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Ron Paul getting his Ass Reamed
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Ron Paul getting his Ass Reamed

"a group of people sitting on a couch"

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Comments for: Ron Paul getting his Ass Reamed
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 05, 2007 01:43AM


Were they arguing about.... "the land IS flat."
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: December 05, 2007 08:40AM

Don't Believe the Hype (Ron Paul is Not Your Savior)
by Aura Bogado; November 14, 2007
Congressman and presidential hopeful Ron Paul has always opposed the Iraq war, and that's
really, really great. I'm happy for him. The right wing ideologue actually gets the war, the CIA's
practice of so­called extraordinary rendition and Guantanamo right – but the balance of what he
gets wrong is glaring and is almost as frightening as the amount of friends and colleagues I respect
that have signed on as Ron Paul supporters. People seem to like that he appears to be an unusual
Republican candidate, but right below the surface of the libertarian mask that Paul wears is an ultra
nationalist, gun loving Christian conservative that opposes affirmative action, a woman's right to
choose and same­sex marriage. And… oh yeah: he hates immigrants.
Paul is Not an Anti­Capitalist
Despite his record­breaking online fundraising effort, it's more likely that pigs will fly before Paul
wins the Republican primary. Regardless, I'm dismayed at the left­wing, anti­capitalist buzz around
him, including the comparisons between him and Noam Chomsky. Paul's vision for the harsh
privatization of everything from education to social security would only yield monopolies that don't
work for everyday people, much like our current healthcare system. The presidential candidate
advocates dismantling the few positive governmental regulations that secure working­class rights
and benefits, including welfare – again, clearly not anti­capitalist. And while I can admire that any
politician would call for ending the US' support of Israel, it follows in the vein of Paul's nationalist,
isolationist concept of abolishing the United Nations and other diplomatic efforts to conserve our
own opulence while leaving the rest of the world to waste.
I Loves My Guns
Paul calls himself a strict abider of the Constitution, and says that the relationship between the
People and government is important. Unfortunately, I wonder how many people would be left if we
adhered to this Texan's ideas surrounding the Second Amendment. Paul, who has earned an A­
rating by the National Rifle Association, champions the cause to allow people to carry concealed
firearms. And although ruling after ruling has clarified that the Constitution does not guarantee
people the right to run around lugging assault rifles, Paul loves his guns and according to him the
issue is not even up for debate. Add to this the fact that legislation like the 1968 Gun Control Act
(which was approved after the John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and Robert F. Kennedy were
killed with um… guns) was passed in a way in which Paul would likely interpret as unconstitutional,
and you quickly realize how fanatical this man is about the Second Amendment.
Paul and the Christian Right
Paul opposes the separation of Church and State. Yes, you read correctly, he opposes it. He says
there is a war on religion, and that "Through perverse court decisions and years of cultural
indoctrination, the elitist, secular Left has managed to convince many in our nation that religion
must be driven from public view." We should remember that when writing about the First
Amendment of the Constitution (which clearly states that "government will make no law respecting
an establishment of religion"winking
smiley, Thomas Jefferson coined the term "separation of Church and State".
If Paul's theocratic concepts were instituted, we would have Old Testament displays at the nation's
courthouses, and Christian prayers would be part of each child's school day.
His religious conservatism seems to inform his views on topics as elementary as evolution when it
comes to education. When asked if he would encourage presenting so­called facts to contradict the
theory of evolution in schools, he answered yes. This "alternative view" on the theory of evolution
means teaching the concept of intelligent design– a pseudoscience which real scientists dismiss as
another attempt to once again introduce creationism into public classrooms. No thank you.
Intelligent design may have its place in church, on the street or at home, but in terms of science, it
doesn't propose any hypotheses which can be tested through experiment; it's simply not science.
Teachers should certainly not be forced to teach right­wing conservative Christian ideals about God
in any classroom. When I take a biology course, I go to learn about accepted theory. When I want
to hear about God, I'll go to church.
Paul also says that abortion is the tool by which the State achieves "a program of mass murder". A
staunch pro­lifer who writes books on the topic in his spare time, he thinks States should decide the
matter (read: allow states to overturn decisions like Roe v. Wade to allow new laws to protect the
rights of what the Christian right calls "unborn people"winking
smiley. Under Paul's proposal, States could
conceivably pass laws that bar women from obtaining abortions, including in cases of rape or
incest, and even when the woman's life is at risk. Any person that values the right of any woman to
choose what she will and will not do with her own body should take caution – Paul is to the extreme
right of the political spectrum on this issue. I understand that Presidents do not decide abortion
policy, but we have yet to see what Bush's Supreme Court appointments will yield in terms of
abortion rights in the years to come. Any presidential candidate that would move to allow States to
eradicate women's rights doesn't deserve the attention and praise he's getting from the Left.
When it comes to same­sex marriage, Paul says that federal government should play no role in the
matter and that anyone can get married and call their relationship whatever they want. On its
surface, that may sound fair enough. However, Paul was an original co­sponsor of the Marriage
Protection Act in the House. Passed in the House in 2004, the bill sought to preclude federal courts
from transferring the recognition of same­sex marriage across state lines. For example, a same­sex
marriage that took place in Massachusetts would not be acknowledged in Alabama. Addressing the
House in 2004, Paul made clear that if he was a member of the Texas legislature he would bar
judges from advocating "new definitions" of marriage. Those of us who truly believe that anyone has
the right to be married and to be recognized as such should realize that Paul's sometimes careful
wording around the issue camouflages his Christian conservatism which defines marriage as
something that can solely occur between a man and a woman.
Affirmative What?
Both Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, Jr. headed to Washington in March, 1964 to hear the
historic Senate debate on the Civil Rights Act. The legislation, which was passed a few months
later, banned segregation in schools and public spaces and made it illegal to discriminate in
housing and hiring processes. Malcolm, Martin, and millions of people of color and their supporters
knew that such legislation would permanently influence and reduce de jure discrimination across
entire nation, including the reach of Jim Crow laws in the South. They also knew that it was a
necessary step towards reducing the de facto discrimination that followed. Yet Ron Paul says that
the Civil Rights Act was a violation of the Constitution and that it reduced individual liberties. Last
year, Paul was one of only 33 Congress members to vote against Voting Rights Act renewal,
despite the fact that 390 of his colleagues voted for it. Paul seems to want to go back to the times
when racial segregation was the norm and the law.
Paul is against affirmative action because, he says, no one should be punished or privileged for
belonging to a group, and everyone should be treated as an individual. In stating this, Paul
conveniently ignores the truth that individuals from the white group are treated one way and
individuals from the people of color group are treated another way. He detests calls for diversity,
and adds that those of us who base our identities on race are "inherently racist". His logic in the
latter statement is so far removed from reality that it makes it difficult to respond to – suffice to say
that people of color do not have the institutional power to be racist against whites; his statement
instead illustrates his own racism. But it gets a lot worse: Paul's political literature has stated that it
is sensible to be afraid of black men; that "95 percent of African Americans in [Washington D.C.] are
semi­criminal or entirely criminal"; that black male children (but not white ones) should be treated
and tried as adults for crimes they commit beginning at age 13; and he referred to two black men
that were interviewed by Ted Koppel after the Los Angeles 1992 uprising as "animals". Kanye West
was right when he said, "George Bush doesn't care about black people." Guess what? If his own
political literature is any indication, Ron Paul loathes black people.
Supporters who have gone as far as to donate money to Paul's campaign should bear in mind that
he has knowingly also taken donations from white supremacist and former KKK GrandWizard Don
Black. Other white supremacists like David Duke also support Paul's bid for President. It's easy for
Paul to dismiss affirmative action as something that violates individual liberty, but what hides behind
that is the fact that he is a hate­spewing presidential candidate aligned with some of the most
blatant, odious racists on the planet.
More "American" Than You and I
Not surprisingly, Paul offensive terms like "illegal alien", "illegal immigrant" or plain­old "illegals"
when referring to human beings who live in the United States without proper documentation.
Besides "beaner", "spic" and "wetback", I cannot immediately think of other words that approximate
the bigotry that these terms are loaded with. In this regard, however, nearly all presidential
candidates and even well­meaning everyday people continue to use these terms – except that Paul
is not well­meaning when it comes to the undocumented.
While addressing a group of supporters, Paul claimed that in terms of work ethic, some
undocumented workers "are more American than some of us." WASP purists like Paul employ a
type of historical amnesia which yields an artificial yet neutral­sounding identity that they call
"American". Perhaps if Paul wasn't such an isolationist he would realize that there actually are two
continents worth of people that call themselves American, and that the ones that do so in the United
States are not a chosen bunch. The truth is that the practice of pioneer colonialism in the U.S.
illegally and immorally took land from various indigenous populations. Those pioneer immigrants,
who illegally brought African slaves with them, tried to enforce and superimpose their cultural and
linguistic practices on this stolen territory while almost completely exterminating the people that they
took the land from. Those original populations that were not killed were illegally displaced against
their will. In practice, these pioneer immigrants illegally crossed national borders, and as a result
their decedents continue to reap the structural benefits that were created. But instead of claiming
this pioneer immigrant identity (which requires a truthful look into an uneasy past) they appropriate
a fear­based, racist "American" identity and demonize contemporary immigrants instead.
In Paul's fuzzy logic, all immigrants are here to suck the country dry of its welfare, education and
emergency healthcare systems. If it was up to Paul, those systems would be voided for not only
undocumented, but for documented immigrants as well. Forget that both groups pay into the
income, property and retail tax system. Ignore that time and time again, studies indicate that the
undocumented pay more into the system than they take out. According to Paul, even documented
immigrants should be stripped of any government subsidy. He also says that children born to
undocumented immigrants on US soil should not be allowed to hold citizenship. The so­called strict
abider of the Constitution wants to overturn the Fourteenth Amendment so that children born to
undocumented immigrants are stripped of their birthright. Besides the serious moral dilemmas
surrounding his radical proposal, the practical limitations are copious. What if one parent is
documented but the other is not? What if both parents were undocumented, but from different
countries? What if they were from the same country, but the country of origin refused to recognize
the child as a citizen of that land? Paul's scheme (like so many of his others) is completely absurd.
Deconstructing Ron Paul
It's really not very complicated: people who are or stand with workers, the poor, women, queer
folks, people of color and immigrants will need to look far beyond this candidate. Despite his
supporter's efforts to ignore the man behind the façade, it's time to get real and deconstruct the
pretense. Ron Paul is a free market capitalist who doesn't care for the rights of workers or the poor;
he is a gun­loving friend of the NRA, he is a radical Christian conservative who thinks that school
prayer and intelligent design have a God­given place in public schools, that a woman's right to
choose should be crushed, and that same­sex marriage is repugnant; he is a Congressman that
has voted against affirmative action and thinks that desegregation somehow violated the
Constitution; and he is a candidate that hates immigrants. Yes, we are sick and tired of Washington,
but just because Bush has failed so deeply does not mean we can latch on to the very first
presidential hopeful who wants to bring the troops home immediately, yet simultaneously destroy
the rights and benefits we have struggled for centuries to achieve. Paul is certainly not the answer
and we need to stop pretending that he is. I recognize and can appreciate that he stands against
the Iraq War and everything that the so­called War on Terror has wreaked at home and abroad. But
even a broken clock is right twice a day.

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voting for ron paul is about as revolutionary as what the cpusa prescribes... voting for a democrat
"...quit fashioning everything that comes out of your mouth in terms of the bourgeois right. Let's struggle about what humanity really needs"
90130_ Report This Comment
Date: December 05, 2007 10:31AM

"He is a gun­loving friend of the NRA, he is a radical Christian conservative who thinks that school prayer and intelligent design have a God­given place in public schools, that a woman's right to choose should be crushed, and that same­sex marriage is repugnant; he is a Congressman that has voted against affirmative action and thinks that desegregation somehow violated the
Constitution; and he is a candidate that hates immigrants".

Sounds like someone I'd vote for.smiling bouncing smiley
90130_ Report This Comment
Date: December 05, 2007 10:56AM

Like anything that come's out of this cunt's mouth is plausible anyway.

Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: December 05, 2007 12:37PM

Geez ... the above long winded maniacal rant was written in such an obviously left winger/politically correct/whiny weaselish manner that it comes across as totally putrifying in its context.

I have to seriously question anyones motives who wants MORE backing for the socially devisive (not to mention RACIST in nature!) concepts of the EEOC bullshit, comes off as a whiny supporter of gun control, thinks MORE government intervention is a good thing and seemingly necessary, and then pens such a diatribe from the obvious posture of the entitlement perspective !

Often times less is more, and when it comes to government, less of it at this point in history is definitely what's called for. Though I've mentioned it before, I'll once more mention Ronald Reagans quote "One of the scariest things to an American is to hear 'I'm from the government, and I'm here to help you' " eye
popping smiley

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 05, 2007 12:53PM

Ron Paul has no chance at all so why even discuss him?
Ron Paul's Campaign Manager Report This Comment
Date: December 05, 2007 03:19PM

Ron Paul In 2008!

Fuck the naysayers like jgroans, they're idiots! the
finger smiley
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 05, 2007 07:32PM

Ron Paul's Campaign Manager Wrote:
> Ron Paul In 2008!
> Fuck the naysayers like jgroans, they're idiots!
> the
finger smiley

EHR!, I think you missed the caption: Ron Paul getting fucked in the ASS! by 2 bitches....the
finger smiley
Ron Paul's Campaign Manager Report This Comment
Date: December 06, 2007 12:58AM

Posted by: Anonymous - Anonymous (IP Logged)
Date: December 05, 2007 01:32PM

I wasn't referring to the caption, you moron, I was referring
to jgroan's comment, you asshole! the
finger smiley
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 06, 2007 01:03AM

he doesn't have a chance.
reality what a concept
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 06, 2007 01:05AM

side bet?
he gets fewer votes than ross perot
Ron Paul Report This Comment
Date: December 06, 2007 04:57AM

This year's nominee for the idiocratic Party! Mr. Ron (I fooled a bunch of superstitious, science hating Republifuck spuds! Yea!) Paul.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 06, 2007 05:31AM

Here is Ron Paul..... TCOB!


It's sick that those Federal Reserve dicks don't have to deal with Politicians like this on a regular basis, Ron Paul doesn't kiss anyone's ass, he opens his mouth and the truth follows, anyone that doesn't like that has an agenda. Ron Paul the only candidate with feeeowwing....... []
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
shadez, quit spitting out scripts, here is a link for you to jack-off to, progressive communist hiding under a left wing, I like some of their stuff (going off on Bush etc.), some of it makes me sick, you can post comments there openly, if you talk some communist shit that particular video that you commented on will disappear (they're undercover communist)....

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 06, 2007 06:10AM

Here is the lesbo/Feminist that those outright lies came from.....

This is who you look up to in life?



shadez, here is your/her real leader.

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 06, 2007 12:19PM

Ron Paul will go the way of Ross Pero. He will not have enough support to make it beyond the primaries. I am just stating facts, I don't really know his politics or his stance but he has no notoriety and is not getting noticed. His message is not getting out so he will not make a showing in the election.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 06, 2007 03:47PM

> EHR!, I think you missed the caption: Ron Paul
> getting fucked in the ASS! by 2 bitches....the
finger smiley

So this is all Ron Paul's getting....the
finger smiley
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 06, 2007 09:37PM

noone wants to take my bet? sad
i was counting on that money.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 07, 2007 03:50AM

Bet!..... $1,000,000
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 07, 2007 12:12PM

Anonymous Wrote:
> Bet!..... $1,000,000

Ok you're on. Your ip has been logged, address found name and address has been sent to Vegas with your bet.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 07, 2007 05:05PM

fuck that i'm takin' that bet! get a log-in and send me your e-mail. paypal will fix it up. thumbs
zxz555 Report This Comment
Date: December 07, 2007 06:33PM

where was all the bollocksy chat when kangaroo-land was picking a pres recently. What about Poland`s election, or any other euro election? Let`s see how much there is to talk about when the UK elects a new fascist dictator prime mini in 2008. Are you on the other side of the atlantic (north Americans: the Atlantic is the ocean that divides your bit the planet with Europe, Europe is a continent far away like Kangaroo-land but wetter, wetter is what happens when oh never mind...) going to notice, do you understand how that could effect the wars you are liking so much?
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 08, 2007 12:57PM

zxz555 Wrote:
> where was all the bollocksy chat when
> kangaroo-land was picking a pres recently. What
> about Poland`s election, or any other euro
> election? Let`s see how much there is to talk
> about when the UK elects a new fascist dictator
> prime mini in 2008. Are you on the other side of
> the atlantic (north Americans: the Atlantic is the
> ocean that divides your bit the planet with
> Europe, Europe is a continent far away like
> Kangaroo-land but wetter, wetter is what happens
> when oh never mind...) going to notice, do you
> understand how that could effect the wars you are
> liking so much?

The majority of people on this site are Americans so our elections are more important than others. We don't really give a fig what happens in other elections around the world.
zxz555 Report This Comment
Date: December 09, 2007 12:42PM

even when it affects your own economy, not like you`re ignorant or anything.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 09, 2007 12:51PM

zxz555 Wrote:
> even when it affects your own economy, not like
> you`re ignorant or anything.

We don't vote in the elections so we have no control over them. Why should we care when we have nothing to do with them.
zxz555 Report This Comment
Date: December 10, 2007 06:00AM

confused smiley
disappointed smiley
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: August 02, 2008 03:13AM

i'm waiting for my million.