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"a man shaking hands with another man"

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Comments for: Problem Solved
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 16, 2005 06:27AM

McCain said earlier as he sat next to Bush in the Oval Office. "We have no grief for them, but what we are is a nation that upholds values and standards of behavior and treatment of all people, no matter how evil or bad they are. And I think this will help us enormously in winning the war for the hearts and minds of people throughout the world in the war on terror."
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 16, 2005 08:38AM

Now when the terrorist's make that first cut into your neck you can be comforted by knowing your killers won't be tortured and America will be well thought of because John McCain said "this will help us enormously in winning the war for the hearts and minds of people throughout the world in the war on terror."
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 16, 2005 08:50AM

Look at how Bush looks like McCain is president and he is the senator.


There is no war on terror you idiot. Stop being lead around by the nose by the NEOCon bullshit.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 16, 2005 11:56AM

Beast, from your statement it is clear to see that you think there are no terrorists and you think Bush arrange the attack on 9/11. Well I feel sorry for you because I used to follow conspiracy theories, but when my health started degrading I realized it was all the theories which brought it about. So I grew up and quit believing them so my worrying stopped and my health improved. I haven't had to see a doctor in over 10 years now. You can continue the way you have been if you like but you will be supporting the medical community by doing so.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 16, 2005 02:33PM

jgoins, that was a double-plus-good speach. BTW, 2+2=5
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 17, 2005 02:35AM


WTF are you talking about ? I said there is no "war on terror". I never said there were no terrorists.

The "War on Terror" as Bush talks about it is made up. The US is not going after terrorists.

Keep in mind that the real reason for events like 9-11 is provocation.

1rst world nations need to keep from imposing their world on 3rd world nations. That ranges from culture, governmental style, to business culture.

Demnding changes in a country or you are going to withold a countries means of feeding it's people should prompt a 9-11 attack.

Al Qeada is not some huge global terror group. They are quite small. There are 1000s of groups across the world that want to vidicate their way of life, peoples, country, etc against imperialist aggression of the US and Britain. Those groups range in size from 1 whacko in his basement like Duane to groups with as many as 1000 members.

Al Qeada happens to be the most visible and the most dangerous because the CIA trained them.

But Bush is not going after terrorists. Why ? Because most of Al Qeada are 50+yr old men now. They can't be the foot soldiers. So what is left of them they employee smaller groups like Atta's group who carried out 9-11. BTW, All 19 men who carried out the 9-11 attacks are DEAD. No need to hunt that group down is there?

Stop accepting the lies at face value. If terrorism was important the military would have scoured Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan first. Iraq is a huge tangent to the war on terror. Bush could not have taken his eye more off the ball.

Usama still breathes 4 1/3yrs later. There is no way a person lives that long after a 9-11 event without help from the "enemy".
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 17, 2005 05:54AM

Well shit, lets just give up, DC said so, lets just get the vasaline, bend over and grab our collective ankles. I think we should start looking for a nice city to invite Usama to live in and lets give him a nice house to live in provided by FEMA, while we're at it. Never mind the the Libs have already done most of that..
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 17, 2005 07:27AM


Who said give up ? I said get your eye on the stated goal. If we are serious about stopping terrorism around the globe then we have to do specific things.

1. Stop creating new terrorists with cowboy actions like Iraq. Realize that America can not exist in peace without the rest of the world being at peace. Nation building never leads to peace. Look at Israel for example. Every arab country keeps its mouth shut because Israel was formed illegally. Iraq is viewed in the same light.

2. Stop hiring mercenary groups to do our fighting. They always come back to haunt you.

3. Foster the flourishment of poor countries. Not with 100% financial aid. Teach them how to market their products (hopefully they have some) rather than let american businesses rape the countries with no home grown businesses making money to sustain growth.

4. The US has to stop trying to change the culture of a people. Especially if that culture is of a religious nature. They have to learn on their own. The US did from slavery. They can do it as well. No outside country forced the US to give up slavery.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 17, 2005 11:01AM

Beast, take a look at the Koran that Al Qaeda subverts to their own and you will see Al Qaeda's stated beliefs. They are at war with Infidels and they believe they have to either convert them or kill them. their statemnts about our foreign policy has nothing to do with what they want to achieve. Their only goal is to spread their type of Islam around the world and by doing this they will gain the power they desire. There is absolutely nothing we can do in foreign relations which will make them stop. They think they can defeat the great Satan and by doing so they think they can recruit all of Islam to their style Islam. They believe that if they can bring about a great holy war that Islam would win and they would have their desired place in world power. For Al Qaeda and all other middle eastern terrorists organizations it is only about power. To think anything else is defeatest and will only aid them in their tasks.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 17, 2005 03:44PM


Horseshiite. Islam is a mask for Al Qaeda. The leaders use it to woo new recruits but the leadership such as Bin Laden do not use the quran to base their ideology.

You spouted the propaganda needed to hook the small minded individuals in the western world into supporting military action against followers of extreme factions of islam.

Constantly linking terrorist groups with radical forms of islam hides what terrorists groups really are. Hence why the Bush administration has done exactly that.

Funny that you state Al Qaeda is about radical islam at the beginning of your rant then you end it with Al Qaeda is only about power. The quran only talks about "driving out" the infidels. Driving out. That is not the same as spreading islam around the globe as you say. That is pure mularkey.

The second part of your statement is true. Al Qaeda is now about power. Not world power as you say but internal power to keep "infidels" (the west) from raping it's land.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 18, 2005 12:03PM

Dcbeast says "Funny that you state Al Qaeda is about radical islam at the beginning of your rant then you end it with Al Qaeda is only about power. The quran only talks about "driving out" the infidels. Driving out. That is not the same as spreading islam around the globe as you say. That is pure mularkey."

The Koran says nothing about driving the infidels out, it say to kill them or convert them and it also states wherever they may exist. It is possible for Al Qaeda to believe in this hardline form of Islam while at the same time desire to gain world power. If Al Qaeda can bring about the holy war they desire, they can gain the power they want. With moslems spread around the glob they would all have to make a choice if or when all of Islam decides to start a holy war. If the majority of them decide to join the holy war it would be disastorous for the world.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 19, 2005 09:41PM


As usual you don't know what you are talking about.


2:191 “Slay them wherever you find and catch them, and drive them out from where they have turned you out; for persecution and oppression are worse than slaughter.”

"Where they have turned you out." That can only be on muslim ground.

But it is only the foolish or opportunists sell the idea that Islam is about world domination and terror. Why ? Because the christian bible has similar verses to that of the quran.

If one desired to misinterpret verses in the christian bible you could say is a terrorist manual.

In fact, christians already fought a few holy wars based on the their bible didn't they ?

Al Qeada wants to be able defend muslim lands from outsiders. The political structure in most muslim nations do not allow the people to get beyond puppet monarchies and they suffer under them. So groups like Al Qeada were needed to defend the people from monarchs, despots, and imperialists. The US and Britain are obvious imperialists.

fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 20, 2005 04:36AM

so your muslim also B? that makes a lot more sense
Ninepointfiver Report This Comment
Date: December 20, 2005 07:17AM

Beast, why are you such a sympathizer with an obvious enemy of this country? It doesn't matter what you say, it doesn't matter how much of the "Arabic Talmud" you know, you are a piece of shit.....not even a whole turd, just a pebble.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 20, 2005 12:32PM

dcbeast says, "Al Qeada wants to be able defend muslim lands from outsiders. The political structure in most muslim nations do not allow the people to get beyond puppet monarchies and they suffer under them. So groups like Al Qeada were needed to defend the people from monarchs, despots, and imperialists. The US and Britain are obvious imperialists."

Then it would be logical to assume that they will attack anywhere in the world because they attacked the US in New York on 9/11. You also stated that they only want power, if it can be seen that they defeate the US then they would have that power and we can never allow that to happen. It is clear by your posts that you must belong to Al Qaeda. Do you know where OBL is? Tell us where his is and you can collect the reward and maybe it will put you in command when he is gone.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 20, 2005 05:46PM


I love how you created a strawman argument restating what I said to mistate my point. Lame.
I said Al Qeada formed because the puppet monarchies in many muslim nations get in bed with the US and Britain to the detriment of it's peoples. Al Qeada was a resistance group. One that was employed by the US many times. A group like the contras.

You believe the stupidity of George W. Muslim terrorists don't want to defeat the US or Britain. That is the big lie. There is no "War on Terror". None.

These groups just want the US and Britain out of muslim lands.

Bin Laden is in Saudi Arabia living in luxury thanks to a deal George W made with his family.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 20, 2005 10:33PM


Uhh .. no I'm not muslim.


I bet you tired yourself out with that gem. Better take a nap.
Ninepointfiver Report This Comment
Date: December 21, 2005 12:50AM

Hey, it was good one though! However, you're right...YAWN!!!!!!
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 21, 2005 05:27AM