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Comments for: the land of the free and the home of the whopper
Anon Report This Comment
Date: April 23, 2023 02:28AM

Fear reigns. Strength cannot be defeated by weakness, violence cannot be defeated by turning the other cheek, fear cannot be defeated by confidence! What a mucked up retarded country.

Then there's the first comment here:
Peter Puller Report This Comment
Date: April 23, 2023 04:54AM

Mostly because the strong, the violent, and the fearful resort to their 2nd Amendment guns when the old-fashioned method of taking an extra five seconds to LOOK and THINK, to realize that there is no danger, definitely cannot be defeated by peace and kindness.

"The meek shall inherit the Earth, as the Bible says, but only after the strong are done with it" said an author back in the 1980s.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: April 23, 2023 02:54PM

People themselves are really the problem. No gun has ever loaded itself, aimed and fired itself at anyone. That distinction belongs to the human race.

BTW, "a well regulated militia" had no part in the actions mentioned in this image so it's a non-sequitar, tug at your heart strings BS premise to start with.

Seems decidedly odd that the same folks who typically rail against Americans right to own weapons never give a second thought to the idea that when ever shit goes south in their personal lives, the 1st call made will typically be to have someone with a gun show up to help.

Having owned guns for over 50yrs I've never even pointed one at another person and hope I never have a need to do so. And ... that places me squarely in the majority of American gun owners.

You cats from Oz let your government lull ya'll into turnin in most of your weapons and that's all well and good if you agree with that sorta shit.

Here, we still have a constitutional right to own, and at least in my state, can openly carry guns if you care to. I agree with that concept and no amount of warbling is ever gonna change my position smoking

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 23/04/2023 02:57PM by Mrkim.