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Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: November 21, 2007 09:44AM

This one's better (worse)....

finger smiley


The U.S. Military is demanding that thousands of wounded service personnel give back signing bonuses because they are unable to serve out their commitments.

To get people to sign up, the military gives enlistment bonuses up to $30,000 in some cases.

Now men and women who have lost arms, legs, eyesight, hearing and can no longer serve are being ordered to pay some of that money back.

One of them is Jordan Fox, a young soldier from the South Hills.

He finds solace in the hundreds of boxes he loads onto a truck in Carnegie. In each box is a care package that will be sent to a man or woman serving in Iraq. It was in his name Operation Pittsburgh Pride was started.

Fox was seriously injured when a roadside bomb blew up his vehicle. He was knocked unconscious. His back was injured and lost all vision in his right eye.

A few months later Fox was sent home. His injuries prohibited him from fulfilling three months of his commitment. A few days ago, he received a letter from the military demanding nearly $3,000 of his signing bonus back.

"I tried to do my best and serve my country. I was unfortunately hurt in the process. Now they're telling me they want their money back," he explained.

It's a slap for Fox's mother, Susan Wardezak, who met with President Bush in Pittsburgh last May. He thanked her for starting Operation Pittsburgh Pride which has sent approximately 4,000 care packages.

He then sent her a letter expressing his concern over her son's injuries, so she cannot understand the U.S. Government's apparent lack of concern over injuries to countless U.S. Soldiers and demands that they return their bonuses.

While he's unsure of his future, Fox says he's unwavering in his commitment to his country.

"I'd do it all over again... because I'm proud of the discipline that I learned. I'm proud to have done something for my country," he said.

But Fox feels like he's already given enough. He'll never be able to pursue his dream of being a police officer because of his wounds and he can't believe he's being asked to return part of his $10,000 signing bonus.

KDKA contacted Congressman Jason Altmire on his behalf. He says he has proposed a bill that would guarantee soldiers receive full benefit of bonuses.

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: November 21, 2007 12:32PM

It was just broadcast that this is stopping and they will not have to give it back. A general is even looking into returning any money given back in the past. He admitted it was wrong and is trying to find out why it happened. No story left here.
Mint Report This Comment
Date: November 21, 2007 04:43PM

hope teamwork and ebay. I want those for my office
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: November 21, 2007 11:26PM

hahaha that is the funniest
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: November 23, 2007 12:05AM

jgoins Wrote:
> It was just broadcast that this is stopping and
> they will not have to give it back. A general is
> even looking into returning any money given back
> in the past. He admitted it was wrong and is
> trying to find out why it happened. No story left
> here.

Same old story here... of jgoin lying outright, they cleared Jordan Fox's money owed, but that was just because of all of the bad Public Relations they were getting out of it, all of the other soldiers STILL have to give their "sign up Bonuses" BACK!

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: November 23, 2007 11:26AM

They will each be taken on a case by case basis but I imagine those who were wounded will not have to give it back. If someone gets the bonus then is dishonorably discharged, do you think they deserve to keep it?
zxz555 Report This Comment
Date: November 23, 2007 04:50PM

who gives a fuck, they are just american grunts grinning smiley
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: November 23, 2007 09:27PM

better than a scotch-irish mutt. grinning smiley

oh wait, i'm one of those too. disappointed smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 23/11/2007 09:27PM by fossil_digger.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: November 24, 2007 12:46PM

Bush will remain in office until January '09 so people need to get over it. Just make sure you take the time to vote or you have no right to complain.
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: December 08, 2007 04:50AM

vote for what... and the elections are fixed anyways... this system is a joke! democracy is a farce
only through a communist revolution can we be free... and that is only through socialism that we can get to that point
death to capitalism! the world can't wait!
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 08, 2007 05:17AM

yeah look how well communism has worked in the past. eye
rolling smiley