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it is indeed time for a change...
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it is indeed time for a change...

"a man in a gray shirt"

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Comments for: it is indeed time for a change...
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: December 12, 2007 10:09AM

... but unfortunately this man is dead... it is now up to us the masses to revolt on our own to get this revolution
fuck ron paul, he is just a reactionary, which is counter-revolutionary
the people that follow him refer to him as a doctor of some sort, and thus this is a cult
ron paul is not revolutionary, it is an attempt to steal people that are potential to the revolutionary movement that is necessary now more than ever
and we will never acheive this revolution by relying on the bourgeois right to democracy
instead we all must rise up and take this right ourselves!
only through the dictatorship of the proletariat class can there really be a true democracy, because only the proletariat is truley of the people, and therefor for the people!
only someone that is of the people can truthfully be for the people, the masses
otherwise democracy is a complete farce and only serves to continue imperialist oppression and fascism... and such a type of nation is not free

wake up, the world can't wait!
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 12, 2007 12:40PM

You still haven't mentioned what type of government should be set up or how the masses will control and voice their opinions to this new government. The only way anything like what you want can work would be for everyone to be poor with equal income. If we have nothing to strive for then why should anyone work.
blinkermann Report This Comment
Date: December 12, 2007 03:06PM

I am ready for the GREAT GLOBAL LEAP FORWARD. But instead of re-processing everything made of iron, lets create a giant global computer network to share photos and commemts (and eat fast food). Then after we have all lost our jobs, we will be ready for a new collectivism -- everyone will have to submit photos.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 12, 2007 04:37PM

Oh the great argument, if we are equal ,why should we strive to do anything.BS
Teachers and fire dept volunteers stick shit in that argument. If money is your only motivation, then your not worth a whoot.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 12, 2007 05:39PM

shadez you need to go physically visit China or something, do you think those places had/have some kind of utopia, ask the people that live there, you're living too much in your brain and not in reality, I think maybe you smoke a little too much. Exchanging the current fake system for an even more fake system gets us nowhere.

Do you know why China is doing a lot these days? Because the higher ups are allowing a communist capitalist society, "the people" over there are going into business for themselves one way or the other and creating there own system in the belly of communism, without that China would already be at the bottom of the hill.... and let's not forget the US, if it wasn't for this capitalist society China wouldn't have nowhere near what they have, so, communism is feeding off of capitalism in a very cancerous way, that "great" communist society doesn't even have safety or give a shit in the least for their own people, those people are just systematic slaves.

Time to quit looking at the "big picture" and start working out the details in this "shadez utopia".

Most of the people in the world are decent without a government telling them how they have to be.

Watch this and open up, if you want to practice communism you should be able to, I don't have a problem with that, but, not push it or anything else on people that don't want it or even want to consider it, opinion, yes, government ordinance, NO!

It's funny, Ron Paul is the opposite of communism and I'm damned proud of it!!!!


Here's a good one for you, all that cold war stuff was just total propaganda through and through, think of things in a logical way, this is I admit, after the fact, but, what we should have done is not fight communism one bit, opinion yes, fight it no, if it had spread more than it did in the past just think, more would have crumbled, we should have let the "straw house" be built bigger and with more shit-talk, we could have turned our back on them and chuckled as time went by and it would have crumbled, even more than it already has all by itself..... logical failure!

shadez, I don't understand how you can be FOR MORE LAWS to tell the people how they should act and be, or be punished, the only way to keep a country moving forward is to let people move forward openly and freely, ambition is a good word to use, without it, man crumbles from the inside out. You read communism crap like it's reality, it's more like poetry, wishful dreaming.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 12, 2007 05:56PM

The New Communist War -shadez style- (my title, not theirs)

I've posted this before, hopefully people that didn't read it before do and the people that have read it, read it again, better yet, copy and paste, then share.
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A cultural war is raging across our land-storming our values, assaulting our freedoms, killing our self-confidence in who we are and what we believe. (Mr. Heston then asked those present who owned a gun to raise their hand.)

I wonder how many of you own guns but chose not to raise your hand? How many of you considered revealing your conviction about a constitutional right, but then though better of it?

If so, you are a victim of the culture war being waged against traditional American freedom of beliefs and ideas. You have been assaulted and robbed of the courage of your convictions. Your pride in who you are and what you believe in has been ridiculed, ransacked, and plundered! It may be a war without a bullet or bloodshed, but with just as much liberty lost: You and your country are less free!

Because you choose to own guns- affirmed by no less than the Bill of Rights- you embrace a view at odds with the cultural war lords (shadez). If that is the outcome of cultural war, and you are the victims, I can only ask the obvious question. What will become of the right itself? Or other rights not deemed acceptable by the thought police? What other truth in your heart will you disavow with your hand?

Rank-and-file Americans wake up every morning, increasingly bewildered and confused at why their views make them lesser citizens. The message gets through; Heaven help the God fearing, law-abiding, Caucasian, middle- class Protestant-or even worse, evangelical Christian, Midwestern or Southern- or even worse, rural, apparently straight-or even worse, admitted heterosexuals, gun-owning-or even worse, NRA-card-carrying, average working stiff-or even worse, male working stiff-because, not only don't you count, you are a down-right obstacle to social progress. Your voice deserves a lower decibel level, your opinion is less enlightened, your media access is insignificant, and frankly, mister, you need to wake up, wise up, and learn a little something from your new-America and until you do, would you mind shutting up?

That is why you didn't raise your hand. That's how cultural war works. That's what happens when a generation of media, educators, entertainers, and politicians-led by a willing President-decide the America they were born into isn't good enough anymore. So, they contrive to change it through cultural warfare of class distinction! Ask the Romans if powerful nations have ever fallen as a result of cultural division. There are ruins around the world that were once the smug centers of small-minded, arrogant elitism. It appears that, rather than evaporate in the flash of a split atom, we may succumb to a divided culture!

The Constitution was handed down to guide us by a bunch of wise old dead white guys who invented our country! Now some flinch when I say that. Why! Its true-they were white guys! So were most of the guys that died in Lincoln's name opposing slavery in the 1860's. So why should I be ashamed of white guys? Why is "Hispanic Pride" or "Black Pride" a good thing, while "White Pride" conjures shaven heads and white hoods? Why was the Million Man March on Washington celebrated by many as progress, while the Promise Keepers March on Washington was greeted with suspicion and ridicule? I'll tell you why, Cultural warfare!

You don't see other Hollywood luminaries speaking out on this do you? Its not because there aren't any. Its because they can't afford the heat! They dare not speak for fear of CNN or the IRS or the SAG or NBC! It saps the strength of our country when the personal price is simply too high to stand for what you believe in. Today, speaking with the courage of your convictions can be costly, the price of principal can be so high that legislators won't lead and citizens can't follow, and so there is no arm to fight back. That's cultural warfare!

Mainstream America is counting on you to "draw your sword" and fight for them. These people have precious little time and resources to battle misguided Cinderella attitudes, the fringe propaganda of the homosexual coalition, the feminists who preach that it is a divine duty for woman to hate men, blacks who raise a militant fist with one hand while they seek preference with the other, New Age apologists for juvenile crime who see roving gangs as a means to only the merchandising violence as a form of entertainment for impressionable minds, and gun bans as a means to only the Lord-knows-what. We have reached that point in time when our social policy originates on Oprah. Its time to pull the plug!

-- Charlton Heston
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: December 12, 2007 06:38PM

shaDEz, dude, did you really read this through or simply do the ole C&P deal from someone elses words?

"only through the dictatorship of the proletariat class can there really be a true democracy, because only the proletariat is truley of the people, and therefor for the people"

^^^^^^This to me makes absolutely NO SENSE !^^^^^

If you think we can only achieve social change and progress as people by empowering a dictator I gotta seriously wonder where such logic could possibly be coming from. The current administration has moved us closer to being within a dictatorship than I think we've ever been and you think that's a good thing ?

"only someone that is of the people can truthfully be for the people, the masses otherwise democracy is a complete farce and only serves to continue imperialist oppression and fascism... and such a type of nation is not free"

^^^^^^ Well intentioned rhetoric I'm sure but nothing founded upon reality, sorry ^^^^^^
Anyone holding political office can make the claim of being "of the people" since unless they are aliens they truly are "of the people", which of course essentially means nothing, nada ... ZIPPO! If you truly think a nation run under a dictatorship is more free and the citizens more individually empowered than are we here I second the above suggestion that you try living under such a regime for a while and then tell us what you think AFTER such an immersion. Cut the pie in the sky "Communism is the greatest thing" until AFTER you have lived within its womb.

blinkermann Report This Comment
Date: December 12, 2007 07:55PM

Dudes, shaDEz is trolling. He doesn't beleive it. No one really beleives that polemic, not even the people who originally said it. The commies were a syndicate and said what ever would help them consolidate power. Now they are being replaced by new syndicates i.e. Putinism in Russia, and Market Socialism in China. The Chinese only still evoke communism because it is convenient.

So relax, communism is not a threat. But the thugs are still out there and they are wearing whatever sheepskin get them in best, be it eviromentalism, capitalism, racism, regious orthodoxy, or Must-See TV. BE WARY. BE SKEPTICAL. BE HAPPY.
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: December 12, 2007 08:56PM

"and let's not forget the US, if it wasn't for this capitalist society China wouldn't have nowhere near what they have, so, communism is feeding off of capitalism in a very cancerous way, that "great" communist society doesn't even have safety or give a shit in the least for their own people, those people are just systematic slaves."

who in China now owns all of the production, and who in the American empire owns all of the production...
China is not just the bourgeois class, nor any nation is just that class, so when you say that china has more now due to the coup after Mao's death incited by the American imperialists, you're failing to look at that nation as a whole
and to say that American people are free is just the same... only the bourgeois have any rights, as is the case with any capitalist nation

as for history of communist countries the really has never been such a thing... and why is it that socialism keeps failing? other than the fact that the capitalist empire keeps attempting coups against nations where the people are making this great leap forward, other than the bourgeois reactionaries within them that work tirelessly to sabotage the progress? what of the shortcomings of the people themselves, but also the great leaps they have accomplished... the latest coup the u.s. imperialists attempted didn't last, the people marched on the mansion just after three days and ran the new CIA puppet government out... yet in that nation they also fail to have a good criticism of this oil plan...

"only through the dictatorship of the proletariat class can there really be a true democracy, because only the proletariat is truly of the people, and therefor for the people"
actually i typed that, didn't proof read it however...
i know that the word dictatorship invokes images of Mussolini, and Hitler, but the fact is all of the types of governments are dictatorships... but how do you consider a people that are under a dictatorship of a small handful of people that own all of the means of production, giving the rest of the people the right to work, and only when it is most profitable to the bourgeois(ruling class); how are the people free? in a sense that is nothing but slavery
and what about democracy, how is this a democracy when only the bourgeois really have the right to vote because this "democracy", this farce of a democracy, is not run by ballots filled out by the general masses, rather is run by the outward expression of capital; money
the less wealth that you have, the less freedom you have

so to this:
If you think we can only achieve social change and progress as people by empowering a dictator I gotta seriously wonder where such logic could possibly be coming from. The current administration has moved us closer to being within a dictatorship than I think we've ever been and you think that's a good thing ?

empowering(or allowing the continuation of power being held by) only the wealthiest ten percent of the population that only their real interest is to make as much wealth for themselves and continue to exploit people, how is that freedom? if the majority actually had a say, if the amount of wealth you had didn't matter when it came to ruling the nation, and yourself how is that not free? it would probably be safe to assume that the old white men(some of them, most of them had no intention on creating a free nation actually) indeed wanted a dictatorship of the proletariat... the majority
that is all that means

Marx said that "democracy is the road toward socialism"
he was indeed correct with that statement, why do you think that democracy has been so completely sabotaged?
and yet they wish to continue the show that these fake elections are... so the masses will continue to think that they are free, better off... so they won't rise up, which is either going to happen really soon, or this will wind up like an Orwellian nightmare
if the first is true, which is what we all should be encouraging and exciting people to do, then this Marxist-Leninist-Maoist ideology should be used to prepare them, do away with the system of the old, and work to ensure that it does not return
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2007 12:18PM

Anonymous Wrote:
> Oh the great argument, if we are equal ,why should
> we strive to do anything.BS
> Teachers and fire dept volunteers stick shit in
> that argument. If money is your only motivation,
> then your not worth a whoot.

But without money one cannot live. Without the hope of improving one's life and providing better for one's family, why would anyone work at jobs they don't like? Why would anyone do the dirty jobs if not for the money?