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The fucking is all most over
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The fucking is all most over

"a man holding a statue of liberty"

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Comments for: The fucking is all most over
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 29, 2008 04:05PM

Yeah, putting up with your stupid "fucking" pictures. the
finger smiley
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 30, 2008 02:55PM

Really ????, let me see the GOP is as corrupt as the Demofag party
YES!, there is no such thing as an "HONEST" politician, not as long as you have lobyists and big corporations pumping money to elections.
The main difference I see is that Demofags are cowards like Carter & Clinton, fucking arabs come and fuck those fags and all they do is smile!, at least with the GOP those sob fuck the communists and arabs and whoever fucks with them..drinking smiley
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 30, 2008 07:31PM

Anonymous Wrote:
> Really ????, let me see the GOP is as corrupt as
> the Demofag party
> YES!, there is no such thing as an "HONEST"
> politician, not as long as you have lobyists and
> big corporations pumping money to elections.
> The main difference I see is that Demofags are
> cowards like Carter & Clinton, fucking arabs come
> and fuck those fags and all they do is smile!, at
> least with the GOP those sob fuck the communists
> and arabs and whoever fucks with them..drinking smiley

Yeah, and they fuck us over a lot harder too!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 30, 2008 08:19PM

Man!, they're FAGS and STUPID!....drinking smiley
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 30, 2008 09:29PM

yAH I SAW HOW bUSH really showed those arabs. Especialy the part were they moved the american business(KBR/Haliburton/Oil companys/Carlyle Group/) to the middle east. They kiss there asses.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 30, 2008 09:53PM

Man!, they're FAGS, STUPID and RETARDED!....drinking smiley
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 01, 2008 04:34PM

There are two possibilities.

You're part of the "ownership class" 1% of the United States who has benefited from the last 7 years or so. (Unlikely....)

You're so bleeding ignorant that you have no idea of what you're talking about.

The picture is melodramatic, but essentially correct. The Presidency of G.W. Bush was completely about the agenda that the aforementioned 1% believed they had bought and paid for, but were denied when the "distribution of wealth to the other 99% in the '90's (Clinton's Presidency) upset their profit margins.
The only other thing it might have concerned was G.W.'s personal aggrandizement agenda concerning retribution for Hussein's baiting of the extreme right wing that set him up in power in the 50's. (I.E., His empty death threats towards Bush Sr.)

Either way, the Project for the New American Century saw the gift for exploitation that was handed to them by Osama (Can't stand Saddam Hussein and never could) Bin Laden. So they ran with the opportunity. All the way to the bank and (concomitantly) us into the ground.

The second is the far more likely explantion. Fucking retards, that the entire Republifuck lot of 'em are.....
Lip Service don't make it: PAY ATTENT Report This Comment
Date: July 01, 2008 04:43PM

Dear Republifuck Retards:

Our man Carlin was talking to YOU, you're just too stupid to know it.

I don't think George thought that the left wing was faultless, just hopelessly disorganized. And it's a fair criticism.......

Watch and learn:

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 01, 2008 05:27PM

Man!, they're FAGS, STUPID, RETARDED and CRAZY!....drinking smiley
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 02, 2008 12:29AM

yada, yada, yada. Beat that Carlin drum loud. While your at it lips, why don't you put them on my lips on my cock, silly fucker. Your really drawn into this shit. Everything is a conspiracy and Carlin was a Genius. Look, he had some points but a lot of it is just contrived. Paint that picture Picasso!