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"cartoon of a cartoon of a man with a gun and a man with a boat in the background"

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Comments for: worker_cards
whitetrash Report This Comment
Date: May 16, 2006 05:55AM

so what, we came with guns and eventually took over and bought and sold people. we didnt come to cut your grass or pick your cabbabe that the niggas dont wont to do.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 16, 2006 06:43AM

Genocide by starvation (killing the buffalo) and biological warfare. The Mexicans are not killing us, just working hard jobs and raising their kids to be Christians. It's hard for me to get real mad at them.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: May 16, 2006 01:04PM

Time to get your shit straight Anonymous@94109.

1. The buffalo were slaughtered for their skins, not as a method for starvation of the native Indian population.

2. Biological warfare ? Didn't even exist at that point so this one really evades me.

3. The illegal Mexicans aren't killing us but they're certainly draining the welfare coffers of the states they have filled with their burgeoning population without paying back through the taxes the rest of us pay, so there is a cost.

4. Many of the Mexicans blatantly thumb their noses at the country they now reside in by refusing to assimilate into the society they currently enjoy the freedoms of.

One more time : Become legal citizens or get the fuck out!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 16, 2006 01:57PM


I don't think that 94019 was meaning that the Pilgrims intentionally killed the native americans by starvation and disease, but that is the end result.

You appear to be ignorant of this: over 90% of the natives were killed by disease brought by the europeans. The continent appeared relatively unpopulated to the new comers because disease had depopulated the vast majority of the natives. Does the idea of biological warfare still evade you?

Perhaps if your country stopped hemoraging cash to make the oil companies and the military-industrial complex richer, the welfare coffers wouldn't be such an issue.

Just think of all the money that the country is saving by employing people working at a fraction of the price that you would be willing to work for. Now, take that money saved and put it back into the welfare and you will have more coffers.

You're right: mexicans should be more like americans - spy on your own people and invade other countries.
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: May 16, 2006 03:01PM


2. Biological warfare: Did you not read of the small-pox-infected blankets that were given to the Indian before the death marches? (Trail of Tears, et. al.) Or the horrible White on Indian slaughters that occured? Pretty bad.

3. The welfare "coffers" were fucked by Clinton. Day laborers are paying taxes, as significant chunks of their wages are taken out and direct to the gummint (government), resulting in about a $5/hour take home wage. Not to mention the fact that "check cashing" shops take another 10 or more % off the check you cash with them. Or, if laborers are paid cash, it is even less than that "plus lunch".

Try living on $5/hour in America. $10/hour is widely recognized as the current "living wage" standard.

4. "Many of the Mexicans blatantly thumb their noses at [this] country" -- What sort of propaganda have you been listening too? This is crap.

5. Please realize that it is the Rich vs. the Poor, and not any sort of "racial" conflict. That is a propaganda trick to keep people divided.

16286.. ha! nice.
madmexrva Report This Comment
Date: May 16, 2006 09:53PM

Its true the U.S goverment did put poisons on there blankets and then handed them out and the were systematically rounded up and then starved to death.

Mexican illegals that work here use real but not there social security card and pay taxes but are unwilling and unelgiable to file tax returns.
MrKim you have know idea what you are talking about.
Your goverment is just fanning the flames of distraction and your all over it.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: May 17, 2006 12:31PM

Mexico has successfully invaded the US without firing a shot. Imagine what would happen if we were to have to go to war with Mexico for some reason. Their troops are already in this country and you weak kneed pussies allowed it to happen and aren't smart enough to want to get rid of them. Do you really think there will never be any real wars or think we will never be invaded by a foreign country. Our military has been depleted over the past years with all the base closings and the draft going away. The only thing that keeps other countries from just walking in and taking over is our privately owned guns and when they are taken away we will be easy prey for any country who wants us. With millions of potential mexican soldiers in this country illegally what chance do you think we have? This doesn't even take into concideration the millions of potential muslem soldiers here either.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 18, 2006 03:12AM

Without the Mexaricans you would be paying $6.00 for a head of lettuce
messyflatmate Report This Comment
Date: May 19, 2006 01:26PM

jgoins - "The only thing that keeps other countries from just walking in and taking over is our privately owned guns and when they are taken away we will be easy prey for any country who wants us."

Seems to me, you don't have much faith in your own country.