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Comments for: Facts.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: June 03, 2020 03:27AM

Meh, as my wise southern mother use to say "Don't bother them with the facts, their minds are already made up!"

pulse Report This Comment
Date: June 03, 2020 07:03AM

Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: June 03, 2020 12:29PM

When the stats show as a member of the white race you're 3 times as likely to have an interracial crime perpetrated against you as you are to commit a crime against a member of another racial group that would seem to point to a fact set that's far apart from the "narrative" the MSM, liberals and social justice types keep pushing as "their" facts.

Another facet of these statistics that deserves thought is that the disproportionate rate of black on white crime comes from a group that only makes up 13-17% of the overall population, which of course is seldom mentioned as this too doesn't fit well into the black victimhood/oppression narrative constantly being pushed as fact.

One fact the forces on the left do tend to get right is that minorities tend to have a higher rate of incarceration per capita than do whites. Of course they also do this while blatantly omitting the overarching fact that minorities are also committing a disproportionate amount of the crime as once more these facts don't fit well with their victimhood/oppression narrative handjob
woberto Report This Comment
Date: June 03, 2020 09:20PM

DOJ statistics from 2005.
37,000 white women were raped by black men whilst fewer than 10 black women were raped by white men.
(Statistics 101 tells us that using "fewer than ten" in a report, rather than a number, means it is possibly zero. Just that the statistical margin of error is 10.)
So according to the MSM and the SJW, on any given day in the USA a black person is living in fear of racism and persecution by a white person. In particular by the police.
When in actual fact white people should be living in fear because 100 white women are raped every single day by black men.
other stats here