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Michaelangelo "The holy family with infant son Saint John the Baptist"
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Michaelangelo "The holy family with infant son Saint John the Baptist"

"a painting of a family"

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Comments for: Michaelangelo "The holy family with infant son Saint John the Baptist"
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 15, 2005 12:55PM

Has this one been "restored"?
Looks a little strange...
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 15, 2005 03:56PM

Why are they naked? Isn't that against gods law or something? And why is that woman trying to suck off that kid?
Duane Report This Comment
Date: October 16, 2005 12:07AM

You have a strange homelife 108165.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 16, 2005 01:54AM

I posted these pics as an educational tool, not intending to impose my personal faith on anyone but to draw attention to the renaissance masters who originally painted them. It's quite sad that these unfortunate secularists on this site don't see the artistic merit, but choose instead to ridicule it because it disagrees with their beliefs, or lack thereof. What empty lives you must have.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 16, 2005 04:29AM

I'm not sure this is the site for anykind of educational tools, humorius maybe, disgusting maybe, but certainly not religious educational tools.,and yes everyone that comes here lives an empty life, except you and me, of course..
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 16, 2005 06:02AM

Thank you.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 16, 2005 11:00PM

When you two get done curtsying and sucking each others dicks, would you mind enlightening us and filling up our empty lives by posting more artwork by renaissance masters? Thanks.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 17, 2005 12:17AM

Why don't you get off your're crushing her smokes, asshole.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: October 17, 2005 01:05AM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 17, 2005 02:40AM

Happy to be the internet entertainment center.
I don't let my religious sensibilties get in the way of my coarse language, which was nurtured by years in the military and finely honed to a high polish by working on cars and motorcycles for a living.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: October 17, 2005 04:57AM

"When you two get done curtsying and sucking each others dicks, would you mind enlightening us and filling up our empty lives by posting more artwork by renaissance masters? Thanks" and one of my new personal favorites, "Why don't you get off your're crushing her smokes, asshole" sorry funny from here. and i'll never put ANYONE down for what they beleive. what you beleive is your soul, and NO-ONE can dictate what you should beleive, only provide guidance.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 17, 2005 07:03PM

Fuck Sake! Does anyone know if it's been retouched?
Duane Report This Comment
Date: October 18, 2005 01:29AM

16110 Sorry I fucked her too!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 18, 2005 03:30AM

Sorry 26135...didn't mean to ignore you. Yep, this one's a duplicate of the original, which is in such a fragile state they won't even let people near it any more.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 18, 2005 10:54PM

Oh! Ouch! Your witty retorts are hurting me and my super-enormous ego... Oh poor me! Oh "god", the humiliation! I think I will go shrivel up and die now.. Oh boo hoo hoo... *snif* Or maybe, just maybe, I'll stare at these tiny digital images of lustrious, famous paintings and get enlightened or get religion or something. Oh my poor, empty life...

ok, whatever guys. Lame "insult" comebacks, "yo mamma".. boring. Where's that American creativity? Where's the biting wit? Kee-rist.
Duane Report This Comment
Date: October 22, 2005 02:50AM

Oh yeah well my dad will kick your dads ass!lol
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 25, 2005 06:54PM

"I don't remember toilet training the other kids this way..."