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The Truth continues to be an outright BITCH aint it?
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The Truth continues to be an outright BITCH aint it?

"a collage of men with speech bubbles"

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Comments for: The Truth continues to be an outright BITCH aint it?
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: December 12, 2007 09:44PM

lol, nice one...
i saw this one the other day:
fairy tale news... lol
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 12, 2007 10:20PM

Right On!, after 911 America should have just bent over and play dead,
those nice Arabs have the right to screw America anytime they want....
smileys with beersmileys with beersmileys with beersmileys with beersmileys with beersmileys with beersmileys with beer
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: December 12, 2007 11:26PM

this isn't about keep america safe
this is only about keeping the imperialist-capitalist that rule over this country way of life safe
support for either side only serves to strengthen the other
there are more alternatives to american imperialism as well as islamic fundamentalist imperialism
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2007 12:12AM

It's about keeping America SaFE!
You weeping bitches!
90130_ Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2007 12:50AM

This comes from the biggest lying bunch of liberal pussies in existence.

Nothing more than traitorous assholes who'd be lined up and shot dead if I had anything to do with it.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2007 01:48AM

Same old shit.

How stupid can you be? Repeats......


[] ---- He couldn't profit as much way back then, but now it's a different story.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2007 02:36AM

90130_ Wrote:
> This comes from the biggest lying bunch of liberal
> pussies in existence.
> Nothing more than traitorous assholes who'd be
> lined up and shot dead if I had anything to do
> with it.

So, you would like to kill citizens of The United States of America if you even had the chance?

You think because you agree with a political group you can threaten peoples lives because of their opinions?

Did you tell your family that you wanted to kill people that didn't agree with you?

What about those "lying bunch of liberal pussies" families, would you kill them too? Their kids will probably grow up to think like they do.... when would you stop?

You have a lot of hate built up inside of you. You believe that genocide is a good thing?

Go get some help!

Canada Genocide... I never knew.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2007 02:40AM

The closer people get to truths the more the other side gets violent.
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2007 04:32AM

how is sending a bunch of our young men and women to battle religious nut jobs (a battle they surely can't win in first place, because they do not serve the best interests of the people in that region) on false pretenses keeping america safe?
to go against any evidence(other than that which this mad man may or may not have recieved from an imaginary god) and invade anyways would be terrible for the whole world as well as the american people... why do you think these nut cases bombed the world trade center in the first place! (and further into that you will see that the highjackers were from saudi arabia, supposed to be the american allies in that region! not from iran, not from iraq)

it does however serve to keep american imperialism safe
“If it were necessary to give the briefest possible definition of imperialism, we should have to say that imperialism is the monopoly stage of capitalism.”
and being capitalism, it is neccessary that it continually spreads and covers the world... if it stops it will eat itself
so eventually capitalism will kill itself and there will be socialism... but the planet will be wrecked by that point, so many will die needlessly in these wars waged to spread this empire

let's look at what the iranian people need, the iranian people do need a regime change, as well as the american people, quite obviously
but what they, and we, need in its place is a ruling class that actually serves their's, and our's, best interests... not a puppet goverment that serves only the interests of the american capitalist class

just look at iraq, the state that nation is in and also the state that this country is also in as a result in that invasion

a war in iran will not make it so that the american people are safer
the american people have to realise this and unite against the real immediate threat, that is the system which oppresses them and exploits them endlessly, the bourgeoisie dictatorship - capitalism

one more quote from Lenin i will leave you all with for now
“Can a nation be free if it oppresses other nations? It cannot.”

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 13/12/2007 04:33AM by shaDEz.
90130_ Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2007 04:56AM

I can't even listen to the garbage these idiot "progressives" spew out of their mouths without does someone get that fucked up and hate their country so much?

Anon, I'm full of anger only when I see a bunch of whiny fucking losers bitch and complain but offer absolutely nothing in the way of solutions to make things better. What have you done for your country?
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2007 05:28AM

ASK NOT..........
PW Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2007 06:55AM

looks like a campaign laura dawn cooked up.

what a hippie...
zxz555 Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2007 10:01AM

90130_ Wrote:
What have you done for your
> country?

I always thought the idea behind democracy and freedom was that your country, your elected leaders, were to act in your best interests. As long as I pay my taxes and protest when I think I should, vote when asked and abide by a set of rules common to that society then I don`t see why I should get shot at, in a foreign land. If an army masses on the shores of Scotland I´ll fight. Or maybe I´ll just start writing poetry, the pen is mightier!
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2007 11:58AM

Who truly believes Iran is only interested in generating electricity with nuclear power? Any high school student can use nuclear materials from a nuclear power plant and create an effective bomb and we are supposed to believe Iran will not do this?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2007 06:01PM

"I can't even listen to the garbage these idiot "progressives" spew out of their mouths without does someone get that fucked up and hate their country so much?"
- 90210

So, you think our Forefathers were Terrorists? They sure did go against their country and look where it got them! If they didn't go against their country you wouldn't even be here!

Did you know that FEMA trains Police and Firefighters etc. that our Forefathers WERE Terrorist, is that what you think?

It's simple, questioning authority is a good thing, it keeps that authority in check, balance. If you can't see that then you are for Dictatorship, Fascism etc. etc.... take the left or the right to far, to extreme, and you just end up right back where you started, extremism, anarchism, rebellion, start all over again, it's called a 360.

Bush/Cheney running this country has nothing to do with "the people" as a whole and I don't ask that they give charity to everyone, just don't interrupt life with bullshit lies and outright propaganda...... sales and marketing, I don't need nicey nice, I just want truth.

You guys make me sick with your sheepness, both sides, if someone doesn't agree with you, you label them with an opposite side sticker, that's the problem, if in general people would see opinions instead of sides a lot more would get done a lot of the time, of all people my 3 year old can tell you what's up.... what's gonna work! Teamwork! When you get opposing sides ripping into each other all the time, it wastes that time, left/right versus right/left = jacking off. It keeps people in general busy with "important things" while "they" do as they damn well please. Divide and Conquer!

Quick example, Bush -progressive- immigration, you guys make me sick, both sides, the right for not kicking him out of office for illegal immigration amnesty and the left for not saying, oh, "good job" President Bush, that's what we want too, that one example alone should show you right-wingers what Bush's goals really are.
So much arguing on the playground that the school just keeps taking care of business as they please, real business (personally helping themselves, not "the country"winking
smiley, not the fluff crap you're sold on TV.

If you don't believe that things go on behind the scenes, then you are voluntarily dumb, take responsibility for your own stupidity!

The only issues most of the people are worried about are the "planted" issues, whatever is put right into their face, that's it, why do people believe whatever their told all the time, laziness, supitd polpee.

If they would just run this country like a real business everything would be fine, checks and balances, little debt, lots of profit, no politicians dipping in for extra shares, if people want to do something go ahead as long as it doesn't fuck with others, do anything you want with yourself, if something good happens.. you did it! If something bad happens... you did it! Politicians... no matter what goes in.... it all comes out the same... SHIT! We need regular people in there, not people that play the game.

It's like a nightmare.... Right-Wing Neo Lovers + Left-Wing Communist= 0
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2007 07:56PM

alot of great criticisms you bring up here
we give each other classes ("opposite side sticker"winking
smiley we should stop bickering, alot more would get done
but the fact(and "but" is a contradictory opperator in itself) that different people have different ideologies that contradict one another, people must criticize one another and struggle with one another to settle these contradictions
but also people should do so with respect for each other, if that rule is followed alot more will come of these debates and people will be united and prepared for revolution

you can't just up and run this country like a "real business"disappointed smileywhich btw sounds alot like socialism to me) without settling these differences first, but if all we do is bicker and resort to name calling with one another then we will get no where
and in such a social system there would still exist contradictions
as a society of people, we are far away from utopia... and don't think for a second that socialism or even communism is what i mean by utopia, rather those are transitional systems to reach that... at one time this system of bourgeois dictatorship was indeed revolutionary, it is a transitional system out of fuedalism, but now has become stagnant... revolution can not become stagnant or it is nolonger revolution, but rather counter-revolution
we must always move foreward and not stop in our pursuit
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 14, 2007 12:41PM

Maybe we should make each state into it's own sovereign nation like it Europe. How about 50 Presidents. Everyone would need a passport to travel into different states. Maybe we can all get foreign aide.
zxz555 Report This Comment
Date: December 14, 2007 06:27PM

jgoins Wrote:
> Maybe we should make each state into it's own
> sovereign nation like it Europe. How about 50
> Presidents. Everyone would need a passport to
> travel into different states. Maybe we can all
> get foreign aide.

Fucking hell, ignorance knows no bounds. You don`t need a passport to travel in Europe, only to enter it. And there is a central government, it is called the European Parliament. Never heard of it? Never mind. If you could follow current affairs outside of your own back yard for just a minute you would know the United States of Europe is already a reality and almost finished forming into a unified competitor for world trade against the USA and Asia. It has taken 50 years for the quiet revolution in European thinking to take effect and governments to act as one. Behind it all? A unified one -world govt. Don`t laugh, all it takes is money and power. You didn`t think that after leading the world for centuries Europeans would just give up cos we made our little country with the indians in it, pee pee woohoo we have guns etc
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 15, 2007 10:45AM

None of this matter when the world will end in 2012 anyway.