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Guess Who Really Helped Elect Him?!!
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Guess Who Really Helped Elect Him?!!

"a man holding a newspaper"

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Comments for: Guess Who Really Helped Elect Him?!!
jose Report This Comment
Date: March 20, 2005 02:57AM

Id rather vote for ET
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 20, 2005 04:27AM

ET came across as a more intelligent being.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 20, 2005 04:40AM

Must have been a lot of them voting cause he kicked Kerry's ass
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 20, 2005 05:57AM

It was the only way he could win...little faggot.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 20, 2005 06:34AM

Bush won fair and square, so will all you little queers stop whining. If that little pussy Kerry would've won, America would've become nothing more than just another country taking all of those terrorist's bullshit. With Bush in office, no one has enough balls to fuck with America anymore.
The_Truth_Master Report This Comment
Date: March 20, 2005 09:28AM

Most quoted military excuses, "Collateral Damage" "Friendly Fire"
If the american military and the generals are so good and clever, why in the 1970's did the germ/chemical warfare division develop AIDS as a means to reduce the gay population in the military, (america being such a gay population) but being so short sighted and insular they did not predict the outcome??
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 20, 2005 03:14PM

Yeah Bush is real brave when it comes to sending other people to war and to die, but when his turn came up he had daddy sneak him into the Texas Air National Guard which was only slightly better than going to Canada. He's a with it.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 21, 2005 03:31AM

*20950*: BushCorp STOLE the election fair and square. Last time I checked, only time terrorists ever successfully attacked America was when Bush was in office. And if you really think about it, Bin Laden still has the edge in this particular game. WE'RE the ones bogged down in the sand, destroying our domestic infrastructure to maintain a bloody oil-n-profits war. OBL has new recruits willing to die to hurt us every day.
Republifucks Report This Comment
Date: March 21, 2005 08:26AM

There's nothing "fair" or "sqaure" about this whole mess and everybody knows it. We've become the joke of the world mewling about democracy with this monkey turd hanging out of our ass.
duane Report This Comment
Date: April 16, 2005 03:58AM

Yes and you hav'nt learned yet where you went wrong.Still singing the same song waiting for it to become popular again like some hippy clothing.Conspiracy theories and monkey shit,give me a fucking break.Maybe if you come up with something that the gullable,naive,stoopid? 52% could believe you would have a better chance until then think for a little while.Let me give you an idea of what us idiots like sports,action movies,guns,babies(for all you abortionists),our own wives(from what I can see dems dont appreciate thiers),religion(and being able to practice it in public and not have atheism forced on us or our kids),the United States(exc.leftus Hollywood),and fixing the governments problems.Good or bad we are a society made up and run by men mostly white so how do the liberals fight that,Michael Morans "stupid white men"yeah that does your cause alot of good.The stupid people are quite evident and awaiting thier next ass whooping at the polls.The terrorist will try to attack again and Americans just feel comfortable with quickdraw at the helm.When they cut those guys throats on tv they begged and pleaded and they were innocent,dont think there is a diplomatic answer.When the towers went down they were dancing in the streets in the middle east so there has never been a shortage of new recruits.You have to take the fight to them.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 06, 2005 08:25PM

You for got to mention that the more we take the fight to them the more we increase the terrorist population and the chances of a bigger and worse attack on US soil. Were in a 100 year war folks and get used to it. This is horror is never gonna end. Thanks George.