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Comments for: Whore!!
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: February 06, 2011 04:47PM

I know I've seen this one before. Help me out here `Lando. smiling
Mach Report This Comment
Date: February 06, 2011 05:41PM

That was downright refreshing.

It's all of the attention that those anti-gunners give the crazy people when they shoot someone, it gives them all of the attention they've been looking for their whole life.

Fuck political correctness, it only hurts, it never helps.... it is just a type of passive-aggressiveness that is put in place to control society. Control people but if they say fuck off then they show themselves to be the "bad guy."
Onyma Report This Comment
Date: February 06, 2011 07:11PM

Hoax on a hoax on a hoax on an age old tale.


ORLANDO399 Report This Comment
Date: February 06, 2011 07:48PM

That's a thumbs
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: February 06, 2011 09:35PM

`Lando was right. Just a matter of time. Busted.
Hp Report This Comment
Date: February 06, 2011 10:20PM

Fat snake! if it is a spoof, we need more local heros like this guy to tell the namby pamby PC correctness brigade to phuk orf.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: February 07, 2011 10:19AM

What dopes. The subject of gun control has little to do with the subject of political correctness, which btw is an oxymoron. And yes, sorry bubble-heads, it is a hoax. And more importantly F_D is BUSTED! P_J put up the same hoax in 2009 with a different pic. Read it and weep. Turn in your badges, both of you.

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: February 07, 2011 12:30PM

Political correctness is basically doing something other people are doing because they THINK it is the right thing to do. People think it is the right thing to do to ban smoking because they think it will save lives, even though it is none of their business. People think seatbelts save lives once again none of their business. Outlaw fast foods people think it will save lives, again none of their business. All of these things and more are politically correct viewpoints and have no effect to people not doing the actions but people think it is their business to change the actions of others. More gun control is not needed. We have enough gun laws now all we need to do is enforce the ones we have. The post here is a hoax but the subject of apropos and the one liner is great.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: February 07, 2011 02:23PM

my lawyer is laughing his ass off. (*horse*)
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: February 07, 2011 03:14PM

I agree with you concerning gun laws. I don't agree that the subject has much directly to do with PC. PC is another term tossed around by people without knowing what it really means but that's par for the course around here smiling

American Heritage Dictionary: politically correct

adj. (Abbr. PC)

1. Of, relating to, or supporting broad social, political, and educational change, especially to redress historical injustices in matters such as race, class, gender, and sexual orientation.
2. Being or perceived as being overconcerned with such change, often to the exclusion of other matters.
GAK67 Report This Comment
Date: February 07, 2011 05:09PM

@jgoins - I kind of agree with you regarding the seatbelts and fast food - if you want to kill yourself that way it's not really my business, except that here in NZ, and also a lot of other countries (Australia and UK for instance), the health system is government funded so if you eat too much junk food it's gonna cost me in taxes when you have your quadruple bypass surgery. The same argument applies to wearing seat belts, smoking and guns. The other argument against guns and smoking is that they can also harm me directly. Second hand smoking is proven to have health impacts and you don't have the right to impinge on my enjoyment of life by clogging up my lungs, so I support smoking bans in public spaces - even outdoors. As for guns, if there are more guns around there is more of a chance that a bullet can end up coming in my direction - so that has a lot to do with me.

That said, the original (fake) post is funny and I agree completely with the sentiment. By the reporter's logic, every military trained person on the planet is a potential violent murderer, whereas in reality every military trained person I have met has more self discipline than the general population, plus a strong sense of right and wrong.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: February 08, 2011 03:30AM

My whole issue with govt. mandated crap is that my business is essentially not theirs to decide for me. To believe or act otherwise simply leads one down a path of governance by others ideologies and principles I'm likely to disagree with as valid in addressing my wants, needs and principles.

Basically it all comes down to whether one adopts the "for the greater good" philosophy and then willing accepts the caveat of that choice being that you are then accepting subservience and subjugation of self that choice entails, or .... that you live for and by your own ideologies/philosophies, taking responsibility for that choice instead, which all in all is actually much more challenging. Afterall, swimmin upstream is always more difficult than just goin with the flow, like "a good little fishy".

Having spent a lifetime never accepting the status quo and having found endless enjoyment in bucking conventional wisdom and ideologies on a near daily basis, I much prefer the latter as I know it's the only path that suits me rock

tj Report This Comment
Date: February 08, 2011 04:29AM

Blah shut the fuck up
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: February 08, 2011 04:35AM

stomping on his freedom of speech are ya?
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: February 08, 2011 02:01PM

If we give up personal choice in anyway we will lose our freedom. I believe in personal choice but I also believe we should accept the responsibility of our choices. I have always smoked but I never smoked where it would interfere with others. I never walked into any building smoking a cigarette and only smoked where it was allowed even before the bans. I live in a country where there is no government healthcare yet so if I am injured by not wearing a seatbelt then it is on my dime. The same goes for fast food if I over indulge then it is on my dime (but I never do). I have always owned guns and folow the current laws with respect to their use. Here in America we have nough laws governing guns and their use so if we just enforce them we would be ok. There are many items which can be used as weapons and can kill. Maybe we should ban steak knives or forks. Just remember that criminals can always get guns even where they are totally outlawed so if you outlaw guns then only criminals will have guns and there are not enough police to protect everyone.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: February 08, 2011 02:39PM

funny how we are one of the few countries that have not been invaded......hmmmmm....coincidence?
Mach Report This Comment
Date: February 08, 2011 03:09PM

fossil_digger Wrote:
> funny how we are one of the few countries that
> have not been invaded......hmmmmm....coincidence?

We are constantly being invaded, from the inside. Internal is way more dangerous than external!

fossil, I know you want to watch a video, here is a review of Zeitgeist: Moving Forward (Part 3), I agree with this guy, good stuff.


BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: February 08, 2011 04:28PM

Remember McVeigh and Oklahoma City? Not only an internal attack but from a criminal with US military training.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: February 08, 2011 05:11PM

yes Mach i've seen it a couple times.

blah; i should've clarified....from another country (terrorist cowardly attacks do not count)


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/02/2011 05:12PM by fossil_digger.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: February 08, 2011 06:03PM

F_D that last comment of mine was more for what Gak and JL said. Timing was off I suppose tho not thru any fault of mine.

And TJ, no I won't shut the fuck up. tongue
sticking out smiley
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: February 09, 2011 10:48AM

Well Fossil we are being invaded by Mexico.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: February 09, 2011 02:24PM

i don't see the southern hemisphere exodus as an invasion, it's nothing but people pursuing the fake "American dream" created by politicians (mostly Demochimps) attempting to boost their future voter base (example: anchor babies). not to mention their need to get out of the way of the cartels and their ruthless disregard for human life. i don't blame hispanics of any country for wanting the "dream", but what they need to understand is that it is falsely intended (trying to insert a new lower class of workers, wage and otherwise, to offset their retarded over-taxation and regulatory measures sending as many manufacturing jobs and such to China, India, etc,to extend governments failed policies keeping themselves in power and to keep paying off their buddies in labor unions, bankers,insurance companies etc). we always seem to find a way to fuck ourselves and until this thinking is abolished in Washington, it will only get worse.
Mach Report This Comment
Date: February 09, 2011 08:10PM

fossil_digger Wrote:
> i don't see the southern hemisphere exodus as an
> invasion, it's nothing but people pursuing the
> fake "American dream" created by politicians
> (mostly Demochimps) attempting to boost their
> future voter base (example: anchor babies). not to
> mention their need to get out of the way of the
> cartels and their ruthless disregard for human
> life. i don't blame hispanics of any country for
> wanting the "dream", but what they need to
> understand is that it is falsely intended (trying
> to insert a new lower class of workers, wage and
> otherwise, to offset their retarded over-taxation
> and regulatory measures sending as many
> manufacturing jobs and such to China, India,
> etc,to extend governments failed policies keeping
> themselves in power and to keep paying off their
> buddies in labor unions, bankers,insurance
> companies etc). we always seem to find a way to
> fuck ourselves and until this thinking is
> abolished in Washington, it will only get worse.

Hmmmm... kinda like a giant type of "political correctness."

I was a little disappointed when I read that fossil, I generally agreed with it, so I can't really start any trouble for the fun of it here, oh well, there's always next time. (*horse*)
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: February 09, 2011 09:25PM

reality, what a concept
GAK67 Report This Comment
Date: February 10, 2011 08:28AM

> I never smoked where it would interfere with others
It's good that you do that, but not everybody shares your concern for others, so therefore there needs to be some sort of external control, just like if there weren't police patrolling the roads most people would still drive at sensible speeds, but some wouldn't.

> I live in a country where there is no government healthcare yet so if I am injured by not wearing a seatbelt then it is on my dime. The same goes for fast food if I over indulge then it is on my dime (but I never do).
Which is why I made my comments relevant to my situation. If the healthcare here wasn't government funded I would not personally care much about those who drove without seatbelts, rode without helmets or smoked like a train.

> There are many items which can be used as weapons and can kill. Maybe we should ban steak knives or forks.
I do not support banning guns, but I do support effective control, and if there was a high incidence of steak knives or forks actually being used (as opposed to the potential, which is surely the point of the original post) in murders or other crimes then some sort of control would need to be considered.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/02/2011 04:52PM by GAK67.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: February 10, 2011 01:16PM

Where the government is concerned there is no such thing as good gun control. They will go too far just like some places went too far in smoker control by making it illegal to smoke even on your own property on your own front porch. Maybe the best gun control would be for everyone to openly wear sidearms. Then the police will see who is carrying and everyone else will see who is armed and they will not rob them. With a little research eveyone would find out that the old west was not like the movies depict it, there was not so much crime and killings as is perceived by people now. Most people just don't understand guns so they just follow the politically correct viewpoint that so many others follow and want to do away with them.

Fossil if we get more Mexicans to come in then Mexico will be able to get back the lands they lost years ago without firing a shot. Just check inot how Texas is teaching about the Alamo now as opposed to the way they were teaching it a couple of years ago.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: February 10, 2011 01:21PM

funny how people that whine about such things needing to be "taken care of" are the same ones who claim the government is too involved in their lives.
they only want the things they don't like to be handled and the ones they like need to be left alone. (not directed at anyone in particular)
woberto Report This Comment
Date: February 10, 2011 07:47PM

The gun is the cowards weapon of choice.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: February 10, 2011 09:25PM

so little old ladies that are packin' are cowards?
how about cops?
maybe the military?
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: February 10, 2011 09:27PM

i know who...those living in cracktown neighborhoods outgunned by street gangs? yeah they're the ones
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: February 10, 2011 11:27PM

Hey 'berto, if you mean those who use 'em to commit robbery, rape, murder, etc., then I'm in agreement. But, if you're alluding to guns for defensive purposes as cowardly, well, we'll just hafta disagree spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

woberto Report This Comment
Date: February 11, 2011 02:49AM

Fossil it's just too easy to get you goin' smiling
The thought of Kim, Fd, Quasi & other Plus613 regulars with guns does not bother me because I do believe in responsible gun users and thier rights.
However easy access to guns enables the gutless wonders of the world to commit horrible crimes and massacres that we all fear.
I prefer gun control as a policy.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: February 11, 2011 03:51AM

there's only 1 person who has achieved "goin" status for me here....can you guess who?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/02/2011 03:52AM by fossil_digger.
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: February 11, 2011 04:35AM

fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: February 11, 2011 05:16AM

nope, he's a joke
woberto Report This Comment
Date: February 11, 2011 08:35AM

quasi Report This Comment
Date: February 11, 2011 11:42AM

I've only had one instance where I wish I'd had a gun at the ready and didn't - because I still had kids in the house my guns were locked away unloaded. One evening there was a guy beating the shit out of another guy who was already down on the street corner right outside my house. I didn't approach because of the possibilty the aggressor might have been armed himself and it took awhile to get him to stop by folks yelling at him & telling him the cops were on the way. It took 10 minutes or more for the cops to get there and by then it was all over; when seconds count the cops are minutes away. I don't think it would have been necessary to shoot the guy but if I'd drawn a bead on him and got close I think I could have convinced him to have stopped the beating much sooner or dropped him if he whipped out a piece of his own.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: February 11, 2011 12:48PM

I have never regretted using my weapon in the past but what I did regret was having to use it. I only regretted people and countries who can't get along and force others to defend themselves. (I never speak to my military actions so just don't ask.) Unfortunately that is the world we live in and we have to accept it. Even in our daily lives we live in a world where others think it is easier to take things instead of working for them so honest people have a need to protect themselves. We would have less of a need for protection if everyone had a cop living next door but that just can't happen. The sad fact is that even in a small town like I live in when the cops are called it still take 5 to 10 minutes for them to arrive and a lot can happen in that amount of time. I have worked as a police officer before and I know it is a rarity for a policeman to catch a crime in progress. More often their job is to take a report after the crime has been committed. It is up to us to protect ourselves against man's inhumanity to man. At least until all mankind has respect for all others and that is not likely in our lifetime.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: February 11, 2011 01:28PM

The real Catch 22 about gun control is that limiting law abiding citizens rights to keep and bear arms for whatever purpose they choose doesn't have the same effect on the criminal elements in society.

Chicago and New York City have some of the most stringent gun control statutes in the whole of the US but ... they also have some of the highest overall crime rates and high murder rates as well, with a large percentage of these crimes having been committed with firearms. This does not speak to the idea that gun control overall is effective in preventing violent crime.

If a new country were to come into existence today with a zero tolerance policy regarding the importation and ownership of firearms, my guess is that even then guns would flow into this country and eventually, once again only law abiding citizens would be disarmed. This of course translates to the law abiders becoming more akin to prey. And, the citizens would also then be totally powerless compared to their own govts. agents.

Lastly, the US gun ownership rights were intended to allow us to remain free from armed oppression by our own govt. and those of any foreign govt. that might in future choose to invade us (and EXACTLY why the Japanese chose not to do so in WWII!), not just for individual protection. Our founders reasoned, just as many freedom lovers here today still agree, that a disarmed citizenry could easily be converted to an oppressed group of subjects if we were not allowed the right to keep and bear arms winking

fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: February 11, 2011 02:45PM

avengerx rules! (*finger2*)
that being said...the plain and simple fact is in the US, if you're not armed, the chance of becoming a statistic is greatly increased. and no amount of gun control will stop/slow down/ or otherwise impact this fact.

"that's all i have to say about that". (F.G.)
GAK67 Report This Comment
Date: February 11, 2011 06:46PM

Speaking from experience from living in a country that has tight gun control, yes the hardened criminals have illegal guns, but as the general populace is (generally) unarmed the petty or opportunist criminal is also unarmed. Our police force is also generally unarmed (they do not carry sidearms, but usually have handguns and shot guns secured in a lock box in their squad cars, and in each major centre has a special squad to be called out when there is an armed offender - sort of like a SWAT team) and so the criminals do not feel the need to be heavily armed. I'm not saying gun crime does not happen or that there have not been times police officers should have been armed, but I believe the system generally works, just as, I am sure, there are situations in the USA where armed citizens are still not able to defend themselves.

I am also not saying that what works here would work elsewhere. Mrkim gave the example of Chicago and NYC having tight gun control laws that are ineffective. I'd suggest that is because there is no effective border between the area with the stricter laws and those areas without. There are some advantages to living in an island nation. I like our system the way it is and wouldn't like to see the gun laws relaxed, but I do not think it would be possible to achieve the same situation in other countries, especially the USA given the feelings of it's citizens.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: February 11, 2011 08:51PM

being equipped to be a pussy does'nt mean you are one.. (loose post reference). tongue
sticking out smiley
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: February 11, 2011 10:18PM

An interesting perspective GAK, and as the reasonable person you seem to reveal yourself as, one I can certainly appreciate as a valid differing view.

It's been said we Americans are barbaric and filled with bloodlust. While there's some amount of truth to that generalization, just as in all generalizations, such a truth only applies to some, not all.

One sad, but just as surely real, part of our society is that it can be violent.

Though I don't carry a weapon, I can say there are scenarios I've encountered when I experienced genuine fear for my life, when one might have come in handy had things turned out differently. Luckily, good radar for such things, social skills and a method to make a hasty retreat at the time served me well, as did a bit of luck no doubt.

In a perfect world where everyone respects one another, I might feel differently about guns, but quite simply, that world doesn't exist here.

A truth I realized about myself many years ago is as follows : I'm a gentle soul tryin to make my way through a reality that is much harsher than I am winking

pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: February 12, 2011 12:12AM

avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules!
avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules!
avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules!
avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules!
avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules!
avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules!
avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules!
avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules!
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avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules! avengerx rules!
quasi Report This Comment
Date: February 12, 2011 12:15AM

"A truth I realized about myself many years ago is as follows : I'm a gentle soul tryin to make my way through a reality that is much harsher than I am"

Amen to that, buddy, if you'll pardon the religious inference - not really meant as such.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: February 12, 2011 02:35AM

No probs quasi .... thought you might find agreement with thatn smileys with beer


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/02/2011 02:35AM by Mrkim.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: February 12, 2011 03:27AM

i'm a gentle soul that will snap you like a toothpick if needed. grinning smiley
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: February 12, 2011 12:34PM

"In a perfect world where everyone respects one another, I might feel differently about guns, but quite simply, that world doesn't exist here. "

That perfect world will never exist but if it did then I too would agree about guns, but not when wondering through the rugged forests which is still a large part of our country.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: February 13, 2011 11:37AM

Well the government did try to raise the price of cigarettes to make people stop smoking but it didn't work, I like many many others are just letting other things slide so we can keep smoking. Raise the price of ammunition then there will be a black market for ammunition. I know people who are reloading ammunition simply because they think ammunition prices will soar or be limited in access. Even if all guns and ammunition were to magically disappear around the world then something else will be used to kill people. Knives, bow and arrows, swords, axes, rope, piano wire or even hands, there will always be people killing other people only the method will change. I would rather keep the guns where at least we have ballistics to determine who did the killing. A stabbing or strangulation is much harder to determine who did the kidding. People will always kill other people.
woberto Report This Comment
Date: February 13, 2011 12:18PM

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: February 14, 2011 11:38AM

It does not matter what guns were invented for, it is people who use them for killing. If people use them to kill other people then it should be alright for other people to use them for protection. Gun bans only prevent people from using them for protection. It does not prevent people from using them for murder and other crimes.
GAK67 Report This Comment
Date: February 14, 2011 04:59PM

Jgoins - do you not read other peoples posts? We have tight gun controls here and it does stop some gun related crime. Yes we still have gun deaths and armed bank robberies, but they are uncommon. Home invasions involving guns are extremely rare as are muggings at gun point. As I previously stated though, being an island country means we have effective border controls to stop illegal guns coming into the country, and it's part of our national psyche.

My point is, your comment: "Gun bans only prevent people from using them for protection. It does not prevent people from using them for murder and other crimes." is too categorical. It does not completely prevent them from being used in crime, but it does significantly reduce their use for such purposes, if you can effectively control them.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: February 15, 2011 02:02PM

But is significantly reducing them good enough for the families affected by the crime that are still committed. While it may be true that an island nation like Australia can enact those laws and through border control make them work to a degree but that will not happen everywhere else. With what seems like open border here in America gun control laws only effect law abiding citizens and have no effect on criminals. Maybe we should just try arming everyone and see how that works. If you were intent on robbing someone at gun point and you saw everyone wearing a gun on their belt would you attempt to rob one of them or would you find someone not wearing a gun to rob? If you were plannig a bank robbery would you choose a bink where all the customers were armed or would you try to rob it after hours when no one is there? This will not stop all crimes but I think it would reduce it dramatically. Crime has been reduced in states where concealed carry is allowed so I think maybe it would reduce even further with open carry allowances.
GAK67 Report This Comment
Date: February 15, 2011 05:03PM

The same sort of question could be put the other way: is the deterrent effect good enough for the families affected by those crimes that are more easily effected by easy access to guns (such as rampage shootings - "going postal"winking
smiley? My own opinion is that arming everybody openly is as unlikely to happen as a complete ban on guns. If you read my previous posts properly you will see that I do not believe that what happens here would work elsewhere, particularly the USA. What I am objecting to is your (and others') comments that sound like universal truths when there is evidence to the contrary.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: February 15, 2011 06:10PM

An equipment dealer I know lives in Kennesaw, Ga., outside Atlanta,Ga., where it's mandatory for all heads of households to own a weapon and ammo.

Here []

and here [] are 2 articles with stats before/after passing the law.

Several years ago a woman had been kidnapped in Florida and an alert was runnin on radio/tv about the perp w/his pic and vehicular description. The kidnapper stopped in Kennesaw for gas where 2 other customers recognized him as he was goin into the store to pay and confronted him when he came out. He pulled a pistol but was a little slow as one or both men shot and killed him. The woman was then found, still alive, in the trunk of his car.

While this is the kind of story gun rights proponents prefer to point to regarding armed citizens, this got NO national press.

Conversely, every wacko with a pistola who even waves it in the air gets days on end worth of press as the anti-gun lobby mounts their high horse and rides such a story for all it's worth.

Go figure eye
rolling smiley


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 15/02/2011 06:14PM by Mrkim.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: February 15, 2011 08:01PM

Not really crazy about mandatory anything but this does make a good point.
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: February 15, 2011 09:31PM

skip ahead to 5:20... sanford and son
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: February 16, 2011 11:05AM

I'm not really saying mandatory open carry because in my mind that is the polar opposite of gun bans and I am not in favor of the government dictating to us in any way. Just an open carry law that allows any felony free adult to openly carry a firearm in public. As an ex-police officer I think approaching a person with a weapons openly displayed is much easier than approaching someone you can't tell is armed. Also when the police stop someone on the street and they can see the weapon it will give them a legitimate reason to run a check on that person for wants and warrants.

That Sanford and Son thing does not really happen very often except by people who know nothing about guns. The majority of gun owners are wise enough to know how to make a gun safe and never go around pointing it at anything they do not intend to kill. Most times the accidental discharge is just an excuse people use to cover up their ineptitude or their true intentions.