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Good advice

"a person wearing a black shirt with white text"

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Comments for: Good advice
gruff Report This Comment
Date: February 21, 2006 07:04AM

Out of what?
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: February 21, 2006 07:10AM

Notice the statue of liberty ? That should help with your query gruff
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 21, 2006 10:15AM

Get out of indigneous illiteracy land. Also known as YOUR fucking NEIGHBORHOOD....
Tiw Report This Comment
Date: February 21, 2006 10:58AM

America hasn't spoken English properly for years winking
Aussie_Frank Report This Comment
Date: February 21, 2006 11:20AM

God damm you Tim, I'd woop your ass from here to Texas you god damm nigger lovin hippie..LOL

Sorry, shouldn't make fun of Americans, there are allies sad
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: February 21, 2006 01:51PM

Ahh Yes ... The motto of the arrogant and self-righteous american.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: February 21, 2006 02:56PM

so when are you gonna chime in B?
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: February 21, 2006 03:00PM

116202: Where I live I fondly refer to as the land of the toothless sister fuckers, though metropolitan Dallas is only an hour away ; >winking
Though our rate of illiteracy leads me to understand the failure of our educational system coupled with the uncaring attitude of many folks regarding their own education as they come through it, and find both sad.

Tiw: True, the decline of "proper" grammar seems a byproduct of the above stated educational issues along with our multicultural society, which by nature mangles the common principles of language on a constant basis.
For myself, though I have a pretty firm grasp on our language and the proper use of it, I murder it at will for my own amusement or as a tool to convey a particular point :>winking

Aussi Frank : good to have you cats from down under with us, thanks ! I hope that before I leave the building I get a chance to visit and personally view some of the wonders of your back yard !

aDCBeast: Wanna see some great examples of arrogance? I think you can find that attribute in a lot of places besides the good ole USA you seem so fond of continually deriding. Try Europe for starters ; >winking
smiley Self righteousness, hmmm ... that one also exists here as well as again many other points on the globe, though I feel your own constant carping against our system here certainly rates in that same vein though, I doubt personal introspection has allowed you to envision it in that way.

I wish we would just pull out of all our bases around the world, taking our troops and our big $$ we spend there and bring 'em all home. Our role as the worlds police force doesn't seem to be working and at too great a cost to maintain this futile position in trying to do so.

Then simply fortify the borders with our troops and halt all further immigration (we have plenty thanks), focus our attentions on the internal problems we have such as our approach to education that more nearly mirrors a national day care system these days. Work to re-integrate the folks that wanna live off the public dole instead of trying to generate their own destinies and futures. Limit welfare to a finite term of reasonable time to try and eliminate the type of culture Lyndon Johnson envisioned in his "Great Society" dream.
Though we here in America have a lot of problems an issues assuredly, I still love my country and wouldn't wanna be anywhere else as a permenant resident.

cesiuminjector Report This Comment
Date: February 21, 2006 05:41PM

if i am expected to speak spanish in spain, and french in france why is it unreasonable that we expect someone to speak the same language everyone else speeks here - English (our version)

you might be able to sell me on pulling out of iraq-( lord knows i dont want to be the worlds police force but i dont want leave iraq as is)

but i am all for fixing what lyndon johnson fucked up
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: February 21, 2006 09:21PM

Over 400 languages are spoken the the Chicago area. Well over 700 in New York City. We are Polyglot Nation, get used to it.
cesiuminjector Report This Comment
Date: February 21, 2006 09:31PM

yeah i know that this nation speaks alot languages, when your in court, or in school, or filing your taxes you speak english. Speak any language you want when your at home
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 21, 2006 11:54PM

We speak American here dumbass! smiling
madbull Report This Comment
Date: February 22, 2006 03:33AM

como? que?
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: February 22, 2006 05:07AM

When you speak 6 language this "english only" shit looks a movement for the stupid.
cesiuminjector Report This Comment
Date: February 22, 2006 06:58AM

when 70 percent of all published print in the world is in english and every industrialized, wealthy nation either speaks english or the corresponding education system requires that english be learned maybe you should SPEAK ENGLISH
cesiuminjector Report This Comment
Date: February 22, 2006 07:05AM

After weighing the above factors, George Weber, author of "Top Languages: The World’s 10 Most Influential Languages" (Language Today, Vol. 2, Dec 1997), provides this list:

1. English (37)
2. French (23)
3. Spanish (20)
4. Russian (16)
5. Arabic (14)
6. Chinese (13)
7. German (12)
8. Japanese (10)
9. Portuguese (10)
10. Hindi/Urdu (9)

Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: February 23, 2006 12:29AM

"When you speak 6 language this "english only" shit looks a movement for the stupid."

Wow aDCBeast, you managed to encompass arrogance, selfrightousness and even managed to package it all into a nicely sophomoric little blurb, how impressive !

No matter what candle you use to inspect it by, ENGLISH or at least the strange version of it we typically use here in the USA, is STILL the most commonly understood tongue here, whether it is the recognized "official" language or not (which we don't have BTW).

By that reasoning alone it should be expected that it be understood and spoken here. My belief is speak it or do just like the T shirt says.

Or ... perhaps a modern version of the "Tower of Babel" seems more logical to you Beast.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: February 23, 2006 02:26AM

cesiuminjector said "you might be able to sell me on pulling out of iraq-( lord knows i dont want to be the worlds police force but i dont want leave iraq as is)

but i am all for fixing what lyndon johnson fucked up"

Gotta agree on both counts. I wish there were a graceful way to pull out of Iraq, but at this juncture that dudn seem likely. Then again I ain't interested in seein that shit hole as the new milleniums "Viet Nam" either, which I have a great fear of :