one conveyed this idea to the general public because it would have created a panic.

The planes should have been shot down. Hell the planes should have been followed by 2 fighters until the decision came to shoot them down.

No of that happened.

Keep making your excuses for the Bush admin. They need all the help they can get.

John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: May 06, 2006 08:20PM

jgoins: While I see your point about the difficulty of making a decision whether to drop an airplane full of passengers -- =although some argue that the Pennsylvania crash was the result of a missle= -- that was not the question.

As Beast reiterates, the fighters weren't even in the air tailing the hijacked jets like they should have been in the first place.
If that is true, then something important happened to prevent sending fighters up per standard proceedure. My jury is out as to why, pending more and better evidence.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: May 06, 2006 10:13PM

Well as I remember the news of that morning I recall jets being scrambled from I think it was Andrews Air Force Base. But what happend that day has never happened before so no one was prepared anyway. We have always heard the conspiracy theories surround every aspect of that day and that's all they are, theories.

Mr. Kim thanks for the props about my handle but it is just my name and initial because I don't care if anyone knows who I am. Everything I post are my opinions and in this country I am entitled to them so I am not afraid if anyone knows who I am. I say all the same things in public anyway.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: May 06, 2006 11:35PM

jgoins you need to do your research.



Fighter jets should have intercepted all of the highjacked flights in 8 minutes or less.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: May 07, 2006 02:31AM

"= the plane truth is W called off the fighters ="
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: May 07, 2006 11:24AM

Those sites are clearly biased in their thinking and how they research.

Quite possibly George did call off the fighters and given the history prior to 911 it would be understandable. The whole attack lasted only a couple of hours so there would not have been much time for difficult ethical decisions.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: May 07, 2006 09:43PM

Damn jgoins, I figured you were referencing Brad Pitts character Jeffrey Goins from "12 Monkeys", sorry for the mistake dude :>winking

I hear ya though man, never been one to hide behind an anonymous online moniker myself either, except for some gear head forums where I go by Wrenchspinner, though most of those cats already know my name anyway ; >winking
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: May 08, 2006 02:52AM

jgoins biased ? how ? by quoting official sources ? Unfortunately the 9-11 commissions report is not online but it also confirms that NO FIGHTER JETS INTERCEPTED THE PLANES. NONE.

Any Air Force fighter pilot will tell you that they can scramble and intercept a commercial airliner are they have been trained to do since the 1970s in less than 8 minutes.

You are an awfully big suck up to W and the NEOCon crew. There is no need to go through an ethicals process. It is already figured out. Yes right now there is a plan for shooting down planes that is written in stone. It's called procedure. It takes the emotion out of it.

Remember the plane that pro golfer Payne Stewarrt died on ? Where everyone on board had passed out during flight ?

How long did it take fighter jets to intercept it ? 20 minutes. Not bad for chasing a private jet. Commerical jets get preference because their flight pattern is set.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: May 08, 2006 11:01AM

So I guess since Bush exhibited some compassion for the passengers in the planes you claim he just sat back and allowed them to hit their targets.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: May 08, 2006 05:24PM


Bush (and his team) are either very incompetant or they saw the events as the cost of doing business. I believe the latter because he went through with the personal appearance at the school that day already knowing that Tower 1 had been struck.

That means he (or his team) already made the decision to shoot down the plane that hit the first WTC tower.

The second plane hit the WTC while he was sitting in the classroom reading. That means the 2nd plane was also in the air before he went into the classroom. That's 2 decision points to shoot down planes before the personal appearance.

Bush did nothing. Incompetence or acquiesence ? It would be hard to believe his team would be that incompetent.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: May 08, 2006 11:18PM

You definately have a problem with the timeline. Nobody knew what was happening before the 1st plane hit and it took the second plane for things to fall into place.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: May 09, 2006 04:20AM


the 9-11 commission's report provided evidence that the president, andy card, the air force, and the air traffic controllers all knew the 1rst plane was off course. They were all following the established procedure.

You really don't know anything about airline emergency response. You would be better served doing some reading.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: May 09, 2006 12:16PM

They might have known they were off course but they had no idea what the highjackers intended to do. Before that day highjackers only took the planes to another country and held it hostage. It would be ridiculous to shoot down a plane because they might be held hostage and that is all we knew at the time. Even after the first plane hit most of us just thought it was a bad accident. Revisionist history does none of us any good.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: May 09, 2006 08:23PM


the air force trains for all eventualities. Standard high jackings, stolen planes, and using them as weapons. And they have done it for 30 years.

But that is really irrelevant. Shooting them down was not even a possibility because the Bush team called back the fighters. The fighters never even got to get in the air to see what the fuck going on. Why ?

Cost of doing business.

Maybe general public idiots like yourself thought the first plane was an accident but no one from the president, andy card, the air force, and the air traffic controllers thought it was.

You excuses for the Bush admin are sad.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 14, 2006 02:23AM

you need to consider the fact that shooting down the planes might have caused them to miss the WTC but they still would have hit part of the city