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Were going Down

"a man smiling with a red and blue background"

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Comments for: Were going Down
GAK67 Report This Comment
Date: August 06, 2011 11:27AM

Racist much?
woberto Report This Comment
Date: August 06, 2011 12:32PM

Barry's weaknesses are many but being part black is not one of them.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: August 06, 2011 12:51PM

yeah 90%+ of the black vote is a definite bonus. (*facepalm*)

and of course that's not considered a racial decision. smiling bouncing smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/08/2011 01:09PM by fossil_digger.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: August 06, 2011 02:25PM

No matter how anyone chooses to frame it, stating the fact that the 1st ever downgrade of the US debt rating occurred on his watch is an undeniable truism which has nothing to do with race so cut the "it's racist" pablum. Not only has playin that card grown way tiresome to people with a brain, it has no point at all in this discussion, so (*finger*)

It will however be interesting to see how the spin masters go about pinning this one on the Tea Party, which they most assuredly will attempt to do. Entirely too predictable, but you heard it here 1st so let's just see how it all turns out winking


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/08/2011 02:31PM by Mrkim.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: August 06, 2011 05:49PM

GAK67 Report This Comment
Date: August 06, 2011 10:02PM

Mrkim: My comment was not saying that putting the blame for the credit rating downgrade on Obama is racist, my comment was about calling the original post racist in the way that it implied that the credit rating downgrade was due to Obama being black. I don't know enough about the US economy or politics to have a definite opinion on it, but from an outsiders perspective I think the poor economy in the US is due to a mix of the legacy of previous administrations, global factors that nobody can control and the policies of the current administration. I hope Obama is judged on his decisions and policies (both good and bad) rather than the colour of his skin, but from the original post I don't think that is likely.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: August 06, 2011 11:00PM

so because you think one post is racist that that is what everyone thinks? damn son, you logic is really bjorked. (*facepalm*)smiling bouncing smiley(*facepalm*)
woberto Report This Comment
Date: August 06, 2011 11:16PM

gak, you should watch zeitgeist to understand how the Federal Reserve works.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: August 06, 2011 11:23PM

actually one should watch and read everything they can get their hands on and formulate their own opinions on th reality of our world.

edit: oh i forgot...then come say it here so i can laugh my ass off at your inept thought process. smiling bouncing smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/08/2011 11:34PM by fossil_digger.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: August 07, 2011 01:18AM

OK, f_d, I think of you as a friend so as a friend I've got to say the type of hubris you've been showing lately is the same variety that got us all into this mess. I worry about you, buddy.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: August 07, 2011 02:02AM

what? the e-mail forwards? yeah i send out stuff from both sides it's only fair. but i do tend to get more right leaning e-mails than left. i hope you don't ever think that i support anything just because i send it out because that is rarely the case. grinning smiley
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: August 07, 2011 03:23AM

GAK, this left me to wonder:
"My comment was not saying that putting the blame for the credit rating downgrade on Obama is racist, my comment was about calling the original post racist in the way that it implied that the credit rating downgrade was due to Obama being black."

Ok, so affixing blame where it is greatly due, which is to the 1st black prez. we've had isn't racist, but ... because you perceived there was an implication that the downgrade was due to his being black it is then racist? That's such a twisted train of logic the tracks would of necessity hafta look like pretzels.

How about let's just look at the cartoon and see what it plainly states without implication. It succinctly states two things : 1. it says he's the 1st black prez 2. it states we've now seen the 1st ever national credit downgrade in our history as a nation.

It can be mentally reconfigured to mean and suit whatever the viewer chooses, as many can and will do. That however does not negate the clearly stated factual focus. I'd submit that assigning any racial connotation to this leads more to what's in the mind of the viewer than is in the 2 statements themselves.

In a class I took some years back I was presented with an idea that initially seemed foreign, while upon closer inspection made a lot of sense and fits this scenario quite well. The instructor said "We all must accept full responsibility for our thoughts and deeds, but ... we have no responsibility for how others view or perceive our actions as that responsibility rests with them." winking

"I don't know enough about the US economy or politics to have a definite opinion on it, but from an outsiders perspective I think the poor economy in the US is due to a mix of the legacy of previous administrations, global factors that nobody can control and the policies of the current administration."

As this is my country and the economic realities politicians help generate play a large part in how the world around me is shaken and moved I do pay possibly too much attention to it. Oftentimes I feel like I read and watch so much news that I'm basically overloaded, something never before really possible prior to the advent of the 'net. The problems we face financially have been building for some time now, that's a distinct truism and both parties and the electorate who put these bozoz into office all have blood on their hands, myself included.

However, this administration has managed to pile on national debt and deficit spending using long proven failed methods at such an unprecedented pace and seemingly also has no fuckin clue how to get their foot off the gas and find the god damned brake pedal no matter how bad things get. While the old saw about "You can't fix stupid" comes to mind it seems overall less than fitting in this case because I honestly don't think Obozo is stupid .... which frightens many of us even more!

"I hope Obama is judged on his decisions and policies (both good and bad) rather than the colour of his skin, but from the original post I don't think that is likely."

The color of his skin has not one whit to do with the fact that he's driven our economy to the brink of financial disaster and then all he can talk about is MORE spending and the need for MORE taxes so he and his administration can just keep makin things even worse, nor that one who claimed to be the great unifier and the one who would usher in a new level of social acceptance and understanding between the races, while in truth he's grown the racial discontent here in this country to a level unknown since the racially tumultuous 60s, nor that he promised to reset peace worldwide between us and the people sworn to desire to kill us, which he seems once more to instead have exacerbated with these enemies while also making us an international laughing stock to the rest, all the while belittling our actual international friends, nor that he promised open and honest disclosure of all proposed legislation in full view of the American public, not the constant closed door session manipulations of what is supposed to be our public representative system of governance, nor the fact that no other prez in history has shown such blatant disregard for our laws and constitutional systems of how laws and policies are to be enacted and instead chooses to bypass the legislative process in implementing policies he can't get legislatively enacted by doing so as would a dictator through presidential edicts and decrees instead. None of this has one damned thing to do with the fact that he's black, or to be more correct, that he's 1/2 black.

Neither success nor failure are bound by color. People have their own individual ways of making others happy or discontented, and this too is totally colorblind. However, this prez has outraged so many, divided so many, and made so many of of our lives worse, not better, that for many of us the following seems more than apropos "We're mad as hell and we're not gonna take it anymore!" hot smiley

GAK67 Report This Comment
Date: August 07, 2011 05:39AM

@Mrkim: "Ok, so affixing blame where it is greatly due, which is to the 1st black prez. we've had isn't racist" It depends on the motivation. If you assign the blame for the credit rating downgrade to Obama because of his, and his administrations, policies and decisions that is not racist - the fact that he is black is merely incidental. If however you assign the blame for the credit rating downgrade to Obama because he is black it is most definitely racist. I don't see how that is twisted.

While I completely agree with you, and your instructor, that: "We all must accept full responsibility for our thoughts and deeds, but ... we have no responsibility for how others view or perceive our actions as that responsibility rests with them." the fact that those two points, while singularly are completely factual, I believe were put into the same cartoon for a reason.

@fossil: I see you are still trying twist people's words to get a reaction from them without actually adding anything to the discussion.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/08/2011 05:39AM by GAK67.
woberto Report This Comment
Date: August 07, 2011 06:15AM

Maybe Obama was elected because everyone was being PC instead of voting for the best man and/or party.
If that was true then it's just a case of the USA people getting what they deserve.
Which makes this picture kinda humorous.
But hey, what do I know, I live in a country with a union lawyer, female, red-head as a Prime Minister who nobody actually voted for but she took it from Kevin'07 in a leadership tussle. God help us all.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: August 07, 2011 11:22AM

f_d, I was referring to the comment you made just prior to mine, among others. Emails are a whole different thing as any forwarded mail should be taken with a grain of salt. What worries me are the number of people who believe everything they see on the internet or anywhere else as long as it fits into their own belief system without ever questioning it's veracity, and with the amount of information now at our fingertips it's sometimes difficult to find out what is the truth.
woberto Report This Comment
Date: August 07, 2011 12:03PM

Fossil just needs to get laid.
The internet is a great invention for mass debating. You don't have to be correct in order to have an argument, it's good fun trolling but you shouldn't do it to your "friends".
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: August 07, 2011 12:07PM

GAK. any perception of racism belongs to the individual viewer, period, not the fact that the 2 facts were stated in conjunction winking

'berto, Obozo was elected for a myriad of reasons, the actual least of which in my opinion, was the misguided perception he was the best candidate.

The dimwitted libs fawned over this POS because he is 1/2 black and with blacks always as firm supporters of the Dems, blacks flocked to the polls to vote for him (between 90-98% of the black voters cast their ballots for Obozo, most of whom had never in their lives cast a ballot for their local dog catcher, much less in a prez. election), has a gift of oratory (and they were too busy slobbering over his verbal diarrhea to take the time to actually understand his silky speeches were filled with nothing of import, much less substance), they viewed him as intellectual (though since his educational records were constantly refused to be revealed [still are BTW] I'm not sure where that perception came from), because he promised governmental openess, racial unity (tempered with the PC concept of "social justice" to assuage their guilt), and told them he would end all the wars we were in, which he has not only not done, but involved us in another and done so in abject violation of his constitutional authority by never asking congressional approval, and lastly because as another part of his "social justice" platform BS he swore he'd grant the fuckin illegal hoards of aliens within our shores not only amnesty for their breaches of our laws, but also full citizenship (something he's not only failed to do legally but now has implemented through circumvention of our actual laws in a backdoor fashion through manipulation of policy by those empowered to enforce immigration law).

Obozo the obloviator is the most abject failure of a prez. we as a nation have ever subjected ourselves to and even when a huge segment of his liberal base has begun to say so and distance themselves from, it amazes many of us that no matter how diametrically opposed his policies are to moving us positively forward he still manages to unwaveringly hold onto a solid 40% of the electorates support, which given that this segment of the population has suffered even more severely from his policies really defies logical support for them!

I voted for McCain not because I saw him as a great candidate but because I saw Obama for what I still espouse him to be ... a narcissistic lying puppet of those intent on manipulating and destroying my country from within.

BTW, while I don't fully grasp nor understand the Aussie process of placing your leader into power I do have to wonder about the efficacy of a leader being selected by any means other than a simple popular vote by the electorate. Having said that I also take issue with our own system as it manipulates the popular vote through the process of the electoral college, an outdated concept prone to manipulation and distortion of the overall will of the electorate. I feel neither method is suitable for implementing the will of the electorate in a representative republic form of governance winking


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/08/2011 12:09PM by Mrkim.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: August 07, 2011 12:15PM

Gak: Kim already did this (using your own words), but i see you need to be reminded.
"I hope Obama is judged on his decisions and policies (both good and bad) rather than the colour of his skin, but from the original post I don't think that is likely."

Quasi: you are right, most things you find on the net are agenda based that's why i rarely suggest taking said info for what it really is meant to do. this being said, you need to take in as much as possible from ALL sources BEFORE making your own conclusion.

i've said this before and will say it over and over not fall into the BS the elite are throwing at you keeping the races and parties fighting amongst themselves, because only the rich profit from such stupidity. the more you toss the race card the more money they make.
Wolfgang613 Report This Comment
Date: August 07, 2011 05:49PM

It is interesting when the blame is displaced. The extremest in Congress are to be blamed for the down grade. Unwilling to negotiant, they delayed the budget until the last minute. The scared the economist, who in retaliation, down graded the U.S. Bonds. I am hoping this will be a wake up call to everyone that we must change the way we have been doing things.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: August 07, 2011 06:46PM

Interesting indeed wolfie .... the extremist-in-charge misusing his bully pulpit in attempts to frighten seniors into believing their SS checks might not be sent out (an obvious lie as almost all other debt legally must be put on hold before such a default could occur), then these claims were parroted endlessly by the extremists minions and the MSM press as further attempts were made to force seniors to contact their conservative representatives and get them to acquiesce to the demands of the libs for a tax increase as a part of the "deal", this of course backfired since many seniors KNEW this was BS.

Then there were the daily rancorous calls by the other extremist libs claiming failure by conservatives to agree to tax increases and fewer overall spending cuts in the bargain would in turn lead to default on the govt to cover their international debts which of course was another bold faced lie put forth by the libs/dems as again legally the Treasury Dept. had no legal right to NOT pay the debt prior to making whatever other necessary financial dispersement adjustments would be required after covering SS and the debt payments.

In the final analysis after the dust finally settled Standard and Poors has downgraded the credit rating of the US govt and have stated their reasoning was that the proposed spending cuts were too few and that the bulk of the proposed cuts were too far into the future to insure they would ever materialize (you might not really grasp subtle things like the realities of congressional governance and limitations and such wolfie but NO future congress can be limited by the actions of previous congresses policies).

All this now shakes out as there were not large enough immediate cuts, no cuts had been made to the overall largest drivers of the expanding national debt, SS, Medicare and Medicaid, relevant to the overall increase of govt spending and inherent increases to the extension of basically more unsecured govt debt having been agreed to so an agency like Standard and Poors who are charged with accessing an overview of a debtors debt level relative to their ability to repay it has now downgraded the US' rating for all the above.

The "extremists" who forced this scenario however were the libs who wanted 1st a debt increase without ANY cuts, then agreed to "some" cuts so long as the bulk of 'em occurred so far in the future as to be unenforceable while increasing the national debt above its already scandalous and insupportable limits, all the while daily screaming about how the conservatives, who had presented, voted and passed a plan some time back, with the libs, dems and deceiver-in-charge never having offered a single documented plan of their own were somehow portrayed as the obstructionists EVERY FUCKIN DAY until the final agreement was voted in.

Then after the bill was passed the extremist libs still weren't satisfied until they had called the Tea Party folks economic terrorists, likened them to suicide bombers or as the illustrious Chuck Schumer quipped had essentially held guns to their heads in getting an agreement worked out regarding the debt debacle and the FAA funding debacle where he and other libs, Harry Reid et al perpetrated another huge lie in claiming 74,000 US jobs and US air travel safety were at risk because the conservatives failed to agree to fund the FAA bill, which in turn was a string of lies since the House had already voted and passed the FAA bill which BTW affected less than 24,000, not 74,000, none of which even involved in any way areas related to air travel safety as the dems had claimed and the real hold up in getting funds to the FAA was the dem controlled senate failing to have approved the house passed bill because it also sought to keep the playing field level in union negotiations, which the dems refused to agree to and eventually chose the rats way out by allowing Ray LaHood to circumvent that part of the bill before they would agree to pass it.

Yep, in light of Standard and Poors downgrade and the reasons they gave for it all libs like yourself have still done your damnest to twist reality into something a 5th grader could see through in blaming the Tea Party for trying to hold the line on increasing our unsustainable debt levels, cutting the size and spending of govt NOW, not in an uncertain and unknowable future.

I said earlier the Tea Party would be wrongly blamed for this and it didn take good ol wolfie long to jump right in and do so. Thanks for not disappointing me there dude smileys with beer

fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: August 07, 2011 07:42PM

why do you waste your breath/type on these msnbc (and such) fools? it's much more fun to watch them spout the BS they're spoon fed.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: August 07, 2011 08:42PM

Uhhh .... mostly because I keep hoping the witless have the ability to learn from the truth instead of continuing to live on in total ignorance while being spoon fed by the other idiots too mindless to understand the difference between what is truth and what is just parroted talking points. And .... until one has ALL sides of a debate put forth how can they ever make a rational decision so I always try to at least present the conservative view so they at least have a perspective different from what the MSM spews in their daily spin fests.

I too often wonder what the point is but as one who believes we have the ability to learn until we choose not to do so, or die, I keep the faith that such inaccuracies can be bridged and that people still CAN learn .... again, so long as they are willing to do so.

Perhaps all in all it's a delusional fantasy that truth will win out over fallacy but I still hold out hope that such is not a given ... hi ho (*facepalm*)

fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: August 07, 2011 10:07PM

i think you see what i mean now. you spill some truth out there (maybe they verify it, maybe they don't), but they always shut up and the entertainment stops. (*finger4*)

edit: i didn't even get the opportunity to smiling bouncing smiley @ wolfiecock. (headexplode)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/08/2011 10:08PM by fossil_digger.
GAK67 Report This Comment
Date: August 08, 2011 01:56AM

@Mrkim: Alright then, using your words, I perceive the original post as racist as I perceive that the two facts were deliberately put together to imply the reason for the downgrade in the credit rating is in relation to the colour of the president's skin. I have no issue with people blaming Obama for the credit rating downgrade (as I said in an earlier post I too think it is, at least in part, due to his decisions and policies). What I have issue with is the (perceived) implication that it is due to him being black. To me the colour of his skin is incidental to this situation.

When I was growing up I lived in a small town which was predominantly white. There were only two Maori families in the town and they were not nice people. That was my reality when it came to Maori people. My family then moved to a town in another part of the country where approximately 50% of the population were Maori. I quickly learned that regardless of skin colour you get good and bad people, you get intelligent people and stupid people from all races, you get variety of opinion that has nothing to do with race, gender or other physical attributes. I feel that those (I do not include you with those) who, due to his skin colour, blame Obama for your country's woes have not yet learned that (and potentially never will).

I find it funny/interesting/sad that those who say that this is all due to Obama being black will be the first to say that black people do not have the right to expect racial quotas in employment and education etc. They can't have it both ways. Either their skin colour has nothing to do with the decisions they make and therefore they deserve no special treatment, but Obama's decisions have nothing to do with his skin colour, or their race means they can't help what they do which means you can blame Obama's blackness for his performance, but it also then means they should have rights to special treatment in education and employment. In case I haven't made my own opinion clear, I believe that race has nothing to do with the decisions we make, therefore Obama should not be judged based on his skin colour, but there should also be no 'positive discrimination' policies either.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: August 08, 2011 02:17AM

i have had some of the most interesting theoretical Astro-Physics discussions with an exchange student from Ghana at work for the last couple of weeks. this kid (27) is brilliant. the only thing about him that bothers me is that his education is funded 100% (that subject is a whole other thread). when he graduates (he's in graduate school now) he plans to return to Ghana. i think i may have made him think about taking a job here for a couple of years to not only improve his resume, but to give something back to the country that helped him.
woberto Report This Comment
Date: August 08, 2011 05:47AM

Click here for Fossilization.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: August 08, 2011 06:14AM

GAK, I understand the point(s) you made and agree to your rights to possess them as truth, while I will similarly point out that these are also simply one possible point of perspective, while not the only possibility .... sound fair enough?

Onto you point regarding discrimination and discriminatory policies involving race here's a slightly differing perspective, which I will lay claim to.

In the US we are all legally equals and legally no discrimination is acceptable either because of ones race, while conversely no race is to receive differential/preferential treatment under the law. That all sounds great on the surface and would seem to imply no bias is allowed in hiring, individual civil rights or treatment under the law. The reality of these policies is far from that.

When racial quotas are implemented in hiring, what is that if not discriminatory? When civil testing procedures are downgraded claiming the previously required higher scores to allow someone to be considered for a position because a claim is made that these higher requirements are unfair and racist, what is that if not being discriminatory towards everyone who scores well and in turn decreases instead of increases the overall accepted level to be considered for the job?

And then there's my all time favorite ... only whites actions can ever be considered to have been racist. If I say "I don't like your attitude" to a black dude/dudette, many will initially take that to the lowest possible denominator and claim I'm being racist for having simply made such an assertion, which if they want to pursue it legally I can then be charged with a civil rights violation, fined and/or jailed simply because they "perceived" my actions as having been racist.

Conversely a black cat can say to me "I don't like your attitude you cracker motherfuckin piece of lily livered white trash" and his statements will never be considered racist, even an appeal for maintenance of my own civil rights, which I remind you are legally supposed to be equal, will never see equal treatment under the law. Additionally, let's say he chooses to escalate this even further and perpetrate violent acts against me while at the same time racially berating me, this will still not be viewed nor adjudicated as a racially motivated or hate crime, regardless, though to most anyone with a reasonable mind it would indeed have been racist acts.

Maybe you live in a different situation there buddy but here it's hardly a level playin field and I would be less that truthful if I said I felt these practices were not discriminatory hot smiley

GAK67 Report This Comment
Date: August 08, 2011 06:45AM

Mrkim, yes, fair enough. I have no problem with you perceiving it differently to me.

It is the same here as in the US, in that all citizens, regardless of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation are equal in the eyes of the law. Unfortunately there are some of the same discriminatory acts here - especially around educational opportunities, with racial quotas in place by some institutions for some courses. I agree with you that it is discrimination, but it is also a dumbing down of the professions concerned. If somebody gets into the training to become a doctor because of race over somebody who is better qualified to get that training opportunity then that means the average qualifications for that course are lower than they could have been, so therefore the quality of the doctors coming out of that course is potentially, and in all probability will be, at a lower level as well.

That doesn't change my opinion though that it shouldn't be that way.

On the positive side, there is not quite the same one-sidedness here as you say there is where you are. I am sure it is here to some extent, but not as bad as you portray it to be there. For example, the government appoints a Race Relations Conciliator here and the current one is white (although he is also a South African immigrant) and the previous appointee was Indian rather than Maori so there is a broader perspective on race relations here.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: August 08, 2011 09:52AM

Is it possible that Odamna's agenda is to simply destroy the country financially. If his intention is to destroy the US then his actions can be understood quite easily in that context. As for why he might be doing this the reasons could be many. If an organization wanted to attack the US and inflict causalities then the method they used was quite effective on 9/11/01. Now if they wanted to destroy us financially, what better way than to have someone in as president who will cater to the greed of the people in congress and spend us to death. I am not saying this is what is happening but merely suggesting that it is possible that one could be working with the organization that wants to destroy the US. Just think about it with an open mind and an understanding that we never know what is in the mind of another.
GAK67 Report This Comment
Date: August 08, 2011 07:25PM

@jgoins: While I acknowledge the possibility of the theory you purport I think that circumstance to be unlikely. I say this for two major reasons. Firstly, there would have been a number of investigations into Obama's life, both from his supporters and his opponents. If there was some connection with anti-American terrorists it would have most likely been discovered. Secondly, and probably more importantly, he does not operate alone. He is part of a political party that has some control over his decisions through the houses of parliament (or whatever terminology is used in the US).
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: August 08, 2011 07:28PM

cheese and rice how do u all find time to read and write all of this stuff??? I'm not even working right now and I don't have time for it.......

Quasi - "people who believe everything they see on the internet or anywhere else as long as it fits into their own belief system without ever questioning it's veracity" that is called confirmation bias...
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: August 08, 2011 07:29PM

and yes, this picture is racist.
woberto Report This Comment
Date: August 08, 2011 08:35PM

Hey pro, where you been dude?
Is bobtailing unsafe?
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: August 08, 2011 08:42PM

Sorry GAK, but you're almost 100% wrong in your last comment.

Obozo was inspected prior to his election, with very staggering results in what was found but with the liberal media slobbering over his every word every single revelation was minimized, downplayed and the ever famous race card was played at every opportunity to portray anyone saying anything deleterious to his campaign as a racially motivated attack.

Here's a cuppla interesting facts about Obozo that are NOT disputable:

1.He began his political career in the living room of his long time friend Bill Ayers, an extremely anti-American liberal who was instrumental in home grown terrorist attacks in the US. Once this came out his association was downplayed and minimized, but never denied.

2. Obozo attended a radical black activist church for 20yrs, one soooo radical the preacher has made it well known the white man in America is his enemy and who has openly said in his sunday services "God Damn America" as he rails against American govt. and policies.

Obozo quickly again distanced himself from Rev Wright when this came to light, initially saying he never saw such sermons while in attendance, acted as if he barely knew the Rev, which again was disproven over and over and eventually finally threw his long time pastor under the bus in saying he could not support the type of message he was handing out, something he NEVER did until political pressure made sure he must do so during his campaign or suffer obvious political consequences

3. Obozos college records, and I mean all of them, have been sealed and are not available for inspection ..... by his OWN order after taking office.

There's tons more if you care to do the research but these are in of themselves either incriminating regarding his past and possible agenda or at best would make one wonder.

While the office of prez is supposed to be limited and require presidents to allow congress to enact the laws, with the prez as a guiding force in this process, Obozo has sought this route when useful, yet also directly and indirectly implemented policies he could not get congressional approval on through manipulation of policies of other arms of the Administrative branch (the only one of 3 branches of our government (Administrative, Legislative and Judicial branches) the prez is directly in charge of).

Essentially this is in defiance of the authority of the elected congress and their function in passing laws on issues he's legislatively failed to have prevailed upon as in immigration reform, Cap & Trade (a bill designed to levy huge taxes on energy producers and implement extreme changes in how energy production would be achieved in general. This is also closely tied to global warming doctrines.) and again in other areas as well if you care to research this further.

I will not go into great detail on many of the other areas that are open to speculation as they are ... speculative.

However, suffice to say that during his campaign Fox News was the only outlet who openly reported on these issues, with all other media outlets here far too busy fawning over Obozo and in their off time playin the shop worn race card to down play every new development that was revealed. And ... after he was elected he attempted to deny FOX reporters access to the presidential news briefings (which failed as all the other outlets supported FOXs right to their reporters access) and recently email trails have emerged from with members of the WH staff where open distaste and disregard for FOX was made evident and that there had at one time been a plan to attack FOX even more directly, which was eventually shelved.

If you doubt any of my above statements, fine, but before you just flatly disagree with this as agendized, do the research to find out for yourself. I assure you if you choose to do this research you'll find I've really just hit the high points grinning smiley


I watch lotsa news, FOX, MSNBC, CNN, ABC and then read quite a lot in other places too and I can assure you the liberal bias is still alive and well in nearly all of our media outlets

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/08/2011 08:47PM by Mrkim.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: August 08, 2011 10:00PM

how could you have missed all that info yak even from your side of the world and even after all this info was posted all over this site prior to the election?
did you think we were all lying?
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: August 08, 2011 10:46PM

@berto - I've been busy doing things out in the real world...spinning smiley sticking its tongue outsmoking
smileydrinking smileyrock
onDancing Green Banana! here in the Pacific Northwest our summer lasts only a few days <sarcasm/> so I spend as much time outdoors as I can and no longer own a laptop so...
yes, bob-tailing can be dangerous...tractors are designed to pull trailers, typically the bulk of the stopping power comes from the trailers' brakes, this prevents skids/fish-tailing/havoc... however, it isnt such an issue anymore with newer tractors as they have superior braking systems now-a-days...
woberto Report This Comment
Date: August 09, 2011 12:55AM

When I win the lottery I always wanted to buy a Kenworth with a penthouse and travel across the USA. No trailer, just the beast on it's own, total road superiority! But I suppose brakes are important so I might rethink that one.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: August 09, 2011 01:22AM

i want a 17 foot van body bio diesel RV to pull my Ford GT on a trailer around the country. (matrix)
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: August 09, 2011 01:50AM

nah berto you could do that with a truck made probably anytime in the last 10-15 years and be just fine...really only pertains to older trucks, pre-ABS etc..

woberto Report This Comment
Date: August 09, 2011 04:58AM

Roger that PJ.
By the sound of Kims tirade I better win than money soon because the USA as we know it might not be there next month!
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: August 09, 2011 10:30AM

Mr Kim I remember all that stuff form before the election, all that and more is what brings me to my conclusion about Odamna and his hidden agenda. If everyone else would just keep and open mind and watch then they too can easily see something going on here. All he has to do is promise to sign any legislation that gives the politicians the money they want to spend and congress will help him destroy the US economy.
GAK67 Report This Comment
Date: August 09, 2011 11:58AM

Mrkim: You may think the implications you have drawn from the facts you say have been revealed are obvious, but somebody recently told me that "We all must accept full responsibility for our thoughts and deeds, but ... we have no responsibility for how others view or perceive our actions as that responsibility rests with them." I do think your comments are agendized. I am reminded of the story of Chicken Little. As in that story something is happening, but (in my opinion) not as severe as you perceive it to be.

@fossil: You think I read all of the diatribes on here?
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: August 09, 2011 12:19PM

Tirade? What a curious term indeed to label the coupling of words into a stream designed to de-couple the irreality of the level of disinformation being put forth by those who choose to plaster half-truths and complete fabrications replete with nothing more than talking point after talking point all over the news with the overall seeming point being to mislead, obstruct the truth, and then vilify anyone willing to see through the smoke screen here in my country.

In the US Nero is happily fiddling away as the flames keep rising. We have a crisis of leadership, fueled in no small part by the idea our leader quite simply is not a leader at all. There's a total gridlock within our congress as factions bent on continuing further down the same path we've been taken down in the last few years that all too obviously leads to a place which looks gloomier and ever more grim by the day are pitted against a minority in government trying desperately to at least bring some sort of reason and debate to the table in hopes we can halt this descendence into darkness.

I would not wish the same scenario upon any govt or people, but if this ever happens in Oz I sure hope you can find humor in it then 'berto eye
rolling smiley

Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: August 09, 2011 12:46PM

GAK, if my statements can be viewed as agendized my greatest hope is that they'd be associated with the idea that truth and reason is at their core.

Anyone can be portrayed as villainous by mistating facts involving their actions, associations or character, yet when such a portrayal is instead based upon provable facts I fail to see how that can then be viewed as agendized.

I also fail completely to see how my statement "We all must accept full responsibility for our thoughts and deeds, but ... we have no responsibility for how others view or perceive our actions as that responsibility rests with them." has any bearing in your last post unless you can offer some proof that what I have stated are falsehoods. If you can prove such, please do but it would seem you've simply fallen into the velvet lined trap of failing to do any research regarding my statements and instead choose to dismiss it all and claim it's all agendized.

Or .... did you actually make the effort to see if my statements were true and have arrived at a different conclusion from that act of discovery?

Interesting analogy using chicken little dude but with the uncertain state of the US' credit position in the global economy, other credit rating agencies putting forth the idea that they too are considering downgrading our status, stock markets in Asia, across Europe and certainly here in the US as well taking a serious hit over this overall financial uncertainty it would seem less than logical to look at it all and say nothing of import is really taking place.

However, you certainly get to make that claim, just don't forget to also take responsibility for having made it winking

GAK67 Report This Comment
Date: August 09, 2011 06:21PM

@Mrkim: Chill dude. I'm not accusing you of lying, merely that you have put your own perception and perspective into your post. For example:

Exaggeration - "with the liberal media slobbering over his every word". Did anybody in the media actually slobber? Even if they did, was it with every word Obama spoke?

Conjecture - "at best would make one wonder". How do you know how 'one' would react? You certainly don't know how this one (ie. me) would react.

Opinion - "Essentially this is in defiance of the authority of the elected congress". I am sure he and his supporters would argue the opposite case.

Extrapolation - "recently email trails have emerged from with members of the WH staff". Just because a staff member wanted something or did something doesn't mean their boss wanted the same thing or sanctioned, or even supported, the action - and I'm not just talking about the White House here, but in general.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: August 09, 2011 07:42PM

Your semantical attack on my verbage does absolutely nothing in making a case for an opposing view of what is or isn't truth. Are my statements filled with my personal perspective, of course, but that in no way means the underlying message is any less valid simply because you choose to take semantical exception to the way they're put forth.

I guess the bottom line is that since you have no dog in this fight it's easy to sit 1/2 way around the world and take this all with a grain of salt. If I came across a discussion about a political struggle amongst you guys in Kiwiland I would never comment at all unless I felt knowledgeable enough on all sides of the discussion to do so.

Knowing enough about the issues involved here to reasonably comment on this topic is obviously not your strong suit, which you've made abundantly clear. With that in mind my question to you is, what if any is your point in even entering into this discussion except if your point is really only to show how little indeed you are aware of (*facepalm*)

I notice the only lib on here even willing to stick up for Obozo wasn't willing to do so more than once and PJ just sat on the sidelines and then added a snarky bit of bullshit about others having made the effort to even discuss this issue at length. That's easy enough to understand though with Obozo now gettin it from all sides it's pretty hard for even his supporters to pipe up in defense of his failing tactics grinning smiley

fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: August 09, 2011 09:23PM

yes i do think you read everything on this site yak. smiling bouncing smiley
GAK67 Report This Comment
Date: August 10, 2011 12:48AM

Mrkim: So let me get this right, if I express an opinion on the original post you pull me up on it and say it is only my perspective, but when I do the same to you you basically tell me to fuck off? If you can't handle an opposing view to your own opinion I suggest it be you that doesn't get involved in the discussions.
woberto Report This Comment
Date: August 10, 2011 01:32AM

I hope the weather gets cooler in Texas.
Oh and the new plus613 logo is cool but Bill Gates might file an injunction...
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: August 10, 2011 02:23AM

i thought the 613 special olympics were upon us. (*binladen*)
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: August 10, 2011 02:30AM

GAK, as one quite competent in the subtleties of language were it my intention to tell you to fuck off, that's what I'd have said. I strive diligently to leave as little as possible of what I write with any need for individual interpretation, so do yourself a favor and never try to put words in my mouth winking

What I did say is you have no dog in the fight and not living in this country, hence, no skin in the game, coupled with no real basic knowledge of the issues being discussed so why bother even entering into it at all?

Every assertion you've made about Obozo, the vetting process, his history/background and the intricacies of American legislative policies and jurisprudence have only related you have no educational basis to even enter into such a discussion.

If you want to make a case against anything I've said here would it not seem relevant that you at least have an idea of where it is you choose to position yourself from? Does it not seem foolhardy to enter into debate without even a basic understanding of the topic confused smiley

fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: August 10, 2011 02:58AM

can i still get a late entry into the 3 legged blindfold 50 yard dash?
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: August 10, 2011 04:51AM

Sheesh, I never thought I'd see the day you wanted to opt in to the democratic party fossil.

"Drunk fat and stupid is no way to go through life son" grinning smiley

GAK67 Report This Comment
Date: August 10, 2011 07:00AM

Mrkim: I don't know who is worse, fossil for twisting people's words, or you for skirting around the salient points raised instead of addressing them directly. If I was you I would be questioning my self proclaimed grasp of the English language.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: August 10, 2011 10:37AM

Can a devout Muslim hide his religion and beliefs to the point people believe he is Christian when in fact he is a practicing Muslim? Something to think about.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: August 10, 2011 11:07AM

i've always used the wording from the tourette javelin toss

but i'm considering voting no on the inclusion of that competition in the next olympics.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/08/2011 11:09AM by fossil_digger.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: August 10, 2011 09:23PM

Attempting to discuss politics here is an exercise in futility.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: August 10, 2011 10:15PM

where is it not a act of futility? i wanna fuck with those guys. Dancing Green Banana!
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: August 10, 2011 10:56PM

I wrote "exercise" not "act."

I rest my case.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: August 10, 2011 11:31PM

exercise is not an act?
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: August 11, 2011 09:43AM

Discussing politics is better here where people can't get violent. In public too many people get violent when you discuss politics and don't agree with them.
x Report This Comment
Date: August 11, 2011 07:00PM

Yeah... its much safer and more productive doing it on a Aussie picture website.
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: August 11, 2011 07:07PM

PJ just sat on the sidelines and then added a snarky bit of bullshit hey thanks for the shout-out K-man have
a pepsi

the problem with texas is there are too many texans there, and texans are the. most. stubborn. people in America. Kim and FD are already reaching for their keyboards to argue
but ya'll shouldn't argue that, just realize its true, and here's the key, not everyone gives as much of a shit about some things or other things than you may or may not...and that doesnt mean they are wrong lazy stupid ignorant naive inept liberal republican democrat christian catholic protestant asian roman eskimo educated employed unemployed illiterate homeless millionaire midget necrophiliac cartoonist gas-pumper athlete lyricist doctor or dentist. it just means they dont care.
so yeah, call me apathetic if you want to, doesn't matter to me lol...

been playing outside quite a bit lately, I recommend you ALL try it for a bit...the fresh air will do you good ... (*horse*)
x Report This Comment
Date: August 11, 2011 09:27PM

^ this ^
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: August 11, 2011 09:44PM

it's not really an Aussie site, it's owned by Aussies, but the server is in America (Texas as a matter of fact up
yours), so it's really a couple of Aussies contributing to our economy indirectly, sorta kinda not really but maybe. (*finger4*)

Junior; yes it does matter infinity! (*butt*)

Toad: \this/

BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: August 11, 2011 11:04PM

Yes, an exercise is an act but not all acts are exercises.
woberto Report This Comment
Date: August 12, 2011 02:07AM

I excercise my rights on a regular basis.
But they still don't help me pick up chicks.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: August 13, 2011 11:09AM

Berto if you want to pick up chicks try hundred dollar bills. Works better than the singles you've been using.
JBrummah Report This Comment
Date: August 13, 2011 11:23AM

!0 brothers can't run a white castle....How's one going to run a white house.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: August 14, 2011 09:59AM

Its been easy to see the one brotha can't run the white house. Not so much because of his race as much as he is an idiot.