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"a woman and child in a room"

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Comments for: Vandalism
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: February 16, 2006 04:23PM

It is not racist if they are damaging the rooms.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: February 16, 2006 04:30PM

if they "have to stay" then fema should pay for the repairs also
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 16, 2006 04:32PM

who gives a fuck if its racist they r fuckin scumbags whether they r black or white an shud be evicted
cesiuminjector Report This Comment
Date: February 16, 2006 06:12PM

the motels are a private enterprise and shouldnt have to accept government money. Where does FEMA get the right to tell you how to run your buisness.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: February 17, 2006 02:46AM

Sounds like they've overstepped the boundaries of the welcome they've obviously abused. Time to push the "eject" button.

PC BS be damned, these folks are workin the "poor me" victim shit to the max and have managed to piss off most folks who were ever even interested in helping them. Every one to a man or woman I've met who was involved in the relief efforts came away totally disgusted by the attitudes they encountered in those efforts.

It's time these folks actually start PARTICIPATING in their own reparations and get off their collectively lazy asses and stop expecting anything from ole John Q Public. Enough is enough!

Don't forget folks it's not the governments $$ that's being wasted on this crap, it's OUR damned tax dollars being squandered once more and I think it's already waaay past time for the bleeding to stop!

If these fuckers were white they'd have been out on their asses a long time ago and THAT my friends is the truth!

It's only due the bleeding heart liberals and the ingnorant likes of figure head shit stirrers like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton that keep carping on enlessly about the inequity of this situation and how the black men and women are once more being dealt an unfair hand that it's managed to go on this long.

My sympathy wore out for these cats a long time back already !

In the words of the mascot for Wisconsin State: Fuck 'em Bucky!

So ... go ahead and bring it, my flame suits ready:>P
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 17, 2006 06:13AM

What the hell did anybody expect? After seeing the TV pictures of the rescues I knew any place this trash ended up would be destroyed.