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The American Soldier: brave fighter, tool, or ordinary person?
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The American Soldier: brave fighter, tool, or ordinary person?

"a group of soldiers on a cover"

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Comments for: The American Soldier: brave fighter, tool, or ordinary person?
Tiw Report This Comment
Date: March 26, 2005 09:26PM

How much of an honour can this be when you look at who else it has named person of the year?
Father_of_a_Soldier Report This Comment
Date: March 26, 2005 09:31PM

The soldier, American or otherwise,is used by the media as much as by politicians.
jos Report This Comment
Date: March 26, 2005 09:33PM

me say id fuck them all (im serious)
AwPhuch Report This Comment
Date: March 26, 2005 09:36PM

Brave fighter
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 26, 2005 09:47PM

Is this real or photoshop?
straightedge Report This Comment
Date: March 26, 2005 09:54PM

It's real.
rogue_1 Report This Comment
Date: March 27, 2005 12:34AM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 27, 2005 01:43AM

The honour isnt about what good the person did, But how much they affected the events of the past year. I would say that killing at LEAST 10,000 civilians, (Men women and CHILDREN) and harming and maiming untold more for a lie qualifies them for this honour. No wait, They are only doing what they signed on for, ("I only was doing my job", sound familiar?), No the honour Should go to Bush, Cheny, Rumsfield and Rice, All fanatics for the "cause" no matter what the cost or who pays. No wonder the U.S doesnt want a War Crimes Court. Is the U.S government, (Notice what I write) Afraid of what they have committed over the past 50 or so years? The same things they accuse others of?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 27, 2005 02:36AM

Yet more idiots crawl out of the pit of despair known as liberalism A.K.A. reconstituted Marxism!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 27, 2005 03:33AM

What the fuck? You think you are way smarter than you are. I dare you to get off your lazyboy and go to IRAQ you smug selfish son of a bitch. You have a sister, mother or brother killed Then see what the real world is about.
Marxism? Get a frickin life, The 50's are over
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 27, 2005 03:36AM

And by the way, You did nothing but attack with old cliches,lies and predujices, Now if you wanna talk like a real man let me know....And next time try to come to the table with proof, you dumb fuck
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 27, 2005 03:38AM

It's why rumsfeld's afraid to leave the country these days, he's going to get nabbed and hauled in front of a war crimes court.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 27, 2005 03:41AM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 27, 2005 03:43AM

And he should be
straightedge Report This Comment
Date: March 27, 2005 11:19AM

dsf23 Report This Comment
Date: March 27, 2005 02:54PM

please kill all the caldines you can. start with the largest arab population out side the mid-east like
detroit. I lost three friends in the towers! how many did you lose?
duane Report This Comment
Date: March 27, 2005 04:41PM

74166 you throw insults and argue your opinion just like everyone else here, now show your proof and stop trying to be the only one heard that is pretty much marxist.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 27, 2005 07:48PM

BOOM. They all blow up. What a crying shame. On the bomb, what a waste of explosive.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 28, 2005 01:47AM

*1121* : Defend yourself. Don't use bullshit this time. *duane* : What are you saying, exactly?
duane Report This Comment
Date: March 29, 2005 02:20AM

1121 I got this one just so he dos'nt think its an original idea. Liberalism is on the verge of being communism.The hippies in the 60's tried to form communes where everyone could live without the problems of money,but as in every atempt to form utopia it dos'nt work.They allways fail because the drug addicts and bums show up and mooch and there is no incentive for anyone to work.Eventualy the society breaks down and the true nature of the people shows.Here in the U.S. we have an incentive based society, works pretty good and has for the past 200 years.Anyone from any background can become rich.In the Soviet Union Maxism led to secret police,food lines and a bankrupt system in less than a third of the time.The government made no money because of no GNP.Liberals Democrats ,since there are very few conservative liberals, wish to have a large government that taxes the rich to give to the poor while protecting thier dignity and pride.Dos'nt work sounds good on paper but bad in application.Your taking away incentive. They even want more central control in government there again taking away the incentive of the state to try anything that would prove that they manage goernment and finance better.When liberals take away the ability to convict people for crimes they take away the incentive for anyone to obey the law.I could go on but another time.
duane Report This Comment
Date: March 29, 2005 02:22AM

Oh yeah the reason I bring up hippies is because most of them are the liberals of today.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 29, 2005 10:29AM

Everyone has their smart comments and opinions about the war in Iraq , and what's goin on over their,especially the smart ass comment about killing innocent kids and women.Its probably an idiot like that who's never been in a 3rd world country and had a 10 year old pull a gun on them, or had a 65 year old woman walk up with bombs strapped to her.The same ass makes the comments, but is too much of a coward to pull time in the service, but is quick to knock the system which sets the foundations for the way you live.Without us "the military" people here could possibly be in the same situations as people have been in the past hundreds of years in countries like Iraq.And its people like you...who make me think twice about why I'm serving in the military and what selfish son of a bitches I'm risking my life to protect, and the sad truth is ,that the handfull like you arent worth it!!
Bob Report This Comment
Date: March 29, 2005 10:38AM

this image shows the little things that piss me off about america. It's _person_ of the year, not =persons= of the year. They could've put on one soldier who done some brave things then piss all their propoganda all over the article about him.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 26, 2005 04:32AM

My advise to them: don't stand next to any parked vehicles.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 11, 2005 05:53AM
