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US Army Number 1
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US Army Number 1

"a bald eagle with a flag and text"

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Comments for: US Army Number 1
rmepig69 Report This Comment
Date: February 23, 2005 07:38AM

Lets see, I bet the US bashers will just love this one.During my tours I have:
Panama (took a ruthless dictator out of power)
Gulf War (Liberated Kuwait from the invading Iraq forces who slaughter 1000's)
Bosnia ( put an end to the genocide of innocent people)
Kosovo ( put an end to genocide)
Iraq ( freed a country form a tyranical dictator who killed 100's of his own people, and supported terrorism around the world)
Afghanistan ( freed a country from tyranny and oppressions)

But I am a bad person, a soldier who only hope to help others. I am not a politician, I fight for what I believe in and to see people live free is what I believe in.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 23, 2005 08:27AM

bet that your arms are extra long from reaching around and patting your own self on the back,you're probably just a cook anyway
rmepig69 Report This Comment
Date: February 23, 2005 10:24AM

Ah once again ignorance is visible, and NO I don't pat myself on my back, the freedom loving people pf the world take care of that for me, thank you
rmepig69 Report This Comment
Date: February 23, 2005 10:25AM

Ah once again ignorance is visible in the minds of children. NO I don't pat myself on my back, the freedom loving people of the world take care of that for me, thank you.
Dime Report This Comment
Date: February 23, 2005 10:54AM

Pity the army couldn't teach you to write properly while they trained you to kill, fuckwit!
Jumbo Report This Comment
Date: February 23, 2005 12:16PM

Hmm, let's see

Panamanian dictator - put in power by the Americans, supported by the Americans, removed by the Americans - where's the freedom in that?

Bosnia and Kosovo - came too late to stop the genocide of millions, bombed the hell out of the place without doing much damage to the army they were trying to decimate, left a huge mess which is still unresolved

Iraq - killed hundreds of thousands of people to free the country

Afganistan - overthrew a governement run by the religious right and handed it over to a group of warlords. The country now produces over 50% of the world's heroin

You're a soldier - you're just paid to to do as the politicians want. Don't try to think
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 23, 2005 01:33PM

We have become a Nazi monster in the eyes of the whole world--a nation of bullies and bastards who would rather kill than live peacefully. We are not just Whores for power and oil, but killer whores with hate and fear in our hearts. We are human scum, and that is how history will judge us...No redeeming social value. Just whores. Get out of our way, or
we'll kill you. Who does vote for these dishonest shitheads? Who among us can be happy and proud of having this
innocent blood on our hands? Who are these swine? These flag-sucking half-wits who get fleeced and fooled by stupid rich kids like George Bush? They are the same ones who wanted to have Muhammad Ali locked up for refusing to kill gooks. They speak for all that is cruel and stupid and vicious in the American character. They are the racists and hate
mongers among us--they are the Ku Klux Klan. I piss down the throats of these Nazis. And I am too old to worry about whether they like it or not. Fuck them."

Hunter S. Thompson... RIP

Anonymouse Report This Comment
Date: February 23, 2005 04:54PM

rmepig69 I salute you and your glorious service to our country. Your life is the ultimate sacrifice someone can make for their country and you could've lost your life in any of those tours. These US bashers are just jealous because they can never be as patriotic as you have been. They may as well by laying down to surrender to the enemies of freedom. If it wasn't for people like rmepig69 you wouldn't have the freedom of speech that allows you to bash america at every chance.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 23, 2005 06:38PM

Like someone mentioned earlier....I bet his arms are sore as hell from all the back patting his ass has been doing to himself. I am thankful that people who do not want to get real jobs join the military and take bullets for us. Without them we would have to place more important work on hold. Thank you Mr. Jarhead. Now, if you dont mind....Im going to abuse some more of my freedom of speech rights that you had nothing to do with giving me.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 23, 2005 11:13PM

Like most american bashers , when trouble comes to there country they don't want our help, they would rather lick there enemies boots , and stick there head between legs and kiss there ass good bye. Because they are afraid they might get hurt
Anthony Report This Comment
Date: February 24, 2005 03:25AM

Jumbo: hmmm ,lets see...
Panama re: Manuel Noriega: Yes, he actually was paid by the CIA in the 60's as an informant when he was in the army. He was not controlled by the CIA however. He obtained his power when the army ,under Omar Torrijos Herrera, seized control of the government in a coup. The United States invaded Panama because Noriega turned Panama into a Cocaine distributor into the U.S., was brutally repressing civil rights, and was secretly aligning with Fidel Castro. Panama was quickly degenerating into a failed criminal state.
Bosnia and Kosovo: OK so you are admitting it is the only the U.S. that takes the initiative in combating global atrocities. Through your words, you are stating that it was the US that was too late, and that it was none of Europe's business, even though it was going on in their back yard. Typical. Bosnia is the same festering hotspot that European complacency let start World War 1. None the less, the US was the driving force behind taking action and stopping the disgusting genocide.
Iraq: I really am skeptical of the claim that "100's of thousands of innocents were killed". Of course, US bashers take it as gospel without question. Yes, in ANY military action where the enemy uses civilian structures, collateral damage will occur. An army cannot let an enemy successfully use civilians as cover. To do so would immediately result in enemies ALWAYS using civilian structures as cover.
Afghanistan: The US eliminated a NIGHTMARE regime that executed women in a soccerfield for entertainment. The place was an unrepentant terrorist training ground. There were warlords and heroin BEFORE the US kicked out the Taliban. Now they have elections but yes heroin is still a problem. I guess expectations and work for the United States never ends huh?
Anthony Report This Comment
Date: February 24, 2005 03:56AM

By the way rmepig69, that is an admirable resume you have. It displays selfless action and courage that very few can genuinely claim. You can truly believe that you have helped make a difference in the world. I personally believe that it is far more impressive than any university degree, especially a law degree smiling
smiley .
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 24, 2005 04:10AM

Integrity, honor, a willingness to serve your country, putting your life on the line to uphold the things you believe in, those are all admirable traits. What's not an admirable trait is blindly following orders and not questioning the justice of your actions, or the actions of your group as a whole. Be proud of the people you've helped, but stop and listen to the people who argue against what you're told to do. You might just learn something important about why you're feared and hated so much.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 24, 2005 04:45AM

rmepig69 thanks for your service, while these limp dicks were safe here in the U.S. pulling their dicks and chasing little boys with MJ.
AwPhuch Report This Comment
Date: February 24, 2005 05:51AM

rmepig69 even if you were a cook, at least you had the balls to server honorably...I salute you!
Jumbo Report This Comment
Date: February 24, 2005 10:37AM

Anthony, Thanks for your reasoned reply.

Noriega was supposed to be a CIA asset, but was removed when he set out on his own. He was supported initially.

Bosnia & Kosovo - I said nothing about the US taking the intiative. The soldiers of all nations were constrained by useless politicians in their own governments and the UN. I think you'll find that the actual numbers of US servicemen on the ground was vastly smaller than the European contingent - as it should have been

Iraq - Sounds like the general in Vietnam who said something like "In order to free the village, we had to destroy it" I'm not saying it was better before, but the "liberation" was not all sweetness and light

Afghanistan - True the Taliban regime was abhorrent to our eyes, but they did virtually stop poppy growing there. A bit like the Mussolini making the railways run on time

Finally, you seem to think that the world is begging the US to come and sort things out for them. You should be aware that 90% of the world disagree. If the US was trying to make the world a better place, it would be doing much more in Africa where thousands are dying every day, and much less in the Middle East where the oil comes from.

Call me cynical, but that's the view from outside the US. You will not like it, and will feel that it is wrong. But the US will have to live with the legacy that their policies are creating. I would love to look back in 20 years time (with the benefit of hindsight) and see how this period is viewed. Probably like the Cuban missile crisis and Vietnam.
rmepig69 Report This Comment
Date: February 24, 2005 06:59PM

Well it seems my patriotism has stirred up quite a storm. I have but a few questions for the US Bashers. Have you ever been to Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia, and Kosovo? Have you ever seen the truth or just the selective media broadcasts? Have you ever held the body of a dying child who lost a leg because one of the terrorists you apparently love so much blew up a car in a crowded market in hopes to kill maybe 2 American soldiers but rather killed 25 innocent civilians? I think not! I am willing to bet you have never traveled to one of these war torn countries, seen what I have seen or dealt with what I have dealt with. You sit home and watch your TV and believe in your heart that what they are reporting is the truth rather than sensationalized journalism in order to sell papers. You spout you rhetoric about subject you read about rather than face them first hand. I have seen the heroin in Afghanistan and yes it is a problem to the world that we are working on in the midst of trying to kill these ruthless terrorist. I have never seen the oil fields you say I am fighting for, but I bet you complain about the price of gas too. I personally was present when the mass graves in Bosnia and Kosovo were uncovered, where were you? I fight in what I believe in and that is freedom, do you think the Iraqi people don’t want freedom, or are you basing your opinion on what someone else said? If the US Army asked me to go to Africa and help I would gladly go, unfortunately I am tied up here in Afghanistan right now. Maybe someday you will have the courage to put on a uniform and put your life on the line for others. Until then just remember this quote:
“A coward dies a thousand times, a brave man only once, but once is enough”.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 25, 2005 01:31AM

Twenty bucks says this guy's just a desk jockey trying to get people to enlist. Since when was patriotism (PRIDE in one's country) a good thing? Sounds a lot like Nationalism or ethnocentrism or... dare i say it? HATRED. Go read a book or something because wars will NEVER solve a single problem in this life. Call me a pinko commie, a tree-hugger, anti-American, or what you will, but Patriotism is outright bullshit used to instill fear and hate into the citizen's of this nation. Why are American's better than anyone else on this planet? Why do we get to do whatever the hell we want by any means necessary? Answer these questions Mr. Hater-Mongering "Patriot". Go read Tolstoy and get back to me.

P.S. You're the reason i hate Jarheads.

P.P.S. I don't give a shit where you've been, there's people dying on our goddamn streets everyday, many of them homeless veteran's like you're gonna be, so while you're pushing your crackpot agenda and getting your pay cut by our fearless leader, just know that there's at least one person on this earth that thinks you are a worthless cretin. God Bless AMERICA!!!!!!
Anthony Report This Comment
Date: February 25, 2005 03:04AM

77144, no you are not a pinko commie or tree hugger, your just a self absorbed ignorant asshole, simple as that. Only when there are no threats in the world will there be no need for the armed forces. Throughout history, pacifists and romantic idealists like you were quickly subjugated, robbed, and made slaves by the more aggressive. Rome learned this early on when they were robbed and raped by barbarians Gauls in 390 BC. After that they knew the value of a powerful, well equipped and trained military, and vowed to never let their guard down again. They didn't for almost a thousand years. You have simply lived a sheltered life and have no clue about the dangers that are patiently waiting for a sign of weakness. Who exactly is claiming that the U.S. is better than anyone else? The U.S. simply responds to threats to national security. Sometimes this entails preemptive action (nipping in the bud). Other times it the US takes action against atrocities such as the Bosnian massacres or the forced starvation in Somalia. These situations call for the use of armed force because the murdering dictators and thugs in this world do not respond favorably to quotes from Tolstoy, you pretentious twat.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 25, 2005 03:51AM

So who are these "thugs in this world" that you refer to? It seems, at least to the other 6 Billion people on this planet that the US are thugs. It's not pacifism, it's common sense. When has violence ever solved a single thing? When the U.S. forced Germany to pay reparations, thus leading to the rise of Hitler? Oh and how did we respond to Hitler? I believe it was with indifference until we got bombed, at which point we declared war with Japan. Oh wait, maybe Vietnam solved something other than millions dead but i just can't seem to think of anything. Hmmmmm, what about our response to 9/11? It seems to have worked real well. Our presence in the Middle East is taken very nicely, they love the U.S. And then you mock Tolstoy as if violence isn't as absurd as an author advocating peace.

Ignorance is not believing that violence is not the way to solve things, ignorance is accepting that violence can help people. Give me one example of when war hasn't begat another conflict which also birthed another conflict? Please, i would like to hear it Anthony.
rmepig69 Report This Comment
Date: February 25, 2005 10:30AM

I am assumign that 77144 is trying to relate each armed comflict with the next as if they are all tied together. I think he/she has been reading too many fairytales. While some may have been the result of a preceding conflict, other just happened. Why is it that people will eagerly bash the USA for taking action but will say nothing about people like Milosevic, who ordered the slaughter of thousands? The USA was reacting to an attack on our own soil, chasing down the cowards (much like you 77144) who couldn't face us man to man. I'll tell you what, when you have served your country as a true American, then you can put yourself on the same level as me, until then you are just taking up space from those that trully love America. Do us all a favor and pack you stuff and move to Iraq or Afghanistan, then you will know what value freedom has.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 25, 2005 06:48PM

Do you think that i somehow condone violence by anyone except the U.S.? All I'm trying to say is that maybe we should look at things more closely rather than dismiss non-violence as absurd. Cowards don't speak out for what they believe in, they blindly follow orders and call themselves "TRUE AMERICANS" so look in the mirror before you label me a coward tough guy.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 25, 2005 07:30PM

America won both world wars thus saving millions of lives. Korean war similary. Vietnam was a failure but it was done to save millions of South Vietnamese who would've been persecuted/killed by north Vietnamese (which happened anyway once America was forced to leave by fucking hippies like 77144 who kept complaining about the war). Most Generals today and war historians all agree that America could have easily won the Vietnamese war if it had used more ground troops and less bombings. Of course the hippies would rather the savages from North Vietnam were allowed their freedom to kill innocents. Gulf War : America attacks Iraq to save Kurds from annihilation from Saddam. Bosnia conflict : America intervenes with most European countries in order to stop death of muslims/ethnic minorities at hands of Serbs. Afghanistan : America attacks Taliban who kill all who oppose them, grow poopies and keep women as slaves. I don't understand why people can say any of these aren't just causes? There is no longer a threat of global destruction because America defeated Soviet Russia economically. If the hippie fucks had their way we'd still be under the threat of nuclear destruction and the commies would control half of Asia. Thankfully America stands for freedom and justly spreads it wherever it can.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 26, 2005 06:36AM

I'm starting to believe that ole rmepig69 is actually paris hilton. He has done nothing but brag on himself the entire thread. In the rare event you had gone to all the places that you have claimed so many times....let us remind you that when you come home...I mean if you come home,you will have some hometown hero celebration/funeral whatever applies and we will forget about your self created legacy. What you are doing in those countries is wasting our taxpayers money and pissing off more countries. Stop lying to were not tough enough for the Marines so your pansy ass went into the Army to serve pancakes to the men who were really seeing combat (if your not full of shit which half of us think you are.)
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 23, 2005 09:05AM

The funniest thing is that most of these posts made by the American nationalists tell us to serve the US patriotically.... hey thats funny becuase this is the internet and hey isnt that global?
It's funny that they think they are doing the whole world a favour, if a country or people of a country ask for help then yea why not go in and help, but don't just help for the sake to get something in return... sudan is copping it worse than iraqies were and no one semms to help...
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 03, 2005 03:57AM

until you walk through the desert in my boots, instead of sitting in judgement in your living room, on your fat lazy complaining ass, you have no idea what it's like to be a soldier, its not about the war, its not about the freedom of the people you are tryig to liberate, hell, it aint even about politics or oil or any such crap like that, its about brotherhood, trying desperatly to help your fellow soldier come home to his family, we do it for those reasons, to ensure that our FUTURE is better for our children, and to see that our brothers and sisters have a chance to raise a family. "people sleep peaceably at night because rough men stand ready to do violence on thier behalf" - an american soldier. if you cant support the war, i understand, but the very least you could do is support the men and women who are dieing to make this world a better place....sgt.L Huckleberry