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AmeriKKKans- Stupid And Proud of It!
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AmeriKKKans- Stupid And Proud of It!

"a white sign with black text"

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Comments for: AmeriKKKans- Stupid And Proud of It!
TrueBlue Report This Comment
Date: September 08, 2005 11:05PM

U-S-A! U-S-A!
ownd_u Report This Comment
Date: September 09, 2005 12:18AM

because we keep our borders open to fags like you. You come in and dumb up the country. we pay the convicts with no education, who commit crimes, to go to war, with no health insurance. What does your country do, except bitch about the us?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 09, 2005 01:49AM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 09, 2005 02:09AM

Well, Mr. KKKK...ah, what the fuck. Look, If you're nice to everyone on this and other threads where you've spouted off your foaming vitriol, I'll pitch in and buy you a new keyboard like I suggested in another thread, since yours gets stuck on the letter "K" and the caps button's fucked up. If you need help with the spelling, pronunciation, and meaning of the word "vitriol"
here's assistance:

Main Entry: criticism
Part of Speech: noun 2
Definition: disapproval
Synonyms: animadversion, aspersion, bad press, blast, brickbats, call down, carping, cavil, censure, critical remarks, cut, cutting, denunciation, disparagement, faultfinding, flak, hit, knock, knocking, nitpicking, objection, opprobrium, pan, panning, put down, quibble, rap, roast, slam, stricture, swipe, vitriol
Antonyms: approval, compliment, praise, raves
Source: Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.1.1)
Copyright © 2005 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Main Entry: disapproval
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: condemnation
Synonyms: black list, blackball, blame, boo, boycott, brickbat, call down, castigation, catcall, censure, criticism, denunciation, deprecation, ding, disapprobation, discontent, disfavor, dislike, disparagement, displeasure, dissatisfaction, hiss, nix, no way, objection, opprobrium, ostracism, reproach, reproof, stricture, thumbs down, vitriol, zing
Antonyms: acceptance, approval, blessing, commendation, favor
Source: Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.1.1)
Copyright © 2005 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved

On September 8, 2005, 7:10 pm Anonymous@90130 said :
Here's another swell word:


Asshole or arsehole (outside the U.S.) is a term referring to the anus. It is generally used as a profanity in expressing deep contempt for someone or to describe a particularly abrasive person.

This word is found in colloquial speech in a number of cultures (in both English and in direct translation to other languages). This is due to the fact that it describes an organ of elimination that is considered a taboo region (belonging to the intimate parts) of the body in many societies.

The English word ass (meaning donkey, derived from the same root as its zoological name Equus asinus) may also be used as a term of contempt, referring to a silly or stupid person. In recent years, the words arse and ass have become synonymous in the United States, however in the rest of the world, ass still only refers to the donkey, rather than the arse (buttocks). It is worth noting that some varieties of English drop the letter "r", leading to practically identical pronunciations of ass and arse.

Until the early 1990s, the word was considered one of a number of taboo words that could not be uttered on American commercial television.

John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: September 09, 2005 06:07PM

The empire rots from within... /sigh/


"What's shocking those inside and outside of America is not so much the primary color of American poverty, but its depth and size. To have so many poor people in just one city leads one to wonder about the rest of the United States:
Is it as bad elsewhere as it is there?

It is, it is. "
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: September 09, 2005 08:57PM


Who's fault was 9/11 then ? Seems like most americans don't want to acknowledge that 9/11 was our government's fault.

So who is looking to blame someone else for their lot in life ?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 09, 2005 09:47PM

It's bad here. LOts worse than Europe. 9/11 was precipitated by the actions of the US government. While regretable (because any loss of life is regretable) those killed were killed in self-defense. The US government has been responsible for many more deaths in other countries. Those people will fight back. They have demonstrated this. So, now AmeriKKKans, is this really what you want?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 10, 2005 02:35PM

America , started of with a good idea but with each generation it got dumber and now republicans forgot that they control the goverment. libreals fight the system while republicans wave there flag and bend over. IF YOU AGREE WITH THE THE GOVERMENT THEN YOUR A MINDLESS SLAVE. You would rather fight protesters and women against war. Thats what you have been reduced too
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: September 10, 2005 04:17PM


No .. it's not. Be more specific.

The CIA created Al Qeada. You read that right. The US created Al Qeada to fight the russians in afghanistan. The US paid for the bases in Afghanistan that Al Qeada trained at. Then when he realized the US had used muslims (muslims died in battle for america in afghanistan because Reagan was too much of a pussy to send in american troops) to do there fighting Usama did something about it.

The same thing happened in Iraq during reagan's presidency.

These 2 actions lead to 1993 WTC bombing, 9/11, and other bombings.

They don't have sophisticated military weapons systems but they struck back at their aggressor the same way the american colonists did.

Question government leaders people. They are not acting in your best interest. They are only acting out a john wayne movie. But as we all know, real life doesn't always have a happy ending.