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Time to re-colonise the US?
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Time to re-colonise the US?

"a group of people in a boat"

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Comments for: Time to re-colonise the US?
BinLaden Report This Comment
Date: September 07, 2005 06:51PM

I think it's time we in the UK seriously considered recolonising our pea-brained friends over the water. It's become clear that they cannot manage their own elections without the whole thing descending into chaos, corporate criminality is rampant, their president is probably the stupidest man alive (which is saying something considering the competition over there). This latest debacle shows the US cannot even manage to sort out a simple evacuation plan when given a weeks notice of an oncoming hurricane.

We really have to save these dumb-fucks from themselves...
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 07, 2005 07:10PM

yeah, the UK has been such an inspiration and role model for the rest of the world...
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 07, 2005 07:39PM

"yeah, the UK has been such an inspiration and role model for the rest of the world..."
Ummm...what language do you speak? ENGLISH! Who started the industrial revolution? What country started the separation of church and state?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 07, 2005 08:54PM

Does the UK want to get it's ass kick a third time by the USA?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 07, 2005 08:56PM

oh right... almost forgot... my eternal thanks... my comment was more to the current world, not the past when you were the Supreme Colonizer (way before you started giving them all back)... but, hey, I sure do love English Pale Ale... kudos on that one...
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 07, 2005 09:04PM

If it was not for the U. S. The Brits would be speaking German.
REPUBLIFUCKS Report This Comment
Date: September 07, 2005 09:17PM

You have no idea how much it pisses me off that I'm forced to agree with every single comment.

I'm ashamed of what the collapse of our education system has done to the electorate in this nation.
(Of course it was intentional, along and in tandem with the bureaucratic millstone of "Your Child Bereft of Mind".)

The only Press I get that isn't afraid of Karl Rove and the richest 4% (who own ours, btw, giving the lie to the biggest of them all, a liberal bias)of the population is the Beeb.

Dry, but accurate and to the point andl still occasionally capable of calling a political turd the shitpile that it is.

I keep holding out hope, but it looks bad I admit............
REPUBLIFUCKS Report This Comment
Date: September 07, 2005 09:25PM

Upon retrospect however, I'm forced to also add that the one truth that would have saved the United States in this latest Right Wing Military Masturbation fest is the one that the initial poster would seem to be forgetting:

Any country (Iraq, US, England, whatever) will take it's own shitty self government over some foreign interloping fuck's "new and improved" version 10 times out of 10.

It is therein, that the egomaniacal, self destructive merriment and mayhem ensues.

Don't make the same mistake, O descurvied fellators of Limes, who make a damn good if irritating point.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 07, 2005 09:31PM

excellent thread... potential material for a movie script...
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 07, 2005 11:23PM

Yea like the brits don't pay millions of pounds a year to keep a figure head in a palace in furs and diamonds
BinLaden Report This Comment
Date: September 08, 2005 01:32AM

How much do you think that Bush and his handlers are making out of you idiots then? At least over here in the UK anyone can conceivably run for prime minister. In the US you get the choice between two rich kids from the "right" families. You don't have democracy, you don't even have real choice. You're worse off than the bloody Iraquis you were trying to "Liberate"/steal oil from.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 08, 2005 04:23AM

Would be great to have a multi-party system and free elections at least. Our one-party system really sucks. The Republicates don't represent me!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 08, 2005 04:25AM

Yes, yes, remind the Europeans how we "saved" them in WW2. Never let them forget how we entered the war at the end on the winning side and declared ourselves the saviors of the world. Everyone besides us sees the threadbare cloth we're cut from.
chupalaflablah Report This Comment
Date: September 08, 2005 04:48AM

Everyone besides us sees the threadbare cloth we're cut from.
THIS IS HILARIOUS.....We (the United States) are composed of all nationalities. Do you suppose the Europeans donated some of that threadbare cloth? >tongue
sticking out smiley
Anonymousse Report This Comment
Date: September 08, 2005 08:27AM

where's the f'ing porn already? No one here ever argued over that.

BinLaden, you can't take something like this and blame it all on Bush and you can't say this is representative of of how an entire country is run.

That would be like someone calling you a boot licker, simply because Tony Blair is one.

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 08, 2005 12:02PM

Ihr solltet euch damit abfinden, dass die wirklich wichtigen Länder einer andere Sprache sprechen.

PS: Das letzte Wort ist noch nicht gefallen
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 08, 2005 05:00PM

Pinche puto Binladen, ninguna democracia es perfecta, ni la tuya pendejo, deja de estar mamando vergas..
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: September 08, 2005 05:21PM

So, if we really think the empire is disintergrating, and people like Paul Volker think we'll hit a dollar-crisis (aka A Global currency crisis) "within five years" (

Then we should start talking and thinking seriously about what to do. The only truism will be: people will not make it by themselves.

The one important thing anthropology tells us is that giving gifts is the essential cultural "glue". Giving a gift w/o expectation of reward (ego or otherwise), is what binds people together.

The current economic structure does not seriously enable that giving of gifts; and I mean 'gifts' that support or enhance life and living, eg. food, resources, need fulfillment.

A global economic catastrophe is a huge opportunity to encourage more positive human traits, and build them into society. Gift-giving, or "gift economy" - and by extension, relying on each other - is essential to a continuity of life.

The current economic structure encourages greed, and war. How can we avoid that in the future?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 10, 2005 09:49PM

I fit wasnt for the yanks we would all be speaking german right now.....don make me fuckin laugh----i know a lot more about modern 20th century history than you understand you fuckker.....Britain held back the nazi's for several years before the US decklared war on japan and thus entered the european thatre of conflict...if you remember the yanks didnt set foot in europe until got you ass severely kicke by the japs in the pillipines in 1941 and by the krauts in north africa in dont give us brits any of your shit....we sttod firm against the germains from 1939, 1940 (battle of britain), 1941, (nrway, narvik), 1942, the western desert, 1942, north africa...before you lot joined in
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 10, 2005 09:56PM

yes you yanks did dish out a lot of hardware on lend-lease, but you didnt have any interest in the 'european war' until the japs atackked pearl harbour.....the brits stood firm against Hitler for a longf time before you turned up.....hilter abandoned his plans 'operation sealion' to invade the british isles due to the failed battle of britain....we kicked the luftwaffe ass in the skies above southern dont give us Brits any of you Yankee Iperialistic shit and high and might not belittle the efforts of all the memebers of the british empire who held back the nazi might, we woul stil be an independant nation even if you lot didnt help out
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 10, 2005 10:09PM

that is without the sas or the royal marines or the blackwatch you ignoramous