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"a black leather bible with a red label"

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madmex2000 Report This Comment
Date: January 22, 2007 06:07PM

Wow. That might actually work.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 22, 2007 11:12PM

Why are aetheists compelled to destroy other peoples' religious faith?

If aeteists don't want me to impose my faith onto them, then they shouldn't attempt to impose their lack of faith onto others.

Instead, aetheists should just sit back and enjoy their unjustified superiority complex -- secure in the belief that death is the absolute end of existence for all living things, and that life is completely devoid of any purpose or meaning. How comforting.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 22, 2007 11:57PM

They can bitch all they want but the truth is that there are over 2 billion people that read the Bible (ragheads come in second)..
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 23, 2007 12:04AM

Exactly, "comfortability" you only want to believe things that will make you comfortable.

That "Faith" you talk about is faith given to you by some guys a long time ago that believed the world was flat.

Go to the movie store, rent Monty Python's "The Life of Brian", that's more like reality back at those times.

Watch this, the ONLY thing I don't agree with from this guy is the abortion thing, those Doctors are scum.

Don't say, I'm not going to watch this Atheist crap, because if you watch it you will see all of the Religios leaders he talks with from all over the world and their take on things. Very Interesting wether you agree or not.

Oh yeah and "unjustified superiority complex" gimme a break, religions create that in people.


Here's one (not an athiest video) that shows what religion is all about.


And... if you lived your daily life knowing that when you die you just die then you would treat life alot more special. It would always be in your head that this is as good as you make it. THE END (NO PUN INTENDED)
90130_ Report This Comment
Date: January 23, 2007 05:41AM

You'd just better hope you're right.
katalyst Report This Comment
Date: January 23, 2007 05:57AM

i think your all missing the point of the picture. their is a lot of proof that the holy bible is mostly fiction or over exaggerated. you make the assumption that the poster is an aethiest. he could also be agnostic meaning doesnt believe in religion but wont deny the existence of a god.

I for one hope that death isnt the final end and that humanity does reach a higher plane...
zxz555 Report This Comment
Date: January 23, 2007 09:03AM

and that life is completely devoid of any purpose or meaning

That is an unjustified jump to to an incorrect conclusion about agnostic belief. Life need not be devoid of anything but religion for a non believer or agnostic. We still try to make the most of life with family and friends and try to do good by others. The natural world exists outside of religious belief and nature is a beautiful thing. It need not be worshipped but admired and respected. All life is nature. Most agnostics are not nihilists but see all people and animals and plants as equals.

Let common sense prevail over secularism.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 23, 2007 11:25AM

The sooner mankind stops believing in "spooks-in-the-sky" who have supernatural powers, the better. Religion has caused much misery and suffering in this world. Mankind would be better off reasoning and thinking things through instead of putting his faith in invisible creatures who are insane. BTW, I've had 8 years of Catholic schooling.

Christianity Is Mass Insanity!
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: January 23, 2007 01:08PM

It does not matter what you believe. If you choose not to believe in God that is your business but trying to convert those who do to your belief is just as bad as them trying to convert you to theirs. I believe and when I die, should I be wrong, then no loss but what happens if you are wrong?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 23, 2007 02:58PM

May god save us from true believers. Amen.
madmex2000 Report This Comment
Date: January 23, 2007 09:41PM

Amen to that...
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: January 23, 2007 10:27PM

May God save you from yourselves.
ToucanSam Report This Comment
Date: January 23, 2007 10:33PM

Wow. You should treat every day as it were special, and that it could be your last. You might actually enjoy your days.

"You better hope your right"
Wow a fearsome god. Believe or burn for eternity. If I was senile and devoted everyday to some god only to die like EVERYONE, man, what a waste of LIFE.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: January 24, 2007 03:57AM

it's hard for me to say there is a god etc... when there's no proof etc.....but I have made a few emergency calls to God just in case....and so far, God has a perfect record. thumbs

assuming i have "him" to thank for it. confused smiley
90130_ Report This Comment
Date: January 24, 2007 05:25AM

You guys think you've got all the fuckin' answers.smiling bouncing smiley
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: January 24, 2007 05:27AM

the guardian of all the answers is long dead. disappointed smiley
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 24, 2007 11:11AM

The human body is a mass of different cells working together.If you look inside there is no man behind the wheel. You could look at many parts of the brain and not find one in control of everything. The controler is experience or spiritual because it can not be touched. There are planes of existence that you don't think of every day like small worlds. Atoms are in there own world, your there but not at the same time but you exist. Different plains of existence. If you study science you will find there are different plains of existence all around you that you don't even know except for science and in particular quantum physics. You here and except what propels your beliefs that is your spirit working. If I choose to believe that at the center of the spiritual plane we are one and that is my God am I wrong. Do I believe in God yes, Jesus yes, the Bible parts yes and parts no it was touched by man.The words in red are the best with the ten commandments second after that its just experience. Am I perfect, no. Not even close. 100% I believe God is there and in the end I bet there will be many religions in the next plane. Who am I to say my view is the only view.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: January 24, 2007 03:30PM

I live my life day to day to the fullest. My belief in God does no harm whatsoever in my life and if aetheists think it does I feel sorry for them. No one has a right to try and change my beliefs unless I ask for it, not aethiests or Islamists. I never inflict my beliefs on anyone else and I refuse to allow anyone to do it to me, not even the idiots who come to the door.
Jordan1st Report This Comment
Date: January 24, 2007 06:26PM


from a muslim point of view,
There is only one god, and the quraan is his final words to humanity.

fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: January 24, 2007 06:31PM

soyou have proff?
spit it out man! smiling
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: January 24, 2007 06:33PM

damn! i can't spell for shit lately.
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: January 24, 2007 09:53PM

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: January 25, 2007 12:02PM

I don't think the muslems have a lock on anything. I think they didn't come about until until after the problems between the sons of Abraham. Christianity preceed that time.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 27, 2007 11:39AM

Holy sheep shit....

"I don't think the muslems have a lock on anything. I think they didn't come about until until after the problems between the sons of Abraham. Christianity preceed that time."

First of all there you guys go already, Christians and Muslims starting to "correct" each other, then you start to insult each other, then you want to kick each others ass, then you just want to get rid of each other because it would be better for your own people.... WELL, both of you are wrong!

ahhh....The Bible was wrote by Jews, how does Christianity precede that time.(There was no such thing as Christianity in the Old Testament) You have faith in stories that Jews wrote and that kind of stupidity is still with us today because you people don't even know what you have faith in you just believe, you make things up to keep yourselves happy and content, the last thing people really want is the truth (to much work).... Hey wait a second, that stuff is just like the politics of today, let's sell them (faith) on loyalty and patriotism and if they question us we'll punish them and make them suffer.........

"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."

-- Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials

The Inquisition, what a show, the Inquisition here we go...........

Bush-"It's good to be da King"
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: January 27, 2007 11:35PM

Well it was muslims who flew the planes into the towers.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 28, 2007 11:39AM

How do you know? They haven't even been charged with it, not one bit, no evidence. It is just a conspiracy theory, so much for you not believing in conspiracies. Make up your mind. One way or the other!
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: January 28, 2007 11:50AM

I saw the evidence just like the rest of you. Those people were not christian or aethiest or any other. Bin Laden even acknowledged it was his plan and he is a poster child for Islam.
Placelowerplace Report This Comment
Date: January 28, 2007 08:02PM

I find it truly Amazing how people of faith immediately jump to conclusions and attack everyone else, but them selves, and yet the whole point of this post was to show you exactly what it is you are doing in these threads. The great apes are still reactionary animals and we what we call ourselves enlightened creatures are just a splinter from the rest of the monkey family. the sooner we embrace the truth and dismiss our notions of self righteousness, the sooner we can eliminate the plagues of war and repression. That is if "we" really want that. "WE" must be excellent to each other and by doing that we must accept that being excellent to ourselves. Lying to ourselves and hurting others to cover the lies is NOT being excellent in anyway. Ironically Christians are one of the lowest population in the world community and Islam as well. I don't see Buddhists and Hinduism ever get this excited about their religious beliefs. And those two Religions make up the world majority in a very REAL way. Wake up my fellow monkeys, We are alone and we shall stay that way until we give away the selfish ways of cruelty.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: January 28, 2007 09:55PM

It is easy to say "we need to do this or that" to make a better world, but in truth you can only say "I". "I" is all you have control over and your better world cannot be acheived unless the entire world changes and that is not likely to happen. There will always be those who covet other's property, life or anything and that will only change when money is no longer needed or used anywhere in the world. The human animal as a whole doesn't have the capacity to change much at all.
Placelowerplace Report This Comment
Date: January 29, 2007 04:10AM

jgoins - this is a prime example of a missed point. dissapointing and pedantic.

example - "I" am not killing people.
example - "I" am not at war with Terroists

Signed, your fellow chimpanzee,
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: January 30, 2007 12:30PM

Well if you think you can succeed alone then go ahead. There are and always will be many more people in the world who will not hesitate to do you harm.
Placelowerplace Report This Comment
Date: January 30, 2007 07:06PM

Oh I So Conquer, but it doesn't mean anyone should have to. real drag.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: March 01, 2007 02:50AM

fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: March 01, 2007 05:04AM

watch the whole collection