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Lay your money down people!
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Lay your money down people!

"a list of a political party"

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Comments for: Lay your money down people!
Andrew Report This Comment
Date: November 10, 2016 07:46AM

I'll take 5 to 1 on the nose
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: November 10, 2016 12:54PM

I will take the 200-1
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: November 11, 2016 04:04AM

Will serve 1 full term then lose in a landslide

Trump will not do any of the shit he talked about. No Wall. No Repeal. No Jobs Coming Back.

Establishment republicans will make him sign a tax cuts for the rich bill and invade Syria.
Roberto Report This Comment
Date: November 11, 2016 07:41AM

Beast is 100% on the money.
So scary for the rest of the world.
Really and seriously, those who voted republican
have no idea what they have unleashed.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: November 11, 2016 01:05PM

So you would rather leave Isis alone to do whatever they want. Turn the other cheek will get you a bruise on both cheeks.

I believe congress will support Trump on many of the things he wants to do, just remember all those who said Trump will never win now the naysayers are saying he will not get anything done.
Roberto Report This Comment
Date: November 12, 2016 03:50AM

Valid point in your last paragraph Jg
Congress will probably cut many deals with Trump
but what types of deals remains to be seen. That's the scary part.

Obama looked "bad" because he wasn't allowed by congress to do the things that would improve
living for Americans. So of course they're going to support one of their own.

Never has the phrase "Watch This Space" been more pertinent in our world today.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: November 12, 2016 01:01PM

Nothing scary about it we will have to wait and see. What do any of you think should be done about Isis though? They are the immediate threat where Iran and North Korea can wait a little bit. Remember if Isis hasn't attacked in your country yet if you are not a Muslim nation then you are also targets.
pulse Report This Comment
Date: November 12, 2016 01:16PM

When did Isis attack the USA?
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: November 13, 2016 12:06PM

San Bernardino, Calif among many others most of which the attackers were heard to yell “Allah Akbar” which would indicate they were at least Isis inspired.

If Isis wasn't around they can't inspire anyone and yes I know others will take their place but allowing them to grow unfettered gives them the ability to expand their influence beyond their borders and create havoc around the world. Maybe if they were denied electricity in their areas they would not be able to communicate so easily. Our administration and the mainstream media are trying to play down these attacks by trying to imply they are home grown terrorist attacks or some such bull shit. If Isis is left alone there will be a very major terrorist attack in our future in this country and possibility elsewhere in the world as well.
pulse Report This Comment
Date: November 13, 2016 12:46PM

Aside from that having nothing to do with Isis themselves, the middle east has always been a festering turd, but became much, much worse after the two large scale invasions over the past 25 years.

Don't get me wrong, I am supportive of the first Gulf war; no issues protecting Kuwait. But there was absolutely no need for the second one, and things are so much worse now.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: November 13, 2016 12:58PM

I believe it's worse not because we invaded but because we rebuilt afterwards and turned it back over to the people who aren't smart enough or were to weak to hold onto the freedoms they were provided. Any nation who allows terrorism to grow in their borders should be held accountable in every way for what those organizations do. If they don't stand up to the extremist in their countries then it will be up to the rest of the world to do it for them but I just don't see that happening in the future. Maybe if the middle east were in the stone age it would be quite a while before terrorist could leave their borders.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: November 15, 2016 02:25AM

Having said it before, it yet bears repeating ... for every single foreign national killed by Americans (or American supported incursions) on their soil there's likely multiple enemies of the US hatched. Every one of those folks have families and friends and they are not going to grow more enamored of us for killing their people, plain and simple.

If a foreign country launches an attack upon the US, all bets are off and woe be to the mother fuckers for having started some shit they are likely ill prepared to see through to fruition when goin head to head against the US military. Otherwise, IT'S NONE OF OUR FUCKING BUSINESS what they do within their borders, that's THEIR business, not OURS.

The world cop routine has never, nor will it likely ever work and draining away our men and womens lives along with billions upon billions of dollars in the name of globailist/military/industrialists pursuits is a losing proposition at best and against the principles we were founded upon at the very least hot smiley

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: November 15, 2016 12:42PM

"If a foreign country launches an attack upon the US, all bets are off and woe be to the mother fuckers for having started some shit they are likely ill prepared to see through to fruition when goin head to head against the US military. Otherwise, IT'S NONE OF OUR FUCKING BUSINESS what they do within their borders, that's THEIR business, not OURS."

I agree with that to a point. If other nations are allowing terrorist organizations to prosper and grow in their countries then allow those organizations to leave their borders to attack people around the world, should not those nations be held accountable? I agree that what other countries do within their border are none of our business but only if what they do has no effect on us or our people. We cannot allow nations to grow and export terrorists while pretending they have nothing to do with it. We in the world cannot allow any nation to support terrorism and attack other nations by proxy. What we may have done in the past cannot be undone and I don't believe that is the reason terrorist organizations are popping up, it is just the excuse they use to shift the blame from the nations that support and house them. There is no other way fight the terrorist other than killing them and by prior manner of thinking we would be creating more terrorist by killing the current terrorists. Terrorism is not something we can ignore and hope it goes away, it will never go away it will grow.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 01, 2016 03:24AM

if these fuck head countries would just suck along and quit trying to exclude the "dollar", they wouldn't need to be toppled, killed, invaded or burned to the ground.
*rolling eyes smily*