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What innocent will they kill next for terror ?
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What innocent will they kill next for terror ?

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Comments for: What innocent will they kill next for terror ?
Mint Report This Comment
Date: August 17, 2005 06:57PM

something new?
gruff Report This Comment
Date: August 17, 2005 07:03PM

London Police: 1 mistaken killing, with a warning

Muslim Terrorists: 52 deliberate killings with no warning

I know whose side I'm on.
beast Report This Comment
Date: August 17, 2005 07:08PM

London police were shown to be liars when leaked video showed the man they shot was NOT resisting as was reported by London police.

The London police LIED to cover their ass but they have been busted by video tape.

Now you don't know who to fear more: foreign terrorists or terrorists wearing police uniforms.
me_one Report This Comment
Date: August 17, 2005 07:23PM

i feel sorry for his family, but i'd rather live in a country where there is the occasional accidental killing rather than loads of terrorists. it certainly sent a mesage out that they weren't going to f**k about on the matter. you can't, if it's a suicide bomber you have to shoot them before they detonate themselves, as they don't mind dying - they've been brainwasher into thinking that that will cause them to go onto some higher state.
gruff Report This Comment
Date: August 17, 2005 07:47PM

" i'd rather live in a country where there is the occasional accidental killing rather than loads of terrorists"

It heartily sucks that more and more these seem to be the only two choices we have.
beast Report This Comment
Date: August 17, 2005 08:02PM

Sorry but whent he police lies about what it does, it is a TERRORIST organization.

This shoot first crap has to stop. The reasoning can't be supported by law. To treat everyone fairly you would have to approach everyone the same.

White Brits may be feeling fear from a group they already disliked in muslims however Americans got bombed by WHITE people in Oklahoma city. That means we can't just be looking for muslims.

The july 7th bombings in London were carried out by mules. People who did not know they were carrying bombs. They thought they were on a recruiting mission to bring people into islam. They were not terrorists. That is why London police have not said anything about the july 7th bombings.

That should be a clue that anyone could be unknowingly be carrying a bomb thus making it impossible to know who is carrying one until it has exploded.

The July 21 bombings were carried out by morons. Wannabe terrorists.

So killing innocent people no matter the number is an unnacceptable solution.

Will you volunteer to be that person ? I think not. and that shows a lack of conviction on your part.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 17, 2005 08:29PM

Beast said "White Brits may be feeling fear from a group they already disliked in muslims however Americans got bombed by WHITE people in Oklahoma city. That means we can't just be looking for muslims."

Muslim refers to a religeon, not a race. You can be white and be a Muslim just as you can be of Middle Eastern decent and be a Christian (or Buddist or Jew, or Hindu or whatever)
gruff Report This Comment
Date: August 17, 2005 08:34PM

"That should be a clue that anyone could be unknowingly be carrying a bomb thus making it impossible to know who is carrying one until it has exploded."

Think carefully: this is actually an argument for MORE shoot first crap. If we have no idea, better safe than sorry, right? Or what do you suggest be done?
anonymousBEAST Report This Comment
Date: August 17, 2005 09:17PM

What makes you think suicide bombings are going to be the only method of terror ? That's what it is right now. 9-11 was plane highjackings.

What's next ? Why not arson ? Bombings of stadiums ? We need to move away from thinking small. That is what people who don't know how to combat terrorism do. It is also the thinking of government who wishes to create fear to control the masses.

The best answer is not to create reason for terrorism. Unfortunately Bush has created a generation of terrorists by invading Iraq.

Timothy McVeigh was an average white american. How would america combat terrorism by white people ? In my estimation, it couldn't.
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: August 17, 2005 09:54PM

"The july 7th bombings in London were carried out by mules."

How do you know this? How can someone carry a rucksack bomb big enough to rip open a double decker bus or subway train, and somehow not know he's got a bomb in his bag?

No, they knew.
anonymousBEAST Report This Comment
Date: August 17, 2005 11:16PM


What do you mean big enough to rip open a double decker bombs ? Your ignorance is showing. No fault in not knowing small bombs can do big damage.

Their behavior on the video tapes, their daily life, and people who knew them suggest they didn't know what they were carrying.

If it makes you feel better to believe something contrary to the facts then go right ahead. The evidence says otherwise.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 17, 2005 11:24PM

And Tony Blair is deporting all those crazy arabs that preach hatred, good kob Tony; WTF aren't we doing the same here in the USA ?
anonymousBEAST Report This Comment
Date: August 17, 2005 11:32PM

Where do we deport people born and raised in the USA ?

I wonder if that is how the south became red states.
anonymousBEAST Report This Comment
Date: August 17, 2005 11:42PM

Tony Blair is catering to the lowest element of humans.

He might as well have said "Kill the Niggers!
gruff Report This Comment
Date: August 18, 2005 12:25AM

Beast: where is the evidence that says they didn't know they were carrying bombs? I'll agree that they possibly didn't know they were to suicide - I read that the bombs might have been set off by cellie - but they must have known they had bombs. Show me the evidence to the contrary.
duane Report This Comment
Date: August 18, 2005 01:29AM

Gruff,you have heard of the term brickwall.Meet brickwall.
anonymousBEAST Report This Comment
Date: August 18, 2005 03:00AM


I'll quote myself.

Their behavior on the video tapes, their daily life, and people who knew them suggest they didn't know what they were carrying.

It's an investigators nightmare. That innocents would be used to carry bombs.
gruff Report This Comment
Date: August 18, 2005 03:44AM

What specific behavior on the tapes shows this?

"Daily life" and "people who knew them" are hardly iron evidence - obviously if they were part of a terrorist cell, they were skilled at concealing their intentions from those around them. Or are you arguing that they weren't terrorists? What exactly are you saying?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 18, 2005 04:49AM

Won't be me or anyone else if everyone stops when the police tell them to and not run. Needs to happen in the USA and show some people here how it works..
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 18, 2005 06:29AM

LOL! "if they were part of a terrorist cell, they were skilled at .." They weren't terrorists. They were naive religious followers that got used. So unquestioning that they were unwitting participants in acts of terrorism.

Stop watching TV. News agencies can't report what is really happening because they are not infultrating government agencies to know.

People who know they are about to kill themselves in suicide bombings know they are going to die. They are excited and agitated.

Evidence that has not been provided to the general public has a passenger that survived say one of the "bombers" engaged him in a conversation that showed enthusiam for going to an religious event that day. He reported the man was not nervous or anxious but joyous.

Spare me the "they can conceal emotions or convey fake emotions" garbage. You have seen to many spy movies.

The US media is acting as a PR mouthpiece for the Bush admin. Even CNN. The intelligence community knows this administration will retaliate against whistleblowers causing people to grow afraid to go public with the evidence.
madmex Report This Comment
Date: August 18, 2005 03:43PM

i suppose when they shoot him for looking suspect, then we will say its okak, as long it only happens once in a while. lmao
gruff Report This Comment
Date: August 18, 2005 04:18PM

Know a lot of suicide bombers do you ADCB? If not, how do you know so much about their behaviour? I suspect you have as much direct knowledge of the psychology of such people as I do.

Once I strip away the noise and personal jibes in your post, what is left is a claim that a passenger had a conversation with one of the bombers and reported that he seemed calm. I agree, if this is true, it points to a conclusion different from the one I've made. But as you say, this information has not been released. So where is it? How do you know about it? Give me a link, I will take a look at it and think about it. Otherwise it's the old mouth/trousers dichotomy. And we don't like that, do we.
anonymousBEAST Report This Comment
Date: August 18, 2005 06:47PM

Well Gruff, your wrong. Who said I am on the outside ? You are.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 18, 2005 07:25PM

Choosing a name like 'beast' could indicate a subconcious acceptance of a less-than-human intelligence, so you're probably wasting words like =dichotomy=, gruff. The sad fact is that, if our police are to be at all effective against these terrorists, we have to leave them to make on-the spot judgments. As they are only human, they will inevitably make mistakes; we can only hope they don't make too many. Meanwhile, the terrorists will always have sympathy from fans like beast, who think they are innocents.
anonymousBEAST Report This Comment
Date: August 18, 2005 08:19PM


Many people shy away from the truth because it doesn't fit the truth they need to believe to cope. That is what the cast majority do. Psychological studies bear this out. Do feel bad many others believe falsehoods along with you.

Shooting this man was not a mistake. It was born out of racism. The man did resist and was shot 8 times for having dark skin and speaking unclear english.

This shooting exposes that britain and the US have lost their sense of direction like a dog chasing its tail.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 18, 2005 08:34PM

That muslim bastard wasn't as innocent as the media made out. i think the police should execute every last one of the evil muslim cunts.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 18, 2005 10:17PM

Bottom line, when the cops yell stop, you better fucking stop. Especially if they have their guns drawn. Innocent people have no reason to run from the police. If you flee, you must have something to hide. And if you go to another country, you better damn well learn enough of the language to understand the word "stop." If you don't know enough of a country's official language to obey the law and understand basic commands, you have no business being there. Go home!
anonymousBEAST Report This Comment
Date: August 18, 2005 10:22PM


WRONG asshole. The man who was shot in the head was a BRAZILIAN CATHOLIC man. Oops. fucked that one up didn't you?

Maybe the police shoot execute dumb people like yourself so the world could be better off.

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 18, 2005 10:27PM

According to the BBC these are the facts:
1. the suspect came out from a house under surveillance with a backpak on
2. he proceeded to walk to the tube station (subway)
3. upon police telling him to stop he started running toward the tube station
4. police shot him before he had a chance to enter the station.
anonymousBEAST Report This Comment
Date: August 18, 2005 10:29PM


He did comply. It was the police who did not know how to handle the situation and they FUCKED up. They should go to jail for murdering this man.

The video proves the London police executed the man. The man walked casually into the station with his cousin. Used his travel pass that he had already bought (As opposed to running like the London police said). And they shot him as he sat on the train. cold blooded murder.
anonymousBEAST Report This Comment
Date: August 18, 2005 10:35PM


that was before the video proved the police statements were a lie.

1. The INNOCENT man was not wearing a backpack of any kind.

2. He did leave a house in the nieghborhood where london police are conducting illegal surveillance.

3. He slowly road the escalator down to the statiion.

4. He used his travel pass to pay.

5. He hurried to get on the train which he made.

6. He sat down.

One officer rushed him grabbed his arms pinning them to his body. Other officers shot him 7 times in the head and 1 in the body.

There was no time to comply because he was already dead.

The london police has already acknowledged that if an officer had not gone on coffee break this entire event would not have happened. The officer would have notified others that this man was ok.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 18, 2005 10:58PM

I guess that throws away the abducted by aliens theory...darn
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 18, 2005 11:48PM

right wot u fuking yanks and puusys have to under stand is that undrreds died durry those bombings soo ther is noo way we r goint to take any shit
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 19, 2005 12:22AM


Well the chief of London Police is taking some shit. People higher up want his resignation.

56 died on July 7th. A miniscule number to lose your integrity.

and if not taking shit means shooting anyone who has dark skin then BE A MAN ABOUT IT and say that. That means blacks, italians, obviously brazilians, hispanics, indians, arabs, africans should all fear for their life in Britain.

Tough talk is for the stupid. It always backfires. ALWAYS.
gruff Report This Comment
Date: August 19, 2005 02:54AM

Why is the murder of one Brazilian a terrible crime but that of 56 Britons a "miniscule number"?

I say again ADCB: Show me the evidence. Without that, you're just blowing smoke.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 19, 2005 07:18AM

If you hadn't noticed recently UK policy has now changed and is now kicking people out the country (about time too) and refusing entry to others. I think somebody got the hint of what the public wanted.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 19, 2005 09:05AM

Gruff ..Losing your integrity as a country when faced with less than a challenge to your society means the fabric of your society is WEAK.

Today 1 brazilian. Tomorrow 3 dominicans. The next 7 greeks. and the next 11 egyptians. Discipline would say you maintain course despite troubles.

The US faces the same problem. The non "patriot" ACT showed how quickly america would lose its intrgrity and debase itself by pursuing the lowest of human elements.

9-11 has shown the world how the US and Britain have no backbone to stay the course and maintain discipline. The leaders let themselves get SUCKERED into a pissing contest. Real leaders know when to abstain. Boys enter the contest.

Gruff ... How about killing letting officers of color enter white neighborhoods and shoot some people ?

You also don't murder someone unrelated to an event with the guise of "protecting" the masses. Then lie about it. That means security is not your aim and discrimination is.

.003% of your country dieng should not cause a country to lose its intrgrity so the they change laws to allow racial profiling or discrimination. That is BS and Democracy or freedom is lost for the worse of society. In fact, anarchy is supported. Where guerilla's like the american colonists take on a must stronger army like the british army. Hmmm.... Kind of like the Iraqi freedom fighters vs. the coalition forces.
gruff Report This Comment
Date: August 19, 2005 03:22PM

I've still seen no evidence from you.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 19, 2005 05:57PM

Maybe if he phones ET home ?
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 19, 2005 06:20PM


Go to college. Argument's from ignorance are lame is doesn't help your argument.

Demanding evidence on the INTERNET is what a person does when they can't refute you have to say with the evidence they currently have. And you can't.

This Brazilian Catholic man was executed for having dark skin in London at the time of a racist policy. This tragedy would not have happened if the British government maintained high ideals. They wilted under the pressure and they look like fools in the eyes of the world.

Killing innocents and lying about it means you are no longer governing. You are terrorizing.
gruff Report This Comment
Date: August 19, 2005 10:08PM


Look. You've made an assertion contrary to my knowledge of the case. I have asked for facts, because I am truly interested in increasing my knowledge and getting closer to the truth. You have responded to my requests for information with rhetoric and personal insults.

You are not convincing anyone. All you are doing is making yourself look shrill and hysterical. I wilil be generous and assume that you are not merely concealing the fact that you have no evidence to show me. But lacking that evidence, we have nothing to discuss. Goodbye.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 19, 2005 10:57PM


Your pursuit of info over the internet is hilarious. As if information on the net has any truth value.

Who is here to convince anyone of anything ? Do I care what you think ? Nope.

I also know poor debaters when I read them. They want to see your "evidence" for saying something and marginalize it. Meanwhile they provide weak internet sources.

On the internet NO SOURCE IS GOOD ENOUGH. Even the large new agencies print falsehoods. Some on purpose because they know the general public will not be able to refute it thus believing it.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 20, 2005 10:35AM

But you expect us to believe your juvenile ramblings, beast?
duane Report This Comment
Date: August 20, 2005 04:54PM

Ok beast,now were getting somewhere.Where do you get your info from the news,internet,friends or have you been there,do you live there?Obviously you have formulated your opinion from what you want to hear,and pick what you want to make your dream of reality real.You dont need brain washing you do it to your self.I agree that college is a liberal wound that festers in America's side.Kids go there to study and learn but end up in a drug and alcohol clinic.They are going to college to seek high wages for low work.Liberals spout off how bad the economy is but I never graduated from high school and make over $1000 a week.Gas prices so bad that I just bought two more vehicles.If anything the economy is silently(no media coverage)booming.Im actually planning on takeing some classes on welding at the local tech college.Its not the poor the liberals are fighting for its the rich kids who go to college and the college graduates who are lossing theyr'e jobs to outsoursing because they charge to much.Personally I dont see where anyone that does not sweat at there job makes over $50,000 a year.The world breaks theyr'e back just to keep theyr'e world going and they bitch because they have to work now for a living.Get out and get your hands dirty you just might understand where the little man comes from.American Pride,Religion,familly,Hardwork not desideing weather to vacation in the Virgin Islands or Europe.Most of us are proud of our country even if we dont agree with it sometimes,not ready to shoot it down when your choice is not its choice or because your candidate did not win.
duane Report This Comment
Date: August 20, 2005 04:55PM

I agree with AEon.
duane Report This Comment
Date: August 20, 2005 04:57PM

Oh yeah I hated Clinton but I never stoped supporting my government.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 20, 2005 07:50PM

Don't run from the cops! You might be shot!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 20, 2005 10:06PM

True, and if you do it in London please be aware that they are not going to pussy-foot around it cause they got the balls to shoot those f*cking terrorists first, then ask questions..
DrOKs Report This Comment
Date: August 21, 2005 08:18PM

It s all fucked up.There are no values.There are no nationalities.No Greek Irish British American.If u can plz give me a definition.Few men in the western world can look back at their roots and say i m a pure greek,irish,whatever.It s not about religion either.It s just OIL.Europe and USA want it desperately but the muslims wont give it.For those who want to be informed check out the connection between tha Landen family the Bush family(generally american presidents) and the South Arabia royal families.Ask yourselves questions of this type: "Why the Landen family members who were living in the USA left after 9/11
with mystical flights" "WHO and HOW managed to send the Landen family members back in the middle
East?" "Why werent they held for questioning since
their brother/father/son was the number one suspect?"I m telling you friends,this world as long as it is ruled by these leaders by these goverments by these ideals is not a world worth fighting for.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 21, 2005 11:41PM


Did you read my post ? Hell no I don't give shit if you believe me. The internet is not a place to believe anything.


The innocent Brazilian man was not running from cops. He was sitting on a seat on the subway. The leaked video proved it.


It takes no balls to shoot someone. It happens 300 times a year hear in DC. Cops included.

It takes REAL balls to make sure you don't kill innocent people.

Daune the TARD

What about Justice Scalia, George Bush, Chief Justice Rhenquist, William F Buckley, Newt Gingrich, etc

They all went to college. Many of them went to the same college as John Kerry, Jane Fonda, and Bill Clinton.

So are you calling George Bush a product of that liberal waste known as "college" ?
duane Report This Comment
Date: August 22, 2005 09:51AM

Im sure long before college you learned of percentage.Thats just a small percentage.Now if you want a large percentage of liberals try college professors,teachers and journalists.I believe the number for journalists is around 85% to 90%.In the 80's while stationed at ft.Benning I visited 5 points in Atlanta because of all the cool shit there at the time.While walking down the street I saw people handing out books on communism.They looked like hobo's,most of the people hanging out with them were college kids.College kids hung out there so thats where they chose to set up shop.I also in the early ninties in the drug scene untill about ten years ago.Some of the most naive and juvinile people were the one bitching about the government and talking about europe.I never met one considered cool even by smokers and they were allways the ones taken advantage of or ripped off by the more street smart.When I bounced at parties I regularly had to had to keep some drunk from kicking there asses.They never were much fun to be around.Now dont get me wrong Im not saying you cant have a voice if you dislike the government but be preparred if people dont like your opinion,and the people I talked about were the loudest of the flakes allways preaching and pissing people off.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 23, 2005 06:13PM

LONDON - Brazil's ambassador to Britain said on Tuesday he saw no evidence to suggest British police had staged a cover-up over the killing of an innocent Brazilian whom they mistook for a would-be suicide bomber. Ambassador Mancel Gomes Pereira said that, at present, he and Brazilian investigators believed police who shot 27-year-old Jean Charles de Menezes on a London underground train a month ago had acted in good faith.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 23, 2005 06:15PM

DCBeast... RIP
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 24, 2005 01:10AM


Yeah .. I have a bridge to sell you !

Politicians never lie to conceal the truth or ease tensions of a situation.

The video clearly tells a different story. It shows the police acted improperly and they executed a person for the mere fact he has dark skin and lived in the neighborhood where members of the wannabe terrorists lived.

Nevermind that the London police had not said anything about the July 7th deadly attacks. Because they were REAL bombers. No wannabes.

So the London police are staking out wannabe terrorist neighborhoods rather than catch REAL bombers.

Of course this shoot first policy along with the BS bag checking in NYC wouldn't catch a suicide bomber now.

Now a bomber could get in a cab in rushhour traffic and BOOOOOOM! hundreds of people injured.

Don't you get it people ? There is no end unless martial law is invoked. Could you imagine bag searches for all of Manhattan ? LA ? Washington, DC. LOL !

This is why you have to be critical of your leaders that they are not creating reasons for terror (like invading Iraq).
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 24, 2005 07:35PM

Notwithstanding the veracity, or otherwise, of politicians, you have a remarkable capacity for making assumptions and using them to draw the wildest conclusions, beast. Have you considered seeking medical help, or is the medical profession just another part of the grand conspiracy?
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 24, 2005 10:26PM


What assumptions? Straight facts.

If you have a problem with the facts then your problem is with you and not me.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 25, 2005 09:45PM

What assumptions? All those you stated as 'facts' - you're clearly not living in the same world as the rest of us.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 26, 2005 04:15AM


You didn't say why the facts were assumptions.

You just don't want them to be facts because you don't support my ideas. Cognitive dissonance is tough but you can get through it.