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worlds apart, dehli, india
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worlds apart, dehli, india

"an aerial view of a city"

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Comments for: worlds apart, dehli, india
Ivan Hoe Report This Comment
Date: October 19, 2020 02:04PM

How the fuck will they ever control Covid in cities like this? Even China isn't that bad
pulse Report This Comment
Date: October 19, 2020 11:46PM

They can't. That's why India went into massive lockdown as soon as a few cases were detected; hasn't helped though. It'll wash through the slums (as it is today) and become a case study on infectious disease control out the other end.
thegrandtotalizer Report This Comment
Date: October 20, 2020 04:55AM

India as of yesterday;
Total Cases = 7,594,736
Total Recovered = 6,730,617
Active Cases = 748,883
New Cases +46,498
Total Deaths 115,236
New Deaths +594
Active Cases = 748,883 (8,944 critical)
Total Cases per 1M head of population = 5,487
Total Deaths per 1M head of pupulation = 83
Total Tests = 95,083,976
Total Tests per 1M head of population = 68,698
quasi Report This Comment
Date: October 20, 2020 10:11AM

Ha! Only 115K dead. The U.S. has almost twice that many with only a fraction of the population. Murican exceptionalism, baby!
thegrandtotalizer Report This Comment
Date: October 21, 2020 06:08AM

For that same day; USA in Red
India as of yesterday;
Total Cases = 7,594,736 8,458,878
Total Recovered = 6,730,617 5,503,268
Active Cases = 748,883 2,730,378
New Cases +46,498 +58,170
Total Deaths 115,236 225,232
New Deaths +594 +452
Active Cases = 748,883 (8,944 critical) 2,730,378 (15,501 critical)
Total Cases per 1M head of population = 5,487 25,510
Total Deaths per 1M head of pupulation = 83 679
Total Tests = 95,083,976 126,969,736
Total Tests per 1M head of population = 68,696 382,906